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1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 153.States using minimum-competency testing, by government level setting standards, grade levels assessed, and expected uses of standards: 1993, 1994, and 1995

                   |             |                     Expected uses
                   |             |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       State       |             |Kinder-|       | High  |       | Student  |        |Improve-|        |            |
                   |    Grade    |garten | Grade |school |       |diagnosis/|        |ment of |Program |   School   |
                   |   levels    |readi- |promo- |gradua-| Early |  place-  |Remedia-|instruc-| evalu- |performance |
                   | assessed\1\ |ness\2\|tion\1\|tion\1\| exit  | ment\1\  |tion\2\ |tion\2\ |ation\1\|reporting\1\|     Other\1\
         1         |      2      |   3   |   4   |   5   |   6   |    7     |   8    |   9    |   10   |     11     |        12
Alabama ...........|    3-11     |       |       |   X   |       |    X     |        |   X    |   X    |     X      |
Alaska.............|  4-6,8,10   |       |       |       |       |    X     |        |   X    |   X    |     X      |
Arizona ...........|   4,7,10    |       |       |       |       |    X     |        |   X    |   X    |     X      |
Arkansas ..........|   4,7,10    |       |       |       |       |    X     |        |   X    |   X    |            |
California ........|    9-12     |       |       |       |   X   |          |        |   X    |   X    |            |       (\3\)
                   |             |       |       |       |       |          |        |        |        |            |
Colorado\4\ .......|             |       |       |       |       |          |        |        |        |            |
Connecticut\5\ ....|  4,6,8,10   |       |       |       |       |    X     |        |   X    |   X    |     X      |     (\3\,\6\)
Delaware ..........|  3,5,8,10   |       |       |       |       |          |        |   X    |        |            |
Florida ...........|  4,8,10,11  |       |       |   X   |   X   |          |        |   X    |   X    |     X      |       (\3\)
Georgia ...........| K,3,5,8,11  |   X   |       |   X   |       |    X     |        |   X    |   X    |     X      |       (\7\)
                   |             |       |       |       |       |          |        |        |        |            |
Hawaii ............|  3,6,8,10   |       |       |   X   |       |    X     |        |   X    |   X    |     X      |
Idaho\8\ ..........|   4,8,11    |       |       |       |       |          |        |   X    |        |     X      |
Illinois ..........|3,4,6-8,10,11|       |       |       |       |          |        |        |        |     X      |       (\9\)
Indiana............|  2,3,6,8,9  |       |   X   |       |       |    X     |   X    |   X    |   X    |     X      |     (\7\,\9\)
Iowa\10\...........|             |       |       |       |       |          |        |        |        |            |
                   |             |       |       |       |       |          |        |        |        |            |
Kansas ............|3-5,7,8,10,11|       |       |       |       |          |        |   X    |   X    |     X      |       (\9\)
Kentucky ..........| 4,5,8,11,12 |       |       |       |       |          |        |   X    |   X    |            |       (\7\)
Louisiana .........| K,3-7,10,11 |   X   |   X   |   X   |       |    X     |        |   X    |   X    |     X      |     (\3\,\6\)
Maine..............|   4,8,11    |       |       |       |       |          |        |   X    |   X    |     X      |       (\3\)
Maryland ..........|   3,5,7,8   |       |       |   X   |       |    X     |        |   X    |   X    |     X      |   (\7\,\6\,\9\)
                   |             |       |       |       |       |          |        |        |        |            |
Massachusetts\11\ .|             |       |       |       |       |          |        |        |        |            |
Michigan ..........|4,5,7,8,10,11|       |       |       |       |          |        |   X    |   X    |     X      |(\3\,\7\,\9\,\12\)
Minnesota..........| 4-6,8,9,11  |       |       |       |       |          |        |   X    |   X    |            |
Mississippi .......|   4-9,11    |       |       |   X   |       |    X     |        |   X    |   X    |            |       (\9\)
Missouri...........|3,5,6,8,10,11|       |       |       |       |    X     |        |   X    |   X    |            |     (\3\,\9\)
                   |             |       |       |       |       |          |        |        |        |            |
Montana............|   4,8,11    |       |       |       |       |          |        |   X    |   X    |            |
Nebraska ..........|             |       |       |       |       |          |        |        |        |            |
Nevada ............|   4,8,11    |       |       |   X   |       |    X     |        |   X    |        |     X      |       (\6\)
New Hampshire\13\ .|      3      |       |       |       |       |          |        |   X    |        |     X      |
New Jersey ........|    8,11     |       |       |   X   |       |    X     |   X    |   X    |   X    |     X      |       (\9\)
                   |             |       |       |       |       |          |        |        |        |            |
New Mexico ........|  1-6,8,10   |   X   |   X   |   X   |       |    X     |        |   X    |   X    |     X      |       (\6\)
New York ..........|  3-6,8-12   |       |       |   X   |       |    X     |   X    |   X    |   X    |     X      |    (\12\,\14\)
North Carolina ....|    3-11     |       |       |   X   |       |    X     |        |   X    |   X    |     X      |       (\9\)
North Dakota.......|  3,6,8,11   |       |       |       |       |    X     |        |   X    |   X    |            |     (\3\,\9\)
Ohio\15\ ..........| 4,6,8,9,12  |       |       |   X   |       |          |        |   X    |   X    |     X      |      (\15\)
                   |             |       |       |       |       |          |        |        |        |            |
Oklahoma\15\ ......| 3,5,7,8,11  |       |       |       |       |    X     |        |   X    |   X    |     X      |
Oregon ............|  3,5,8,11   |       |       |       |       |          |        |   X    |   X    |     X      |
Pennsylvania ......| 5,6,8,9,11  |       |       |       |       |          |        |   X    |   X    |     X      |
Rhode Island.......|   4,8,10    |       |       |       |       |    X     |        |   X    |   X    |     X      |
South Carolina ....|    3-11     |   X   |   X   |   X   |       |    X     |        |   X    |   X    |     X      |     (\7\,\6\)
                   |             |       |       |       |       |          |        |        |        |            |
South Dakota.......|  4,8,9,11   |       |       |       |       |          |        |   X    |        |            |
Tennessee .........|    2-11     |       |       |   X   |       |    X     |        |   X    |   X    |     X      |  (\7\,\12\,\14\)
Texas .............|   3-8,10    |       |       |   X   |       |    X     |        |   X    |   X    |     X      | (\3\,\7\,\6\,\9\)
Utah ..............|    1-12     |       |       |       |       |    X     |        |   X    |   X    |     X      |       (\3\)
Vermont ...........|    4,5,8    |       |       |       |       |          |        |   X    |   X    |     X      |
                   |             |       |       |       |       |          |        |        |        |            |
Virginia\16\ ......|   4,6-11    |       |   X   |   X   |       |    X     |        |   X    |   X    |     X      |       (\3\)
Washington.........|   4,8,11    |       |       |       |       |    X     |        |   X    |   X    |     X      |
West Virginia..... |    1-11     |       |       |       |       |          |        |   X    |   X    |     X      |     (\6\,\9\)
Wisconsin\17\ .....|  3,4,8,10   |       |       |       |       |    X     |   X    |   X    |   X    |     X      |
Wyoming ...........|             |       |       |       |       |          |        |        |        |            |

\1\Based on information for the 1994-95 school year.

\2\Based on information for the 1993-94 school year.

\3\Student awards, recognition.

\4\The Colorado Student Assessment Program was suspended for the 1993-94, 1994-95 and 1995-96 school years. A new program will be developed for grades 4, 8, and 10, beginning with the 1996-97 school year.

\5\The Connecticut Academic Performance Test (CAPT) was administered for the first time in the spring of 1994 to all grade 10 students. A certification of mastery is awarded to each student passing each section of the test.

\6\High school skills guarantee.

\7\School awards, recognition.

\8\New performance mathematics assessment for grades 4 and 8 and interdisciplinary assessments for grades 9 through 12 are optional at this time.

\9\School accreditation.

\10\Iowa does not have a mandated state assessment program. All districts must include student achievement goals in their plans and develop an assessment system to monitor progress toward those goals, but the selection of the instruments and the schedule of administration are determined locally. Approximately 99 percent of all districts participate in the Iowa Testing Program on a voluntary basis.

\11\Although first class assessed graduated in 1987, the first class required to pass for graduation was the class of 1989.

\12\Endorsed diploma.

\13\By May 1996, all public school third-grade students will be tested in English/language arts and mathematics; sixth and tenth graders will be assessed in English/language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.

\14\Honors diploma.

\15\Developing U.S. history and government tests for grades 5, 8 and 11.

\16\Standards-based assessments are in development with statewide field testing scheduled for Spring 1997.

\17\The implementation of performance assessments and local option portfolio assessments await legislative fiscal support.

NOTE.--Some states have dates for assessing the first high school graduating class but do not expect to use the results to determine whether students will graduate.

SOURCE: Council of Chief State School Officers/North Central Regional Educational Laboratory, "State Student Assessment Programs Database: May 1996." (This table was prepared June 1996.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest