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2023 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 330.40.Average total cost of attendance for first-time, full-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control and level of institution, living arrangement, and component of student costs: Selected academic years, 2010-11 through 2022-23
Level of institution, living arrangement, and component of student costs 2010-11 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
All insti-
Public, in-
Private All insti-
Public, in-
Private All insti-
Public, in-
Private All insti-
Public, in-
Private All insti-
Public, in-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Current dollars
4-year institutions
Average total cost, by living arrangement
  On campus1 $27,589 $20,035 $39,676 $31,897 $34,830 $25,145 $53,457 $33,349 $35,668 $25,377 $54,615 $32,759 $37,162 $26,402 $56,811 $33,223 $38,270 $27,146 $58,628 $33,574
  Off campus, living with family  20,084 12,554 31,689 22,268 24,186 14,726 42,415 23,443 25,088 15,240 43,157 23,497 25,862 15,449 44,842 23,530 26,527 15,708 46,280 23,885
  Off campus, not living with family  29,142 21,324 40,033 31,000 34,534 25,242 53,308 31,778 35,822 26,174 54,195 32,047 36,760 26,678 55,670 32,701 38,197 27,756 57,519 34,071
  Component of student costs 

    Tuition and required fees  14,596 7,163 26,637 15,191 18,595 9,102 36,927 17,853 19,391 9,363 37,929 17,898 20,168 9,677 39,404 17,949 20,727 9,834 40,713 18,241
    Books and supplies  1,223 1,196 1,221 1,522 1,276 1,296 1,250 1,063 1,216 1,216 1,227 1,035 1,212 1,218 1,215 1,009 1,212 1,220 1,215 990
    Room, board, and other expenses 
      On campus 
        Room and board1 8,912 8,497 9,455 9,304 11,780 11,291 12,543 9,363 11,799 11,234 12,664 8,659 12,492 11,881 13,403 9,121 12,917 12,302 13,842 9,151
        Other1,2 2,858 3,179 2,363 5,879 3,180 3,457 2,738 5,069 3,262 3,563 2,795 5,167 3,290 3,626 2,789 5,143 3,413 3,790 2,858 5,192
      Off campus, living with family
        Other2 4,265 4,195 3,832 5,554 4,315 4,328 4,239 4,527 4,481 4,661 4,001 4,564 4,481 4,553 4,224 4,572 4,588 4,654 4,352 4,654
      Off campus, not living with family
        Room and board  8,802 8,942 8,202 8,866 10,227 10,580 10,019 8,368 10,743 11,093 10,706 8,593 10,784 11,219 10,435 9,005 11,464 11,983 10,876 9,564
        Other2 4,521 4,022 3,974 5,421 4,437 4,264 5,112 4,493 4,471 4,501 4,333 4,520 4,596 4,563 4,616 4,738 4,794 4,720 4,715 5,276

2-year institutions

Average total cost, by living arrangement
  On campus1 13,777 12,336 25,763 29,179 16,265 15,674 33,992 27,076 16,489 15,843 32,316 26,816 16,976 16,196 34,752 27,713 17,439 16,641 36,026 26,640
  Off campus, living with family  8,964 7,843 18,931 19,350 9,983 9,589 24,570 21,114 10,252 9,774 23,406 20,889 10,406 9,872 24,533 21,758 10,748 10,199 25,200 22,208
  Off campus, not living with family  16,389 15,153 27,458 27,366 19,542 19,162 34,129 30,250 20,126 19,690 32,554 30,198 20,503 20,000 34,126 31,469 21,430 20,910 36,426 32,352
  Component of student costs

    Tuition and required fees  3,850 2,748 13,832 13,954 4,196 3,799 18,656 15,510 4,422 3,941 17,507 15,269 4,502 3,963 18,515 16,058 4,584 4,027 19,517 16,301
    Books and supplies  1,302 1,295 1,153 1,407 1,545 1,552 1,007 1,427 1,471 1,479 941 1,368 1,434 1,439 1,009 1,418 1,463 1,467 930 1,501
    Room, board, and other expenses
      On campus 
        Room and board1 5,654 5,351 7,806 9,961 7,240 6,989 11,893 9,220 7,142 6,917 11,279 9,260 7,500 7,204 12,452 9,320 7,717 7,420 12,732 7,920
        Other1,2 2,971 2,941 2,973 3,857 3,284 3,335 2,437 919 3,454 3,506 2,589 919 3,541 3,589 2,776 918 3,675 3,728 2,847 918
      Off campus, living with family
        Other2 3,812 3,799 3,947 3,989 4,242 4,239 4,907 4,177 4,360 4,355 4,959 4,252 4,471 4,470 5,009 4,283 4,701 4,705 4,753 4,406
      Off campus, not living with family
        Room and board  7,478 7,412 7,999 7,889 9,478 9,519 9,904 8,262 9,851 9,920 9,581 8,614 10,078 10,145 9,590 9,002 10,667 10,738 10,397 9,434
        Other2 3,759 3,698 4,475 4,117 4,323 4,292 4,562 5,051 4,382 4,351 4,525 4,947 4,490 4,453 5,012 4,991 4,716 4,678 5,582 5,116
Constant 2022-23 dollars3
4-year institutions
Average total cost, by living arrangement
  On campus1 $37,397 $27,158 $53,781 $43,236 $40,579 $29,296 $62,280 $38,853 $40,619 $28,900 $62,197 $37,308 $39,489 $28,055 $60,368 $35,303 $38,270 $27,146 $58,628 $33,574
  Off campus, living with family  27,224 17,017 42,955 30,184 28,178 17,157 49,416 27,312 28,571 17,356 49,148 26,759 27,481 16,416 47,650 25,003 26,527 15,708 46,280 23,885
  Off campus, not living with family  39,503 28,904 54,264 42,020 40,234 29,408 62,106 37,023 40,795 29,807 61,719 36,496 39,062 28,348 59,156 34,749 38,197 27,756 57,519 34,071
Tuition and required fees 19,785 9,710 36,106 20,592 21,664 10,604 43,021 20,800 22,083 10,663 43,194 20,383 21,431 10,283 41,871 19,073 20,727 9,834 40,713 18,241

2-year institutions

Average total cost, by living arrangement
  On campus1 18,674 16,721 34,921 39,552 18,949 18,262 39,603 31,545 18,778 18,042 36,802 30,539 18,039 17,210 36,928 29,449 17,439 16,641 36,026 26,640
  Off campus, living with family  12,150 10,631 25,661 26,229 11,631 11,172 28,625 24,599 11,676 11,131 26,656 23,789 11,058 10,490 26,069 23,120 10,748 10,199 25,200 22,208
  Off campus, not living with family  22,215 20,540 37,220 37,095 22,767 22,325 39,762 35,242 22,920 22,423 37,074 34,391 21,787 21,252 36,263 33,439 21,430 20,910 36,426 32,352
Tuition and required fees 5,219 3,725 18,749 18,915 4,889 4,426 21,735 18,070 5,036 4,488 19,937 17,388 4,783 4,211 19,675 17,063 4,584 4,027 19,517 16,301
1Not all institutions offer on-campus accommodations. On-campus estimates include weighted averages of room and board and other costs only for institutions that report these costs.
2The amount of money (estimated by the financial aid office) needed by a student to cover expenses such as laundry, transportation, entertainment, and furnishings for the academic year as defined by the institution. These other expenses may also include loan fees, dependent care, study abroad, and disability expenses. For students living off-campus with family, other expenses may include room and board.
3Constant dollars based on the Consumer Price Index, prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, adjusted to an academic-year basis.
NOTE: Data in this table represent the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Data are for degree-granting institutions and U.S. service academies. Degree-granting institutions grant associate's or higher degrees and participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. Institutions with academic calendars that differ by program or allow continuous enrollment are not included in this table. Excludes students who previously attended another postsecondary institution or who began their studies on a part-time basis. Tuition and fees at public institutions are the lower of either in-district or in-state tuition and fees. Data illustrating the average total cost of attendance for all students are weighted by the number of first-time, full-time students at the institution awarded Title IV aid. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. Some data have been revised from previously published figures.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Student Financial Aid component, Spring 2011 and Winter 2019-20 through Winter 2021-22 (final data), and Winter 2022-23 (provisional data); and Institutional Characteristics component, Fall 2010 through Fall 2022. (This table was prepared October 2023.)

2023 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest