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Digest of Education Statistics
1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 238.Associate degrees conferred by institutions of higher education, by sex and field of study: 1986-87 to 1990-91

                                                 |                   Total                    |                   Women
                 Field of study                  |____________________________________________|____________________________________________
                                                 |1986-87 |1987-88 |1988-89 |1989-90 |1990-91 |1986-87 |1987-88 |1988-89 |1989-90 |1990-91
                        1                        |   2    |   3    |   4    |   5    |   6    |   7    |   8    |   9    |   10   |   11
     Total ......................................|436,304 |435,085 |436,764 |455,102 |481,720 |245,465 |245,038 |250,448 |263,907 |283,086
Agriculture and natural resources, total ........|  5,460 |  5,029 |  4,725 |  4,832 |  4,910 |  1,768 |  1,658 |  1,655 |  1,600 |  1,588
   Agricultural business and production .........|  3,655 |  3,003 |  2,884 |  2,894 |  2,905 |  1,182 |    960 |    969 |    930 |    962
   Agricultural sciences ........................|    808 |  1,015 |    963 |    925 |    879 |    436 |    543 |    543 |    507 |    444
   Conservation and renewable natural resources .|    997 |  1,011 |    878 |  1,013 |  1,126 |    150 |    155 |    143 |    163 |    182
Architecture and related programs ...............|  1,666 |  1,809 |  1,815 |  2,013 |  2,031 |  1,436 |  1,591 |  1,559 |  1,745 |  1,741
Area, ethnic, and cultural studies ..............|     14 |     18 |     16 |     68 |     19 |      8 |     14 |      8 |     56 |     13
Biological/life sciences ........................|    893 |    854 |    982 |  1,023 |  1,119 |    495 |    506 |    568 |    593 |    667
Business management and administrative services .|114,501 |110,064 |106,819 |106,405 |102,250 | 77,999 | 75,412 | 73,706 | 73,992 | 71,619
   Accounting ...................................| 14,569 | 14,221 | 14,266 | 14,858 | 14,577 | 10,760 | 10,615 | 10,690 | 11,275 | 11,111
   Business, general ............................| 12,357 | 12,458 | 11,929 | 11,878 | 11,618 |  7,474 |  7,295 |  6,940 |  7,095 |  7,188
   Business administration and management .......| 24,856 | 26,791 | 27,252 | 28,292 | 26,625 | 14,029 | 15,392 | 15,782 | 16,753 | 15,863
   Business and management, other ...............| 12,002 | 11,936 | 11,162 | 11,691 | 11,663 |  6,391 |  6,399 |  6,130 |  6,480 |  6,655
   Business data processing .....................| 13,446 | 10,544 |  9,831 |  8,532 |  8,182 |  7,396 |  5,861 |  5,501 |  4,733 |  4,775
   Secretarial and related programs .............| 20,365 | 19,059 | 18,041 | 17,139 | 16,872 | 20,037 | 18,732 | 17,660 | 16,827 | 16,517
   Marketing and distribution ...................| 16,906 | 15,055 | 14,338 | 14,015 | 12,713 | 11,912 | 11,118 | 11,003 | 10,829 |  9,510
Communications ..................................|  1,591 |  1,919 |  1,777 |  1,657 |  1,847 |    695 |    915 |    955 |    910 |    966
Communications technologies .....................|  1,944 |  1,507 |  1,993 |  2,027 |  2,032 |    779 |    592 |    681 |    678 |    681
Computer and information sciences ...............|  9,101 |  8,628 |  7,900 |  7,574 |  7,677 |  4,310 |  4,154 |  3,908 |  3,768 |  3,770
Construction trades .............................|  2,082 |  2,020 |  1,731 |  1,765 |  1,793 |     75 |     64 |     75 |     68 |     78
Consumer and personal services ..................|  2,165 |  2,542 |  2,815 |  2,121 |  2,494 |    820 |    985 |  1,028 |    843 |    887
Education .......................................|  7,333 |  7,219 |  7,445 |  8,061 |  7,842 |  5,220 |  4,904 |  5,285 |  5,731 |  5,640
Engineering .....................................|  4,539 |  3,850 |  2,676 |  2,345 |  2,451 |    478 |    413 |    310 |    279 |    268
Engineering-related technologies ................| 43,189 | 44,019 | 42,593 | 40,033 | 37,890 |  4,078 |  4,265 |  4,237 |  4,006 |  3,724
English language and literature/letters .........|    507 |    484 |    468 |    527 |    426 |    348 |    321 |    330 |    358 |    302
Foreign languages and literatures ...............|    424 |    418 |    324 |    329 |    327 |    192 |    193 |    214 |    251 |    210
Health professions and related sciences .........| 62,532 | 59,692 | 59,535 | 64,113 | 70,833 | 55,322 | 52,759 | 52,495 | 56,125 | 61,495
   Dental assisting .............................|  4,018 |  3,675 |  3,650 |  3,697 |  3,810 |  3,703 |  3,425 |  3,427 |  3,502 |  3,612
   Emergency medical technician-ambulance and    |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |        |
      paramedic .................................|    370 |    356 |    354 |    332 |    371 |    107 |    110 |     99 |    100 |    116
   Medical lab technician .......................|  2,205 |  1,839 |  1,724 |  1,627 |  1,731 |  1,793 |  1,436 |  1,339 |  1,284 |  1,311
   Medical assisting ............................|  1,862 |  1,701 |  1,786 |  1,404 |  1,496 |  1,828 |  1,659 |  1,695 |  1,375 |  1,451
   Nursing assisting ............................|     24 |      8 |     12 |      0 |      5 |     14 |      6 |     11 |      0 |      4
   Practical nursing ............................|    603 |    561 |    591 |    589 |    797 |    567 |    522 |    539 |    535 |    692
   Nursing, R.N. and other ......................| 38,198 | 36,945 | 36,475 | 40,212 | 45,317 | 35,538 | 34,338 | 33,904 | 36,915 | 41,261
   Health sciences, other .......................| 15,252 | 14,607 | 14,943 | 16,252 | 17,306 | 11,772 | 11,263 | 11,481 | 12,414 | 13,048
Home economics and vocational home economics ....|  7,309 |  7,043 |  7,559 |  7,798 |  8,067 |  5,572 |  5,369 |  5,745 |  6,080 |  6,243
Law and legal studies ...........................|  2,498 |  3,139 |  3,742 |  4,552 |  5,484 |  2,211 |  2,770 |  3,271 |  3,967 |  4,892
Liberal/general studies and humanities ..........|111,218 |116,411 |121,988 |133,466 |142,722 | 63,773 | 67,172 | 71,588 | 78,768 | 84,977
Library science .................................|    117 |     67 |    101 |    107 |    111 |     98 |     61 |     90 |     95 |    102
Mathematics .....................................|    667 |    765 |    654 |    756 |    670 |    248 |    295 |    239 |    270 |    264
Mechanics and repairers .........................| 10,806 | 10,473 |  7,769 |  7,704 |  7,640 |    584 |    588 |    427 |    431 |    445
Multi/interdisciplinary studies .................|  6,676 |  7,477 |  7,737 |  8,176 |  7,454 |  3,220 |  3,719 |  3,888 |  4,156 |  3,998
Parks, recreation, leisure, and fitness studies .|    573 |    647 |    641 |    485 |    425 |    289 |    350 |    329 |    200 |    177
Philosophy and religion .........................|    100 |     94 |     81 |     93 |     89 |     36 |     30 |     23 |     34 |     28
Physical sciences ...............................|  2,012 |  1,856 |  1,838 |  2,021 |  2,091 |    799 |    774 |    806 |    811 |    901
   Physical sciences, other .....................|  1,156 |  1,176 |  1,090 |  1,279 |  1,281 |    448 |    480 |    487 |    539 |    562
   Science technologies .........................|    856 |    680 |    748 |    742 |    810 |    351 |    294 |    319 |    272 |    339
Precision production trades .....................|  7,981 |  7,734 |  7,414 |  8,616 |  9,093 |  1,683 |  1,720 |  1,584 |  1,898 |  1,975
Protective services .............................| 11,909 | 11,829 | 11,682 | 12,855 | 13,564 |  3,199 |  3,157 |  3,292 |  3,402 |  3,599
   Criminal justice and corrections .............| 10,012 |  9,901 |  9,663 | 10,658 | 11,358 |  3,006 |  2,949 |  3,079 |  3,137 |  3,367
   Fire control and safety ......................|  1,449 |  1,397 |  1,493 |  1,621 |  1,634 |     59 |     53 |     78 |     91 |     92
   Protective services, other ...................|    448 |    531 |    526 |    576 |    572 |    134 |    155 |    135 |    174 |    140
Psychology ......................................|  1,016 |  1,000 |  1,090 |  1,115 |    997 |    722 |    701 |    811 |    829 |    740
Public administration and services ..............|  2,257 |  2,317 |  2,493 |  2,613 |  2,779 |  1,783 |  1,823 |  1,959 |  2,076 |  2,243
R.O.T.C. and military technologies ..............|     50 |    138 |    164 |    129 |     85 |      2 |     20 |     31 |     15 |      8
Social sciences and history .....................|  2,582 |  2,709 |  2,741 |  2,872 |  2,505 |  1,489 |  1,556 |  1,544 |  1,611 |  1,494
Theological studies/religious vocations .........|    595 |    627 |    568 |    653 |    578 |    240 |    239 |    248 |    264 |    243
Transportation and material moving ..............|  1,294 |  1,327 |  2,090 |  2,619 |  2,609 |    223 |    202 |    340 |    395 |    469
Visual and performing arts ......................|  8,703 |  8,998 |  8,178 |  8,740 |  9,126 |  5,271 |  5,495 |  4,952 |  5,327 |  5,362
   Fine arts, general ...........................|  1,012 |  1,123 |  1,091 |  1,150 |  1,166 |    652 |    742 |    719 |    729 |    766
   Design and music .............................|  4,497 |  5,677 |  5,340 |  5,900 |  5,986 |  2,611 |  3,510 |  3,218 |  3,588 |  3,499
   Visual and performing arts, other ............|  3,194 |  2,198 |  1,747 |  1,690 |  1,974 |  2,008 |  1,243 |  1,015 |  1,010 |  1,097
Not classified by field of study ................|      0 |    362 |  4,620 |  4,839 | 19,690 |      0 |    251 |  2,267 |  2,275 | 11,277

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, "Degrees and Other Formal Awards Conferred" survey and Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Completions" surveys. (This table was prepared February 1995.)

1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest