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Digest of Education Statistics
1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 55.Enrollment in grades 9 to 12 in public and private schools comparedwith population 14 to 17 years of age: 1889-90 to fall 1993
[Numbers in thousands]

                 |  Enrollment, grades 9 to 12\1\   |           |Enrollment as
                 |__________________________________|Population | a percent of
      Year       |          |          |            | 14 to 17  |  population
                 |   All    |  Public  | Private    | years of  |14 to 17 years
                 | schools  | schools  | schools\2\ |  age\3\   |  of age\4\
        1        |    2     |    3     |    4       |     5     |      6
1889-90 .........|      298 |      203 |         95 |     5,355 |          5.6
1899-1900 .......|      630 |      519 |        111 |     6,152 |         10.2
1909-10 .........|    1,032 |      915 |        117 |     7,220 |         14.3
1919-20 .........|    2,414 |    2,200 |        214 |     7,736 |         31.2
1929-30 .........|    4,741 |    4,399 |\5\     341 |     9,341 |         50.7
                 |          |          |            |           |
1939-40 .........|    7,059 |    6,601 |\6\     458 |     9,720 |         72.6
1949-50 .........|    6,397 |    5,725 |        672 |     8,405 |         76.1
1951-52 .........|    6,538 |    5,882 |        656 |     8,516 |         76.8
1953-54 .........|    7,038 |    6,290 |        747 |     8,861 |         79.4
1955-56 .........|    7,696 |    6,873 |        823 |     9,207 |         83.6
                 |          |          |            |           |
1957-58 .........|    8,790 |    7,860 |        931 |    10,139 |         86.7
Fall 1959 .......|    9,306 |    8,271 |      1,035 |    11,155 |         83.4
Fall 1961 .......|   10,489 |    9,369 |      1,120 |    12,046 |         87.1
Fall 1963 .......|   12,170 |   10,883 |      1,287 |    13,492 |         90.2
Fall 1965 .......|   13,010 |   11,610 |      1,400 |    14,146 |         92.0
                 |          |          |            |           |
Fall 1966 .......|   13,294 |   11,894 |      1,400 |    14,398 |         92.3
Fall 1967 .......|   13,650 |   12,250 |      1,400 |    14,727 |         92.7
Fall 1968 .......|   14,118 |   12,718 |      1,400 |    15,170 |         93.1
Fall 1969 .......|   14,337 |   13,037 |      1,300 |    15,549 |         92.2
Fall 1970 .......|   14,647 |   13,336 |      1,311 |    15,921 |         92.0
                 |          |          |            |           |
Fall 1971 .......|   15,053 |   13,753 |\7\   1,300 |    16,326 |         92.2
Fall 1972 .......|   15,148 |   13,848 |\7\   1,300 |    16,637 |         91.0
Fall 1973 .......|   15,344 |   14,044 |\7\   1,300 |    16,864 |         91.0
Fall 1974 .......|   15,403 |   14,103 |\7\   1,300 |    17,033 |         90.4
Fall 1975 .......|   15,604 |   14,304 |\7\   1,300 |    17,125 |         91.1
                 |          |          |            |           |
Fall 1976 .......|   15,656 |   14,314 |      1,342 |    17,117 |         91.5
Fall 1977 .......|   15,546 |   14,203 |      1,343 |    17,042 |         91.2
Fall 1978 .......|   15,441 |   14,088 |      1,353 |    16,944 |         91.1
Fall 1979 .......|   14,916 |   13,616 |\7\   1,300 |    16,610 |         89.8
Fall 1980 .......|   14,570 |   13,231 |      1,339 |    16,143 |         90.3
                 |          |          |            |           |
Fall 1981 .......|   14,164 |   12,764 |\7\   1,400 |    15,609 |         90.7
Fall 1982 .......|   13,805 |   12,405 |\7\   1,400 |    15,057 |         91.7
Fall 1983 .......|   13,671 |   12,271 |\7\   1,400 |    14,740 |         92.7
Fall 1984 .......|   13,704 |   12,304 |\7\   1,400 |    14,725 |         93.1
Fall 1985 .......|   13,750 |   12,388 |      1,362 |    14,888 |         92.4
                 |          |          |            |           |
Fall 1986 .......|   13,669 |   12,333 |\7\   1,336 |    14,824 |         92.2
Fall 1987 .......|   13,323 |   12,076 |      1,247 |    14,502 |         91.9
Fall 1988 .......|   12,893 |   11,687 |\7\   1,206 |    14,023 |         91.9
Fall 1989 .......|   12,583 |   11,390 |\7\   1,193 |    13,536 |         93.0
Fall 1990 .......|   12,475 |   11,338 |      1,137 |    13,313 |         93.7
                 |          |          |            |           |
Fall 1991 .......|   12,666 |   11,541 |\7\   1,125 |    13,424 |         94.4
Fall 1992 .......|   12,898 |   11,735 |\7\   1,163 |    13,661 |         94.4
Fall 1993 .......|   13,152 |   11,961 |\7\   1,191 |    13,802 |         95.3

\1\Includes a relatively small number of secondary ungraded and postgraduate students.
\2\Data for most years are partly estimated.
\3\Data for 1890 through 1950 and for 1960 are from the decennial censuses of population. The other figures are Bureau of the Census estimates as of July 1 preceding the opening of the school year.
\4\Gross enrollment ratio based on school enrollment of all ages in grades 9 to 12 divided by the 14- to 17-year-old population. Differs from enrollment rates in other tables which are based on the enrollment of persons in the given age group only.
\5\Data are for 1927-28.
\6\Data are for 1940-41.

NOTE.--Includes enrollment in public schools that are a part of state and local school systems and also in most private schools, both religiously affiliated and nonsectarian. Excludes enrollment in subcollegiate departments of institutions of higher education, residential schools for exceptional children, and federal schools. Because of rounding, details may not add to totals. Some data have been revised from previously published figures.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Statistics of State School Systems; Statistics of Public Elementary and Secondary School Systems; Statistics of Nonpublic Elementary and Secondary Schools; Common Core of Data survey; and Projections of Education Statistics to 2005. (This table was prepared June 1995.)

1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest