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Digest of Education Statistics
1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 61.Summary statistics on Catholic elementary and secondary schools, by level: 1919-20 to 1995-96

           |       Number of schools    |           Enrollment           |       Instructional staff
  School   |----------------------------|--------------------------------|----------------------------------
   year    | Total |Elementary|Secondary|  Total   |Elementary|Secondary |    Total  |Elementary |Secondary
     1     |   2   |    3     |    4    |    5     |    6     |    7     |      8    |      9    |     10
1919-20 ...| 8,103 |    6,551 |   1,552 |1,925,521 |1,795,673 |  129,848 |\1\ 49,516 |\1\ 41,592 |\1\ 7,924
1929-30 ...|10,046 |    7,923 |   2,123 |2,464,467 |2,222,598 |  241,869 |\1\ 72,552 |\1\ 58,245 |\1\14,307
1939-40 ...|10,049 |    7,944 |   2,105 |2,396,305 |2,035,182 |  361,123 |\1\ 81,057 |\1\ 60,081 |\1\20,976
1949-50 ...|10,778 |    8,589 |   2,189 |3,066,387 |2,560,815 |  505,572 |\1\ 94,295 |\1\ 66,525 |\1\27,770
Fall 1960 .|12,893 |   10,501 |   2,392 |5,253,791 |4,373,422 |  880,369 |\1\151,902 |\1\108,169 |\1\43,733
           |       |          |         |          |          |          |           |           |
1969-70 ...|11,771 |    9,695 |   2,076 |4,658,098 |3,607,168 |1,050,930 |\2\195,400 |\2\133,200 |\2\62,200
1970-71 ...|11,350 |    9,370 |   1,980 |4,363,566 |3,355,478 |1,008,088 |   166,208 |   112,750 |   53,458
1974-75 ...|10,127 |    8,437 |   1,690 |3,504,000 |2,602,000 |  902,000 |   150,179 |   100,011 |   50,168
1975-76 ...| 9,993 |    8,340 |   1,653 |3,415,000 |2,525,000 |  890,000 |   149,276 |    99,319 |   49,957
1979-80 ...| 9,640 |    8,100 |   1,540 |3,139,000 |2,293,000 |  846,000 |   147,294 |    97,724 |   49,570
           |       |          |         |          |          |          |           |           |
1980-81 ...| 9,559 |    8,043 |   1,516 |3,106,000 |2,269,000 |  837,000 |   145,777 |    96,739 |   49,038
1981-82 ...| 9,494 |    7,996 |   1,498 |3,094,000 |2,266,000 |  828,000 |   146,172 |    96,847 |   49,325
1982-83 ...| 9,432 |    7,950 |   1,482 |3,007,189 |2,211,412 |  795,777 |   146,460 |    97,337 |   49,123
1983-84 ...| 9,401 |    7,937 |   1,464 |2,969,000 |2,179,000 |  790,000 |   146,913 |    98,591 |   48,322
1984-85 ...| 9,325 |    7,876 |   1,449 |2,903,000 |2,119,000 |  784,000 |   149,888 |    99,820 |   50,068
           |       |          |         |          |          |          |           |           |
1985-86 ...| 9,220 |    7,790 |   1,430 |2,821,000 |2,061,000 |  760,000 |   146,594 |    96,741 |   49,853
1986-87 ...| 9,102 |    7,693 |   1,409 |2,726,000 |1,998,000 |  728,000 |   141,930 |    93,554 |   48,376
1987-88 ...| 8,992 |    7,601 |   1,391 |2,623,000 |1,942,000 |  681,000 |   139,887 |    93,199 |   46,688
1988-89 ...| 8,867 |    7,505 |   1,362 |2,551,000 |1,912,000 |  639,000 |   137,700 |    93,154 |   44,546
1989-90 ...| 8,719 |    7,395 |   1,324 |2,499,000 |1,894,000 |  606,000 |   136,900 |    94,197 |   42,703
           |       |          |         |          |          |          |           |           |
1990-91 ...| 8,587 |    7,291 |   1,296 |2,475,439 |1,883,906 |  591,533 |   131,198 |    91,039 |   40,159
1991-92 ...| 8,508 |    7,239 |   1,269 |2,442,924 |1,856,302 |  586,622 |   153,334 |   109,084 |   44,250
1992-93 ...| 8,423 |    7,174 |   1,249 |2,444,842 |1,860,937 |  583,905 |   154,816 |   109,825 |   44,991
1993-94 ...| 8,345 |    7,114 |   1,231 |2,444,609 |1,859,947 |  584,662 |   157,201 |   112,199 |   45,002
1994-95 ...| 8,293 |    7,055 |   1,238 |2,475,207 |1,877,782 |  597,425 |\3\164,219 |\3\117,620 |\3\46,599
1995-96 ...| 8,243 |    7,015 |   1,228 |2,491,111 |1,884,461 |  606,650 |\3\166,759 |\3\118,753 |\3\48,006

\1\Includes part-time teachers.

\2\Includes estimates for the nonreporting schools.

\3\Full-time equivalent

NOTE.--Data reported by the National Catholic Educational Association and data reported by the National Center for Education Statistics are not directly comparable because survey procedures and definitions differ. Excludes prekindergarten enrollment.

SOURCE: National Catholic Educational Association, A Statistical Report on Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools for the Years 1967-68 to 1969-70, as compiled from the Official Catholic Directory (Copyright © 1970 by the National Catholic Educational Association); Catholic Schools in America (1978 edition, Copyright © 1978 by the Franklin Press); and United States Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools, 1989-90, 1990-91, 1991-92, 1992-93, 1993-94, 1994-95, and 1995-96 (Copyright © 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, and 1996 by the National Catholic Educational Association. All rights reserved.) (This table was prepared June 1996.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest