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Digest of Education Statistics
1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 71.Mobility of public and private elementary and secondary teachers, by selected school and teacher characteristics: 1988-89 and 1991-92

                             |Percentage distribution of public school teachers  ||Percentage distribution of private school teachers
                             |  1987-88 to 1988-89     |   1990-91 to 1991-92    ||  1987-88 to 1988-89     |   1990-91 to 1991-92
       Characteristic        |-------------------------|-------------------------||-------------------------|-------------------------
                             |Remained|Remained | Left |Remained|Remained | Left ||Remained|Remained | Left |Remained|Remained | Left
                             |teaching|in teach-|teach-|teaching|in teach-|teach-||teaching|in teach-|teach-|teaching|in teach-|teach-
                             | in the | ing but | ing  | in the | ing but | ing  || in the | ing but | ing  | in the | ing but | ing
                             |  same  | changed |      |  same  | changed |      ||  same  | changed |      |  same  | changed |
                             | school | schools |      | school | schools |      || school | schools |      | school | schools |
              1              |   2    |    3    |  4   |   5    |    6    |  7   ||   8    |    9    |  10  |   11   |   12    |  13
Total .......................|   86.5 |     7.9 |  5.6 |   87.6 |     7.3 |  5.1 ||   77.8 |     9.5 | 12.7 |   81.1 |     6.6 | 12.3
Sex                          |        |         |      |        |         |      ||        |         |      |        |         |
  Male ......................|   87.7 |     7.3 |  5.1 |   89.1 |     6.4 |  4.5 ||   83.7 |     6.1 | 10.2 |   81.6 |     6.3 | 12.1
  Female ....................|   86.1 |     8.1 |  5.8 |   87.1 |     7.6 |  5.3 ||   76.2 |    10.4 | 13.4 |   81.0 |     6.6 | 12.3
                             |        |         |      |        |         |      ||        |         |      |        |         |
Race/ethnicity               |        |         |      |        |         |      ||        |         |      |        |         |
  White, non-Hispanic .......|   86.5 |     7.8 |  5.7 |   87.6 |     7.3 |  5.1 ||   78.7 |     9.2 | 12.1 |   81.3 |     6.7 | 12.0
  Total minority ............|   87.0 |     8.6 |  4.4 |   87.5 |     7.1 |  5.3 ||   64.4 |    14.2 | 21.4 |   79.3 |     5.3 | 15.4
    Black, non-Hispanic .....|   86.2 |     8.8 |  5.1 |   85.5 |     8.3 |  6.1 ||   29.6 |    35.7 | 34.7 |   78.4 |     2.4 | 19.3
    Hispanic ................|   88.9 |     8.2 |  2.9 |   89.6 |     6.0 |  4.4 ||   68.6 |    10.2 | 21.3 |   77.4 |     9.0 | 13.6
                             |        |         |      |        |         |      ||        |         |      |        |         |
Age                          |        |         |      |        |         |      ||        |         |      |        |         |
  Less than 25 ..............|   78.7 |    17.0 |  4.3 |   73.8 |    17.2 |  9.1 ||   63.2 |    17.9 | 19.0 |   62.4 |    13.8 | 23.8
  25 to 29 ..................|   75.0 |    16.1 |  9.0 |   76.6 |    14.3 |  9.0 ||   64.8 |    17.5 | 17.6 |   70.4 |    11.8 | 17.8
  30 to 39 ..................|   85.2 |     9.0 |  5.8 |   85.9 |     9.9 |  4.2 ||   78.5 |     9.1 | 12.4 |   78.7 |     7.5 | 13.7
  40 to 49 ..................|   91.2 |     6.4 |  2.4 |   92.5 |     5.5 |  2.0 ||   82.0 |     7.5 | 10.5 |   87.2 |     5.2 |  7.7
  50 to 59 ................  |   90.4 |     3.9 |  5.7 |   89.3 |     4.0 |  6.7 ||   82.3 |     6.4 | 11.3 |   87.0 |     3.3 |  9.6
  60 to 64 ..................|   72.0 |     4.5 | 23.4 |   71.0 |     2.2 | 26.8 ||   79.8 |     3.3 | 16.9 |   81.1 |     1.1 | 17.8
  65 and over ...............|   83.3 |     0.0 | 16.7 |   48.9 |    10.3 | 40.9 ||   88.2 |     3.9 |  7.9 |   73.4 |     5.9 | 20.7
                             |        |         |      |        |         |      ||        |         |      |        |         |
Full-time teaching experience|        |         |      |        |         |      ||        |         |      |        |         |
  Less than 1 year ..........|   76.9 |    11.5 | 11.6 |   51.5 |    31.3 | 17.2 ||   67.0 |     5.6 | 27.4 |   67.0 |     4.6 | 28.4
  1 to 3 years ..............|   77.4 |    14.3 |  8.3 |   79.7 |    13.1 |  7.2 ||   70.6 |    13.5 | 15.9 |   73.5 |     9.8 | 16.7
    1 year ..................|   77.3 |    14.2 |  8.5 |   79.0 |    12.6 |  8.4 ||   64.1 |    17.0 | 18.8 |   71.2 |    10.0 | 18.8
    2 years .................|   78.8 |    13.6 |  7.6 |   78.7 |    14.1 |  7.1 ||   73.5 |    12.0 | 14.6 |   75.0 |     9.2 | 15.8
    3 years .................|   76.0 |    15.2 |  8.8 |   81.6 |    12.4 |  5.9 ||   74.0 |    11.7 | 14.3 |   75.1 |    10.2 | 14.7
  4 to 9 years ..............|   82.9 |    11.1 |  6.0 |   84.8 |     9.9 |  5.3 ||   75.7 |    11.6 | 12.8 |   79.2 |     8.1 | 12.7
  10 to 19 years ............|   89.3 |     6.7 |  4.0 |   91.0 |     6.5 |  2.4 ||   81.1 |     7.5 | 11.4 |   88.6 |     5.3 |  6.2
  20 to 24 years ............|   93.6 |     4.1 |  2.2 |   93.3 |     3.3 |  3.4 ||   85.5 |     7.1 |  7.4 |   92.3 |     3.0 |  4.7
  25 years or more ..........|   84.9 |     4.1 | 11.0 |   85.9 |     3.1 | 11.0 ||   88.3 |     4.3 |  7.4 |   83.0 |     2.4 | 14.6
                             |        |         |      |        |         |      ||        |         |      |        |         |
Level taught                 |        |         |      |        |         |      ||        |         |      |        |         |
  Elementary ................|   85.0 |     9.5 |  5.5 |   87.1 |     8.1 |  4.8 ||   76.7 |    10.8 | 12.5 |   81.9 |     6.7 | 11.3
  Secondary .................|   88.1 |     6.2 |  5.6 |   88.2 |     6.4 |  5.5 ||   78.9 |     8.2 | 12.9 |   80.3 |     6.4 | 13.3
                             |        |         |      |        |         |      ||        |         |      |        |         |
School size                  |        |         |      |        |         |      ||        |         |      |        |         |
  Less than 150 .............|   85.6 |     9.8 |  4.5 |   86.6 |     8.1 |  5.3 ||   64.4 |    16.2 | 19.4 |   72.6 |    10.3 | 17.0
  150 to 299 ................|   84.6 |     9.9 |  5.4 |   88.0 |     7.7 |  4.3 ||   79.6 |     8.4 | 12.1 |   79.4 |     6.8 | 13.8
  300 to 499 ................|   86.9 |     7.5 |  5.6 |   85.8 |     8.5 |  5.7 ||   80.3 |     9.5 | 10.2 |   86.4 |     5.9 |  7.7
  500 to 749 ................|   86.8 |     7.5 |  5.7 |   87.7 |     7.6 |  4.7 ||   84.9 |     5.9 |  9.2 |   85.5 |     4.7 |  9.8
  750 or more ...............|   87.7 |     7.4 |  4.9 |   88.6 |     6.1 |  5.4 ||   82.2 |     4.9 | 12.8 |   91.0 |     2.3 |  6.7
                             |        |         |      |        |         |      ||        |         |      |        |         |
Percent minority enrollment  |        |         |      |        |         |      ||        |         |      |        |         |
  Less than 5% ..............|   88.0 |     6.9 |  5.1 |   89.6 |     5.7 |  4.6 ||   77.6 |     9.2 | 13.2 |   81.2 |     7.3 | 11.5
  5 to 19% ..................|   86.6 |     7.6 |  5.8 |   88.1 |     6.4 |  5.5 ||   82.2 |     7.4 | 10.3 |   82.0 |     5.8 | 12.2
  20 to 49% .................|   87.3 |     7.6 |  5.2 |   85.6 |     8.6 |  5.9 ||   71.8 |     9.3 | 18.9 |   82.4 |     5.3 | 12.2
  50% or more ...............|   85.0 |     9.7 |  5.3 |   86.2 |     8.9 |  4.9 ||   69.6 |    16.8 | 13.6 |   76.7 |    10.2 | 13.1
                             |        |         |      |        |         |      ||        |         |      |        |         |
Community type               |        |         |      |        |         |      ||        |         |      |        |         |
  Central city ..............|    --- |     --- |  --- |   88.8 |     6.4 |  4.8 ||    --- |     --- |  --- |   80.6 |     6.3 | 13.1
  Urban fringe/small town ...|    --- |     --- |  --- |   87.0 |     7.4 |  5.6 ||    --- |     --- |  --- |   84.0 |     6.5 |  9.4
  Rural/small town ..........|    --- |     --- |  --- |   86.0 |     8.7 |  5.3 ||    --- |     --- |  --- |   78.5 |     7.7 | 13.8

---Data not available or not applicable.

NOTE.--Details may not add to 100 percent due to rounding.

SOURCES: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Characteristics of Stayers, Movers, and Leavers: Results from the Teacher Followup Survey: 1991-92. (This table was prepared May 1994.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest