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Digest of Education Statistics
1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 75.Percent of public school teachers who think about leaving: 1985 and 1995

                                        |            1985             |        1995
                                        |             |Teachers with  |         |Teachers with
                  Item                  |    Total    |fewer than     |  Total  |fewer than
                                        |  Teachers   |five years     |Teachers |five years
                                        |             |experience     |         |experience
                   1                    |      2      |       3       |    4    |      5
                                        |             |               |         |
                                        |             |               |         |
Ever seriously considered leaving       |             |               |         |
  Yes, considered ......................|          51 |            38 |      41 |          42
  No, not considered ...................|          49 |            62 |      59 |          58
                                        |             |               |         |
Likely to leave within the next 5 years |             |               |         |
  Very likely ..........................|          12 |            10 |      12 |          13
  Fairly likely ........................|          14 |             9 |      12 |          23
  Not too likely .......................|          26 |            29 |      24 |          21
  Not at all likely ....................|          47 |            50 |      51 |          43

SOURCE: Metropolitan Life/Louis Harris Associates, Inc., The Metropolitan Life Survey of The American Teacher, 1984-1995. (This table was prepared April 1996.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest