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Digest of Education Statistics
1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 11.Educational attainment of persons 25 years old and over, by state: April 1990

                       | Number of  | Distribution of population, by highest level of education attained
                       | persons    |___________________________________________________________________
         State         |  25 years  | Less  | 9th to  |  High  |  Some   |Associate|Bachelor's|Graduate
                       |  old and   | than  |  12th   | school |college, | degree  |  degree  | or pro-
                       |    over    |  9th  |grade, no|graduate|no degree|         |          |fessional
                       |            | grade | diploma |        |         |         |          | degree
           1           |     2      |   3   |    4    |   5    |    6    |    7    |    8     |    9
   United States ......|158,868,436 |  10.4 |    14.4 |   30.0 |    18.7 |     6.2 |     13.1 |     7.2
Alabama ...............|  2,545,969 |  13.7 |    19.4 |   29.4 |    16.8 |     5.0 |     10.1 |     5.5
Alaska ................|    323,429 |   5.1 |     8.2 |   28.7 |    27.6 |     7.2 |     15.0 |     8.0
Arizona ...............|  2,301,177 |   9.0 |    12.3 |   26.1 |    25.4 |     6.8 |     13.3 |     7.0
Arkansas ..............|  1,496,150 |  15.2 |    18.4 |   32.7 |    16.6 |     3.7 |      8.9 |     4.5
California ............| 18,695,499 |  11.2 |    12.6 |   22.3 |    22.6 |     7.9 |     15.3 |     8.1
                       |            |       |         |        |         |         |          |
Colorado ..............|  2,107,072 |   5.6 |    10.0 |   26.5 |    24.0 |     6.9 |     18.0 |     9.0
Connecticut ...........|  2,198,963 |   8.4 |    12.4 |   29.5 |    15.9 |     6.6 |     16.2 |    11.0
Delaware ..............|    428,499 |   7.2 |    15.3 |   32.7 |    16.9 |     6.5 |     13.7 |     7.7
District of Columbia ..|    409,131 |   9.6 |    17.3 |   21.2 |    15.6 |     3.1 |     16.1 |    17.2
Florida ...............|  8,887,168 |   9.5 |    16.1 |   30.1 |    19.4 |     6.6 |     12.0 |     6.3
                       |            |       |         |        |         |         |          |
Georgia ...............|  4,023,420 |  12.0 |    17.1 |   29.6 |    17.0 |     5.0 |     12.9 |     6.4
Hawaii ................|    709,820 |  10.1 |     9.8 |   28.7 |    20.1 |     8.3 |     15.8 |     7.1
Idaho .................|    601,292 |   7.4 |    12.9 |   30.4 |    24.2 |     7.5 |     12.4 |     5.3
Illinois ..............|  7,293,930 |  10.3 |    13.5 |   30.0 |    19.4 |     5.8 |     13.6 |     7.5
Indiana................|  3,489,470 |   8.5 |    15.8 |   38.2 |    16.6 |     5.3 |      9.2 |     6.4
                       |            |       |         |        |         |         |          |
Iowa ..................|  1,776,798 |   9.2 |    10.7 |   38.5 |    17.0 |     7.7 |     11.7 |     5.2
Kansas ................|  1,565,936 |   7.7 |    11.0 |   32.8 |    21.9 |     5.4 |     14.1 |     7.0
Kentucky ..............|  2,333,833 |  19.0 |    16.4 |   31.8 |    15.2 |     4.1 |      8.1 |     5.5
Louisiana .............|  2,536,994 |  14.7 |    17.0 |   31.7 |    17.2 |     3.3 |     10.5 |     5.6
Maine .................|    795,613 |   8.8 |    12.4 |   37.1 |    16.1 |     6.9 |     12.7 |     6.1
                       |            |       |         |        |         |         |          |
Maryland ..............|  3,122,665 |   7.9 |    13.7 |   28.1 |    18.6 |     5.2 |     15.6 |    10.9
Massachusetts .........|  3,962,223 |   8.0 |    12.0 |   29.7 |    15.8 |     7.2 |     16.6 |    10.6
Michigan ..............|  5,842,642 |   7.8 |    15.5 |   32.3 |    20.4 |     6.7 |     10.9 |     6.4
Minnesota .............|  2,770,562 |   8.6 |     9.0 |   33.0 |    19.0 |     8.6 |     15.6 |     6.3
Mississippi ...........|  1,538,997 |  15.6 |    20.1 |   27.5 |    16.9 |     5.2 |      9.7 |     5.1
                       |            |       |         |        |         |         |          |
Missouri...............|  3,291,579 |  11.6 |    14.5 |   33.1 |    18.4 |     4.5 |     11.7 |     6.1
Montana ...............|    507,851 |   8.1 |    10.9 |   33.5 |    22.1 |     5.6 |     14.1 |     5.7
Nebraska ..............|    996,049 |   8.0 |    10.2 |   34.7 |    21.1 |     7.1 |     13.1 |     5.9
Nevada ................|    789,638 |   6.0 |    15.2 |   31.5 |    25.8 |     6.2 |     10.1 |     5.2
New Hampshire .........|    713,894 |   6.7 |    11.2 |   31.7 |    18.0 |     8.1 |     16.4 |     7.9
                       |            |       |         |        |         |         |          |
New Jersey ............|  5,166,233 |   9.4 |    13.9 |   31.1 |    15.5 |     5.2 |     16.0 |     8.8
New Mexico ............|    922,590 |  11.4 |    13.5 |   28.7 |    20.9 |     5.0 |     12.1 |     8.3
New York ..............| 11,818,569 |  10.2 |    15.0 |   29.5 |    15.7 |     6.5 |     13.2 |     9.9
North Carolina ........|  4,253,494 |  12.7 |    17.3 |   29.0 |    16.8 |     6.8 |     12.0 |     5.4
North Dakota ..........|    396,550 |  15.0 |     8.3 |   28.0 |    20.5 |    10.0 |     13.5 |     4.5
                       |            |       |         |        |         |         |          |
Ohio ..................|  6,924,764 |   7.9 |    16.4 |   36.3 |    17.0 |     5.3 |     11.1 |     5.9
Oklahoma ..............|  1,995,424 |   9.8 |    15.6 |   30.5 |    21.3 |     5.0 |     11.8 |     6.0
Oregon ................|  1,855,369 |   6.2 |    12.3 |   28.9 |    25.0 |     6.9 |     13.6 |     7.0
Pennsylvania ..........|  7,872,932 |   9.4 |    15.9 |   38.6 |    12.9 |     5.2 |     11.3 |     6.6
Rhode Island ..........|    658,956 |  11.1 |    16.9 |   29.5 |    15.0 |     6.3 |     13.5 |     7.8
                       |            |       |         |        |         |         |          |
South Carolina ........|  2,167,590 |  13.6 |    18.1 |   29.5 |    15.8 |     6.3 |     11.2 |     5.4
South Dakota ..........|    430,500 |  13.4 |     9.5 |   33.7 |    18.8 |     7.4 |     12.3 |     4.9
Tennessee .............|  3,139,066 |  16.0 |    17.0 |   30.0 |    16.9 |     4.2 |     10.5 |     5.4
Texas .................| 10,310,605 |  13.5 |    14.4 |   25.6 |    21.1 |     5.2 |     13.9 |     6.5
Utah ..................|    897,321 |   3.4 |    11.5 |   27.2 |    27.9 |     7.8 |     15.4 |     6.8
                       |            |       |         |        |         |         |          |
Vermont ...............|    357,245 |   8.7 |    10.6 |   34.6 |    14.7 |     7.2 |     15.4 |     8.9
Virginia ..............|  3,974,814 |  11.2 |    13.7 |   26.6 |    18.5 |     5.5 |     15.4 |     9.1
Washington ............|  3,126,390 |   5.5 |    10.7 |   27.9 |    25.0 |     7.9 |     15.9 |     7.0
West Virginia..........|  1,171,766 |  16.8 |    17.3 |   36.6 |    13.2 |     3.8 |      7.5 |     4.8
Wisconsin .............|  3,094,226 |   9.5 |    11.9 |   37.1 |    16.7 |     7.1 |     12.1 |     5.6
Wyoming ...............|    277,769 |   5.7 |    11.2 |   33.2 |    24.2 |     6.9 |     13.1 |     5.7

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Decennial Census, Minority Economic Profiles, unpublished data. (This table was prepared June 1993.)

1995 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest