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Digest of Education Statistics
1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 31.Total expenditures of educational institutions, by level and control of institution: 1899-1900 to 1995-96 [In millions of current dollars]

             |          |Elementary and secondary schools|    Colleges and universities
   School    |  Total   |--------------------------------|----------------------------------
    year     |          |  Total   |  Public  |Private\1\|    Total  |   Public  |   Private
      1      |    2     |     3    |    4     |    5     |      6    |      7    |      8
 1899-1900 ..|      --- |      --- |     $215 |      --- |       --- |       --- |      ---
 1909-10 ....|      --- |      --- |      426 |      --- |       --- |       --- |      ---
 1919-20 ....|      --- |      --- |    1,036 |      --- |       --- |       --- |      ---
 1929-30 ....|      --- |      --- |    2,317 |      --- |      $632 |      $292 |     $341
 1939-40 ....|      --- |      --- |    2,344 |      --- |       758 |       392 |      367
             |          |          |          |          |           |           |
 1949-50 ....|   $8,911 |   $6,249 |    5,838 |     $411 |     2,662 |     1,430 |    1,233
 1951-52 ....|   10,735 |    7,861 |    7,344 |      517 |     2,874 |     1,565 |    1,309
 1953-54 ....|   13,147 |    9,733 |    9,092 |      641 |     3,414 |     1,912 |    1,502
 1955-56 ....|   15,907 |   11,727 |   10,955 |      772 |     4,180 |     2,348 |    1,832
 1957-58 ....|   20,055 |   14,525 |   13,569 |      956 |     5,530 |     3,237 |    2,293
             |          |          |          |          |           |           |
 1959-60 ....|   23,860 |   16,713 |   15,613 |    1,100 |     7,147 |     3,904 |    3,244
 1961-62 ....|   28,503 |   19,673 |   18,373 |    1,300 |     8,830 |     4,919 |    3,911
 1963-64 ....|   34,440 |   22,825 |   21,325 |    1,500 |    11,615 |     6,558 |    5,057
 1965-66 ....|   43,682 |   28,048 |   26,248 |    1,800 |    15,634 |     9,047 |    6,588
 1967-68 ....|   55,652 |   35,077 |   32,977 |    2,100 |    20,575 |    12,750 |    7,824
             |          |          |          |          |           |           |
 1969-70 ....|   68,459 |   43,183 |   40,683 |    2,500 |    25,276 |    16,234 |    9,041
 1970-71 ....|   75,741 |   48,200 |   45,500 |    2,700 |    27,541 |    18,028 |    9,513
 1971-72 ....|   80,672 |   50,950 |   48,050 |    2,900 |    29,722 |    19,538 |   10,184
 1972-73 ....|   86,875 |   54,952 |   51,852 |    3,100 |    31,923 |    21,144 |   10,779
 1973-74 ....|   95,396 |   60,370 |   56,970 |    3,400 |    35,026 |    23,542 |   11,484
             |          |          |          |          |           |           |
 1974-75 ....|  108,664 |   68,846 |   64,846 |    4,000 |    39,818 |    26,966 |   12,852
 1975-76 ....|  118,706 |   75,101 |   70,601 |    4,500 |    43,605 |    29,736 |   13,869
 1976-77 ....|  126,417 |   79,194 |   74,194 |    5,000 |    47,223 |    31,997 |   15,226
 1977-78 ....|  137,042 |   86,544 |   80,844 |    5,700 |    50,498 |    34,031 |   16,467
 1978-79 ....|  148,308 |   93,012 |   86,712 |    6,300 |    55,296 |    37,110 |   18,187
             |          |          |          |          |           |           |
 1979-80 ....|  165,627 |  103,162 |   95,962 |    7,200 |    62,465 |    41,434 |   21,031
 1980-81 ....|  182,849 |  112,325 |  104,125 |    8,200 |    70,524 |    46,559 |   23,965
 1981-82 ....|  197,801 |  120,486 |  111,186 |    9,300 |    77,315 |    50,813 |   26,502
 1982-83 ....|  212,081 |  128,725 |  118,425 |   10,300 |    83,356 |    54,338 |   29,018
 1983-84 ....|  228,597 |  139,000 |  127,500 |   11,500 |    89,597 |    58,124 |   31,473
             |          |          |          |          |           |           |
 1984-85 ....|  247,657 |  149,400 |  137,000 |   12,400 |    98,257 |    63,705 |   34,553
 1985-86 ....|  269,485 |  161,800 |  148,600 |   13,200 |   107,685 |    70,069 |   37,616
 1986-87 ....|  291,974 |  175,200 |  160,900 |   14,300 |   116,774 |    74,552 |   42,222
 1987-88 ....|  313,375 |  187,999 |  172,699 |   15,300 |   125,376 |    79,859 |   45,516
 1988-89 ....|  346,883 |  209,377 |  192,977 |   16,400 |   137,506 |    87,107 |   50,398
             |          |          |          |          |           |           |
 1989-90 ....|  381,228 |  230,673 |  212,473 |   18,200 |   150,555 |    96,387 |   54,169
 1990-91 ....|  412,652 |  248,930 |  229,430 |   19,500 |   163,722 |   104,433 |   59,288
 1991-92 ....|  434,102 |  261,262 |  241,062 |   20,200 |   172,840 |   109,026 |   63,814
 1992-93.....|  457,124 |  274,435 |  252,935 |   21,500 |   182,689 |   115,470 |   67,220
 1993-94\2\..|  479,069 |  287,485 |  265,285 |   22,200 |   191,584 |   120,700 |   70,884
 1994-95\1\..|  504,500 |  302,900 |  279,400 |   23,500 |   201,600 |   126,700 |   74,900
 1995-96\1\..|  529,600 |  318,400 |  293,700 |   24,800 |   211,200 |   132,700 |   78,400

1 Estimated. \2\Preliminary. ---Data not available. NOTE.--Total expenditures for public elementary and secondary schools include current expenditures, interest on school debt, and capital outlay. Data for private elementary and secondary schools are estimated. Total expenditures for colleges and universities include current-fund expenditures and additions to plant value. Excludes expenditures of noncollegiate postsecondary institutions. Some data have been revised from previously published figures. Because of rounding, details may not add to totals. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Statistics of State School Systems; Revenues and Expenditures for Public Elementary and Secondary Education; Financial Statistics of Institutions of Higher Education; Common Core of Data survey; "Financial Statistics of Institutions of Higher Education" survey; Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) "Finance" survey; and National Education Association, Estimates of School Statistics, various years. (This table was prepared June 1996.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest