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Table 234.Average salary of full-time instructional faculty on 9-month contracts in 4-year institutions of higher education, by type and control of institution and rank of faculty and by state: 1993-94

                      |      Public university      |     Public other 4-year     |     Private university      |    Private other 4-year
 State or other area  |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
                      |         |professor|professor|         |professor|professor|         |professor|professor|         |professor|professor
          1           |    2    |    3    |    4    |    5    |    6    |    7    |    8    |    9    |   10    |   11    |   12    |   13
   United States .....| $65,327 | $47,089 | $39,979 | $57,406 | $45,064 | $37,344 | $79,043 | $53,219 | $44,628 | $53,993 | $41,829 | $34,649
Alabama ..............|  59,077 |  43,852 |  37,457 |  50,627 |  40,890 |  34,712 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  44,521 |  34,605 |  30,165
Alaska ...............|  64,546 |  55,213 |  43,409 |  60,461 |  50,407 |  40,480 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  45,495 |  40,620 |  33,878
Arizona ..............|  62,975 |  45,610 |  40,888 |  50,652 |  42,069 |  35,879 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  49,241 |  46,583 |  31,267
Arkansas .............|  56,376 |  44,331 |  38,641 |  49,716 |  39,780 |  34,153 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  40,839 |  35,320 |  30,543
California ...........|  78,006 |  52,343 |  44,316 |  63,097 |  48,507 |  40,196 |  83,693 |  57,491 |  48,334 |  61,627 |  46,476 |  38,490
                      |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Colorado .............|  62,386 |  47,597 |  41,466 |  50,666 |  42,123 |  36,049 |  62,487 |  47,522 |  43,239 |  56,219 |  44,442 |  33,532
Connecticut ..........|  75,702 |  57,316 |  46,848 |  65,663 |  52,586 |  39,818 |  93,045 |  52,638 |  44,852 |  62,839 |  47,413 |  40,039
Delaware .............|  71,397 |  53,332 |  42,254 |  52,482 |  41,568 |  34,501 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  59,579 |  53,164 |  40,318
District of Columbia .|     --- |     --- |     --- |  55,909 |  47,596 |  39,006 |  72,384 |  50,476 |  41,412 |  57,389 |  43,947 |  35,365
Florida ..............|  59,590 |  40,881 |  38,660 |  54,753 |  41,546 |  37,623 |  70,338 |  51,015 |  42,251 |  54,444 |  39,755 |  33,869
                      |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Georgia ..............|  61,765 |  44,702 |  37,255 |  53,265 |  42,805 |  35,687 |  80,171 |  54,375 |  45,421 |  45,899 |  37,111 |  30,908
Hawaii ...............|  70,790 |  52,743 |  45,802 |  56,030 |  45,164 |  41,975 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  53,081 |  43,069 |  40,098
Idaho ................|  50,767 |  41,122 |  38,239 |  44,770 |  37,490 |  33,612 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  36,615 |  30,598 |     ---
Illinois .............|  63,915 |  46,246 |  38,932 |  52,301 |  42,322 |  36,956 |  85,031 |  56,547 |  47,430 |  50,643 |  41,369 |  34,974
Indiana...............|  62,435 |  45,706 |  37,946 |  56,181 |  43,093 |  37,051 |  79,751 |  56,189 |  46,958 |  48,402 |  38,924 |  33,417
                      |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Iowa .................|  69,191 |  50,189 |  41,325 |  58,595 |  46,905 |  38,948 |  59,938 |  45,936 |  40,069 |  45,834 |  37,079 |  31,919
Kansas ...............|  56,144 |  41,678 |  36,284 |  47,921 |  39,014 |  33,114 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  33,801 |  30,157 |  25,542
Kentucky .............|  61,932 |  45,157 |  39,763 |  49,852 |  41,077 |  34,744 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  42,415 |  34,402 |  29,584
Louisiana ............|  61,831 |  44,225 |  38,465 |  47,418 |  38,561 |  33,355 |  67,736 |  49,054 |  41,206 |  44,579 |  35,622 |  32,304
Maine ................|  57,428 |  43,726 |  36,612 |  50,387 |  40,361 |  32,664 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  60,495 |  43,785 |  34,564
                      |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Maryland .............|  69,306 |  48,268 |  40,677 |  57,316 |  45,548 |  38,906 |  80,605 |  55,537 |  45,475 |  51,040 |  41,282 |  35,431
Massachusetts ........|  70,492 |  53,782 |  44,135 |  56,923 |  48,387 |  40,052 |  84,963 |  54,840 |  46,438 |  64,164 |  47,017 |  38,781
Michigan .............|  70,682 |  52,894 |  44,471 |  57,635 |  47,220 |  39,696 |  52,729 |  42,785 |  35,623 |  47,369 |  38,484 |  33,676
Minnesota ............|  67,802 |  47,181 |  42,305 |  54,730 |  42,598 |  35,903 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  52,926 |  40,546 |  34,364
Mississippi ..........|  53,665 |  42,346 |  38,673 |  47,854 |  39,898 |  33,800 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  41,324 |  34,747 |  29,295
                      |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Missouri..............|  60,636 |  44,861 |  40,838 |  53,017 |  43,036 |  36,472 |  71,532 |  49,388 |  43,278 |  42,920 |  36,491 |  31,192
Montana ..............|  46,327 |  38,625 |  33,565 |  43,496 |  35,792 |  30,313 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  36,640 |  30,681 |  27,199
Nebraska .............|  66,907 |  47,162 |  42,189 |  51,169 |  43,190 |  36,646 |  64,553 |  45,408 |  33,618 |  40,667 |  34,356 |  30,145
Nevada ...............|  64,850 |  48,276 |  39,386 |  59,828 |  47,758 |  39,246 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  62,191 |  30,484 |  28,306
New Hampshire ........|  59,173 |  45,419 |  37,435 |  50,525 |  40,793 |  34,502 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  66,038 |  43,203 |  35,990
                      |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
New Jersey ...........|  86,228 |  61,194 |  48,353 |  70,270 |  55,286 |  43,519 |  91,961 |  56,417 |  42,778 |  56,206 |  45,681 |  37,303
New Mexico ...........|  56,630 |  43,273 |  37,243 |  48,147 |  38,404 |  32,550 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  39,039 |  33,610 |  28,387
New York .............|  74,644 |  53,322 |  42,016 |  67,718 |  51,794 |  41,590 |  77,729 |  54,211 |  44,968 |  60,798 |  47,132 |  38,262
North Carolina .......|  67,498 |  47,791 |  40,812 |  53,642 |  43,318 |  37,609 |  74,895 |  53,254 |  44,528 |  42,043 |  34,611 |  29,902
North Dakota .........|  46,554 |  39,102 |  34,626 |  43,210 |  37,132 |  31,898 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  39,091 |  33,087 |  29,707
                      |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Ohio .................|  64,742 |  47,593 |  39,392 |  59,583 |  44,713 |  37,475 |  75,846 |  51,757 |  47,831 |  51,208 |  40,332 |  33,770
Oklahoma .............|  55,935 |  42,396 |  37,217 |  46,104 |  39,472 |  35,490 |  68,645 |  49,995 |  40,423 |  46,371 |  37,685 |  27,983
Oregon ...............|  59,039 |  45,658 |  38,801 |  50,028 |  40,499 |  35,496 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  55,096 |  39,644 |  34,825
Pennsylvania .........|  73,358 |  53,087 |  43,210 |  66,108 |  51,990 |  41,496 |  81,900 |  56,501 |  47,248 |  57,222 |  44,331 |  36,645
Rhode Island .........|  63,458 |  47,921 |  42,242 |  51,746 |  44,194 |  38,116 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  69,010 |  47,366 |  39,712
                      |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
South Carolina .......|  59,098 |  43,598 |  38,271 |  45,903 |  38,847 |  32,118 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  45,176 |  35,069 |  29,315
South Dakota .........|  45,479 |  36,471 |  33,481 |  44,218 |  36,552 |  31,155 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  40,775 |  32,683 |  29,177
Tennessee ............|  58,944 |  45,440 |  40,307 |  52,578 |  42,486 |  35,420 |  80,778 |  52,279 |  44,095 |  41,294 |  33,883 |  29,468
Texas ................|  66,476 |  45,013 |  39,529 |  51,168 |  42,022 |  35,654 |  70,894 |  49,814 |  44,175 |  51,118 |  40,170 |  32,784
Utah .................|  58,325 |  41,988 |  37,594 |  44,947 |  36,320 |  32,597 |  59,276 |  45,197 |  38,079 |  44,249 |  36,680 |  32,330
                      |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Vermont ..............|  60,339 |  44,704 |  36,916 |  43,263 |  36,073 |  29,975 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  52,382 |  39,116 |  34,254
Virginia .............|  68,022 |  47,715 |  40,888 |  57,150 |  45,441 |  37,046 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  52,849 |  40,432 |  33,454
Washington ...........|  65,675 |  46,837 |  40,825 |  50,395 |  41,920 |  35,225 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  51,723 |  41,889 |  35,502
West Virginia.........|  54,422 |  43,124 |  36,269 |  43,582 |  35,369 |  29,418 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  39,428 |  34,017 |  29,212
Wisconsin ............|  67,082 |  49,677 |  44,196 |  52,760 |  43,073 |  37,679 |  69,536 |  51,141 |  41,485 |  45,438 |  37,507 |  31,359
Wyoming ..............|  54,441 |  41,744 |  37,655 |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     ---
                      |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
U.S. Service Schools .|     --- |     --- |     --- |  67,502 |  53,576 |  44,480 |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     ---
   Outlying areas ....|  36,996 |  30,384 |  25,469 |  45,814 |  37,485 |  32,176 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  30,552 |  26,452 |  22,858
American Samoa .......|     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     ---
Federated States of   |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
  Micronesia .........|     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     ---
Guam .................|     --- |     --- |     --- |  68,717 |  54,827 |  43,464 |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     ---
Northern Marianas ....|     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     ---
Palau ................|     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     ---
Puerto Rico ..........|  36,996 |  30,384 |  25,469 |  36,042 |  29,218 |  24,719 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  30,552 |  26,452 |  22,858
Virgin Islands .......|     --- |     --- |     --- |  55,512 |  45,173 |  38,194 |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     ---

---Data not reported or not applicable.

NOTE.--Data include imputations for nonrespondent institutions.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Salaries, Tenure, and Fringe Benefits of Full-Time Instructional Faculty, 1993-94" survey. (This table was prepared November 1995.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest