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Digest of Education Statistics
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Table 244.Bachelor's, master's, and doctor's degrees conferred by institutions of higher education, by sex of student and field of study: 1993-94

                                                                      |Bachelor's degrees requiring   |                             |     Doctor's degrees
                                                                      |         4 or 5 years          |      Master's degrees       |   (Ph.D., Ed.D., etc.)
                            Field of study                            |-------------------------------|-----------------------------|-----------------------------
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
                                                                      |   Total   |   Men   |  Women  |  Total  |   Men   |  Women  |  Total  |   Men   |  Women
                                  1                                   |     2     |    3    |    4    |    5    |    6    |    7    |    8    |    9    |   10
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
      All fields .....................................................| 1,169,275 | 532,422 | 636,853 | 387,070 | 176,085 | 210,985 |  43,185 |  26,552 |  16,633
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Agriculture and natural resources, total .............................|    18,070 |  11,748 |   6,322 |   4,119 |   2,515 |   1,604 |   1,278 |     982 |     296
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
  Agricultural business and production, total ........................|     4,959 |   3,611 |   1,348 |     703 |     487 |     216 |     206 |     170 |      36
    Agricultural business and management, total ......................|     3,370 |   2,505 |     865 |     543 |     376 |     167 |     166 |     143 |      23
      Agricultural business and management, general ..................|       816 |     556 |     260 |      54 |      35 |      19 |       0 |       0 |       0
      Agricultural business/agribusiness operations ..................|     1,005 |     779 |     226 |      21 |      11 |      10 |       0 |       0 |       0
      Agricultural economics .........................................|     1,368 |   1,018 |     350 |     454 |     321 |     133 |     166 |     143 |      23
      Agricultural business and management, other ....................|       181 |     152 |      29 |      14 |       9 |       5 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Agricultural mechanization .......................................|       244 |     229 |      15 |       9 |       7 |       2 |       1 |       1 |       0
    Agricultural production workers and managers .....................|       140 |     106 |      34 |      59 |      51 |       8 |      12 |       8 |       4
    Horticulture service operations and management ...................|       466 |     335 |     131 |      23 |      10 |      13 |      16 |      12 |       4
    International agriculture ........................................|        18 |      11 |       7 |      19 |       7 |      12 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Agricultural business and production, other ......................|       721 |     425 |     296 |      50 |      36 |      14 |      13 |       6 |       5
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
  Agricultural sciences, total  ......................................|     6,432 |   3,750 |   2,682 |   1,595 |     951 |     644 |     789 |     594 |     195
    Agriculture/agricultural sciences, general .......................|       936 |     696 |     240 |     151 |     108 |      43 |       2 |       0 |       2
    Animal sciences, total ...........................................|     3,165 |   1,511 |   1,654 |     441 |     268 |     173 |     226 |     168 |      58
      Animal sciences, general .......................................|     2,641 |   1,251 |   1,390 |     339 |     203 |     136 |     159 |     118 |      41
      Agricultural animal breeding and genetics ......................|        32 |      12 |      20 |      10 |       7 |       3 |      15 |      14 |       1
      Agricultural animal health .....................................|        14 |       4 |      10 |       4 |       2 |       2 |       0 |       0 |       0
      Agricultural animal nutrition ..................................|         0 |       0 |       0 |       9 |       6 |       3 |      10 |       8 |       2
      Dairy science ..................................................|       109 |      71 |      38 |      22 |      13 |       9 |       3 |       2 |       1
      Poultry science ................................................|       121 |      92 |      29 |      20 |      15 |       5 |      17 |      14 |       3
      Animal sciences, other .........................................|       248 |      81 |     167 |      37 |      22 |      15 |      22 |      12 |      10
    Food sciences and technology .....................................|       448 |     187 |     261 |     329 |     122 |     207 |     148 |      81 |      67
    Plant sciences, total ............................................|     1,557 |   1,158 |     399 |     519 |     355 |     164 |     344 |     289 |      55
      Plant sciences, general ........................................|       242 |     180 |      62 |      61 |      42 |      19 |      34 |      29 |       5
      Agronomy and crop science ......................................|       526 |     458 |      68 |     234 |     167 |      67 |     195 |     171 |      24
      Horticulture science ...........................................|       552 |     347 |     205 |     129 |      77 |      52 |      62 |      49 |      13
      Plant breeding and genetics ....................................|         0 |       0 |       0 |      10 |       7 |       3 |       8 |       7 |       1
      Agricultural plant pathology ...................................|         0 |       0 |       0 |       2 |       0 |       2 |       8 |       6 |       2
      Plant protection (pest management) .............................|        16 |      13 |       3 |      16 |      12 |       4 |       1 |       1 |       0
      Range science and management ...................................|       162 |     116 |      46 |      49 |      38 |      11 |      20 |      12 |       8
      Plant sciences, other ..........................................|        59 |      44 |      15 |      18 |      12 |       6 |      16 |      14 |       2
    Soil sciences ....................................................|       129 |      95 |      34 |      71 |      47 |      24 |      57 |      48 |       9
    Agriculture/agricultural sciences, other .........................|       197 |     103 |      94 |      84 |      51 |      33 |      12 |       8 |       4
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
  Conservation and renewable natural resources, total ................|     6,679 |   4,387 |   2,292 |   1,821 |   1,077 |     744 |     283 |     218 |      65
    Natural resources conservation, general ..........................|     3,333 |   1,955 |   1,378 |     925 |     514 |     411 |      80 |      57 |      23
    Natural resources management and policy ..........................|       375 |     256 |     119 |      89 |      54 |      35 |       1 |       1 |       0
    Fishing and fisheries sciences and management ....................|       215 |     171 |      44 |      90 |      53 |      37 |      27 |      22 |       5
    Forest harvesting and production technology/technician ...........|       218 |     163 |      55 |      25 |      21 |       4 |      15 |      14 |       1
    Forestry, general ................................................|     1,187 |     955 |     232 |     522 |     326 |     196 |     123 |      97 |      26
    Wildlife and wildlands management ................................|       957 |     654 |     303 |     123 |      86 |      37 |      18 |      14 |       4
    Conservation and renewable natural resources, other ..............|       394 |     233 |     161 |      47 |      23 |      24 |      19 |      13 |       6
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Architecture and related programs, total .............................|     8,975 |   5,764 |   3,211 |   3,943 |   2,428 |   1,515 |     161 |     111 |      50
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
    Architecture .....................................................|     5,141 |   3,617 |   1,524 |   2,031 |   1,376 |     655 |      53 |      42 |      11
    City/urban, community, and regional planning .....................|       567 |     402 |     165 |   1,240 |     710 |     530 |      86 |      55 |      31
    Architectural environmental design ...............................|       717 |     458 |     259 |      49 |      17 |      32 |       2 |       2 |       0
    Interior architecture ............................................|       902 |     129 |     773 |      11 |       2 |       9 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Landscape architecture ...........................................|     1,045 |     748 |     297 |     378 |     181 |     197 |       2 |       2 |       0
    Architectural urban design and planning ..........................|        29 |      18 |      11 |      62 |      43 |      19 |       3 |       1 |       2
    Architecture and related programs, other .........................|       574 |     392 |     182 |     172 |      99 |      73 |      15 |       9 |       6
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Area, ethnic, and cultural studies, total ............................|     5,573 |   1,958 |   3,615 |   1,633 |     768 |     865 |     155 |      75 |      80
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
    Area studies, total ..............................................|     3,931 |   1,513 |   2,418 |   1,207 |     565 |     642 |     123 |      60 |      63
      African studies ................................................|        24 |       5 |      19 |      14 |       4 |      10 |       2 |       1 |       1
      American studies/civilization ..................................|     1,587 |     569 |   1,018 |     244 |      95 |     149 |      76 |      35 |      41
      Latin American studies .........................................|       406 |     153 |     253 |     252 |     116 |     136 |       7 |       1 |       6
      Middle Eastern studies .........................................|        96 |      40 |      56 |      94 |      51 |      43 |      18 |      10 |       8
      Russian and Slavic studies .....................................|       264 |     107 |     157 |     119 |      58 |      61 |       0 |       0 |       0
      Asian studies ..................................................|       842 |     388 |     454 |     292 |     149 |     143 |      11 |       9 |       2
      European studies ...............................................|       266 |      86 |     180 |      80 |      35 |      45 |       3 |       0 |       3
      Area studies, other ............................................|       446 |     165 |     281 |     112 |      57 |      55 |       6 |       4 |       2
    Ethnic and cultural studies, total ...............................|     1,435 |     369 |   1,066 |     264 |      96 |     168 |      26 |      13 |      13
      Afro-American (black) studies ..................................|       492 |     175 |     317 |      79 |      36 |      43 |       6 |       3 |       3
      Hispanic-American studies ......................................|       128 |      42 |      86 |      12 |       3 |       9 |       0 |       0 |       0
      Women's studies ................................................|       479 |      11 |     468 |      52 |       0 |      52 |       5 |       0 |       5
      Ethnic studies, other ..........................................|       336 |     141 |     195 |     121 |      57 |      64 |      15 |      10 |       5
    Area, ethnic and cultural studies, other .........................|       207 |      76 |     131 |     162 |     107 |      55 |       6 |       2 |       4
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Biological sciences/life sciences, total .............................|    51,383 |  25,050 |  26,333 |   5,196 |   2,465 |   2,731 |   4,534 |   2,690 |   1,844
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
    Biology, general .................................................|    38,103 |  18,252 |  19,851 |   2,178 |   1,033 |   1,145 |     665 |     392 |     273
    Biochemistry and biophysics ......................................|     2,570 |   1,420 |   1,150 |     276 |     147 |     129 |     659 |     392 |     267
    Botany, total ....................................................|       303 |     138 |     165 |     220 |     122 |      98 |     264 |     173 |      91
      Botany, general ................................................|       283 |     128 |     155 |     129 |      69 |      60 |     136 |      85 |      51
      Plant pathology ................................................|         6 |       3 |       3 |      73 |      46 |      27 |      80 |      56 |      24
      Botany, other ..................................................|        14 |       7 |       7 |      18 |       7 |      11 |      48 |      32 |      16
    Cell and molecular biology, total ................................|     1,574 |     839 |     735 |     170 |      72 |      98 |     444 |     250 |     194
      Cell biology ...................................................|       170 |      77 |      93 |      60 |      23 |      37 |     127 |      68 |      59
      Molecular biology ..............................................|       544 |     296 |     248 |      64 |      30 |      34 |     205 |     113 |      92
      Cell and molecular biology, other ..............................|       860 |     466 |     394 |      46 |      19 |      27 |     112 |      69 |      43
    Microbiology/bacteriology ........................................|     1,841 |     916 |     925 |     332 |     139 |     193 |     478 |     273 |     205
    Miscellaneous biological specializations, total ..................|     2,444 |   1,143 |   1,301 |   1,149 |     473 |     676 |   1,036 |     586 |     450
      Anatomy ........................................................|        20 |      13 |       7 |      72 |      34 |      38 |     111 |      59 |      52
      Ecology ........................................................|       659 |     354 |     305 |     185 |     102 |      83 |      90 |      57 |      33
      Marine/aquatic biology .........................................|       613 |     289 |     324 |      89 |      50 |      39 |      41 |      30 |      11
      Neurosciences ..................................................|       139 |      69 |      70 |      72 |      37 |      35 |     167 |     101 |      66
      Nutritional sciences ...........................................|       346 |      75 |     271 |     266 |      32 |     234 |     111 |      40 |      71
      Toxicology .....................................................|        63 |      35 |      28 |      64 |      33 |      31 |      67 |      32 |      35
      Genetics, plant and animal .....................................|       203 |      99 |     104 |     136 |      54 |      82 |     241 |     153 |      88
      Biometrics .....................................................|        18 |      10 |       8 |      25 |      14 |      11 |      19 |      13 |       6
      Miscellaneous specialized areas, other .........................|       383 |     199 |     184 |     240 |     117 |     123 |     189 |     101 |      88
    Zoology, total ...................................................|     3,207 |   1,688 |   1,519 |     749 |     420 |     329 |     805 |     515 |     290
      Zoology, general ...............................................|     2,592 |   1,354 |   1,238 |     278 |     158 |     120 |     156 |     109 |      47
      Entomology .....................................................|        83 |      59 |      24 |     135 |      82 |      53 |     123 |      95 |      28
      Pathology, human and animal ....................................|        15 |       2 |      13 |      36 |      15 |      21 |      93 |      55 |      38
      Pharmacology, human and animal .................................|        44 |      24 |      20 |      59 |      30 |      29 |     211 |     116 |      95
      Physiology, human and animal ...................................|       465 |     244 |     221 |     241 |     135 |     106 |     222 |     140 |      82
      Zoology, other .................................................|         8 |       5 |       3 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Biological sciences/life sciences, other .........................|     1,341 |     654 |     687 |     122 |      59 |      63 |     183 |     109 |      74
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Business management, administrative services and                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
 marketing operations/marketing and distribution, total ..............|   246,654 | 129,161 | 117,493 |  93,437 |  59,335 |  34,102 |   1,364 |     980 |     384
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
  Business management and administrative services, total .............|   240,864 | 126,891 | 113,973 |  92,759 |  58,950 |  33,809 |   1,356 |     979 |     377
    Business, general ................................................|    25,572 |  13,746 |  11,826 |  13,191 |   8,594 |   4,597 |     232 |     174 |      58
    Business administration and management, total ....................|    87,395 |  46,166 |  41,229 |  51,833 |  33,574 |  18,259 |     714 |     535 |     179
      Office supervision and management ..............................|     1,040 |     122 |     918 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0
      Operations management and supervision ..........................|     1,993 |   1,428 |     565 |     506 |     370 |     136 |      16 |      11 |       5
      Business administration and management, other ..................|    84,362 |  44,616 |  39,746 |  51,327 |  33,204 |  18,123 |     698 |     524 |     174
    Accounting .......................................................|    47,804 |  21,446 |  26,358 |   4,162 |   2,258 |   1,904 |      63 |      34 |      29
    Secretarial and related programs .................................|       594 |     152 |     442 |       1 |       0 |       1 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Business/managerial economics ....................................|     3,454 |   2,274 |   1,180 |     251 |     159 |      92 |      47 |      34 |      13
    Small business management and ownership ..........................|       399 |     258 |     141 |      57 |      40 |      17 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Finance, general and banking and financial support services ......|    21,465 |  14,593 |   6,872 |   4,903 |   3,470 |   1,433 |      64 |      53 |      11
    Actuarial sciences ...............................................|       371 |     227 |     144 |      82 |      53 |      29 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Insurance and risk management ....................................|       600 |     382 |     218 |      66 |      41 |      25 |       7 |       4 |       3
    Investments and securities and financial planning ................|       353 |     212 |     141 |     260 |     198 |      62 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Hospitality services management ..................................|     5,910 |   2,662 |   3,248 |     421 |     211 |     210 |       2 |       1 |       1
    Human resources management .......................................|     4,960 |   1,953 |   3,007 |   2,195 |     980 |   1,215 |      29 |      17 |      12
    Labor/personnel relations and studies ............................|     1,061 |     544 |     517 |     810 |     333 |     477 |      23 |      14 |       9
    Organizational behavior studies ..................................|       989 |     464 |     525 |     302 |     116 |     186 |      29 |      12 |      17
    International business ...........................................|     2,875 |   1,325 |   1,550 |   3,000 |   1,878 |   1,122 |      21 |      18 |       3
    Business information systems, total ..............................|     5,839 |   3,474 |   2,365 |   2,140 |   1,429 |     711 |      13 |       7 |       6
      Management information systems and data processing, general ....|     5,434 |   3,221 |   2,213 |   1,877 |   1,239 |     638 |      13 |       7 |       6
      Business information systems, other ............................|       405 |     253 |     152 |     263 |     190 |      73 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Quantitative methods and management science, total ...............|     1,846 |   1,031 |     815 |     990 |     634 |     356 |      36 |      31 |       5
      Business statistics ............................................|        51 |      23 |      28 |      30 |      15 |      15 |       5 |       4 |       1
      Management science, other ......................................|     1,795 |   1,008 |     787 |     960 |     619 |     341 |      31 |      27 |       4
    Marketing management and research ................................|    24,692 |  13,312 |  11,380 |   1,891 |   1,026 |     865 |      38 |      17 |      21
    Real estate ......................................................|       558 |     416 |     142 |     317 |     261 |      56 |       1 |       1 |       0
    Taxation .........................................................|         0 |       0 |       0 |   1,396 |     873 |     523 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Consumer and personal services ...................................|       155 |      98 |      57 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Business management and administrative services, other ...........|     3,972 |   2,156 |   1,816 |   4,491 |   2,822 |   1,669 |      37 |      27 |      10
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
  Marketing operations/marketing and distribution, total .............|     5,790 |   2,270 |   3,520 |     678 |     385 |     293 |       8 |       1 |       7
    Apparel and accessories marketing operations .....................|     1,383 |      59 |   1,324 |       0 |       1 |       2 |       6 |       0 |       6
    Business and personal services marketing operations ..............|       456 |     247 |     209 |       9 |       2 |       7 |       0 |       0 |       0
    General/retailing and wholesaling operations and skills ..........|     3,132 |   1,506 |   1,626 |     440 |     226 |     214 |       2 |       1 |       1
    Transportation and travel marketing ..............................|       173 |      44 |     129 |      12 |       3 |       9 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Marketing and distribution, other ................................|       646 |     414 |     232 |     214 |     153 |      61 |       0 |       0 |       0
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Communications and communications technologies, total ................|    51,827 |  21,359 |  30,468 |   5,419 |   2,098 |   3,321 |     345 |     174 |     171
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
  Communications, total ..............................................|    51,164 |  21,023 |  30,141 |   5,005 |   1,870 |   3,135 |     337 |     172 |     165
    Communications, general ..........................................|    24,496 |   9,783 |  14,713 |   1,822 |     636 |   1,186 |     215 |     108 |     107
    Advertising ......................................................|     2,773 |   1,095 |   1,678 |     256 |      90 |     166 |       4 |       2 |       2
    Journalism .......................................................|    10,214 |   3,718 |   6,496 |   1,432 |     517 |     915 |      28 |      19 |       9
    Broadcast journalism .............................................|       630 |     258 |     372 |      16 |       7 |       9 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Public relations and organizational communications ...............|     2,393 |     779 |   1,614 |     240 |      58 |     182 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Radio and television broadcasting ................................|     5,883 |   3,246 |   2,637 |     383 |     183 |     200 |      10 |       6 |       4
    Communications, other ............................................|     4,775 |   2,144 |   2,631 |     856 |     379 |     477 |      80 |      37 |      43
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
  Communications technologies, total .................................|       663 |     336 |     327 |     414 |     228 |     186 |       8 |       2 |       6
    Photographic technology ..........................................|        11 |       5 |       6 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Radio and television technology ..................................|       575 |     292 |     283 |     317 |     165 |     152 |       8 |       2 |       6
    Communications technologies, other ...............................|        77 |      39 |      38 |      97 |      63 |      34 |       0 |       0 |       0
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Computer and information sciences, total .............................|    24,200 |  17,317 |   6,883 |  10,416 |   7,724 |   2,692 |     810 |     685 |     125
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
    Computer and information sciences, general .......................|    15,411 |  11,302 |   4,109 |   7,533 |   5,687 |   1,846 |     652 |     555 |      97
    Computer programming .............................................|       175 |     122 |      53 |      23 |      19 |       4 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Data processing technology/technician ............................|       222 |     139 |      83 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       1 |       1 |       0
    Information science and systems ..................................|     3,947 |   2,500 |   1,447 |   1,305 |     832 |     473 |      23 |      13 |      10
    Computer systems analysis ........................................|       301 |     206 |      95 |      51 |      43 |       8 |      12 |      10 |       2
    Computer and information sciences, other .........................|     4,144 |   3,048 |   1,096 |   1,504 |   1,143 |     361 |     122 |     106 |      16
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Education, total .....................................................|   107,600 |  24,450 |  83,150 |  98,938 |  23,008 |  75,930 |   6,908 |   2,706 |   4,202
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
    Education, general ...............................................|     1,617 |     266 |   1,351 |  10,553 |   2,537 |   8,016 |   1,232 |     440 |     792
    Bilingual/bicultural education ...................................|        54 |       6 |      48 |     264 |      46 |     218 |      13 |       2 |      11
    Curriculum and instruction .......................................|         7 |       2 |       5 |   8,246 |   1,552 |   6,694 |     775 |     253 |     522
    Education administration and supervision, total ..................|         9 |       3 |       6 |  10,892 |   4,290 |   6,602 |   2,187 |     988 |   1,199
      Education administration and supervision, general ..............|         2 |       0 |       2 |   7,339 |   2,947 |   4,392 |   1,562 |     733 |     829
      Administration of special education ............................|         0 |       0 |       0 |       5 |       1 |       4 |       8 |       0 |       8
      Adult and continuing education administration ..................|         3 |       1 |       2 |     133 |      32 |     101 |      72 |      29 |      43
      Educational supervision ........................................|         0 |       0 |       0 |     683 |     200 |     483 |      30 |       6 |      24
      Elementary, middle, and secondary education administration .....|         3 |       1 |       2 |   1,498 |     626 |     872 |      44 |      23 |      21
      Higher education administration ................................|         1 |       1 |       0 |     544 |     196 |     348 |     340 |     141 |     199
      Community and junior college education administration ..........|         0 |       0 |       0 |      86 |      38 |      48 |       6 |       4 |       2
      Education administration and supervision, other ................|         0 |       0 |       0 |     604 |     250 |     354 |     125 |      52 |      73
    Educational/instructional media design ...........................|        35 |      20 |      15 |     957 |     261 |     696 |      60 |      26 |      34
    Educational evaluation and research, general .....................|        30 |       8 |      22 |      38 |      11 |      27 |      14 |       4 |      10
    Educational statistics and research methods ......................|         2 |       0 |       2 |      54 |      37 |      17 |      28 |      14 |      14
    Educational assessment, testing and measurement ..................|         0 |       0 |       0 |      98 |      21 |      77 |      28 |      12 |      16
    Social and philosophical foundations of education ................|         3 |       3 |       0 |     262 |      54 |     208 |     131 |      55 |      76
    Special education, total .........................................|     9,099 |     729 |   8,370 |  10,497 |   1,423 |   9,074 |     194 |      34 |     160
      Special education, general .....................................|     6,085 |     528 |   5,557 |   8,284 |   1,158 |   7,126 |     184 |      31 |     153
      Education of the deaf and hearing impaired .....................|       222 |       8 |     214 |     238 |      25 |     213 |       0 |       0 |       0
      Education of the gifted and talented ...........................|         4 |       0 |       4 |     135 |      14 |     121 |       0 |       0 |       0
      Education of the emotionally handicapped .......................|       329 |      43 |     286 |     239 |      47 |     192 |       0 |       0 |       0
      Education of the mentally handicapped ..........................|       691 |      37 |     654 |     154 |      24 |     130 |       0 |       0 |       0
      Education of the multiple handicapped ..........................|       125 |       7 |     118 |     187 |      20 |     167 |       1 |       0 |       1
      Education of the physically handicapped ........................|        21 |       2 |      19 |      62 |       5 |      57 |       0 |       0 |       0
      Education of the blind and visually handicapped ................|        32 |       0 |      32 |      40 |       5 |      35 |       0 |       0 |       0
      Education of the specific learning disabled ....................|       649 |      58 |     591 |     602 |      66 |     536 |       3 |       1 |       2
      Education of the speech impaired ...............................|       673 |      19 |     654 |     224 |       4 |     220 |       0 |       0 |       0
      Special education, other .......................................|       268 |      27 |     241 |     332 |      55 |     277 |       6 |       2 |       4
    Counselor education/counseling and guidance services .............|        36 |       7 |      29 |  12,217 |   2,664 |   9,553 |     364 |     129 |     235
    General teacher education, total .................................|    61,017 |   6,699 |  54,318 |  22,877 |   3,808 |  19,069 |     402 |     129 |     273
      Adult and continuing education .................................|        89 |      20 |      69 |     880 |     224 |     656 |     134 |      55 |      79
      Elementary education ...........................................|    48,733 |   4,642 |  44,091 |  12,958 |   1,444 |  11,514 |      91 |      19 |      72
      Junior high/intermediate/middle school education ...............|     1,378 |     298 |   1,080 |     653 |      98 |     555 |       0 |       0 |       0
      Pre-elementary/early childhood/kindergarten education ..........|     6,474 |     164 |   6,310 |   1,996 |      41 |   1,955 |      31 |       1 |      30
      Secondary education ............................................|     3,746 |   1,537 |   2,209 |   3,986 |   1,467 |   2,519 |      56 |      21 |      35
      Teacher education, general programs, other .....................|       597 |      38 |     559 |   2,404 |     534 |   1,870 |      90 |      33 |      57
    Teacher education, academic and vocational programs ..............|    34,428 |  16,229 |  18,199 |  16,106 |   4,935 |  11,171 |     832 |     397 |     435
      Agricultural education (vocational) ............................|       470 |     312 |     158 |     222 |     131 |      91 |      50 |      38 |      12
      Art education ..................................................|     1,535 |     336 |   1,199 |     650 |     118 |     532 |      20 |       5 |      15
      Business education (vocational) ................................|     1,434 |     360 |   1,074 |     456 |     122 |     334 |      11 |       5 |       6
      Driver and safety education ....................................|        46 |      38 |       8 |      56 |      42 |      14 |       0 |       0 |       0
      English education ..............................................|     2,904 |     609 |   2,295 |     683 |     144 |     539 |      15 |       7 |       8
      Foreign languages education ....................................|       361 |      64 |     297 |     279 |      55 |     224 |      24 |       8 |      16
      Health education ...............................................|     1,547 |     413 |   1,134 |     808 |     151 |     657 |     116 |      42 |      74
      Home economics education (vocational) ..........................|       318 |       6 |     312 |     112 |       4 |     108 |       8 |       0 |       8
      Technology/industrial arts education ...........................|     1,502 |   1,252 |     250 |     493 |     343 |     150 |      30 |      20 |      10
      Marketing operations/marketing and distribution education ......|        92 |      32 |      60 |      16 |       6 |      10 |       1 |       0 |       1
      Mathematics education ..........................................|     1,914 |     741 |   1,173 |     846 |     272 |     574 |      31 |      14 |      17
      Music education ................................................|     2,771 |   1,172 |   1,599 |     838 |     322 |     516 |      74 |      31 |      43
      Physical education and coaching ................................|    11,888 |   6,998 |   4,890 |   2,994 |   1,544 |   1,450 |     154 |      92 |      62
      Reading education ..............................................|       161 |      13 |     148 |   3,869 |     179 |   3,690 |      78 |      12 |      66
      Science education ..............................................|     1,102 |     469 |     633 |     720 |     289 |     431 |      48 |      27 |      21
      Social science education .......................................|       850 |     426 |     424 |     132 |      65 |      67 |       1 |       1 |       0
      Social studies education .......................................|     2,088 |   1,229 |     859 |     501 |     282 |     219 |       3 |       1 |       2
      Technical education (vocational) ...............................|       209 |     134 |      75 |     267 |     106 |     161 |      42 |      24 |      18
      Trade and industrial education (vocational) ....................|     1,014 |     714 |     300 |     391 |     172 |     219 |      74 |      44 |      30
      Teacher education, academic and vocational programs, other .....|     2,222 |     911 |   1,311 |   1,773 |     588 |   1,185 |      52 |      26 |      26
    Teaching English as a second language/foreign language ...........|        45 |      15 |      30 |   1,548 |     334 |   1,214 |       6 |       1 |       5
    Education, other .................................................|     1,218 |     463 |     755 |   4,329 |   1,035 |   3,294 |     642 |     222 |     420
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Engineering and engineering-related technologies, total ..............|    78,225 |  66,597 |  11,628 |  29,754 |  25,154 |   4,600 |   5,979 |   5,315 |     664
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
  Engineering, total .................................................|    62,220 |  52,035 |  10,185 |  28,621 |  24,218 |   4,403 |   5,963 |   5,299 |     664
    Engineering, general .............................................|     2,015 |   1,670 |     345 |   1,391 |   1,171 |     220 |     233 |     204 |      29
    Aerospace, aeronautical, and astronautical                        |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
      engineering ....................................................|     2,330 |   2,035 |     295 |   1,038 |     938 |     100 |     220 |     209 |      11
    Agricultural engineering .........................................|       519 |     440 |      79 |     150 |     121 |      29 |      87 |      77 |      10
    Architectural engineering ........................................|       525 |     418 |     107 |      36 |      31 |       5 |       1 |       1 |       0
    Bioengineering and biomedical engineering ........................|       719 |     481 |     238 |     489 |     349 |     140 |     168 |     128 |      40
    Ceramic sciences and engineering .................................|       240 |     188 |      52 |      92 |      67 |      25 |      57 |      51 |       6
    Chemical engineering .............................................|     5,163 |   3,588 |   1,575 |   1,032 |     785 |     247 |     604 |     510 |      94
    Civil engineering ................................................|     9,479 |   7,776 |   1,703 |   3,873 |   3,199 |     674 |     651 |     582 |      69
    Computer engineering .............................................|     2,237 |   1,944 |     293 |   1,071 |     893 |     178 |     123 |     109 |      14
    Electrical, electronics, and communications                       |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
     engineering .....................................................|    15,823 |  13,892 |   1,931 |   7,791 |   6,820 |     971 |   1,470 |   1,331 |     139
    Engineering mechanics ............................................|       128 |     111 |      17 |     172 |     155 |      17 |      92 |      87 |       5
    Engineering physics ..............................................|       293 |     260 |      33 |      70 |      63 |       7 |      38 |      34 |       4
    Engineering science ..............................................|       268 |     218 |      50 |     295 |     257 |      38 |      50 |      45 |       5
    Environmental/environmental health engineering ...................|       434 |     296 |     138 |     985 |     716 |     269 |      46 |      34 |      12
    Geological engineering ...........................................|       143 |     100 |      43 |      57 |      45 |      12 |      12 |      11 |       1
    Geophysical engineering ..........................................|        11 |       7 |       4 |       9 |       7 |       2 |       4 |       4 |       0
    Industrial/manufacturing engineering .............................|     3,122 |   2,207 |     915 |   2,096 |   1,701 |     395 |     253 |     215 |      38
    Material engineering .............................................|       532 |     416 |     116 |     569 |     452 |     117 |     347 |     289 |      58
    Mechanical engineering ...........................................|    15,030 |  13,327 |   1,703 |   4,099 |   3,700 |     399 |     887 |     825 |      62
    Metallurgical engineering ........................................|       250 |     209 |      41 |     172 |     139 |      33 |      83 |      73 |      10
    Mining and mineral engineering ...................................|       118 |     107 |      11 |      57 |      49 |       8 |      21 |      20 |       1
    Naval architecture and marine engineering ........................|       307 |     287 |      20 |      23 |      22 |       1 |       5 |       5 |       0
    Nuclear engineering ..............................................|       256 |     228 |      28 |     255 |     220 |      35 |      94 |      84 |      10
    Ocean engineering ................................................|       127 |      97 |      30 |     125 |     108 |      17 |      31 |      29 |       2
    Petroleum engineering ............................................|       316 |     275 |      41 |     167 |     155 |      12 |      45 |      38 |       7
    Systems engineering ..............................................|       420 |     336 |      84 |     404 |     328 |      76 |      39 |      33 |       6
    Textile sciences and engineering .................................|        72 |      45 |      27 |      32 |      24 |       8 |       1 |       1 |       0
    Engineering, other ...............................................|     1,343 |   1,077 |     266 |   2,071 |   1,703 |     368 |     301 |     270 |      31
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
  Engineering-related technologies, total ............................|    16,005 |  14,562 |   1,443 |   1,133 |     936 |     197 |      16 |      16 |       0
    Architectural engineering technologies ...........................|       670 |     603 |      67 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Civil technologies ...............................................|       482 |     443 |      39 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Electrical and electronic technologies ...........................|     4,142 |   3,869 |     273 |      77 |      65 |      12 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Electromechanical instrumentation and maintenance                 |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
     technologies ....................................................|       202 |     188 |      14 |       6 |       6 |       0 |       8 |       8 |       0
    Environmental control technologies ...............................|       263 |     212 |      51 |      53 |      35 |      18 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Industrial production technologies ...............................|     4,134 |   3,651 |     483 |     304 |     248 |      56 |       5 |       5 |       0
    Quality control and safety technologies ..........................|       554 |     464 |      90 |     301 |     246 |      55 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Mechanical and related technologies ..............................|     1,750 |   1,656 |      94 |       2 |       2 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Mining and petroleum technologies ................................|        20 |      20 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Surveying ........................................................|       131 |     118 |      13 |      25 |      22 |       3 |       3 |       3 |       0
    Mechanics and repairers ..........................................|       107 |     106 |       1 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Construction trades ..............................................|        75 |      70 |       5 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Engineering and related technologies, other ......................|     3,475 |   3,162 |     313 |     365 |     312 |      53 |       0 |       0 |       0
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
English language and literature/letters, total .......................|    53,924 |  18,425 |  35,499 |   7,885 |   2,712 |   5,173 |   1,344 |     568 |     776
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
    English language and literature, general .........................|    40,497 |  13,426 |  27,071 |   5,375 |   1,842 |   3,533 |     946 |     406 |     540
    Comparative literature ...........................................|       774 |     211 |     563 |     274 |      92 |     182 |     139 |      56 |      83
    English composition ..............................................|       331 |     138 |     193 |      21 |       4 |      17 |       4 |       0 |       4
    English creative writing .........................................|       903 |     424 |     479 |     835 |     360 |     475 |       7 |       4 |       3
    American literature (United States)...............................|        59 |      18 |      41 |      16 |       6 |      10 |       4 |       2 |       2
    English literature (British and Commonwealth) ....................|     1,368 |     483 |     885 |     372 |     110 |     262 |      74 |      32 |      42
    Speech and rhetorical studies ....................................|     8,637 |   3,272 |   5,365 |     725 |     210 |     515 |     128 |      54 |      74
    English technical and business writing ...........................|       156 |      52 |     104 |     142 |      44 |      98 |       0 |       0 |       0
    English language and literature/letters, other ...................|     1,199 |     401 |     798 |     125 |      44 |      81 |      42 |      14 |      28
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Foreign languages and literatures, total .............................|    14,378 |   4,304 |  10,074 |   3,288 |   1,087 |   2,201 |     886 |     355 |     531
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
    Foreign languages and literatures, total .........................|     1,463 |     398 |   1,065 |     970 |     316 |     654 |     252 |     108 |     144
      Foreign languages and literatures, general .....................|       852 |     225 |     627 |     321 |      85 |     236 |      63 |      22 |      41
      Linguistics ....................................................|       611 |     173 |     438 |     649 |     231 |     418 |     189 |      86 |     103
    East and Southeast Asian languages and literatures, total ........|       546 |     276 |     270 |     138 |      46 |      92 |      32 |      18 |      14
      Chinese ........................................................|       112 |      59 |      53 |      48 |      16 |      32 |      18 |      11 |       7
      Japanese .......................................................|       311 |     149 |     162 |      48 |      10 |      38 |       2 |       0 |       2
      East and Southeast Asian languages, other ......................|       123 |      68 |      55 |      42 |      20 |      22 |      12 |       7 |       5
    East European languages and literatures, total ...................|       702 |     297 |     405 |     179 |      56 |     123 |      38 |      16 |      22
      Russian languages ..............................................|       611 |     259 |     352 |      71 |      22 |      49 |       3 |       0 |       3
      Slavic languages (other than Russian) ..........................|        83 |      36 |      47 |      98 |      30 |      68 |      33 |      15 |      18
      East European languages, other .................................|         8 |       2 |       6 |      10 |       4 |       6 |       2 |       1 |       1
    Germanic languages and literatures, total ........................|     1,626 |     628 |     998 |     338 |     126 |     212 |      64 |      30 |      34
      German .........................................................|     1,580 |     610 |     970 |     298 |     114 |     184 |      61 |      28 |      33
      Scandinavian languages .........................................|        31 |       9 |      22 |      11 |       1 |      10 |       1 |       0 |       1
      Germanic languages, other ......................................|        15 |       9 |       6 |      29 |      11 |      18 |       2 |       2 |       0
    South Asian languages and literatures ............................|         6 |       2 |       4 |       4 |       1 |       3 |       8 |       6 |       2
    Romance languages and literatures, total .........................|     8,981 |   2,215 |   6,766 |   1,307 |     363 |     944 |     358 |     105 |     253
      French .........................................................|     3,094 |     587 |   2,507 |     479 |     116 |     363 |     104 |      31 |      73
      Italian ........................................................|       264 |      67 |     197 |      47 |      13 |      34 |      24 |      10 |      14
      Portuguese .....................................................|        37 |      18 |      19 |       8 |       3 |       5 |       0 |       0 |       0
      Spanish ........................................................|     5,505 |   1,516 |   3,989 |     691 |     206 |     485 |     160 |      46 |     114
      Romance languages, other .......................................|        81 |      27 |      54 |      82 |      25 |      57 |      70 |      18 |      52
    Middle Eastern languages and literatures, total ..................|        72 |      29 |      43 |      56 |      35 |      21 |      15 |      11 |       4
      Arabic .........................................................|         8 |       3 |       5 |       2 |       1 |       1 |       0 |       0 |       0
      Hebrew .........................................................|        49 |      18 |      31 |      35 |      25 |      10 |       3 |       2 |       1
      Middle East languages, other ...................................|        15 |       8 |       7 |      19 |       9 |      10 |      12 |       9 |       3
    Classical and ancient Near East languages and literatures, total .|       756 |     371 |     385 |     193 |     107 |      86 |      77 |      43 |      34
      Classics .......................................................|       617 |     298 |     319 |     169 |      98 |      71 |      74 |      40 |      34
      Greek (ancient and medieval) ...................................|        34 |      17 |      17 |      10 |       7 |       3 |       1 |       1 |       0
      Latin (ancient and medieval) ...................................|       105 |      56 |      49 |      14 |       2 |      12 |       2 |       2 |       0
    Foreign languages, other .........................................|       226 |      88 |     138 |     103 |      37 |      66 |      42 |      18 |      24
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Health professions and related sciences, total .......................|    74,421 |  13,062 |  61,359 |  28,025 |   5,814 |  22,211 |   1,902 |     789 |   1,113
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
    Communication disorders sciences and services ....................|     5,405 |     270 |   5,135 |   4,176 |     211 |   3,965 |      94 |      21 |      73
    Community health liaison .........................................|       586 |     120 |     466 |     176 |      41 |     135 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Dentistry ........................................................|         0 |       0 |       0 |     346 |     251 |      95 |      42 |      32 |      10
    Dental services ..................................................|       915 |      27 |     888 |      42 |      20 |      22 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Epidemiology .....................................................|         0 |       0 |       0 |     271 |     106 |     165 |     111 |      43 |      68
    Health services administration, total ............................|     3,635 |     899 |   2,736 |   3,525 |   1,219 |   2,306 |      80 |      30 |      50
      Health services administration .................................|     1,815 |     474 |   1,341 |   1,807 |     683 |   1,124 |      47 |      18 |      29
      Medical records administration .................................|       699 |      93 |     606 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0
      Medical records technology/technician ..........................|         1 |       0 |       1 |       3 |       2 |       1 |       2 |       2 |       0
      Health and medical administrative services, other ..............|     1,120 |     332 |     788 |   1,715 |     534 |   1,181 |      31 |      10 |      21
    Health and medical assistants, total .............................|     1,015 |     497 |     518 |     178 |      54 |     124 |       0 |       0 |       0
      Medical assistant ..............................................|         1 |       0 |       1 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0
      Physician assistant ............................................|       924 |     479 |     445 |     160 |      49 |     111 |       0 |       0 |       0
      Health and medical assistants, other ...........................|        90 |      18 |      72 |      18 |       5 |      13 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Health and medical diagnostic and treatment services, total ......|     1,459 |     553 |     906 |      95 |      68 |      27 |       2 |       2 |       0
      Respiratory therapy technology/technician ......................|       417 |     184 |     233 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0
      Health and medical diagnostic and treatment services, other ....|     1,042 |     369 |     673 |      95 |      68 |      27 |       2 |       2 |       0
    Medical laboratory technologies, total ...........................|     2,763 |     856 |   1,907 |     481 |     185 |     296 |      80 |      33 |      47
      Medical technology .............................................|     2,393 |     725 |   1,668 |      75 |      26 |      49 |       4 |       3 |       1
      Health and medical laboratory technologies/technicians, other ..|       370 |     131 |     239 |     406 |     159 |     247 |      76 |      30 |      46
    Pre-dentistry studies ............................................|        70 |      46 |      24 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Pre-medicine studies .............................................|       756 |     438 |     318 |      23 |       5 |      18 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Pre-pharmacy studies .............................................|        52 |      25 |      27 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Pre-veterinary studies ...........................................|       314 |     101 |     213 |       3 |       1 |       2 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Medical basic sciences ...........................................|       245 |      94 |     151 |     261 |     136 |     125 |     335 |     201 |     134
    Mental health services, total ....................................|       546 |     103 |     443 |     384 |      89 |     295 |      31 |       7 |      24
      Alcohol/drug abuse counseling ..................................|        69 |      22 |      47 |      62 |      18 |      44 |       1 |       0 |       1
      Psychiatric/mental health services technician ..................|       127 |      26 |     101 |      36 |      11 |      25 |       0 |       0 |       0
      Clinical and medical social work ...............................|       119 |      22 |      97 |     103 |      31 |      72 |      30 |       7 |      23
      Mental health services, other ..................................|       231 |      33 |     198 |     183 |      29 |     154 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Nursing ..........................................................|    39,076 |   3,735 |  35,341 |   8,991 |     599 |   8,392 |     382 |      24 |     358
    Optometry ........................................................|       221 |      95 |     126 |      18 |       4 |      14 |       1 |       1 |       0
    Pharmacy .........................................................|     6,044 |   2,235 |   3,809 |     243 |     134 |     109 |     278 |     144 |     134
    Rehabilitation/therapeutic services, total .......................|     7,169 |   1,531 |   5,638 |   4,433 |   1,084 |   3,349 |      34 |      15 |      19
      Art therapy ....................................................|        74 |       1 |      73 |     164 |       9 |     155 |       0 |       0 |       0
      Dance therapy ..................................................|         2 |       0 |       2 |      30 |       1 |      29 |       0 |       0 |       0
      Music therapy ..................................................|       144 |      21 |     123 |      18 |       4 |      14 |       0 |       0 |       0
      Occupational therapy ...........................................|     2,652 |     305 |   2,347 |     619 |      58 |     561 |       4 |       0 |       4
      Orthotics/prosthetics ..........................................|        58 |      46 |      12 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0
      Physical therapy ...............................................|     3,265 |     903 |   2,362 |   2,583 |     734 |   1,849 |       4 |       1 |       3
      Recreational therapy ...........................................|       137 |      28 |     109 |      22 |       2 |      20 |       1 |       0 |       1
      Vocational rehabilitation counseling ...........................|       155 |      45 |     110 |     640 |     175 |     465 |       8 |       6 |       2
      Rehabilitative services, other .................................|       682 |     182 |     500 |     357 |     101 |     256 |      17 |       8 |       9
    Veterinary medicine ..............................................|        87 |      33 |      54 |     178 |      95 |      83 |     117 |      75 |      42
    Miscellaneous health professions .................................|       436 |     205 |     231 |     249 |     122 |     127 |      35 |      23 |      12
    Health professions and related sciences, other ...................|     3,627 |   1,199 |   2,428 |   3,952 |   1,390 |   2,562 |     280 |     138 |     142
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Home economics and vocational home economics, total ..................|    15,522 |   1,933 |  13,589 |   2,421 |     405 |   2,016 |     365 |      93 |     272
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
  Home economics, total ..............................................|    14,874 |   1,616 |  13,258 |   2,379 |     401 |   1,978 |     361 |      93 |     268
    Home economics, general ..........................................|     2,801 |     206 |   2,595 |     284 |      22 |     262 |      28 |       4 |      24
    Home economics business services .................................|       155 |      14 |     141 |       1 |       0 |       1 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Family and community studies .....................................|       179 |      23 |     156 |      58 |      10 |      48 |       3 |       1 |       2
    Family and consumer resource management ..........................|     1,327 |     437 |     890 |      60 |       5 |      55 |      21 |       3 |      18
    Food and nutrition studies .......................................|     2,967 |     391 |   2,576 |     519 |      65 |     454 |      55 |      23 |      32
    Housing studies ..................................................|       583 |      97 |     486 |      18 |       3 |      15 |       2 |       1 |       1
    Individual and family development studies ........................|     5,051 |     362 |   4,689 |   1,295 |     274 |   1,021 |     225 |      56 |     169
    Clothing/apparel and textile studies .............................|     1,699 |      81 |   1,618 |     107 |      19 |      88 |      24 |       4 |      20
    Home economics, other ............................................|       112 |       5 |     107 |      37 |       3 |      34 |       3 |       1 |       2
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
  Vocational home economics, total ...................................|       648 |     317 |     331 |      42 |       4 |      38 |       4 |       0 |       4
    Child care and guidance management ...............................|       148 |       8 |     140 |      40 |       4 |      36 |       3 |       0 |       3
    Custodial, housekeeping and home services workers                 |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
     and managers ....................................................|         2 |       1 |       1 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Vocational home economics, other .................................|       498 |     308 |     190 |       2 |       0 |       2 |       1 |       0 |       1
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Law and legal studies, total .........................................|     2,171 |     648 |   1,523 |   2,432 |   1,608 |     824 |      79 |      63 |      16
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
    Pre-law studies ..................................................|       239 |     120 |     119 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Paralegal/legal assistant ........................................|     1,028 |     154 |     874 |      97 |      70 |      27 |      36 |      31 |       5
    Law and legal studies, other .....................................|       904 |     374 |     530 |   2,335 |   1,538 |     797 |      43 |      32 |      11
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Liberal arts and sciences, general studies, and humanities, total ....|    33,397 |  13,117 |  20,280 |   2,496 |     913 |   1,583 |      80 |      46 |      34
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
    Liberal arts and sciences/liberal studies ........................|    20,963 |   7,597 |  13,366 |   1,633 |     589 |   1,044 |      25 |      12 |      13
    Humanities/humanistic studies ....................................|     2,796 |     949 |   1,847 |     504 |     203 |     301 |      44 |      24 |      20
    Liberal arts and sciences, general studies, other ................|     9,638 |   4,571 |   5,067 |     359 |     121 |     238 |      11 |      10 |       1
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Library science, total ...............................................|        62 |       5 |      57 |   5,116 |   1,040 |   4,076 |      45 |      14 |      31
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
    Library science/librarianship ....................................|        61 |       5 |      56 |   4,995 |   1,013 |   3,982 |      45 |      14 |      31
    Library science, other ...........................................|         1 |       0 |       1 |     121 |      27 |      94 |       0 |       0 |       0
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Mathematics, total ...................................................|    14,396 |   7,735 |   6,661 |   4,100 |   2,536 |   1,564 |   1,157 |     904 |     253
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
    Mathematics ......................................................|    12,517 |   6,539 |   5,978 |   2,400 |   1,446 |     954 |     818 |     648 |     170
    Applied mathematics, total .......................................|     1,012 |     622 |     390 |     770 |     556 |     214 |     147 |     115 |      32
      Applied mathematics, general and other .........................|       787 |     481 |     306 |     352 |     257 |      95 |     115 |      91 |      24
      Operations research (quantitative methods) .....................|       225 |     141 |      84 |     418 |     299 |     119 |      32 |      24 |       8
    Mathematical statistics ..........................................|       534 |     343 |     191 |     829 |     480 |     349 |     178 |     131 |      47
    Mathematics, other ...............................................|       333 |     231 |     102 |     101 |      54 |      47 |      14 |      10 |       4
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Multi/interdisciplinary studies, total ...............................|    25,167 |   9,058 |  16,109 |   2,464 |   1,194 |   1,270 |     227 |     151 |      76
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
    Biological and physical sciences .................................|     2,191 |   1,141 |   1,050 |     231 |     136 |      95 |      24 |      15 |       9
    Systems science and theory .......................................|       112 |      72 |      40 |     226 |     150 |      76 |      11 |      10 |       1
    Museology/museum studies .........................................|         4 |       1 |       3 |     107 |      21 |      86 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Multi/interdisciplinary studies, other ...........................|    22,860 |   7,844 |  15,016 |   1,900 |     887 |   1,013 |     192 |     126 |      66
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Parks, recreation, leisure, and fitness studies, total ...............|    11,470 |   5,823 |   5,647 |   1,625 |     845 |     780 |     116 |      70 |      46
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
    Parks, recreation and leisure studies ............................|     2,197 |     966 |   1,231 |     244 |     110 |     134 |      21 |      11 |      10
    Parks, recreation and leisure facilities management ..............|     2,709 |   1,287 |   1,422 |     234 |     113 |     121 |      18 |       9 |       9
    Health and physical education/fitness ............................|     6,242 |   3,385 |   2,857 |   1,130 |     612 |     518 |      75 |      48 |      27
    Parks, recreation, leisure and fitness studies, other ............|       322 |     185 |     137 |      17 |      10 |       7 |       2 |       2 |       0
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Philosophy and religion, total .......................................|     7,546 |   4,844 |   2,702 |   1,350 |     837 |     513 |     528 |     383 |     145
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
    Philosophy .......................................................|     4,691 |   3,218 |   1,473 |     727 |     508 |     219 |     301 |     217 |      84
    Religion/religious studies .......................................|     2,486 |   1,425 |   1,061 |     563 |     315 |     248 |     221 |     162 |      59
    Philosophy and religion, other ...................................|       369 |     201 |     168 |      60 |      14 |      46 |       6 |       4 |       2
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Physical sciences and science technologies, total ....................|    18,400 |  12,223 |   6,177 |   5,679 |   4,018 |   1,661 |   4,650 |   3,642 |   1,008
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
  Physical sciences, total ...........................................|    18,295 |  12,164 |   6,131 |   5,670 |   4,015 |   1,655 |   4,634 |   3,626 |   1,008
    Physical sciences, general .......................................|       353 |     236 |     117 |      47 |      35 |      12 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Astronomy ........................................................|        88 |      62 |      26 |      93 |      68 |      25 |      74 |      63 |      11
    Astrophysics .....................................................|        75 |      55 |      20 |      36 |      30 |       6 |      26 |      20 |       6
    Atmospheric science and meteorology ..............................|       405 |     329 |      76 |     197 |     150 |      47 |      91 |      74 |      17
    Chemistry, total .................................................|     9,425 |   5,591 |   3,834 |   1,999 |   1,173 |     826 |   2,353 |   1,691 |     662
      Chemistry, general .............................................|     9,138 |   5,409 |   3,729 |   1,850 |   1,089 |     761 |   2,149 |   1,531 |     618
      Analytical chemistry ...........................................|         0 |       0 |       0 |      26 |      16 |      10 |      14 |      12 |       2
      Inorganic chemistry ............................................|         0 |       0 |       0 |       3 |       3 |       0 |      10 |       8 |       2
      Organic chemistry ..............................................|         8 |       3 |       5 |      17 |       8 |       9 |      16 |      14 |       2
      Medicinal/pharmaceutical chemistry .............................|         8 |       5 |       3 |      31 |       8 |      23 |      55 |      36 |      19
      Chemistry, other ...............................................|       271 |     174 |      97 |      72 |      49 |      23 |     109 |      90 |      19
    Geological and related sciences, total ...........................|     2,677 |   1,766 |     911 |     937 |     645 |     292 |     422 |     345 |      77
      Geology ........................................................|     2,482 |   1,639 |     843 |     798 |     549 |     249 |     344 |     283 |      61
      Geochemistry ...................................................|         8 |       5 |       3 |       3 |       3 |       0 |       5 |       5 |       0
      Geophysics and seismology ......................................|        50 |      35 |      15 |      62 |      45 |      17 |      53 |      44 |       9
      Geological and related sciences, other .........................|       137 |      87 |      50 |      74 |      48 |      26 |      20 |      13 |       7
    Miscellaneous physical sciences, total ...........................|       852 |     596 |     256 |     357 |     246 |     111 |     166 |     121 |      45
      Metallurgy .....................................................|         2 |       0 |       2 |       7 |       6 |       1 |       1 |       1 |       0
      Oceanography ...................................................|       197 |     142 |      55 |     148 |      99 |      49 |      77 |      58 |      19
      Earth and planetary sciences ...................................|       582 |     425 |     157 |     136 |     100 |      36 |      78 |      59 |      19
      Miscellaneous physical sciences, other .........................|        71 |      29 |      42 |      66 |      41 |      25 |      10 |       3 |       7
    Physics, total ...................................................|     4,001 |   3,292 |     709 |   1,945 |   1,650 |     295 |   1,465 |   1,285 |     180
      Physics, general ...............................................|     3,717 |   3,063 |     654 |   1,791 |   1,518 |     273 |   1,321 |   1,156 |     165
      Physics, other .................................................|       284 |     229 |      55 |     154 |     132 |      22 |     144 |     129 |      15
    Physical sciences, other .........................................|       419 |     237 |     182 |      59 |      18 |      41 |      37 |      27 |      10
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
  Science technologies, total ........................................|       105 |      59 |      46 |       9 |       3 |       6 |      16 |      16 |       0
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Precision production trades, total ...................................|       420 |     308 |     112 |       2 |       0 |       2 |       0 |       0 |       0
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
    Drafting, general ................................................|       145 |     125 |      20 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Precision production trades, other ...............................|       275 |     183 |      92 |       2 |       0 |       2 |       0 |       0 |       0
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Protective services, total ...........................................|    23,009 |  14,169 |   8,840 |   1,437 |     902 |     535 |      25 |      14 |      11
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
    Criminal justice and corrections, total ..........................|    22,745 |  13,920 |   8,825 |   1,405 |     871 |     534 |      25 |      14 |      11
      Corrections/correctional administration ........................|       705 |     388 |     317 |      50 |      36 |      14 |       0 |       0 |       0
      Criminal justice/law enforcement administration ................|     7,267 |   4,490 |   2,777 |     539 |     340 |     199 |       0 |       0 |       0
      Criminal justice studies .......................................|    11,702 |   6,959 |   4,743 |     678 |     426 |     252 |      25 |      14 |      11
      Forensic studies ...............................................|       158 |      96 |      62 |      56 |      30 |      26 |       0 |       0 |       0
      Law enforcement/police science .................................|     1,799 |   1,317 |     482 |      53 |      28 |      25 |       0 |       0 |       0
      Criminal justice, other ........................................|     1,114 |     670 |     444 |      29 |      11 |      18 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Fire control and safety ..........................................|       229 |     221 |       8 |      22 |      21 |       1 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Protective services, other .......................................|        35 |      28 |       7 |      10 |      10 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Psychology, total ....................................................|    69,259 |  18,642 |  50,617 |  12,181 |   3,401 |   8,780 |   3,563 |   1,346 |   2,217
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
    Psychology, general ..............................................|    65,559 |  17,662 |  47,897 |   4,644 |   1,432 |   3,212 |   1,618 |     652 |     966
    Clinical psychology ..............................................|        48 |      10 |      38 |   1,368 |     366 |   1,002 |   1,206 |     413 |     793
    Counseling psychology ............................................|       261 |      58 |     203 |   3,560 |     871 |   2,689 |     296 |     111 |     185
    Developmental and child psychology ...............................|       755 |      77 |     678 |     116 |      25 |      91 |      56 |      12 |      44
    Experimental psychology ..........................................|       227 |      61 |     166 |      97 |      41 |      56 |      65 |      30 |      35
    Industrial and organizational psychology .........................|       134 |      33 |     101 |     352 |     116 |     236 |      45 |      18 |      27
    Physiological psychology/psychobiology ...........................|       189 |      70 |     119 |       2 |       0 |       2 |      22 |       6 |      16
    Social psychology ................................................|       240 |      54 |     186 |      99 |      31 |      68 |      35 |      15 |      20
    School psychology ................................................|         0 |       0 |       0 |     702 |     130 |     572 |      87 |      37 |      50
    Psychology, other ................................................|     1,846 |     617 |   1,229 |   1,241 |     389 |     852 |     133 |      52 |      81
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Public administration and services, total ............................|    17,815 |   3,919 |  13,896 |  21,833 |   6,406 |  15,427 |     519 |     238 |     281
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
    Public administration ............................................|     2,600 |   1,335 |   1,265 |   6,698 |   3,421 |   3,277 |     148 |      98 |      50
    Community organization, resources and services ...................|     1,339 |     314 |   1,025 |     265 |      91 |     174 |       5 |       0 |       5
    Public policy analysis ...........................................|       424 |     211 |     213 |     777 |     402 |     375 |      80 |      51 |      29
    Social work ......................................................|    13,016 |   1,853 |  11,163 |  13,738 |   2,353 |  11,385 |     259 |      79 |     180
    Public affairs, other ............................................|       436 |     206 |     230 |     355 |     139 |     216 |      27 |      10 |      17
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
R.O.T.C. and military technologies, total ............................|        19 |      16 |       3 |     124 |     117 |       7 |       0 |       0 |       0
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Social sciences and history, total ...................................|   133,680 |  72,006 |  61,674 |  14,561 |   8,152 |   6,409 |   3,627 |   2,317 |   1,310
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
    Social sciences, general .........................................|     7,375 |   3,122 |   4,253 |     527 |     226 |     301 |      69 |      37 |      32
    Anthropology .....................................................|     5,502 |   2,009 |   3,493 |     962 |     371 |     591 |     383 |     179 |     204
    Archeology .......................................................|       120 |      43 |      77 |      27 |       8 |      19 |      21 |       8 |      13
    Criminology ......................................................|     2,181 |   1,272 |     909 |     102 |      61 |      41 |      12 |       8 |       4
    Demography and population studies ................................|         2 |       1 |       1 |      34 |      15 |      19 |      12 |       9 |       3
    Economics ........................................................|    19,496 |  13,747 |   5,749 |   2,521 |   1,697 |     824 |     869 |     660 |     209
    Geography, total .................................................|     4,449 |   3,011 |   1,438 |     723 |     481 |     242 |     141 |     105 |      36
      Geography ......................................................|     4,401 |   2,971 |   1,430 |     720 |     479 |     241 |     141 |     105 |      36
      Cartography ....................................................|        48 |      40 |       8 |       3 |       2 |       1 |       0 |       0 |       0
    History ..........................................................|    27,503 |  17,260 |  10,243 |   3,009 |   1,824 |   1,185 |     752 |     472 |     280
    International relations and affairs ..............................|     5,860 |   2,547 |   3,313 |   1,995 |   1,089 |     906 |      85 |      67 |      18
    Political science and government, general ........................|    36,097 |  20,741 |  15,356 |   2,147 |   1,348 |     799 |     616 |     438 |     178
    Sociology ........................................................|    22,368 |   7,114 |  15,254 |   1,639 |     636 |   1,003 |     530 |     261 |     269
    Urban affairs/studies ............................................|       709 |     366 |     343 |     377 |     183 |     194 |      58 |      30 |      28
    Social sciences and history, other ...............................|     2,018 |     773 |   1,245 |     498 |     213 |     285 |      79 |      43 |      36
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Theological studies\religious vocations, total .......................|     5,434 |   4,125 |   1,309 |   4,956 |   3,034 |   1,922 |   1,448 |   1,235 |     213
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
    Biblical and other theological languages and literatures .........|        57 |      53 |       4 |      50 |      20 |      30 |       8 |       7 |       1
    Bible/biblical studies ...........................................|     1,390 |   1,086 |     304 |     285 |     239 |      46 |      34 |      31 |       3
    Missions/missionary studies and misology .........................|       323 |     190 |     133 |     189 |     126 |      63 |      37 |      37 |       0
    Religious education ..............................................|       923 |     546 |     377 |     964 |     550 |     414 |      52 |      36 |      16
    Religious/sacred music ...........................................|       156 |      88 |      68 |     138 |      88 |      50 |       9 |       7 |       2
    Theology/theological studies .....................................|     2,121 |   1,826 |     295 |   2,396 |   1,521 |     875 |     921 |     797 |     124
    Pastoral counseling and specialized ministries ...................|       163 |     124 |      39 |     560 |     236 |     324 |     205 |     172 |      33
    Theological studies and religious vocations, other ...............|       301 |     212 |      89 |     374 |     254 |     120 |     182 |     148 |      34
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Transportation and material moving, total ............................|     3,923 |   3,500 |     423 |     664 |     610 |      54 |       0 |       0 |       0
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
    Water transportation workers .....................................|       305 |     278 |      27 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Transportation and material moving, other ........................|     3,618 |   3,222 |     396 |     664 |     610 |      54 |       0 |       0 |       0
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Visual and performing arts, total ....................................|    49,053 |  19,538 |  29,515 |   9,925 |   4,229 |   5,696 |   1,054 |     585 |     469
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
    Visual and performing arts, general ..............................|     1,571 |     676 |     895 |     114 |      45 |      69 |       9 |       5 |       4
    Crafts, folk art, and artisanry ..................................|       108 |      32 |      76 |       8 |       5 |       3 |       0 |       0 |       0
    Dance ............................................................|       813 |      75 |     738 |     184 |      24 |     160 |      14 |       2 |      12
    Design and applied art ...........................................|     8,077 |   3,148 |   4,929 |     462 |     188 |     274 |       1 |       0 |       1
    Dramatic/theater arts and stagecraft .............................|     6,117 |   2,452 |   3,665 |   1,283 |     607 |     676 |     104 |      55 |      49
    Film/video and photographic arts, total ..........................|     2,652 |   1,641 |   1,011 |     583 |     331 |     252 |      12 |       8 |       4
      Film-video making/cinematography and production ................|       918 |     634 |     284 |     244 |     133 |     111 |       4 |       2 |       2
      Photography ....................................................|       961 |     495 |     466 |     151 |      86 |      65 |       1 |       1 |       0
      Film arts, other ...............................................|       773 |     512 |     261 |     188 |     112 |      76 |       7 |       5 |       2
    Fine arts and art studies, total .................................|    20,865 |   7,136 |  13,729 |   3,363 |   1,240 |   2,123 |     177 |      67 |     110
      Art, general ...................................................|    11,422 |   4,152 |   7,270 |   1,020 |     429 |     591 |      27 |      11 |      16
      Art history, criticism and conservation ........................|     3,006 |     609 |   2,397 |     645 |     138 |     507 |     141 |      55 |      86
      Arts management ................................................|       117 |      23 |      94 |     119 |      26 |      93 |       0 |       0 |       0
      Painting .......................................................|       811 |     335 |     476 |     202 |      93 |     109 |       0 |       0 |       0
      Ceramic arts and ceramics ......................................|       181 |      69 |     112 |      48 |      25 |      23 |       0 |       0 |       0
      Fiber, textile and weaving arts ................................|       109 |       8 |     101 |      34 |       3 |      31 |       1 |       0 |       1
      Metal and jewelry arts .........................................|        84 |      14 |      70 |      25 |       9 |      16 |       0 |       0 |       0
      Fine arts and art studies, other ...............................|     5,135 |   1,926 |   3,209 |   1,270 |     517 |     753 |       8 |       1 |       7
    Music, total .....................................................|     8,268 |   4,151 |   4,117 |   3,619 |   1,697 |   1,922 |     708 |     438 |     270
      Music, general .................................................|     4,149 |   2,003 |   2,146 |   1,209 |     585 |     624 |     308 |     191 |     117
      Music history and literature ...................................|        70 |      32 |      38 |      41 |      16 |      25 |      26 |      14 |      12
      Music, general performance .....................................|     2,728 |   1,282 |   1,446 |   1,849 |     850 |     999 |     232 |     135 |      97
      Music theory and composition ...................................|       244 |     190 |      54 |     161 |     105 |      56 |      71 |      52 |      19
      Music, other ...................................................|     1,077 |     644 |     433 |     359 |     141 |     218 |      71 |      46 |      25
    Visual and performing arts, other ................................|       582 |     227 |     355 |     309 |      92 |     217 |      29 |      10 |      19
                                                                      |           |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Not classified by field of study .....................................|     3,302 |   1,618 |   1,684 |   1,651 |     730 |     921 |      36 |      21 |      15

NOTE.--Aggregations by field of study derived from the Classification of Instructional Programs developed by the National Center for Education Statistics.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Completions" survey. (This table was prepared February 1996.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest