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Digest of Education Statistics
1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 74.Public school teachers' ratings of their schools and whether suggested changes will have a positive effect on education (in percent): 1984 and 1995

                                                        |           1984              |          1995
                                                        |            |Teachers with   |            |Teachers with
                          Item                          |   Total    |fewer than      |   Total    |fewer than
                                                        |  Teachers  |five years      |  Teachers  |five years
                                                        |            |experience      |            |experience
                           1                            |     2      |       3        |     4      |      5
                                                        |            |                |            |
Ratings of schools                                      |            |                |            |
  Excellent ............................................|         42 |             33 |         47 |           43
  Good .................................................|         49 |             56 |         45 |           45
  Fair .................................................|          7 |              7 |          6 |           11
  Poor .................................................|          1 |              2 |          1 |            1
                                                        |            |                |            |
Suggested changes that would have a positive effect     |            |                |            |
  Emphasize basic skills, such as reading, writing, math|         97 |             96 |         96 |           97
  Emphasize school discipline and safety ...............|         95 |             96 |         96 |          100
  Broaden the curriculum to include such things as      |            |                |            |
    computer literacy and foreign languages ............|         92 |             93 |         94 |           93
  Tighten graduation requirements to include more       |            |                |            |
    academically stringent subjects ....................|         91 |             91 |         81 |           82
  Establish minimum competency tests for students at    |            |                |            |
    predetermined grade levels .........................|         87 |             93 |         78 |           76
  Increase the amount of homework required of students .|         73 |             72 |         62 |           60

SOURCE: Metropolitan Life/Louis Harris Associates, Inc., The Metropolitan Life Survey of The American Teacher, 1984-1995. (This table was prepared April 1996.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest