Table 217. | Full-time and part-time senior instructional faculty\1\ in institutions of higher education, by employment status, control, and type of institution: Fall 1970 to fall 1991 [In thousands] |
______________________________________________________________________ | | Employment status | Control | Type Year | Total |___________________|_______________|_______________ | | Full- | Part- |Public |Private|4-year |2-year | | time | time | | | | __________|_______|_________|_________|_______|_______|_______|_______ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 __________|_______|_________|_________|_______|_______|_______|_______ 1970 .....| 474 | 369 | 104 | 314 | 160 | 382 | 92 1971\2\ ..| 492 | 379 | 113 | 333 | 159 | 387 | 105 1972 .....| 500 | 380 | 120 | 343 | 157 | 384 | 116 1973\2\ ..| 527 | 389 | 138 | 365 | 162 | 401 | 126 1974\2\ ..| 567 | 406 | 161 | 397 | 170 | 427 | 140 | | | | | | | 1975\2\ ..| 628 | 440 | 188 | 443 | 185 | 467 | 161 1976 .....| 633 | 434 | 199 | 449 | 184 | 467 | 166 1977 .....| 678 | 448 | 230 | 492 | 186 | 485 | 193 1979\2\ ..| 675 | 445 | 230 | 488 | 187 | 494 | 182 1980\2\ ..| 686 | 450 | 236 | 495 | 191 | 494 | 192 | | | | | | | 1981 .....| 705 | 461 | 244 | 509 | 196 | 493 | 212 1982\2\ ..| 710 | 462 | 248 | 506 | 204 | 493 | 217 1983 .....| 724 | 471 | 254 | 512 | 212 | 504 | 220 1984\2\ ..| 717 | 462 | 255 | 505 | 212 | 504 | 213 1985\2\ ..| 715 | 459 | 256 | 503 | 212 | 504 | 211 | | | | | | | 1986\2\ ..| 722 | 459 | 263 | 510 | 212 | 506 | 216 1987\3\ ..| 793 | 523 | 270 | 553 | 240 | 548 | 246 1989\3\ ..| 824 | 524 | 300 | 577 | 247 | 584 | 241 1991\3\ ..| 826 | 536 | 291 | 581 | 245 | 591 | 235 __________|_______|_________|_________|_______|_______|_______|_______ |
\1\Includes faculty members with the title of professor, associate
professor, assistant professor, instructor, lecturer, assisting
professor, adjunct professor, or interim professor (or the
equivalent). Excluded are graduate students with titles such as
graduate or teaching fellow who assist senior faculty. NOTE.--Data exclude faculty employed by system offices. Some data have been revised from previously published figures. For methodological details on estimates and projections, see Projections of Education Statistics to 2000. Because of rounding, details may not add to totals. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Employees in Institutions of Higher Education, various years; Projections of Education Statistics to 2000; Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Staff" survey; and U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Higher Education Staff Information Report File, 1977, 1981, and 1983. (This table was prepared April 1994.) |