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Digest of Education Statistics
1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 306.Percentage distribution of 1980 high school sophomores by the timing of their first postsecondary enrollment, by selected characteristics: 1982 to 1992


                                      |     Highest educational attainment of 1980 high school seniors in 1986
      Race/ethnicity and October      |--------------------------------------------------------------------------
     1980 postsecondary education     |         | No high |  High   |         |          |          | Graduate/
          attendance status           |  Total  | school  | school  |License2/|Associate |Bachelor's|professional
                                      |         |diploma1/| diploma |         |  degree  |  degree  |   degree
                  1                   |    2    |    3    |    4    |    5    |    6     |    7     |     8
                                      |         |         |         |         |          |          |
Total                                 |         |         |         |         |          |          |
  Part-time 2-year public college ....|   100.0 |     0.7 |    66.4 |    17.7 |      8.8 |      6.5 |       (\3\)
  Part-time 4-year public college ....|   100.0 |     2.7 |    57.1 |    15.4 |      1.6 |     22.6 |        0.6
  Full-time 2-year public college ....|   100.0 |   (\3\) |    49.5 |    11.7 |     20.7 |     17.6 |        0.5
  Full-time 4-year public college ....|   100.0 |   (\3\) |    41.7 |     7.6 |      4.5 |     44.9 |        1.3
  Full-time 4-year private college ...|   100.0 |   (\3\) |    31.1 |     8.8 |      5.1 |     51.9 |        3.0
  Not a student ......................|   100.0 |     1.8 |    78.2 |    12.8 |      3.6 |      3.5 |        0.2
                                      |         |         |         |         |          |          |
White, non-Hispanic                   |         |         |         |         |          |          |
  Part-time 2-year public college ....|   100.0 |     0.8 |    67.7 |    17.9 |      6.9 |      6.7 |       (\3\)
  Part-time 4-year public college ....|   100.0 |     3.4 |    54.8 |    14.5 |      0.3 |     27.0 |       (\3\)
  Full-time 2-year public college ....|   100.0 |    (\3\)|    48.6 |    10.8 |     20.7 |     19.3 |        0.7
  Full-time 4-year public college ....|   100.0 |    (\3\)|    39.0 |     6.8 |      4.8 |     48.0 |        1.5
  Full-time 4-year private college ...|   100.0 |    (\3\)|    28.1 |     7.9 |      5.1 |     55.7 |        3.3
  Not a student ......................|   100.0 |     1.6 |    78.5 |    12.7 |      3.5 |      3.5 |        0.2
                                      |         |         |         |         |          |          |
Black, non-Hispanic                   |         |         |         |         |          |          |
  Part-time 2-year public college ....|   100.0 |    (\3\)|    65.8 |    22.1 |      9.8 |      2.3 |       (\3\)
  Part-time 4-year public college ....|   100.0 |    (\3\)|    58.5 |    25.1 |      6.0 |      8.5 |        1.8
  Full-time 2-year public college ....|   100.0 |    (\3\)|    52.8 |    19.2 |     18.9 |      9.1 |       (\3\)
  Full-time 4-year public college ....|   100.0 |    (\3\)|    59.4 |    11.2 |      3.4 |     25.6 |        0.5
  Full-time 4-year private college ...|   100.0 |    (\3\)|    50.5 |    15.0 |      5.5 |     28.5 |        0.6
  Not a student ......................|   100.0 |     2.2 |    78.1 |    13.3 |      3.6 |      2.8 |       (\3\)
                                      |         |         |         |         |          |          |
Hispanic                              |         |         |         |         |          |          |
  Part-time 2-year public college ....|   100.0 |    (\3\)|    57.4 |    14.9 |     23.4 |      4.4 |       (\3\)
  Part-time 4-year public college ....|    (\4\)|    (\4\)|    (\4\)|    (\4\)|    (\4\) |    (\4\) |       (\4\)
  Full-time 2-year public college ....|   100.0 |    (\3\)|    53.9 |    14.9 |     22.7 |      8.5 |       (3/)
  Full-time 4-year public college ....|   100.0 |    (\3\)|    51.1 |    18.4 |      4.1 |     25.6 |        0.9
  Full-time 4-year private college ...|   100.0 |    (\3\)|    46.8 |    19.4 |      6.1 |     26.8 |        1.0
  Not a student ......................|   100.0 |     3.1 |    83.2 |    10.3 |      2.4 |      0.9 |       (\3\)

1 Seniors who dropped out of high school after spring 1980 survey and had not completed high school by 1986.

2 Includes persons who earned a certificate for completing a program of study.

3 Less than .05 percent.

4 Fewer than 30 cases available for analysis. Estimates are suppressed because they are unreliable.

NOTE.--Because of rounding, percents may not add to 100.0.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, High School and Beyond survey. (This table was prepared September 1987.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest