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Digest of Education Statistics
1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 409.General statistics of college and university libraries: 1974-75 to 1991-92

                    Item                     |1974-75\1\ |1975-76\1\ |1976-77\1\ |1978-79\1\ |  1981-82  |  1984-85  |  1987-88  |  1991-92
                      1                      |     2     |     3     |     4     |     5     |     6     |     7     |     8     |     9
Number of libraries .........................|     2,972 |     2,987 |     3,058 |     3,122 |     3,104 |     3,322 |     3,438 |     3,274
Total enrollment, in thousands\2\ ...........|    10,322 |    11,291 |    11,121 |    11,392 |    12,372 |    12,242 |    12,767 |    14,359
Full-time-equivalent enrollment, in          |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |
  thousands\2\ ..............................|     7,805 |     8,480 |     8,313 |     8,348 |     9,015 |     8,952 |     9,230 |    10,361
       Collections, thousands of units       |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |
                                             |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |
Number of volumes at end of year ............|   447,059 |   468,033 |   481,442 |   519,895 |   567,826 |   631,727 |   718,504 |   749,429
Number of volumes added during year .........|    23,242 |    22,977 |    22,367 |    21,608 |    19,507 |    20,658 |    21,907 |    20,982
Number of serial subscriptions\3\ ...........|     4,434 |     4,618 |     4,670 |     4,775 |     4,890 |     6,317 |     6,416 |     6,966
   Library staff, in full-time equivalents   |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |
                                             |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |
Total staff in regular positions\3\ .........|    56,836 |    56,852 |    57,087 |    58,416 |    58,476 |    58,476 |    67,251 |    67,166
FTE enrollment per FTE staff ................|     137.3 |     149.2 |     145.6 |     142.9 |     154.2 |     153.1 |     137.2 |     154.3
  Librarians and professional staff .........|    23,530 |    23,104 |    23,308 |    23,676 |    23,816 |    21,822 |    25,115 |    26,341
  Other paid staff ..........................|    33,306 |    33,748 |    33,779 |    34,740 |    34,660 |    38,026 |    40,733 |    40,421
  Contributed services ......................|       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |     1,403 |       404
  Student assistants ........................|       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |    33,821 |    29,075
                                             |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |
Hours of student and other assistance,       |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |
 in thousands ...............................|    34,687 |    36,725 |    39,950 |    39,552 |    40,068 |    28,360 |       --- |       ---
       Library operating expenditures        |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |
         (excluding capital outlay)          |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |
                                             |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |
Operating expenditures, total, in thousands .|$1,091,784 |$1,180,128 |$1,259,637 |$1,502,158 |$1,943,769 |$2,404,524 |$2,770,075 |$3,648,654
Operating expenditures per FTE student ......|       140 |       139 |       152 |       180 |       216 |       269 |       300 |       352
Operating expenditures per FTE student in    |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |
  constant 1991-92 dollars ..................|       373 |       347 |       357 |       363 |       317 |       351 |       358 |       352
  Salaries\4\ ...............................|   592,568 |   649,374 |   698,090 |   824,438 | 1,081,894 | 1,156,138 | 1,451,551 | 1,889,368
  Hourly wages ..............................|    61,474 |    66,175 |    68,683 |    79,535 |   100,847 |       --- |       --- |       ---
  Fringe benefits ...........................|       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |   231,209 |       --- |       ---
  Preservation ..............................|    22,206 |    22,375 |    22,521 |    25,274 |    30,351 |    32,939 |    34,144 |    43,126
  Collections .............................. |   327,904 |   357,544 |   373,699 |   450,180 |   561,199 |   750,282 |   891,281 | 1,197,293
    Print materials .........................|       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |   420,930
    Serial subscriptions ....................|       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |   639,128
    Microforms ..............................|       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |    43,666
    Audiovisual materials ...................|       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |    23,879
    Machine readable materials ..............|       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |    29,093
    Other collection expenditures ...........|       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |    40,596
  Other library operating expenditures ......|    87,632 |    84,660 |    96,643 |   122,731 |   169,478 |   233,957 |   393,099 |   518,867
Operating expenditures, total, in percents ..|     100.0 |     100.0 |     100.0 |     100.0 |     100.0 |     100.0 |     100.0 |     100.0
  Salaries\4\ ...............................|      54.3 |      55.0 |      55.4 |      54.9 |      55.7 |      48.1 |      52.4 |      51.8
  Hourly wages ..............................|       5.6 |       5.6 |       5.5 |       5.3 |       5.2 |       --- |       --- |       ---
  Fringe benefits ...........................|       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       --- |       9.6 |       --- |       ---
  Preservation ..............................|       2.0 |       1.9 |       1.8 |       1.7 |       1.6 |       1.4 |       1.2 |       1.2
  Collections .............................. |      30.0 |      30.3 |      29.7 |      30.0 |      28.9 |      31.2 |      32.2 |      32.8
  Other library operating expenditures ......|       8.0 |       7.2 |       7.7 |       8.2 |       8.7 |       9.7 |      14.2 |      14.2
Library operating expenditures as percent of |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |
  total institutional expenditures for       |           |           |           |           |           |           |           |
  educational and general purposes ..........|       3.9 |       3.8 |       3.8 |       3.7 |       3.5 |       3.4 |       3.2 |       3.0

\1\Includes data for U.S. territories.
\2\Fall enrollment for the academic year specified.
\3\Data are for end of year.
\4\Includes expenditures for fringe benefits (except for 1984-85 and 1987-88) and salary equivalents of contributed services staff.

---Data not available.

NOTE.--Because of rounding, details may not add to totals.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Library Statistics of Colleges and Universities, various years; and Integrated Postsecondary Education Data Survey, "Academic Library Survey." (This table was prepared August 1995.)

1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest