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Digest of Education Statistics
1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 386.Estimated population, school enrollment, teachers, and public expenditures for education in major areas of the world: 1980, 1991, and 1992

                                         |           |                    Major areas of the world
                  Item                   |   World   |_____________________________________________________________________
                                         | total\1\  |          |          |              | Central  | Northern |
                                         |           |Africa\2\ | Asia\3\  |    Europe\4\ |and South |America\5\|Oceania\6\
                                         |           |          |          |              |America\5\|          |
                    1                    |     2     |    3     |    4     |        5     |    6     |    7     |    8
                  1980                   |           |          |          |              |          |          |
                                         |           |          |          |              |          |          |
Population, all ages,\7\ in thousands ...| 4,426,257 |  479,975 |2,561,820 |      749,701 |  360,282 |  251,906 |   22,573
Enrollment, all levels,\8\ in thousands .|   852,546 |   79,954 |  479,653 |      141,343 |   87,183 |   59,581 |    4,834
   First (primary) level ................|   556,902 |   63,922 |  331,413 |       63,841 |   65,327 |   29,634 |    2,766
   Second level\9\ ......................|   249,922 |   14,489 |  136,179 |       63,766 |   16,967 |   16,879 |    1,643
   Third level\10\ ......................|    45,722 |    1,543 |   12,061 |       13,736 |    4,889 |   13,068 |      425
Teachers, all levels,\8\ in thousands ...|    37,149 |    2,390 |   18,656 |        8,790 |    3,728 |    3,310 |      275
   First (primary) level ................|    19,462 |    1,692 |   10,673 |        3,366 |    2,256 |    1,345 |      130
   Second level\9\ ......................|    14,288 |      604 |    6,951 |        4,326 |    1,086 |    1,208 |      113
   Third level\10\ ......................|     3,398 |       94 |    1,032 |        1,098 |      385 |      757 |       32
Public expenditures on education, in     |           |          |          |              |          |          |
   millions of U.S. dollars .............|  $572,520 |  $17,897 | $103,522 |     $250,266 |  $34,207 | $156,201 |  $10,427
As a percent of gross national product ..|       5.1 |      5.4 |      4.5 |\11\      5.1 |      4.1 |      5.2 |      5.6
                                         |           |          |          |              |          |          |
                  1991                   |           |          |          |              |          |          |
                                         |           |          |          |              |          |          |
Population, all ages,\7\ in thousands ...| 5,358,344 |  664,913 |3,139,316 |      793,410 |  454,210 |  279,845 |   26,650
Enrollment, all levels,\8\ in thousands .|   992,286 |  108,869 |  563,959 |      143,835 |  107,540 |   62,771 |    5,312
   First (primary) level ................|   620,969 |   81,103 |  363,209 |       64,437 |   76,618 |   32,802 |    2,800
   Second level\9\ ......................|   306,463 |   25,012 |  178,586 |       62,711 |   23,151 |   15,153 |    1,850
   Third level\10\ ......................|    64,854 |    2,755 |   22,163 |       16,687 |    7,771 |   14,816 |      662
Teachers, all levels,\8\ in thousands ...|    47,659 |    3,895 |   23,639 |       10,413 |    5,349 |    4,032 |      331
   First (primary) level ................|    24,318 |    2,456 |   12,728 |        3,916 |    3,082 |    1,991 |      145
   Second level\9\ ......................|    18,599 |    1,273 |    9,308 |        5,108 |    1,612 |    1,153 |      145
   Third level\10\ ......................|     4,743 |      166 |    1,603 |        1,389 |      656 |      888 |       41
Public expenditures on education, in     |           |          |          |              |          |          |
   millions of U.S. dollars .............|$1,119,091 |  $18,494 | $256,678 |     $429,644 |  $47,685 | $347,108 |  $19,482
As a percent of gross national product ..|       5.1 |      5.7 |      4.3 |\11\      5.2 |      4.2 |      5.5 |      5.7
                                         |           |          |          |              |          |          |
                                         |           |          |          |              |          |          |
                  1992                   |           |          |          |              |          |          |
                                         |           |          |          |              |          |          |
Population, all ages,\7\ in thousands ...| 5,462,004 |  683,854 |3,211,427 |      795,690 |  461,308 |  282,583 |   27,142
Enrollment, all levels,\8\ in thousands .| 1,015,974 |  116,513 |  575,534 |      144,734 |  108,246 |   65,492 |    5,454
   First (primary) level ................|   626,843 |   86,085 |  366,222 |       62,179 |   77,168 |   32,384 |    2,806
   Second level\9\ ......................|   318,608 |   27,142 |  185,392 |       64,615 |   23,155 |   16,398 |    1,905
   Third level\10\ ......................|    70,524 |    3,286 |   23,920 |       17,941 |    7,924 |   16,710 |      744
Teachers, all levels,\8\ in thousands ...|    48,230 |    4,090 |   23,656 |       10,542 |    5,378 |    4,221 |      342
   First (primary) level ................|    24,354 |    2,573 |   12,715 |        3,783 |    3,118 |    2,017 |      148
   Second level\9\ ......................|    18,859 |    1,337 |    9,241 |        5,331 |    1,584 |    1,215 |      152
   Third level\10\ ......................|     5,016 |      181 |    1,699 |        1,428 |      676 |      990 |       42
Public expenditures on education, in     |           |          |          |              |          |          |
   millions of U.S. dollars .............|$1,231,900 |  $24,700 | $300,600 |     $469,900 |  $56,700 | $360,500 |  $19,500
As a percent of gross national product ..|       5.1 |      5.9 |      4.3 |          5.4 |      4.4 |      5.6 |      5.8

\1\ Enrollment and teacher data exclude the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Expenditure data exclude Albania, Cambodia, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Lebanon, Mongolia, Mozambique, South Africa, and Viet Nam.
\2\Excludes Rodrigues and other small islands.
\3\Excludes the former U.S.S.R., the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and Arab states, but includes both the Asian and the European portions of Turkey.
\4\Includes the former U.S.S.R.
\5\Northern America includes Bermuda, Canada, Greenland, St. Pierre, Miquelon and the United States of America. Hawaii is included in Northern America rather than Oceania. Central and South America includes the rest of America.
\6\Includes American Samoa, Australia, Guam and New Zealand.
\7\Estimate of midyear population.
\8\Excludes special and adult education provided outside regular schools. Data prior to 1991 exclude preprimary.
\9\Includes general, teacher training and vocational education.
\10\Includes universities and other institutions of higher education.
\11\This figure is for Europe, not including the former U.S.S.R. For the former U.S.S.R., public expenditure on education as a percentage of GNP is as follows: 7.3 for 1980 and 8.2 for 1991.

SOURCE: United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, Paris, Statistical Yearbook, various years. (This table was prepared April 1995.)

1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest