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Digest of Education Statistics
1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 205.Total fall enrollment in institutions of higher education, by race/ethnicity of student and by state: 1992, 1993, and 1994

                      |                                             1994\1\                                 |  Percent minority\2\
                      |           |           |         Minority enrollment, by race/ethnicity     |        |       |       |
                      |           |           |----------------------------------------------------|        |       |       |
        State         |   Total   |  White,   |          |          |          |         |American |Nonresi-|1992\3\|1993\3\| 1994
          or          |           |   non-    |  Total   |  Black,  | Hispanic | Asian/  | Indian/ |  dent  |       |       |
      other area      |           | Hispanic  |          |   non-   |          | Pacific | Alaskan | alien  |       |       |
                      |           |           |          | Hispanic |          |Islander | Native  |        |       |       |
          1           |     2     |     3     |    4     |    5     |    6     |    7    |    8    |   9    |  10   |  11   |  12
                      |           |           |          |          |          |         |         |        |       |       |
   United States .....|14,278,790 |10,426,994 |3,395,861 |1,448,630 |1,045,564 | 774,295 | 127,372 |455,935 |  22.5 |  23.5 |  24.6
Alabama ..............|   229,511 |   167,605 |   57,306 |   52,178 |    1,645 |   2,278 |   1,205 |  4,600 |  23.7 |  24.8 |  25.5
Alaska ...............|    28,798 |    22,932 |    5,280 |    1,087 |      706 |     852 |   2,635 |    586 |  18.3 |  18.6 |  18.7
Arizona ..............|   274,932 |   203,407 |   64,127 |    8,629 |   36,904 |   8,287 |  10,307 |  7,398 |  22.2 |  23.8 |  24.0
Arkansas .............|    96,294 |    77,862 |   16,021 |   13,660 |      633 |   1,006 |     722 |  2,411 |  16.8 |  17.2 |  17.1
California ...........| 1,835,791 |   941,020 |  810,022 |  137,663 |  343,408 | 308,002 |  20,949 | 84,749 |  40.5 |  44.0 |  46.3
                      |           |           |          |          |          |         |         |        |       |       |
Colorado .............|   241,295 |   195,440 |   39,853 |    7,907 |   21,414 |   7,671 |   2,861 |  6,002 |  15.8 |  16.4 |  16.9
Connecticut ..........|   159,990 |   129,491 |   25,140 |   11,850 |    7,573 |   5,245 |     472 |  5,359 |  14.2 |  15.1 |  16.3
Delaware .............|    44,197 |    35,440 |    7,761 |    5,898 |      753 |     924 |     186 |    996 |  16.0 |  16.9 |  18.0
District of Columbia .|    77,705 |    37,961 |   31,319 |   24,207 |    2,775 |   4,129 |     208 |  8,425 |  43.7 |  43.9 |  45.2
Florida ..............|   634,237 |   433,610 |  181,838 |   80,268 |   80,880 |  17,969 |   2,721 | 18,789 |  27.5 |  28.4 |  29.5
                      |           |           |          |          |          |         |         |        |       |       |
Georgia ..............|   308,587 |   213,678 |   87,378 |   74,549 |    4,495 |   7,527 |     807 |  7,531 |  26.4 |  27.9 |  29.0
Hawaii ...............|    64,322 |    17,278 |   41,505 |    1,596 |    1,552 |  38,066 |     291 |  5,539 |  69.6 |  69.9 |  70.6
Idaho ................|    60,393 |    55,313 |    3,601 |      390 |    1,541 |     810 |     860 |  1,479 |   5.5 |   6.1 |   6.1
Illinois .............|   731,420 |   521,706 |  191,917 |   92,735 |   56,979 |  39,739 |   2,464 | 17,797 |  25.6 |  26.1 |  26.9
Indiana ..............|   292,276 |   253,840 |   29,920 |   17,695 |    5,941 |   5,173 |   1,111 |  8,516 |   9.8 |  10.2 |  10.5
                      |           |           |          |          |          |         |         |        |       |       |
Iowa .................|   172,450 |   153,316 |   11,896 |    4,992 |    2,691 |   3,562 |     651 |  7,238 |   6.2 |   6.6 |   7.2
Kansas ...............|   170,603 |   145,173 |   18,957 |    8,251 |    4,859 |   3,493 |   2,354 |  6,473 |  10.7 |  11.0 |  11.5
Kentucky .............|   182,577 |   163,477 |   16,060 |   12,449 |    1,096 |   1,934 |     581 |  3,040 |   8.2 |   8.6 |   8.9
Louisiana ............|   203,567 |   135,983 |   62,251 |   52,338 |    4,747 |   4,093 |   1,073 |  5,333 |  29.7 |  30.2 |  31.4
Maine ................|    56,724 |    54,088 |    2,071 |      481 |      295 |     716 |     579 |    565 |   4.4 |   3.3 |   3.7
                      |           |           |          |          |          |         |         |        |       |       |
Maryland .............|   266,214 |   180,290 |   77,136 |   55,824 |    5,886 |  14,413 |   1,013 |  8,788 |  27.3 |  28.5 |  30.0
Massachusetts ........|   416,505 |   327,256 |   64,824 |   22,968 |   16,920 |  23,321 |   1,615 | 24,425 |  14.4 |  15.2 |  16.5
Michigan .............|   551,307 |   445,421 |   89,766 |   59,369 |   11,301 |  14,706 |   4,390 | 16,120 |  15.3 |  16.2 |  16.8
Minnesota ............|   289,300 |   260,458 |   22,758 |    6,998 |    3,771 |   9,022 |   2,967 |  6,084 |   6.8 |   7.5 |   8.0
Mississippi ..........|   120,884 |    81,926 |   37,145 |   35,159 |      598 |     969 |     419 |  1,813 |  29.8 |  30.6 |  31.2
                      |           |           |          |          |          |         |         |        |       |       |
Missouri .............|   293,810 |   248,108 |   37,833 |   25,782 |    4,527 |   6,072 |   1,452 |  7,869 |  12.6 |  12.9 |  13.2
Montana ..............|    40,095 |    34,481 |    4,479 |      140 |      457 |     313 |   3,569 |  1,135 |  12.9 |  11.5 |  11.5
Nebraska .............|   116,000 |   105,064 |    8,338 |    3,351 |    2,230 |   1,816 |     941 |  2,598 |   7.2 |   7.0 |   7.4
Nevada ...............|    64,085 |    50,026 |   12,084 |    3,240 |    4,338 |   3,486 |   1,020 |  1,975 |  18.7 |  18.0 |  19.5
New Hampshire ........|    62,847 |    58,878 |    2,839 |      809 |      776 |     973 |     281 |  1,130 |   5.4 |   4.9 |   4.6
                      |           |           |          |          |          |         |         |        |       |       |
New Jersey ...........|   335,480 |   235,453 |   88,866 |   39,174 |   29,385 |  19,427 |     880 | 11,161 |  24.8 |  25.6 |  27.4
New Mexico ...........|   101,881 |    58,219 |   41,834 |    2,530 |   30,661 |   1,577 |   7,066 |  1,828 |  39.8 |  40.9 |  41.8
New York .............| 1,057,841 |   712,802 |  302,999 |  137,364 |   97,011 |  65,071 |   3,553 | 42,040 |  26.9 |  28.1 |  29.8
North Carolina .......|   369,386 |   276,236 |   87,720 |   73,276 |    4,034 |   6,847 |   3,563 |  5,430 |  22.6 |  23.2 |  24.1
North Dakota .........|    40,184 |    35,474 |    3,003 |      324 |      228 |     341 |   2,110 |  1,707 |   7.3 |   7.5 |   7.8
                      |           |           |          |          |          |         |         |        |       |       |
Ohio .................|   549,304 |   463,369 |   70,194 |   50,117 |    7,527 |  10,626 |   1,924 | 15,741 |  12.1 |  12.7 |  13.2
Oklahoma .............|   185,174 |   141,608 |   35,183 |   13,546 |    4,014 |   4,030 |  13,593 |  8,383 |  17.7 |  18.7 |  19.9
Oregon ...............|   164,447 |   138,508 |   19,259 |    2,675 |    5,225 |   8,959 |   2,400 |  6,680 |  10.6 |  11.6 |  12.2
Pennsylvania .........|   611,174 |   515,192 |   78,649 |   46,656 |   10,744 |  19,697 |   1,552 | 17,333 |  12.5 |  12.5 |  13.2
Rhode Island .........|    74,718 |    64,054 |    8,258 |    3,060 |    2,405 |   2,540 |     253 |  2,406 |  10.2 |  11.0 |  11.4
                      |           |           |          |          |          |         |         |        |       |       |
South Carolina .......|   173,070 |   128,002 |   41,975 |   37,755 |    1,454 |   2,165 |     601 |  3,093 |  23.7 |  23.8 |  24.7
South Dakota .........|    37,764 |    33,726 |    3,154 |      290 |      176 |     299 |   2,389 |    884 |   7.5 |   6.8 |   8.6
Tennessee ............|   242,966 |   196,134 |   42,321 |   35,917 |    2,237 |   3,462 |     705 |  4,511 |  17.1 |  17.3 |  17.7
Texas ................|   954,495 |   602,088 |  325,512 |   93,741 |  186,206 |  41,169 |   4,396 | 26,895 |  32.4 |  33.4 |  35.1
Utah .................|   146,196 |   131,617 |    9,079 |      857 |    3,667 |   3,055 |   1,500 |  5,500 |   5.9 |   6.6 |   6.5
                      |           |           |          |          |          |         |         |        |       |       |
Vermont ..............|    35,409 |    32,971 |    1,678 |      407 |      428 |     641 |     202 |    760 |   4.0 |   3.9 |   4.8
Virginia .............|   354,149 |   264,939 |   81,949 |   56,728 |    7,346 |  16,674 |   1,201 |  7,261 |  21.3 |  22.4 |  23.6
Washington ...........|   284,662 |   228,671 |   46,533 |   10,264 |    9,709 |  21,385 |   5,175 |  9,458 |  14.8 |  15.7 |  16.9
West Virginia ........|    87,741 |    80,910 |    5,030 |    3,452 |      455 |     941 |     182 |  1,801 |   5.4 |   5.6 |   5.9
Wisconsin ............|   303,861 |   268,900 |   27,969 |   12,946 |    6,077 |   6,457 |   2,489 |  6,992 |   8.7 |   9.1 |   9.4
Wyoming ..............|    30,682 |    28,074 |    2,084 |      258 |    1,134 |     245 |     447 |    524 |   7.3 |   6.7 |   6.9
                      |           |           |          |          |          |         |         |        |       |       |
U.S. Service Schools .|    51,490 |    39,519 |   11,187 |    4,830 |    3,750 |   2,120 |     487 |    784 |  21.2 |  21.7 |  22.1
  Outlying areas .....|   170,686 |       918 |  168,776 |    2,587 |  156,502 |   9,666 |      21 |    992 |  99.5 |  99.4 |  99.5
American Samoa .......|     1,249 |         0 |    1,249 |        0 |        0 |   1,249 |       0 |      0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0
Federated States      |           |           |          |          |          |         |         |        |       |       |
  of Micronesia.......|     1,374 |         0 |    1,374 |        0 |        0 |   1,374 |       0 |      0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0
Guam .................|     6,449 |       592 |    5,305 |       35 |       50 |   5,204 |      16 |    552 |  89.5 |  89.3 |  90.0
Marshall Islands .....|       424 |         0 |      413 |        0 |        0 |     413 |       0 |     11 | 100.0 |  99.7 | 100.0
Northern Marianas ....|     1,253 |        82 |      981 |        2 |        2 |     976 |       1 |    190 |  89.5 |  92.1 |  92.3
Palau.................|       403 |         0 |      403 |        0 |        0 |     403 |       0 |      0 | 100.0 | 100.0 | 100.0
Puerto Rico ..........|   156,439 |        23 |  156,337 |        4 |  156,319 |      14 |       0 |     79 | 100.0 |  99.9 | 100.0
Virgin Islands .......|     3,095 |       221 |    2,714 |    2,546 |      131 |      33 |       4 |    160 |  91.3 |  91.7 |  92.5

\1\Preliminary data.

\2\Percent minority based on U.S. citizen enrollment (total enrollment less enrollment of nonresident aliens).

\3\Revised from previously published data.

NOTE.--Because of adjustments to underreported and nonreported racial/ethnic data, figures are slightly different from corresponding data in other tables.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Fall Enrollment" surveys. (This table was prepared May 1996.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest