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Digest of Education Statistics
1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 46.Child care, nursery school, and kindergarten experiences prior to first grade, by educational attainment of parents: 1991

                                |         |      Parents' highest level of educational attainment1/
          Educational           |  Total  |---------------------------------------------------------------
          experiences           |         |Less than|High school|Vocational/| College |Graduate |No parent
                                |         |  high   |or equiva- | technical |graduate |or pro-  |in house-
                                |         | school  |   lency   |  or some  |         |fessional|  hold
                                |         |         |           |  college  |         | school  |
               1                |    2    |    3    |     4     |     5     |    6    |    7    |    8
                                |  Use of nonparental home-based child care prior to starting
                                |                        first grade
Number of 1st and 2nd grade     |         |         |           |           |         |         |
  children, in thousands .......|   7,547 |     791 |     2,393 |     2,288 |   1,051 |     947 |      78
                                |         |         |           |           |         |         |
Percent using child care        |         |         |           |           |         |         |
 by relatives ..................|      28 |      28 |        34 |        34 |      20 |      17 |      24
  In own home2/ ................|      10 |      12 |        11 |        12 |       8 |       8 |       6
  In other home ................|      18 |      16 |        23 |        22 |      12 |       9 |      18
                                |         |         |           |           |         |         |
Percent using child care        |         |         |           |           |         |         |
 by nonrelatives ...............|      27 |      11 |        22 |        31 |      32 |      37 |      12
  In own home2/ ................|       6 |       3 |         4 |         5 |       8 |      11 |       4
  In other home ................|      21 |       8 |        18 |        26 |      24 |      26 |       8
                                |   Attendance at day care centers, nursery schools,  prekindergarten,
                                |    and Head Start on a regular basis prior to starting first grade
                                |         |         |           |           |         |         |
  Total ........................|     100 |     100 |       100 |       100 |     100 |     100 |     100
                                |         |         |           |           |         |         |
Percent attending day care      |         |         |           |           |         |         |
  center, not nursery school ...|      15 |       8 |        15 |        17 |      16 |      12 |      18
Percent attending nursery       |         |         |           |           |         |         |
  school, not day care center ..|      34 |      27 |        32 |        31 |      40 |      48 |      29
Percent attending day care      |         |         |           |           |         |         |
  center and nursery school ....|      22 |      11 |        18 |        27 |      23 |      23 |      19
Percent not attending day care  |         |         |           |           |         |         |
  center or nursery school .....|      29 |      53 |        34 |        25 |      21 |      16 |      34
                                |       Attendance at kindergarten programs
                                |         |         |           |           |         |         |
  Total ........................|     100 |     100 |       100 |       100 |     100 |     100 |     100
                                |         |         |           |           |         |         |
Percent attending kindergarten .|      98 |      95 |        98 |        99 |      99 |      98 |      99
  Public kindergartens..........|      84 |      92 |        90 |        83 |      79 |      73 |      85
    Full-day ...................|      33 |      45 |        38 |        31 |      23 |      23 |      46
    Part-day ...................|      51 |      47 |        52 |        52 |      56 |      50 |      39
  Private kindergartens.........|      14 |       3 |         8 |        16 |      20 |      25 |      14
    Full-day ...................|       7 |       1 |         4 |         8 |      11 |      14 |       8
    Part-day ...................|       7 |       2 |         4 |         8 |       9 |      11 |       6
                                |         |         |           |           |         |         |
Percent not attending kinder-   |         |         |           |           |         |         |
  garten .......................|       2 |       4 |         2 |         1 |       1 |       2 |       1

1/Highest level of schooling completed by either parent or guardian in the household or the only parent or guardian in the household.

2/Includes those in own home as well as those in both own and other home.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, "Experiences in Child Care and Early Childhood Progams of First and Second Graders." (This table was prepared April 1992.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest