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1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 233.Average salary of full-time instructional faculty on 9-month contracts in 4-year institutions of higher education, by type and control of institution and rank of faculty and by state: 1994-95\1\

                      |      Public university       |     Public other 4-year     |     Private university      |    Private other 4-year
 State or other area  |          |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
                      |Professor |Associate|Assistant|Professor|Associate|Assistant|Professor|Associate|Assistant|Professor|Associate|Assistant
                      |          |professor|professor|         |professor|professor|         |professor|professor|         |professor|professor
          1           |    2     |    3    |    4    |    5    |    6    |    7    |    8    |    9    |   10    |   11    |   12    |   13
   United States .....|  $67,853 | $48,855 | $41,219 | $59,451 | $46,696 | $38,681 | $82,279 | $54,734 | $45,941 | $55,446 | $42,892 | $35,516
Alabama ..............|   62,540 |  46,441 |  39,699 |  52,368 |  42,775 |  36,478 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  45,677 |  35,456 |  30,448
Alaska ...............|   64,525 |  55,389 |  44,724 |  61,380 |  50,783 |  40,956 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  43,902 |  44,831 |  34,143
Arizona ..............|   66,703 |  48,332 |  42,454 |  57,867 |  46,968 |  39,287 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  47,370 |  52,471 |  29,441
Arkansas .............|   57,623 |  45,635 |  39,789 |  49,959 |  40,278 |  34,625 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  42,414 |  36,160 |  30,352
California ...........|   79,866 |  53,573 |  45,808 |  64,815 |  50,052 |  41,566 |  90,140 |  60,209 |  50,580 |  63,724 |  47,687 |  39,186
                      |          |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Colorado .............|   66,061 |  49,869 |  42,991 |  54,041 |  43,755 |  37,459 |  64,122 |  49,224 |  44,356 |  55,084 |  40,814 |  32,995
Connecticut ..........|   78,326 |  58,895 |  46,685 |  64,742 |  51,848 |  39,817 |  96,821 |  54,891 |  46,489 |  64,872 |  49,086 |  41,781
Delaware .............|   75,506 |  55,059 |  43,639 |  53,035 |  44,171 |  37,381 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  62,256 |  56,355 |  39,203
District of Columbia .|      --- |     --- |     --- |  59,630 |  47,628 |  38,645 |  75,358 |  52,147 |  42,549 |  58,903 |  43,501 |  37,036
Florida ..............|   63,138 |  44,275 |  41,079 |  57,320 |  44,624 |  39,903 |  73,275 |  51,445 |  42,657 |  51,332 |  39,957 |  34,121
                      |          |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Georgia ..............|   65,381 |  47,086 |  39,590 |  56,441 |  45,138 |  37,681 |  84,710 |  55,042 |  47,675 |  46,615 |  38,596 |  33,145
Hawaii ...............|   73,450 |  55,002 |  47,472 |  58,359 |  48,120 |  43,375 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  54,179 |  45,446 |  40,613
Idaho ................|   52,388 |  43,004 |  39,357 |  46,858 |  39,135 |  35,099 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  30,559 |     --- |  33,000
Illinois .............|   67,068 |  48,004 |  40,283 |  55,782 |  44,733 |  38,428 |  88,131 |  58,382 |  48,988 |  52,221 |  42,641 |  35,998
Indiana...............|   64,414 |  46,766 |  39,160 |  57,392 |  44,596 |  37,659 |  82,747 |  58,258 |  48,250 |  49,470 |  40,086 |  34,273
                      |          |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Iowa .................|   71,033 |  50,892 |  42,389 |  60,088 |  47,642 |  40,464 |  60,759 |  44,986 |  40,338 |  47,272 |  37,883 |  33,027
Kansas ...............|   59,503 |  44,079 |  37,821 |  50,340 |  40,148 |  34,886 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  35,110 |  31,183 |  27,462
Kentucky .............|   63,819 |  46,364 |  39,875 |  51,655 |  42,217 |  35,577 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  43,521 |  34,892 |  30,951
Louisiana ............|   61,197 |  44,139 |  38,230 |  48,008 |  38,855 |  33,929 |  69,891 |  50,247 |  42,618 |  45,068 |  36,356 |  33,083
Maine ................|   56,652 |  43,363 |  36,143 |  50,518 |  40,398 |  33,152 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  62,332 |  45,123 |  35,672
                      |          |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Maryland .............|   71,645 |  50,090 |  43,312 |  60,306 |  48,017 |  40,345 |  82,202 |  55,415 |  46,644 |  53,065 |  42,853 |  35,663
Massachusetts ........|   70,551 |  53,505 |  44,080 |  56,898 |  48,101 |  39,441 |  87,864 |  55,904 |  48,648 |  65,493 |  47,649 |  39,926
Michigan .............|   73,515 |  54,845 |  45,950 |  59,353 |  48,067 |  40,508 |  53,982 |  43,961 |  36,430 |  48,520 |  39,532 |  34,773
Minnesota ............|   71,786 |  50,028 |  44,136 |  54,387 |  44,452 |  37,443 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  54,852 |  41,997 |  34,881
Mississippi ..........|   52,972 |  41,639 |  37,685 |  52,287 |  42,827 |  36,959 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  44,232 |  34,682 |  31,042
                      |          |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Missouri..............|   64,582 |  48,262 |  42,597 |  55,177 |  44,523 |  37,374 |  74,667 |  50,369 |  44,576 |  44,234 |  36,449 |  32,402
Montana ..............|   47,208 |  38,688 |  34,265 |  43,388 |  35,920 |  30,700 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  38,745 |  34,016 |  29,073
Nebraska .............|   68,242 |  47,898 |  41,750 |  51,522 |  43,602 |  36,993 |  67,860 |  47,072 |  34,420 |  42,264 |  35,479 |  30,773
Nevada ...............|   66,395 |  49,162 |  39,915 |  61,642 |  49,365 |  40,879 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  41,910 |  35,685 |  25,166
New Hampshire ........|   65,286 |  49,609 |  40,680 |  52,849 |  42,436 |  35,150 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  66,783 |  44,158 |  37,607
                      |          |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
New Jersey ...........|   92,907 |  65,637 |  51,099 |  77,490 |  61,168 |  47,585 |  93,741 |  57,396 |  43,567 |  58,284 |  47,485 |  39,030
New Mexico ...........|   60,566 |  46,084 |  39,017 |  49,834 |  39,316 |  32,976 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  35,229 |  35,598 |  28,858
New York .............|   77,256 |  54,667 |  43,508 |  70,357 |  54,093 |  43,273 |  81,561 |  56,321 |  46,700 |  62,143 |  48,247 |  38,869
North Carolina .......|   71,748 |  50,951 |  43,676 |  56,675 |  45,737 |  39,595 |  76,174 |  53,636 |  44,645 |  43,945 |  35,475 |  30,831
North Dakota .........|   47,360 |  39,905 |  35,483 |  44,507 |  37,224 |  34,254 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  39,746 |  33,463 |  30,245
                      |          |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Ohio .................|   67,041 |  49,016 |  40,581 |  61,206 |  46,156 |  38,387 |  78,434 |  54,957 |  48,710 |  53,079 |  41,331 |  34,379
Oklahoma .............|   57,936 |  43,599 |  37,520 |  46,647 |  39,700 |  35,975 |  68,621 |  49,807 |  38,992 |  46,127 |  36,877 |  31,438
Oregon ...............|   58,766 |  45,315 |  38,860 |  50,637 |  40,143 |  34,646 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  54,656 |  41,096 |  34,987
Pennsylvania .........|   76,390 |  55,337 |  44,463 |  68,726 |  53,966 |  42,837 |  85,880 |  58,021 |  48,499 |  59,152 |  45,996 |  37,860
Rhode Island .........|   66,974 |  50,053 |  44,619 |  54,208 |  46,341 |  39,600 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  70,527 |  48,844 |  41,572
                      |          |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
South Carolina .......|   63,596 |  46,740 |  40,733 |  48,678 |  40,692 |  34,114 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  46,147 |  36,105 |  30,180
South Dakota .........|   46,861 |  37,730 |  34,298 |  45,999 |  37,878 |  32,040 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  40,943 |  33,823 |  29,077
Tennessee ............|   64,114 |  49,245 |  43,373 |  55,842 |  45,000 |  37,303 |  83,129 |  54,647 |  44,451 |  42,161 |  35,027 |  30,416
Texas ................|   68,359 |  45,910 |  40,232 |  53,265 |  42,791 |  36,098 |  73,682 |  51,097 |  44,475 |  49,986 |  40,575 |  33,058
Utah .................|   61,493 |  44,315 |  38,788 |  46,511 |  37,526 |  34,040 |  61,136 |  46,634 |  38,932 |  45,760 |  38,127 |  33,352
                      |          |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
Vermont ..............|   60,942 |  46,076 |  37,216 |  42,544 |  34,612 |  29,550 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  54,825 |  40,165 |  35,429
Virginia .............|   69,653 |  49,472 |  42,481 |  59,680 |  46,390 |  38,086 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  55,538 |  42,286 |  34,464
Washington ...........|   65,346 |  46,514 |  40,845 |  50,193 |  41,866 |  35,651 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  56,015 |  43,474 |  36,952
West Virginia.........|   54,984 |  44,217 |  37,145 |  45,616 |  36,460 |  30,526 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  41,156 |  35,379 |  29,616
Wisconsin ............|   70,553 |  52,223 |  46,433 |  56,142 |  45,887 |  39,514 |  69,974 |  51,928 |  42,844 |  46,613 |  38,534 |  32,479
Wyoming ..............|   57,025 |  44,608 |  40,052 |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     ---
                      |          |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
U.S. Service Schools .|      --- |     --- |     --- |  67,164 |  53,236 |  44,774 |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     ---
   Outlying areas ....|   39,392 |  32,646 |  27,406 |  41,364 |  35,082 |  29,623 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  16,282 |  26,029 |  22,141
American Samoa .......|      --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     ---
Federated States of   |          |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |         |
  Micronesia .........|      --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     ---
Guam .................|      --- |     --- |     --- |  69,087 |  54,807 |  43,628 |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     ---
Northern Marianas ....|      --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     ---
Palau ................|      --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     ---
Puerto Rico ..........|   39,392 |  32,646 |  27,406 |  40,570 |  32,895 |  27,771 |     --- |     --- |     --- |  16,282 |  26,029 |  22,141
Virgin Islands .......|      --- |     --- |     --- |  53,747 |  44,580 |  37,691 |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     --- |     ---

\1\Preliminary data.

---Data not reported or not applicable.

NOTE.--Data include imputations for nonrespondent institutions.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Salaries, Tenure, and Fringe Benefits of Full-Time Instructional Faculty, 1994-95" survey. (This table was prepared November 1995.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest