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Digest of Education Statistics
1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 140.Home activities of 3- to 8-year-olds, by grade of student: 1991

                               |       |        |         Grade of student enrollment
        Home activities        | Total |  Not   |-------------------------------------------------
          experiences          |       |enrolled| Nursery | Kinder- |First |Second|Third |Ungraded
                               |       |   in   |school\1\|garten\2\|grade |grade |grade |
                               |       | school |         |         |      |      |  or  |
                               |       |        |         |         |      |      |higher|
               1               |   2   |   3    |    4    |    5    |  6   |  7   |  8   |   9
Number of children ............|22,294 |  4,853 |   3,571 |   4,023 |3,993 |3,554 |2,270 |     29
                               |            Percent of children who are read to
  Total .......................|   100 |    100 |     100 |     100 |  100 |  100 |  100 |    ---
Never or several times         |       |        |         |         |      |      |      |
  per year ....................|     7 |      4 |       2 |       4 |    5 |   11 |   24 |    ---
Several times per month or     |       |        |         |         |      |      |      |    ---
  per week ....................|    58 |     54 |      51 |      56 |   62 |   67 |   62 |    ---
Every day .....................|    35 |     42 |      47 |      40 |   33 |   22 |   14 |    ---
                               |   Percent of children who were read to in the previous week
  Total .......................|   100 |    100 |     100 |     100 |  100 |  100 |  100 |    ---
Never .........................|    12 |      7 |       5 |       5 |   10 |   20 |   35 |    ---
One or two times ..............|    27 |     24 |      20 |      24 |   30 |   36 |   34 |    ---
Three or more times ...........|    61 |     69 |      76 |      71 |   60 |   44 |   31 |    ---
                               |  Average hours of Television watched daily and percentage of
                               |           families with television-related rules
Average hours of TV daily\3\ ..|   2.5 |    3.1 |     2.6 |     2.5 |  2.2 |  2.2 |  2.3 |    ---
                               |       |        |         |         |      |      |      |
  Percentage with TV-related   |       |        |         |         |      |      |      |
           rules\4\            |       |        |         |         |      |      |      |
What shows child may watch ....|    85 |     82 |      87 |      85 |   86 |   87 |   86 |    ---
How early or late child may    |       |        |         |         |      |      |      |
  watch .......................|    89 |     80 |      87 |      90 |   94 |   94 |   93 |    ---
Hours child may watch overall..|    56 |     50 |      55 |      56 |   59 |   60 |   61 |    ---
Hours child may watch on       |       |        |         |         |      |      |      |
  weekdays ....................|    60 |     47 |      55 |      61 |   66 |   67 |   68 |    ---

\1\Includes children enrolled in nursery school, prekindergarten, and Head Start.

\2\Includes children enrolled in kindergarten and in transitional grades between kindergarten and first grade, such as transitional kindergarten or prefirst grade.

\3\Includes hours watching television shows and video tapes.

\4\Includes children whose parents reported viewing hours.

---Unweighted number of cases less than 30.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Home Activities of 3- to 8-year-olds. (This table was prepared April 1992.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest