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1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 64.Public elementary and secondary teachers, by level and state: Fall 1990 to fall 1995

                                                           [In full-time equivalents]

                      |          |          |          |            Fall 1993\1\                 |                 Fall 1994              |
                      |   Fall   |   Fall   |   Fall   |-----------------------------------------|----------------------------------------|  Estimated,
                      |   1990   |   1991   |   1992   |          |          |          |        |          |          |         |        |    1995
 State or other area  |          |          |          |          |          |          |        |          |          |         |        |
                      |          |          |          |  Total   |Elementary|Secondary |Unclas- | Total    |Elementary|Secondary| Unclas-|
                      |          |          |          |          |          |          | sified |          |          |         | sified |
          1           |    2     |    3     |    4     |    5     |    6     |    7     |   8    |    9     |    10    |   11    |   12   |       13
   United States .....|2,398,169 |2,432,243 |2,458,956 |2,503,901 |1,397,223 |  893,541 |213,137 |2,552,199 |1,419,351 | 912,386 |220,463 |   2,586,497
Alabama ..............|   36,266 |   40,480 |   41,961 |   43,003 |   23,930 |   19,073 |    --- |   42,789 |   24,168 |  18,423 |    198 |\2\   44,056
Alaska ...............|    6,710 |    7,118 |    7,282 |    7,193 |    4,702 |    2,491 |    --- |    7,205 |    4,666 |   2,539 |    --- |       7,421
Arizona ..............|   32,987 |   33,978 |   36,076 |   37,493 |   27,188 |   10,305 |    --- |   38,132 |   27,595 |  10,537 |    --- |\3\   39,624
Arkansas .............|   25,984 |   25,785 |   26,017 |   26,014 |   13,706 |   12,208 |    100 |   26,181 |   13,884 |  12,160 |    137 |\2\   29,193
California ...........|  217,228 |  224,000 |  218,566 |  221,787 |  142,444 |   56,384 | 22,959 |  225,001 |  142,795 |  58,586 | 23,620 |     225,025
                      |          |          |          |          |          |          |        |          |          |         |        |
Colorado .............|   32,342 |   33,093 |   33,419 |   33,661 |   17,439 |   16,222 |    --- |   34,894 |   18,008 |  16,886 |    --- |      35,184
Connecticut ..........|   34,785 |   34,383 |   34,193 |   34,526 |   20,132 |    9,345 |  5,049 |   35,316 |   20,745 |   9,340 |  5,231 |      35,950
Delaware .............|    5,961 |    6,095 |    6,252 |    6,380 |    3,259 |    3,121 |    --- |    6,416 |    3,215 |   3,201 |    --- |\2\    6,463
District of Columbia .|    5,950 |    6,346 |    6,064 |    6,056 |    3,353 |    2,259 |    444 |    6,110 |    3,497 |   2,173 |    440 |\3\    6,432
Florida ..............|  108,088 |  109,939 |  107,590 |  110,653 |   48,139 |   40,876 | 21,638 |  110,674 |   48,150 |  40,893 | 21,631 |     116,837
                      |          |          |          |          |          |          |        |          |          |         |        |
Georgia ..............|   63,058 |   63,816 |   66,942 |   74,172 |   54,210 |   19,962 |    --- |   77,914 |   56,211 |  21,703 |    --- |\3\   80,171
Hawaii ...............|    9,083 |    9,451 |   10,083 |   10,111 |    5,739 |    4,328 |     44 |   10,240 |    5,770 |   4,425 |     45 |      10,241
Idaho ................|   11,254 |   11,626 |   11,827 |   12,007 |    6,185 |    5,642 |    180 |   12,582 |    6,388 |   6,018 |    176 |\3\   12,780
Illinois .............|  108,775 |  110,153 |  111,461 |  110,874 |   65,188 |   28,207 | 17,479 |  110,830 |   66,462 |  28,619 | 15,749 |     113,005
Indiana...............|   54,806 |   54,509 |   54,552 |   55,107 |   27,649 |   24,948 |  2,510 |   55,496 |   27,527 |  25,251 |  2,718 |      55,625
                      |          |          |          |          |          |          |        |          |          |         |        |
Iowa .................|   31,045 |   31,395 |   31,403 |   31,616 |   18,321 |   12,188 |  1,107 |   31,775 |   18,663 |  12,021 |  1,091 |\2\   32,451
Kansas ...............|   29,140 |   29,324 |   29,753 |   30,283 |   14,712 |   12,561 |  3,010 |   30,579 |   14,823 |  12,763 |  2,993 |      30,878
Kentucky .............|   36,777 |   37,571 |   37,868 |   37,324 |   26,178 |   11,146 |    --- |   38,784 |   27,054 |  11,730 |    --- |      37,240
Louisiana ............|   45,401 |   46,170 |   46,904 |   46,913 |   26,556 |   10,377 |  9,980 |   47,599 |   26,916 |  12,176 |  8,507 |\2\   47,634
Maine ................|   15,513 |   15,416 |   15,375 |   15,344 |   10,440 |    4,904 |    --- |   15,404 |   10,524 |   4,880 |    --- |      14,609
                      |          |          |          |          |          |          |        |          |          |         |        |
Maryland .............|   42,562 |   43,616 |   44,495 |   44,171 |   25,027 |   19,144 |    --- |   46,565 |   25,792 |  20,773 |    --- |\2\   46,200
Massachusetts ........|   54,003 |   55,963 |   57,225 |   58,766 |   21,480 |   29,367 |  7,919 |   60,489 |   22,342 |  29,922 |  8,225 |\3\   61,574
Michigan .............|   80,008 |   82,967 |   82,301 |   80,267 |   34,136 |   36,419 |  9,712 |   80,522 |   34,846 |  36,701 |  8,975 |      80,800
Minnesota ............|   43,574 |   44,903 |   45,050 |   46,956 |   23,981 |   22,949 |     26 |   46,958 |   23,980 |  22,948 |     30 |      48,386
Mississippi ..........|   28,062 |   28,111 |   27,829 |   28,376 |   18,592 |    9,184 |    600 |   28,866 |   15,071 |   8,864 |  4,931 |\2\   28,796
                      |          |          |          |          |          |          |        |          |          |         |        |
Missouri..............|   52,359 |   52,643 |   52,984 |   54,860 |   28,339 |   25,775 |    746 |   56,606 |   29,054 |  26,782 |    770 |\2\   57,718
Montana ..............|    9,613 |    9,883 |   10,135 |    9,949 |    6,913 |    3,036 |    --- |   10,079 |    7,009 |   3,070 |    --- |\2\   10,100
Nebraska .............|   18,764 |   19,069 |   19,323 |   19,616 |   11,244 |    8,372 |    --- |   19,774 |   11,368 |   8,406 |    --- |\2\   19,970
Nevada ...............|   10,373 |   11,409 |   11,953 |   12,579 |    6,563 |    4,648 |  1,368 |   13,414 |    6,784 |   5,058 |  1,572 |\2\   13,685
New Hampshire ........|   10,637 |   11,464 |   11,654 |   11,972 |    8,059 |    3,913 |    --- |   12,109 |    8,158 |   3,951 |    --- |      12,208
                      |          |          |          |          |          |          |        |          |          |         |        |
New Jersey ...........|   79,886 |   80,515 |   83,057 |   84,564 |   46,855 |   26,509 | 11,200 |   85,258 |   47,280 |  26,439 | 11,539 |\3\   86,929
New Mexico ...........|   16,703 |   17,498 |   17,912 |   18,404 |   10,570 |    4,564 |  3,270 |   19,025 |   11,265 |   4,342 |  3,418 |\2\   19,325
New York .............|  176,390 |  171,914 |  176,375 |  179,413 |   90,022 |   63,453 | 25,938 |  182,273 |   91,408 |  63,928 | 26,937 |\2\  185,918
North Carolina .......|   64,283 |   65,326 |   66,630 |   69,421 |   40,237 |   24,935 |  4,249 |   71,592 |   42,480 |  24,700 |  4,412 |\2\   71,814
North Dakota .........|    7,591 |    7,733 |    7,794 |    7,755 |    5,211 |    2,544 |    --- |    7,796 |    5,223 |   2,573 |    --- |\2\    7,503
                      |          |          |          |          |          |          |        |          |          |         |        |
Ohio .................|  103,088 |  103,372 |  106,233 |  107,444 |   71,186 |   36,103 |    155 |  109,085 |   72,005 |  36,912 |    168 |\2\  104,189
Oklahoma .............|   37,221 |   37,650 |   38,433 |   39,031 |   18,735 |   16,180 |  4,116 |   39,406 |   18,735 |  16,517 |  4,154 |\2\   39,335
Oregon ...............|   26,174 |   26,745 |   26,634 |   26,488 |   14,386 |    8,716 |  3,386 |   26,208 |   14,128 |   8,484 |  3,596 |\2\   26,679
Pennsylvania .........|  100,275 |  100,475 |  100,912 |  101,302 |   45,975 |   43,358 | 11,969 |  102,988 |   46,919 |  43,798 | 12,272 |\2\  104,650
Rhode Island .........|    9,522 |    9,709 |   10,069 |    9,823 |    4,404 |    4,103 |  1,316 |   10,066 |    4,597 |   4,090 |  1,379 |      10,209
                      |          |          |          |          |          |          |        |          |          |         |        |
South Carolina .......|   36,963 |   37,115 |   37,295 |   38,620 |   26,252 |   12,368 |    --- |   39,437 |   26,820 |  12,617 |    --- |\2\   39,240
South Dakota .........|    8,511 |    8,868 |    8,767 |    9,557 |    5,897 |    2,589 |  1,071 |    9,985 |    6,098 |   2,738 |  1,149 |\2\    9,300
Tennessee ............|   43,051 |   43,062 |   43,566 |   46,066 |   32,072 |   12,398 |  1,596 |   47,406 |   33,039 |  12,795 |  1,572 |\2\   50,723
Texas ................|  219,298 |  219,192 |  219,385 |  224,830 |  113,630 |   82,139 | 29,061 |  234,213 |  116,999 |  85,987 | 31,227 |\2\  240,207
Utah .................|   17,884 |   18,305 |   19,191 |   19,053 |    8,918 |    7,780 |  2,355 |   19,524 |    9,041 |   8,056 |  2,427 |\2\   20,077
                      |          |          |          |          |          |          |        |          |          |         |        |
Vermont ..............|    7,257 |    7,031 |    7,521 |    7,330 |    3,123 |    2,947 |  1,260 |    7,566 |    3,131 |   2,952 |  1,483 |       7,683
Virginia .............|   63,638 |   64,537 |   68,181 |   70,859 |   42,844 |   28,015 |    --- |   72,853 |   43,905 |  28,948 |    --- |\3\   73,328
Washington ...........|   41,764 |   42,931 |   44,295 |   45,524 |   24,232 |   17,533 |  3,759 |   46,439 |   24,077 |  18,247 |  4,115 |\2\   45,345
West Virginia.........|   21,476 |   20,997 |   20,961 |   21,029 |   10,070 |    7,394 |  3,565 |   21,024 |   10,212 |   7,244 |  3,568 |\2\   20,915
Wisconsin ............|   49,302 |   52,028 |   53,387 |   52,822 |   35,585 |   17,237 |    --- |   54,054 |   37,235 |  16,819 |    --- |      56,172
Wyoming ..............|    6,784 |    6,564 |    5,821 |    6,537 |    3,215 |    3,322 |    --- |    6,698 |    3,289 |   3,401 |      8 |\2\    6,700
    Outlying areas    |          |          |          |          |          |          |        |          |          |         |        |
American Samoa .......|      662 |      671 |      725 |      656 |      455 |      182 |     19 |      698 |      484 |     196 |     18 |\3\      696
Guam .................|    1,543 |    1,499 |    1,628 |    1,644 |      794 |      845 |      5 |    1,826 |      870 |     784 |    172 |\3\    1,900
Northern Marianas ....|      416 |      430 |      425 |      431 |      265 |      166 |    --- |      406 |      224 |     182 |    --- |\2\      534
Puerto Rico ..........|   34,260 |   37,291 |   38,381 |   39,816 |   21,935 |   14,596 |  3,285 |   39,933 |   22,001 |  14,617 |  3,315 |\2\   40,003
Virgin Islands .......|    1,575 |    1,581 |    1,595 |    1,570 |      773 |      722 |     75 |    1,528 |      757 |     703 |     68 |\2\    1,550

\1\Data have been revised from previously published figures.

\2\Estimated by the National Center for Education Statistics.

\3\Actual fall data.

---Data not available, not reported, or not applicable.

NOTE.--Distribution of elementary and secondary teachers determined by reporting units. Teachers reported in full-time equivalents.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data surveys. (This table was prepared August 1996.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest