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2023 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 329.10.On-campus crimes, arrests, and referrals for disciplinary action at degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by location of incident, control and level of institution, and type of incident: Selected years, 2001 through 2021
Control and level of institution and type of incident Number of incidents
Total, in residence halls and at other locations 2021
2001 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total In resi-
dence halls
At other loca-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
All institutions
Selected crimes against persons and property 41,596 34,054 32,097 30,407 29,766 27,236 26,818 27,532 28,239 29,034 28,324 27,156 21,257 23,426 10,607 12,819
  Murder1  17 16 15 16 12 23 11 28 15 22 12 20 13 13 3 10
  Negligent manslaughter2 2 0 1 1 1 0 2 2 2 3 2 5 2 5 4 1
  Sex offenses--forcible3 2,201 2,544 2,927 3,375 4,015 4,977 6,751 8,022 8,908 10,481 12,249 11,708 9,392 10,364 7,018 3,346
    Rape  --- --- --- --- --- --- 4,431 5,119 5,840 6,583 6,682 6,187 5,164 5,839 4,716 1,123
    Fondling  --- --- --- --- --- --- 2,320 2,903 3,068 3,898 5,567 5,521 4,228 4,525 2,302 2,223
  Sex offenses--nonforcible4 461 65 33 46 46 45 53 63 60 82 61 74 74 39 20 19
  Robbery5 1,663 1,409 1,392 1,285 1,368 1,317 1,041 1,044 1,080 1,034 827 799 477 524 95 429
  Aggravated assault6 2,947 2,327 2,221 2,239 2,423 2,044 2,048 2,258 2,156 2,257 2,216 2,136 1,515 2,076 574 1,502
  Burglary7 26,904 23,083 21,335 19,472 18,183 15,232 13,419 12,320 11,918 11,098 9,504 8,910 6,857 6,453 2,679 3,774
  Motor vehicle theft8 6,221 3,977 3,441 3,334 3,013 2,971 2,890 3,218 3,506 3,448 3,045 3,053 2,482 3,522 63 3,459
  Arson9 1,180 633 732 639 705 627 603 577 594 609 408 451 445 430 151 279

Weapons-, drug-, and liquor-related arrests
   and referrals

  Arrests10  40,348 50,066 51,519 54,285 52,325 46,975 44,531 40,299 38,992 37,875 31,288 26,744 14,768 13,819 6,006 7,813
    Illegal weapons possession 1,073 1,077 1,112 1,023 1,023 1,018 990 1,183 1,198 1,241 1,171 1,137 802 972 221 751
    Drug law violations 11,854 15,871 18,589 20,729 21,212 19,799 19,172 19,431 19,226 19,837 17,794 13,761 8,017 6,463 2,335 4,128
    Liquor law violations 27,421 33,118 31,818 32,533 30,090 26,158 24,369 19,685 18,568 16,797 12,323 11,846 5,949 6,384 3,450 2,934
  Referrals for disciplinary action10  155,201 220,987 230,269 249,694 251,402 244,985 253,315 241,687 228,802 215,288 198,199 185,946 122,842 127,278 117,312 9,966
    Illegal weapons possession 1,277 1,275 1,314 1,282 1,404 1,410 1,425 1,425 1,402 1,290 1,217 1,058 584 890 639 251
    Drug law violations 23,900 36,344 42,022 51,562 53,959 53,439 56,575 56,037 55,373 57,602 53,060 45,906 27,023 23,715 20,082 3,633
    Liquor law violations 130,024 183,368 186,933 196,850 196,039 190,136 195,315 184,225 172,027 156,396 143,922 138,982 95,235 102,673 96,591 6,082

Public 4-year

Selected crimes against persons and property 18,710 15,975 15,503 14,675 14,510 13,127 13,346 13,592 14,165 14,950 15,264 15,396 13,200 13,543 5,699 7,844
  Murder1  9 8 9 10 7 10 3 13 8 13 11 12 12 8 2 6
  Negligent manslaughter2 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 2 3 1 4 2 3 2 1
  Sex offenses--forcible3 1,245 1,214 1,461 1,638 1,973 2,264 3,211 3,960 4,410 5,315 6,812 6,854 6,540 6,167 3,796 2,371
    Rape  --- --- --- --- --- --- 2,118 2,541 2,940 3,426 3,548 3,461 3,465 3,378 2,606 772
    Fondling  --- --- --- --- --- --- 1,093 1,419 1,470 1,889 3,264 3,393 3,075 2,789 1,190 1,599
  Sex offenses--nonforcible4 207 40 15 17 17 18 28 37 30 64 37 52 34 26 14 12
  Robbery5 584 647 662 612 657 635 550 580 589 522 455 466 259 288 69 219
  Aggravated assault6 1,434 1,134 1,076 1,076 1,200 1,000 1,016 1,144 1,153 1,150 1,223 1,217 891 1,168 347 821
  Burglary7 11,520 10,708 10,219 9,373 8,821 7,258 6,678 5,782 5,588 5,485 4,753 4,784 3,670 3,539 1,365 2,174
  Motor vehicle theft8 3,072 1,824 1,604 1,592 1,406 1,537 1,500 1,770 2,048 2,042 1,768 1,769 1,538 2,114 30 2,084
  Arson9 637 400 457 356 428 405 359 305 337 356 204 238 254 230 74 156

Weapons-, drug-, and liquor-related arrests
   and referrals

  Arrests10  31,077 40,780 41,992 44,891 43,155 38,073 36,249 32,717 31,601 30,393 24,503 20,881 11,578 11,399 4,938 6,461
    Illegal weapons possession 692 659 669 629 621 637 619 721 759 813 758 781 556 698 156 542
    Drug law violations 9,125 12,186 14,362 16,323 16,792 15,571 15,119 15,509 15,541 15,911 14,276 10,873 6,306 5,278 1,955 3,323
    Liquor law violations 21,260 27,935 26,961 27,939 25,742 21,865 20,511 16,487 15,301 13,669 9,469 9,227 4,716 5,423 2,827 2,596
  Referrals for disciplinary action10  79,152 108,756 116,029 129,667 132,363 127,155 134,310 127,315 118,658 111,724 101,962 96,433 64,604 66,181 60,190 5,991
    Illegal weapons possession 678 669 664 610 644 604 646 569 602 521 482 452 274 425 301 124
    Drug law violations 13,179 18,260 21,451 27,339 28,880 28,259 30,376 30,599 29,598 31,845 28,713 23,832 14,328 12,133 9,777 2,356
    Liquor law violations 65,295 89,827 93,914 101,718 102,839 98,292 103,288 96,147 88,458 79,358 72,767 72,149 50,002 53,623 50,112 3,511

Private nonprofit 4-year

Selected crimes against persons and property 14,844 11,964 11,202 10,740 10,790 10,290 9,995 10,460 11,013 11,012 10,598 9,341 6,487 8,141 4,531 3,610
  Murder1  5 6 5 3 2 5 5 2 4 6 1 7 1 3 0 3
  Negligent manslaughter2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
  Sex offenses--forcible3 820 1,102 1,225 1,431 1,741 2,379 3,105 3,510 3,956 4,518 4,845 4,166 2,644 3,890 3,074 816
    Rape  --- --- --- --- --- --- 2,152 2,366 2,700 2,894 2,904 2,496 1,610 2,313 2,004 309
    Fondling  --- --- --- --- --- --- 953 1,144 1,256 1,624 1,941 1,670 1,034 1,577 1,070 507
  Sex offenses--nonforcible4 113 11 8 13 10 12 7 15 11 9 18 6 9 8 5 3
  Robbery5 649 366 319 320 386 373 263 280 326 353 236 223 171 181 25 156
  Aggravated assault6 882 661 641 631 667 681 655 727 657 802 772 697 520 777 199 578
  Burglary7 10,471 8,810 8,138 7,421 7,046 5,999 5,020 4,894 5,018 4,282 3,741 3,196 2,338 2,106 1,137 969
  Motor vehicle theft8 1,471 834 641 704 711 667 754 821 831 842 830 883 661 1,034 20 1,014
  Arson9 433 174 225 217 227 174 186 210 210 200 154 162 143 142 71 71

Weapons-, drug-, and liquor-related arrests
   and referrals

  Arrests10  6,329 5,777 5,459 5,444 5,477 5,642 4,950 4,583 4,492 4,129 3,640 2,840 1,793 1,326 634 692
    Illegal weapons possession 167 148 137 129 127 131 129 168 194 189 198 179 129 154 52 102
    Drug law violations 1,628 2,080 2,248 2,425 2,415 2,503 2,258 2,237 2,195 2,238 2,003 1,572 1,017 635 266 369
    Liquor law violations 4,534 3,549 3,074 2,890 2,935 3,008 2,563 2,178 2,103 1,702 1,439 1,089 647 537 316 221
  Referrals for disciplinary action10  71,293 103,457 104,939 110,607 110,268 109,298 110,150 105,567 102,099 95,198 88,819 81,955 53,296 55,875 52,361 3,514
    Illegal weapons possession 443 358 393 417 498 535 481 569 571 535 560 453 231 371 288 83
    Drug law violations 9,688 15,845 17,841 21,240 22,168 22,116 23,000 22,180 22,743 22,567 21,434 19,204 11,214 10,277 9,234 1,043
    Liquor law violations 61,162 87,254 86,705 88,950 87,602 86,647 86,669 82,818 78,785 72,096 66,825 62,298 41,851 45,227 42,839 2,388

Private for-profit 4-year

Selected crimes against persons and property 505 525 561 446 364 511 442 295 240 284 269 283 227 279 109 170
  Murder1  0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1
  Negligent manslaughter2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  Sex offenses--forcible3 4 9 22 26 18 18 43 34 28 51 59 63 27 41 29 12
    Rape  --- --- --- --- --- --- 26 11 15 29 26 29 13 26 19 7
    Fondling  --- --- --- --- --- --- 17 23 13 22 33 34 14 15 10 5
  Sex offenses--nonforcible4 13 1 1 0 3 2 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
  Robbery5 64 86 70 74 51 86 52 24 14 21 13 16 7 9 0 9
  Aggravated assault6 23 43 51 36 43 58 33 27 32 22 20 25 12 25 3 22
  Burglary7 347 299 350 249 195 276 251 162 110 139 102 117 109 114 61 53
  Motor vehicle theft8 52 85 65 58 53 68 59 47 53 48 71 60 63 82 13 69
  Arson9 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 3 2 9 6 2 4

Weapons-, drug-, and liquor-related arrests
   and referrals

  Arrests10  11 54 165 152 126 74 117 102 109 121 151 377 207 66 21 45
    Illegal weapons possession 2 6 13 11 10 12 9 14 11 4 2 6 2 12 2 10
    Drug law violations 4 22 66 41 49 48 68 78 78 107 143 240 160 42 13 29
    Liquor law violations 5 26 86 100 67 14 40 10 20 10 6 131 45 12 6 6
  Referrals for disciplinary action10  316 882 760 718 668 1,161 935 804 655 977 753 957 816 1,042 976 66
    Illegal weapons possession 11 23 9 16 23 18 16 11 7 5 6 2 0 5 4 1
    Drug law violations 92 231 221 233 254 537 403 330 253 313 227 172 114 130 99 31
    Liquor law violations 213 628 530 469 391 606 516 463 395 659 520 783 702 907 873 34

Public 2-year

Selected crimes against persons and property 6,817 4,984 4,396 4,141 3,749 3,075 2,845 3,014 2,654 2,648 2,075 2,034 1,270 1,343 259 1,084
  Murder1  2 2 1 2 3 7 3 13 3 2 0 1 0 0 0 0
  Negligent manslaughter2 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0
  Sex offenses--forcible3 118 205 210 262 263 303 385 495 489 579 518 615 176 254 112 142
    Rape  --- --- --- --- --- --- 132 197 175 223 196 197 74 118 85 33
    Fondling  --- --- --- --- --- --- 253 298 314 356 322 418 102 136 27 109
  Sex offenses--nonforcible4 119 12 8 16 13 11 16 11 18 9 5 16 31 5 1 4
  Robbery5 245 251 298 262 244 197 148 149 138 126 118 83 35 28 1 27
  Aggravated assault6 545 431 409 406 437 278 305 335 281 257 184 173 86 90 24 66
  Burglary7 4,132 2,920 2,398 2,235 1,964 1,583 1,383 1,411 1,132 1,149 873 785 701 666 115 551
  Motor vehicle theft8 1,552 1,109 1,028 899 776 651 548 541 549 477 332 312 202 246 0 246
  Arson9 104 54 43 59 49 45 56 59 44 49 45 49 39 52 4 48

Weapons-, drug-, and liquor-related arrests
   and referrals

  Arrests10  2,660 3,335 3,811 3,723 3,464 3,060 3,121 2,840 2,701 3,161 2,940 2,599 1,174 1,013 410 603
    Illegal weapons possession 198 256 282 248 253 230 220 268 215 224 203 164 109 102 9 93
    Drug law violations 989 1,507 1,866 1,892 1,885 1,588 1,671 1,568 1,373 1,524 1,337 1,045 526 500 101 399
    Liquor law violations 1,473 1,572 1,663 1,583 1,326 1,242 1,230 1,004 1,113 1,413 1,400 1,390 539 411 300 111
  Referrals for disciplinary action10  3,529 7,241 8,017 8,174 7,586 6,845 7,240 7,292 6,870 6,818 6,242 6,392 3,953 4,002 3,620 382
    Illegal weapons possession 127 210 242 228 224 243 269 271 214 218 162 147 76 86 46 40
    Drug law violations 761 1,745 2,336 2,573 2,468 2,304 2,548 2,626 2,575 2,650 2,511 2,596 1,289 1,135 934 201
    Liquor law violations 2,641 5,286 5,439 5,373 4,894 4,298 4,423 4,395 4,081 3,950 3,569 3,649 2,588 2,781 2,640 141

Private nonprofit 2-year

Selected crimes against persons and property 248 147 120 148 107 66 64 53 56 60 35 28 31 17 7 10
  Murder1  1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  Negligent manslaughter2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  Sex offenses--forcible3 2 8 7 11 8 4 3 11 16 13 10 5 3 8 6 2
    Rape  --- --- --- --- --- --- 2 1 8 9 8 1 2 2 1 1
    Fondling  --- --- --- --- --- --- 1 10 8 4 2 4 1 6 5 1
  Sex offenses--nonforcible4 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  Robbery5 54 9 5 1 2 3 0 2 5 2 0 2 2 3 0 3
  Aggravated assault6 23 5 9 53 46 13 27 7 8 12 4 4 1 0 0 0
  Burglary7 142 120 95 74 47 41 29 27 24 20 12 10 20 4 1 3
  Motor vehicle theft8 23 4 2 7 4 3 5 4 2 12 8 7 5 2 0 2
  Arson9 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

Weapons-, drug-, and liquor-related arrests
   and referrals

  Arrests10  108 58 49 52 52 66 39 32 56 47 25 32 6 8 1 7
    Illegal weapons possession 1 4 6 5 5 5 5 9 12 9 5 5 2 4 1 3
    Drug law violations 21 35 18 34 31 49 28 20 21 37 15 20 3 4 0 4
    Liquor law violations 86 19 25 13 16 12 6 3 23 1 5 7 1 0 0 0
  Referrals for disciplinary action10  624 348 377 360 300 320 448 546 420 488 361 181 165 148 139 9
    Illegal weapons possession 2 7 4 1 6 7 11 2 3 7 4 2 2 1 0 1
    Drug law violations 91 100 105 109 103 129 155 214 163 185 138 89 74 29 28 1
    Liquor law violations 531 241 268 250 191 184 282 330 254 296 219 90 89 118 111 7

Private for-profit 2-year

Selected crimes against persons and property 472 459 315 257 246 167 126 118 111 80 83 74 42 103 2 101
  Murder1  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
  Negligent manslaughter2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  Sex offenses--forcible3 12 6 2 7 12 9 4 12 9 5 5 5 2 4 1 3
    Rape  --- --- --- --- --- --- 1 3 2 2 0 3 0 2 1 1
    Fondling  --- --- --- --- --- --- 3 9 7 3 5 2 2 2 0 2
  Sex offenses--nonforcible4 7 1 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  Robbery5 67 50 38 16 28 23 28 9 8 10 5 9 3 15 0 15
  Aggravated assault6 40 53 35 37 30 14 12 18 25 14 13 20 5 16 1 15
  Burglary7 292 226 135 120 110 75 58 44 46 23 23 18 19 24 0 24
  Motor vehicle theft8 51 121 101 74 63 45 24 35 23 27 36 22 13 44 0 44
  Arson9 3 2 3 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

Weapons-, drug-, and liquor-related arrests
   and referrals

  Arrests10  163 62 43 23 51 60 55 25 33 24 29 15 10 7 2 5
    Illegal weapons possession 13 4 5 1 7 3 8 3 7 2 5 2 4 2 1 1
    Drug law violations 87 41 29 14 40 40 28 19 18 20 20 11 5 4 0 4
    Liquor law violations 63 17 9 8 4 17 19 3 8 2 4 2 1 1 1 0
  Referrals for disciplinary action10  287 303 147 168 217 206 232 163 100 83 62 28 8 30 26 4
    Illegal weapons possession 16 8 2 10 9 3 2 3 5 4 3 2 1 2 0 2
    Drug law violations 89 163 68 68 86 94 93 88 41 42 37 13 4 11 10 1
    Liquor law violations 182 132 77 90 122 109 137 72 54 37 22 13 3 17 16 1
---Not available.
1Excludes suicides, fetal deaths, traffic fatalities, accidental deaths, and justifiable homicide (such as the killing of a felon by a law enforcement officer in the line of duty).
2Killing of another person through gross negligence (excludes traffic fatalities).
3Any sexual act directed against another person forcibly and/or against that person's will.
4Includes only statutory rape or incest.
5Taking or attempting to take anything of value using actual or threatened force or violence.
6Attack upon a person for the purpose of inflicting severe or aggravated bodily injury.
7Unlawful entry of a structure to commit a felony or theft.
8Theft or attempted theft of a motor vehicle.
9Willful or malicious burning or attempt to burn a dwelling house, public building, motor vehicle, or personal property of another.
10If an individual is both arrested and referred to college officials for disciplinary action for a single offense, only the arrest is counted.
NOTE: Data are for degree-granting institutions and U.S. service academies. Degree-granting institutions grant associate’s or higher degrees and participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. Some institutions that report Clery data (data on campus security and crime)--specifically, non-degree-granting institutions and institutions outside of the 50 states and the District of Columbia--are excluded from this table. Crimes, arrests, and referrals include incidents involving students, staff, and on-campus guests. Excludes off-campus crimes and arrests even if they involve college students or staff. Duplicate reporting of a small number of incidents may occur among institutions sharing all or part of a building, institutions in close proximity to each other that rely on the same crime statistics from local law enforcement agencies, or institutions operating more than one campus in close proximity to each other. Data are reported for the calendar year. Caution should be used when comparing on-campus data for 2020 with those of other years due to the switch to online learning in many postsecondary institutions in fall 2020 as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Some data have been revised from previously published figures.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary Education, Campus Safety and Security Reporting System, 2001 through 2021; and National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Institutional Characteristics component, Fall 2002 through Fall 2021. (This table was prepared October 2023.)

2023 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest