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Digest of Education Statistics
1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 10.Number of persons age 18 and over who hold a bachelor's or higher degree, by field of study, sex, race, and age: Spring 1993

                                                               [Numbers in thousands]

                                     |         |        Sex               Race                                   Age
           Field of study            |  Total  |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                     |         |        |        |        |        |18 to 24 |25 to 34 |35 to 44 |45 to 54 |55 to 64 |65 years old
                                     |         |  Men   | Women  |White\1\|Black\1\|years old|years old|years old|years old|years old|  and over
                  1                  |    2    |   3    |   4    |   5    |   6    |    7    |    8    |    9    |   10    |   11    |     12
      Total population, 18 and over .| 188,683 | 90,555 | 98,128 |159,940 | 21,391 |  25,507 |  42,162 |  41,094 |  28,657 |  20,524 |     30,739
  Number of persons with bachelor's  |         |        |        |        |        |         |         |         |         |         |
    or higher degree ................|  36,786 | 19,352 | 17,436 | 32,280 |  2,314 |   2,456 |   9,635 |  10,691 |   6,869 |   3,470 |      3,664
  Percent of population .............|    19.5 |   21.4 |   17.8 |   20.2 |   10.8 |     9.6 |    22.9 |    26.0 |    24.0 |    16.9 |       11.9
Agriculture and forestry ............|     543 |    437 |    107 |    517 |     11 |      39 |      94 |     198 |     103 |      56 |         53
Biology .............................|     827 |    525 |    302 |    674 |     59 |     102 |     190 |     283 |     156 |      65 |         30
Business and management .............|   6,739 |  4,524 |  2,215 |  5,947 |    458 |     472 |   2,091 |   1,839 |   1,250 |     595 |        490
Economics ...........................|     815 |    551 |    263 |    695 |     42 |      58 |     236 |     213 |     144 |      96 |         67
Education ...........................|   6,078 |  1,482 |  4,597 |  5,493 |    409 |     268 |     965 |   1,764 |   1,438 |     798 |        845
Engineering .........................|   3,425 |  2,986 |    439 |  2,874 |    164 |     197 |   1,165 |     906 |     489 |     353 |        315
English and journalism ..............|   1,356 |    519 |    837 |  1,163 |     97 |     109 |     363 |     383 |     285 |      86 |        130
Home economics ......................|     375 |     17 |    358 |    329 |     27 |       6 |      61 |     113 |      49 |      60 |         86
Law .................................|   1,167 |    865 |    301 |  1,045 |     53 |      56 |     279 |     372 |     226 |     110 |        124
Liberal arts and humanities .........|   2,855 |  1,228 |  1,629 |  2,570 |    132 |     242 |     690 |     855 |     518 |     236 |        315
Mathematics and statistics ..........|     754 |    477 |    276 |    637 |     80 |      44 |     223 |     188 |     146 |      54 |         99
Medicine and dentistry ..............|   1,119 |    825 |    294 |    900 |     27 |      22 |     253 |     413 |     187 |      85 |        159
Nursing, pharmacy, and health        |         |        |        |        |        |         |         |         |         |         |
  technologies ......................|   2,166 |    352 |  1,814 |  1,845 |    137 |     156 |     649 |     665 |     329 |     180 |        186
Physical and earth sciences .........|     918 |    650 |    270 |    837 |     31 |      48 |     270 |     198 |     192 |      77 |        133
Police science and law enforcement ..|     363 |    251 |    112 |    309 |     30 |      19 |     149 |     114 |      57 |      14 |          9
Psychology ..........................|   1,342 |    531 |    811 |  1,216 |     63 |     138 |     364 |     415 |     243 |      75 |        107
Religion and theology ...............|     577 |    484 |     93 |    525 |     48 |       9 |     112 |     172 |      95 |      88 |        101
Social sciences .....................|   2,341 |  1,023 |  1,318 |  2,028 |    232 |     226 |     576 |     689 |     440 |     210 |        200
Vocational and technical studies ....|     202 |    140 |     62 |    165 |     17 |      20 |      82 |      38 |      29 |      20 |         13
Other fields ........................|   2,825 |  1,487 |  1,338 |  2,507 |    198 |     226 |     824 |     872 |     492 |     213 |        199
                                     |         |        |        |        |Percenta|         |         |         |         |         |
      Total .........................|   100.0 |  100.0 |  100.0 |  100.0 |   99.8 |   100.1 |   100.0 |   100.0 |   100.1 |   100.0 |       99.9
Agriculture and forestry ............|     1.5 |    2.3 |    0.6 |    1.6 |    0.5 |     1.6 |     1.0 |     1.9 |     1.5 |     1.6 |        1.4
Biology .............................|     2.2 |    2.7 |    1.7 |    2.1 |    2.5 |     4.2 |     2.0 |     2.6 |     2.3 |     1.9 |        0.8
Business and management .............|    18.3 |   23.4 |   12.7 |   18.4 |   19.8 |    19.2 |    21.7 |    17.2 |    18.2 |    17.1 |       13.4
Economics ...........................|     2.2 |    2.8 |    1.5 |    2.2 |    1.8 |     2.4 |     2.4 |     2.0 |     2.1 |     2.8 |        1.8
Education ...........................|    16.5 |    7.7 |   26.4 |   17.0 |   17.7 |    10.9 |    10.0 |    16.5 |    20.9 |    23.0 |       23.1
Engineering .........................|     9.3 |   15.4 |    2.5 |    8.9 |    7.1 |     8.0 |    12.1 |     8.5 |     7.1 |    10.2 |        8.6
English and journalism ..............|     3.7 |    2.7 |    4.8 |    3.6 |    4.2 |     4.4 |     3.8 |     3.6 |     4.1 |     2.5 |        3.5
Home economics ......................|     1.0 |    0.1 |    2.1 |    1.0 |    1.2 |     0.2 |     0.6 |     1.1 |     0.7 |     1.7 |        2.3
Law .................................|     3.2 |    4.5 |    1.7 |    3.2 |    2.3 |     2.3 |     2.9 |     3.5 |     3.3 |     3.2 |        3.4
Liberal arts and humanities .........|     7.8 |    6.3 |    9.3 |    8.0 |    5.7 |     9.9 |     7.2 |     8.0 |     7.5 |     6.8 |        8.6
Mathematics and statistics ..........|     2.0 |    2.5 |    1.6 |    2.0 |    3.5 |     1.8 |     2.3 |     1.8 |     2.1 |     1.6 |        2.7
Medicine and dentistry ..............|     3.0 |    4.3 |    1.7 |    2.8 |    1.2 |     0.9 |     2.6 |     3.9 |     2.7 |     2.4 |        4.3
Nursing, pharmacy, and health        |         |        |        |        |        |         |         |         |         |         |
  technologies ......................|     5.9 |    1.8 |   10.4 |    5.7 |    5.9 |     6.4 |     6.7 |     6.2 |     4.8 |     5.2 |        5.1
Physical and earth sciences .........|     2.5 |    3.4 |    1.5 |    2.6 |    1.3 |     2.0 |     2.8 |     1.9 |     2.8 |     2.2 |        3.6
Police science and law enforcement ..|     1.0 |    1.3 |    0.6 |    1.0 |    1.3 |     0.8 |     1.5 |     1.1 |     0.8 |     0.4 |        0.2
Psychology ..........................|     3.6 |    2.7 |    4.7 |    3.8 |    2.7 |     5.6 |     3.8 |     3.9 |     3.5 |     2.2 |        2.9
Religion and theology ...............|     1.6 |    2.5 |    0.5 |    1.6 |    2.1 |     0.4 |     1.2 |     1.6 |     1.4 |     2.5 |        2.8
Social sciences .....................|     6.4 |    5.3 |    7.6 |    6.3 |   10.0 |     9.2 |     6.0 |     6.4 |     6.4 |     6.1 |        5.5
Vocational and technical studies ....|     0.5 |    0.7 |    0.4 |    0.5 |    0.7 |     0.8 |     0.9 |     0.4 |     0.4 |     0.6 |        0.4
Other fields ........................|     7.7 |    7.7 |    7.7 |    7.8 |    8.6 |     9.2 |     8.6 |     8.2 |     7.2 |     6.1 |        5.4

\1\Includes persons of Hispanic origin.

NOTE.--Data are based on a sample survey of the civilian noninstitutional population. Because of rounding, details may not add to totals.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports, Series P-70, No. 51, "What's It Worth? Educational Background and Economic Status: Spring 1993." (This table was prepared April 1996.)

1996 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest