Table 400. | Reading literacy test scores of 14-year-olds: Selected countries, 1992 |
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | Overall |Narrative\2\| Exposi- |Expository\3\| Exposi- |Documents\4\ |Grade |Mean |mean score | mean score |tory\3\ 1st| mean score |tory\3\ 3rd| mean score Country |tested|age | (s.e.)\1\ | (s.e.)\1\ | quartile | (s.e.)\1\ | quartile | (s.e.)\1\ ______________________|______|_____|___________|____________|___________|_____________|___________|____________ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 ______________________|______|_____|___________|____________|___________|_____________|___________|____________ Finland...............| 8 |14.7 | 560 (2.5)| 559 (2.8) | 493 | 541 (2.2) | 575 | 580 (2.5) France................| 9 |15.4 | 549 (4.3)| 556 (4.2) | 484 | 546 (4.3) | 580 | 544 (4.2) Sweden................| 8 |14.8 | 546 (2.5)| 556 (2.6) | 469 | 533 (2.4) | 576 | 550 (2.4) New Zealand...........| 10 |15.0 | 545 (5.6)| 547 (5.7) | 457 | 535 (5.7) | 597 | 552 (5.3) Hungary...............| 8 |14.1 | 536 (3.3)| 530 (3.1) | 469 | 536 (3.6) | 577 | 542 (3.2) | | | | | | | | Iceland\5\............| 8 |14.8 | 536 (0.0)| 550 (0.0) | 472 | 548 (0.0) | 617 | 509 (0.0) Switzerland...........| 8 |14.9 | 536 (3.2)| 534 (3.4) | 466 | 525 (3.2) | 572 | 549 (3.0) Hong Kong.............| 9 |15.2 | 535 (3.7)| 509 (3.7) | 480 | 540 (3.8) | 576 | 557 (3.8) United States.........| 9 |15.0 | 535 (4.8)| 539 (4.9) | 456 | 539 (5.6) | 599 | 528 (4.0) Singapore.............| 8 |14.4 | 534 (1.1)| 530 (1.1) | 476 | 539 (1.2) | 574 | 533 (1.1) | | | | | | | | Slovenia..............| 8 |14.7 | 532 (2.3)| 534 (2.6) | 471 | 525 (2.2) | 576 | 537 (2.2) Germany (former East).| 8 |14.4 | 526 (3.5)| 512 (3.9) | 464 | 523 (3.5) | 566 | 543 (2.9) Denmark...............| 8 |14.8 | 525 (2.1)| 517 (2.0) | 458 | 524 (2.2) | 573 | 532 (2.1) Portugal..............| 9 |15.6 | 523 (3.1)| 523 (2.5) | 469 | 523 (3.4) | 556 | 523 (3.4) Canada\6\.............| 8 |13.9 | 522 (3.0)| 526 (3.1) | 449 | 516 (3.1) | 569 | 522 (2.7) | | | | | | | | Germany (former West).| 8 |14.6 | 522 (4.4)| 514 (4.9) | 453 | 521 (4.5) | 573 | 532 (3.9) Norway................| 8 |14.8 | 516 (2.3)| 515 (2.1) | 464 | 520 (2.4) | 569 | 512 (2.4) Italy.................| 8 |14.1 | 515 (3.4)| 520 (3.6) | 459 | 524 (3.2) | 565 | 501 (3.3) Netherlands...........| 8 |14.3 | 514 (4.9)| 506 (4.8) | 442 | 503 (4.7) | 546 | 533 (5.3) Ireland...............| 9 |14.5 | 511 (5.2)| 510 (5.3) | 439 | 505 (5.3) | 555 | 518 (4.9) | | | | | | | | Greece................| 9 |14.4 | 509 (2.9)| 526 (2.9) | 450 | 508 (3.1) | 548 | 493 (2.6) Cyprus................| 9 |14.8 | 497 (2.2)| 516 (2.2) | 427 | 492 (2.4) | 536 | 482 (2.0) Spain.................| 8 |14.2 | 490 (2.5)| 500 (3.0) | 435 | 495 (2.6) | 536 | 475 (2.0) Belgium\7\............| 8 |14.3 | 481 (4.9)| 484 (5.1) | 415 | 477 (4.8) | 522 | 483 (4.7) Trinidad/Tobago.......| 9 |14.4 | 479 (1.7)| 482 (1.7) | 408 | 485 (1.8) | 537 | 472 (1.7) | | | | | | | | Thailand..............| 9 |15.2 | 477 (6.2)| 468 (6.6) | 429 | 486 (5.9) | 533 | 478 (6.2) Philippines...........| 8 |14.5 | 430 (3.9)| 421 (3.6) | 378 | 439 (4.1) | 472 | 430 (3.9) Venezuela.............| 9 |15.5 | 417 (3.1)| 407 (2.9) | 381 | 433 (3.3) | 482 | 412 (3.0) Nigeria\8,9\..........| 9 |15.3 | 401 (---)| 402 (---) | 351 | 406 (---) | 441 | 394 (---) Zimbabwe\9\...........| 9 |15.5 | 372 (3.8)| 367 (3.3) | 326 | 374 (3.6) | 411 | 373 (4.6) Botswana..............| 9 |14.7 | 330 (2.0)| 340 (1.6) | 294 | 339 (1.9) | 371 | 312 (2.4) ______________________|______|_____|___________|____________|___________|_____________|___________|____________ |
\1\s.e.=standard error. ---Data not available. SOURCE: International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement, How in the World Do Students Read?, 1992. (This table was prepared April 1993.) |