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Table 219.90.Number and percentage distribution of 14- through 21-year-old students served under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part B, who exited school, by exit reason, sex, race/ethnicity, age, and type of disability: School years 2020-21 and 2021-22
Year, sex, race/ethnicity, age, and type of disabilityExited schoolTransferred to regular educationMoved, known to be continuing1
TotalGraduated with regular diplomaReceived alternative certifi-
Reached maximum age3Dropped out4Died


   Total number 434,914325,95442,29253,16361,7981,70746,263134,737
Percentage distribution of total

Number by sex

  Male 281,642207,36327,7872,12943,1761,18729,73488,771
  Female 153,187118,52614,5071,03418,59952116,52245,925

Number by race/ethnicity

  American Indian/Alaska Native 5,6953,918250201,481265421,766
  Asian 9,2547,1721,341126563529772,228
  Black 86,26861,1819,48973614,3864766,86029,460
  Hispanic 115,18983,30113,11154317,8683668,01631,654
  Pacific Islander 1,4131,01414424223888482
  White 201,147157,63016,8341,61024,34972427,86963,076
  Two or more races 15,98911,7691,1261052,934551,9156,078

Number by age6  


Number by type of disability

  Autism 43,20131,4888,0767752,763993,02711,145
  Deaf-blindness 1147127745731
  Emotional disturbance 37,00124,2102,15618610,2931563,99816,863
  Hearing impairment 4,3693,6813521831174621,018
  Intellectual disability 35,11817,15012,0521,0464,6572131,5009,888
  Multiple disabilities 9,0504,0053,2404201,0343514792,532
  Orthopedic impairment 2,0941,4763732916848152450
  Other health impairment7 85,21866,9475,16223812,4933789,14729,941
  Specific learning disability 202,421163,02710,03235928,61838520,56856,970
  Speech or language impairment 12,07010,480457251,079296,5574,955
  Traumatic brain injury 2,4901,9142534425128206525
  Visual impairment 1,7701,507112161278160419

Number by English learner status

  English learner39,81828,2174,5342036,7321322,14310,834
  Non-English learner395,093297,73637,7572,96055,0651,57544,118123,902


   Total number 464,190342,84245,71283,14870,7391,74953,895140,791
Percentage distribution of total

Number by sex

  Male 300,278218,97430,1822,11747,7761,22934,87190,604
  Female 163,685123,70515,5181,03122,91152019,00650,086

Number by race/ethnicity

  American Indian/Alaska Native 5,7023,927256361,463207361,851
  Asian 9,6417,4901,388145582361,1721,993
  Black 92,73063,24010,52071117,7624978,16732,695
  Hispanic 129,10693,83914,06354420,2683929,80130,696
  Pacific Islander 1,5651,107164172707208384
  White 207,498160,21617,9911,60226,95273731,32565,872
  Two or more races 18,01713,0821,332943,448612,4937,310

Number by age6  


Number by type of disability

  Autism 47,21634,1978,7618613,301963,68111,939
  Deaf-blindness 12878325103726
  Emotional disturbance 39,95825,3672,27017011,9661854,76717,540
  Hearing impairment 4,4983,7733721833145521,066
  Intellectual disability 36,26517,50712,0371,0215,4572431,62510,743
  Multiple disabilities 9,1883,7043,5604471,1623154882,542
  Orthopedic impairment 1,9991,4153423116645178420
  Other health impairment7 94,30272,4846,25121314,96339111,11832,340
  Specific learning disability 213,813170,62510,81928931,67940123,86259,334
  Speech or language impairment 12,42510,256830231,292247,1963,885
  Traumatic brain injury 2,5641,9452745725632216541
  Visual impairment 1,8321,4901641215610206415

Number by English learner status

  English learner48,70836,0244,7132107,6461152,86110,513
  Non-English learner415,557306,88340,9992,93863,1021,63551,041130,287
†Not applicable.
1"Moved, known to be continuing" is the total number of students who moved out of the administrative area or transferred to another district and are known to be continuing in an educational program.
2Received a certificate of completion, modified diploma, or some similar document, but did not meet the same standards for graduation with a regular high school diploma.
3Each state determines its maximum age to receive special education services. At the time these data were collected, the maximum age across states generally ranged from 20 to 22 years old.
4"Dropped out" is defined as the total who were enrolled at some point in the reporting year, were not enrolled at the end of the reporting year, and did not exit for any of the other reasons described.
5In 2020–21, includes 419 students from four states who exited an educational program through receipt of an alternate diploma.
6Age data are as of the most recent child count prior to the students exiting special education, so some students may have been 1 year older at the time they exited school.
7Other health impairments include having limited strength, vitality, or alertness due to chronic or acute health problems such as a heart condition, tuberculosis, rheumatic fever, nephritis, asthma, sickle cell anemia, hemophilia, epilepsy, lead poisoning, leukemia, or diabetes.
8In 2021–22, includes 1,553 students from six states who exited an educational program through receipt of an alternate diploma.
NOTE: Although data are for the 50 states and the District of Columbia, data limitations result in inclusion of a small (but unknown) number of students from other jurisdictions. Includes imputations for missing or unavailable data from Iowa and New Hampshire in 2020–21 and from Iowa in 2021–22. Disability type refers to the specific disability for which a child is receiving services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). If a child has multiple types of disabilities but is receiving services for only one type of IDEA-defined disability, then the child is categorized under that specific disability. If a child is receiving services for more than one type of IDEA-defined disability, then the child is categorized under "multiple disabilities." Race categories exclude persons of Hispanic ethnicity. Detail may not sum to totals because of reporting anomalies and rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Section 618 Data Products: State Level Data Files. Retrieved October 6, 2023, from (This table was prepared October 2023.)

2023 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest