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Digest of Education Statistics
1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 136.Percent of high school graduates earning minimum credits in selected combinations of academic courses, by sex and race/ethnicity: 1982 to 1994

       Year of graduation       |  All  |    Sex       |        Race/ethnicity
           and course           | stu-  |--------------|------------------------------------------
      combinations taken\1\     | dents | Male  |Female| White | Black |Hispanic| Asian |American
                                |       |       |      |       |       |        |       | Indian/
                                |       |       |      |       |       |        |       | Alaskan
                                |       |       |      |       |       |        |       | Native
                1               |   2   |   3   |  4   |   5   |   6   |   7    |   8   |    9
         1982 graduates         |       |       |      |       |       |        |       |
 4 Eng., 3 S.S., 3 Sci., 3 Math,|       |       |      |       |       |        |       |
   .5 Comp., & 2 F.L.\2\ .......|   2.0 |   2.2 |  1.8 |   2.4 |   0.9 |    0.6 |   5.6 |     0.1
 4 Eng., 3 S.S., 3 Sci., 3 Math,|       |       |      |       |       |        |       |
   & .5 Comp.\3\ ...............|   2.9 |   3.6 |  2.3 |   3.4 |   1.3 |    0.9 |   6.6 |     0.1
 4 Eng., 3 S.S., 3 Sci., 3 Math,|       |       |      |       |       |        |       |
   & 2 F.L. ....................|   9.2 |   8.8 |  9.6 |  10.5 |   5.3 |    3.7 |  17.1 |     5.7
 4 Eng., 3 S.S., 3 Sci., 3 Math |  14.0 |  14.8 | 13.3 |  15.5 |  11.6 |    6.5 |  21.3 |     6.5
 4 Eng., 3 S.S., 2 Sci., 2 Math |  31.5 |  31.6 | 31.5 |  32.5 |  31.7 |   25.2 |  34.3 |    35.7
                                |       |       |      |       |       |        |       |
         1987 graduates         |       |       |      |       |       |        |       |
 4 Eng., 3 S.S., 3 Sci., 3 Math,|       |       |      |       |       |        |       |
   & .5 Comp., & 2 F.L.\2\ .....|  12.1 |  13.0 | 11.4 |  12.8 |   7.8 |    6.4 |  25.6 |     2.8
 4 Eng., 3 S.S., 3 Sci., 3 Math,|       |       |      |       |       |        |       |
   & .5 Comp.\3\ ...............|  16.6 |  18.1 | 15.1 |  17.6 |  11.3 |    9.0 |  28.8 |    15.2
 4 Eng., 3 S.S., 3 Sci., 3 Math,|       |       |      |       |       |        |       |
   & 2 F.L. ....................|  20.6 |  20.2 | 20.9 |  21.4 |  15.0 |   12.9 |  42.6 |     5.8
 4 Eng., 3 S.S., 3 Sci., 3 Math |  27.9 |  28.8 | 27.1 |  29.2 |  22.0 |   17.6 |  48.8 |    26.6
 4 Eng., 3 S.S., 2 Sci., 2 Math |  54.0 |  53.5 | 54.7 |  53.4 |  56.0 |   51.6 |  68.9 |    66.7
                                |       |       |      |       |       |        |       |
         1990 graduates         |       |       |      |       |       |        |       |
 4 Eng., 3 S.S., 3 Sci., 3 Math,|       |       |      |       |       |        |       |
   & .5 Comp., & 2 F.L. \2\.....|  18.3 |  18.1 | 18.4 |  18.9 |  15.5 |   18.2 |  23.9 |     7.8
 4 Eng., 3 S.S., 3 Sci., 3 Math,|       |       |      |       |       |        |       |
   & .5 Comp.\3\ ...............|  23.3 |  23.9 | 22.8 |  23.5 |  25.3 |   20.5 |  27.2 |    14.6
 4 Eng., 3 S.S., 3 Sci., 3 Math,|       |       |      |       |       |        |       |
   & 2 F.L. ....................|  30.3 |  29.2 | 31.3 |  32.0 |  23.3 |   25.8 |  43.7 |     9.9
 4 Eng., 3 S.S., 3 Sci., 3 Math |  38.8 |  39.2 | 38.4 |  39.8 |  39.5 |   30.3 |  48.8 |    20.9
 4 Eng., 3 S.S., 2 Sci., 2 Math |  66.5 |  65.9 | 67.1 |  65.8 |  73.3 |   64.6 |  70.6 |    47.9
                                |       |       |      |       |       |        |       |
         1994 graduates         |       |       |      |       |       |        |       |
 4 Eng., 3 S.S., 3 Sci., 3 Math,|       |       |      |       |       |        |       |
   & .5 Comp., & 2 F.L. \2\.....|  25.3 |  23.5 | 26.9 |  26.5 |  19.5 |   27.7 |  36.3 |    12.9
 4 Eng., 3 S.S., 3 Sci., 3 Math,|       |       |      |       |       |        |       |
   & .5 Comp.\3\ ...............|  32.0 |  31.1 | 32.9 |  33.5 |  28.2 |   31.1 |  40.2 |    25.5
 4 Eng., 3 S.S., 3 Sci., 3 Math,|       |       |      |       |       |        |       |
   & 2 F.L. ....................|  39.1 |  35.1 | 42.9 |  41.6 |  30.2 |   36.3 |  51.2 |    22.5
 4 Eng., 3 S.S., 3 Sci., 3 Math |  49.8 |  47.5 | 51.9 |  52.7 |  45.0 |   41.2 |  56.1 |    46.0
 4 Eng., 3 S.S., 2 Sci., 2 Math |  74.6 |  72.2 | 76.9 |  75.5 |  76.7 |   77.5 |  73.1 |    77.0

\1\Eng. = English; S.S. = social studies; Sci. = science; Comp. = computer science; and F.L. = foreign language.

\2\The National Commission on Excellence in Education recommended that all college-bound high school students take these courses as a minimum.

\3\The National Commission on Excellence in Education recommended that all high school students take these courses as a minimum.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, The 1994 High School Transcript Study Tabulations: Comparative Data on Credits Earned and Demographics for 1994, 1990, 1987, and 1982 High School Graduates, 1996. (This table was prepared October 1996.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest