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Digest of Education Statistics
2023 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 209.60.Percentage distribution of teachers in public and private elementary and secondary schools, by field of main teaching assignment and year and subject matter of degree(s) or certification(s): Selected school years, 2011-12 through 2020-21
[Standard errors appear in parentheses]
School year and subject matter of degree(s) or certification(s)Field of main teaching assignment
Any fieldGeneral elementarySpecial educationArts and musicEnglish and language artsEnglish as a second language (ESL)Foreign languagesHealth educationMathematics and computer scienceNatural sciencesSocial sciencesOther1
Public schools
    In-field290.2 (0.32)98.6 (0.28)96.4 (0.54)94.4 (0.81)76.7 (1.39)78.3 (4.26)93.8 (1.42)91.3 (1.70)75.0 (1.64)82.7 (1.40)86.3 (1.16)78.4 (5.52)
    Out-of-field, general education37.9 (0.30)0.1!(0.05)2.4 (0.38)3.9 (0.75)20.6 (1.34)19.3 (4.28)3.1 (0.88)7.5 (1.73)21.7 (1.34)15.4 (1.40)12.4 (1.12)8.0!(3.12)
    Out-of-field, other42.0 (0.19)1.2 (0.27)1.2!(0.44)1.6 (0.34)2.6 (0.54)2.3!(0.73)3.1!(0.98)1.2 (0.34)3.2!(1.38)2.0!(0.69)1.3 (0.26)13.6!(5.27)


    In-field289.9 (0.20)97.9 (0.14)96.3 (0.34)96.0 (0.45)72.5 (0.87)81.9 (1.82)93.7 (0.83)94.8 (0.57)77.5 (0.86)82.6 (0.91)86.9 (0.73)76.4 (3.22)
    Out-of-field, general education37.8 (0.18)0.2 (0.04)2.5 (0.28)2.9 (0.37)24.7 (0.82)15.4 (1.71)3.2 (0.62)3.4 (0.50)18.7 (0.84)15.5 (0.87)10.9 (0.71)12.0 (2.49)
    Out-of-field, other42.3 (0.09)1.9 (0.14)1.2 (0.18)1.1 (0.21)2.8 (0.29)2.7 (0.61)3.1 (0.55)1.8 (0.34)3.7 (0.37)1.9 (0.28)2.2 (0.29)11.7 (2.55)


    In-field289.8 (0.21)96.9 (0.19)95.5 (0.38)95.0 (0.60)74.9 (0.83)81.0 (2.22)92.6 (0.97)93.4 (0.70)76.9 (0.91)84.1 (0.82)89.8 (0.70)72.3 (3.46)
    Out-of-field, general education37.5 (0.19)0.5 (0.10)2.9 (0.28)3.4 (0.51)22.3 (0.83)13.2 (1.91)4.9 (0.70)4.6 (0.63)19.5 (0.88)13.7 (0.75)8.8 (0.66)13.9 (2.81)
    Out-of-field, other42.7 (0.10)2.6 (0.17)1.6 (0.27)1.6 (0.34)2.8 (0.31)5.7 (1.36)2.5 (0.70)2.0 (0.40)3.6 (0.37)2.2 (0.32)1.3 (0.22)13.8 (2.64)


    In-field291.3 (0.18)96.9 (0.19)95.0 (0.34)95.8 (0.44)79.8 (0.76)84.3 (1.89)89.8 (1.09)93.3 (0.69)81.9 (0.81)86.1 (0.71)89.5 (0.74)72.1 (4.78)
    Out-of-field, general education36.2 (0.15)0.7 (0.08)2.7 (0.25)3.1 (0.38)17.7 (0.74)13.1 (1.75)6.3 (0.92)4.6 (0.61)14.7 (0.77)12.5 (0.69)9.2 (0.72)9.1!(3.40)
    Out-of-field, other42.5 (0.11)2.5 (0.17)2.2 (0.26)1.1 (0.21)2.4 (0.35)2.6 (0.69)3.9 (0.78)2.1 (0.41)3.4 (0.39)1.4 (0.24)1.4 (0.26)18.8 (4.14)

Private schools5

    In-field272.9 (1.11)80.4 (2.37)77.8 (5.97)79.8 (3.17)68.2 (3.32) (†)69.1 (5.91)70.4 (5.51)62.3 (3.73)69.0 (3.81)73.9 (4.30)52.0 (5.42)
    Out-of-field, general education38.8 (0.62)0.9 (0.21)4.5 (1.23)5.7!(1.72)18.4 (2.64) (†)9.1!(3.06)3.9!(1.38)16.5 (2.55)16.4 (2.83)15.2 (3.83)16.0 (4.11)
    Out-of-field, other418.4 (1.15)18.7 (2.38)17.7!(5.61)14.5 (2.65)13.4 (2.61) (†)21.8 (4.60)25.7 (5.56)21.1 (3.10)14.6 (3.90)10.9 (2.95)31.9 (5.82)


    In-field271.2 (0.91)78.3 (1.50)72.6 (3.72)81.7 (2.16)64.6 (2.59) (†)60.4 (3.37)52.7 (4.87)57.3 (2.54)75.0 (2.91)77.4 (2.55)54.0 (4.42)
    Out-of-field, general education310.5 (0.56)1.4 (0.36)12.4 (2.56)6.3 (1.43)26.5 (2.46) (†)11.5 (2.26)11.4 (3.27)20.6 (2.39)14.4 (2.35)14.2 (2.18)18.3 (3.62)
    Out-of-field, other418.2 (0.76)20.3 (1.41)15.0 (3.07)12.0 (1.88)8.9 (1.36) (†)28.1 (3.19)35.9 (4.78)22.1 (2.49)10.6 (2.09)8.4 (1.74)27.6 (3.95)
†Not applicable.
!Interpret data with caution. The coefficient of variation (CV) for this estimate is between 30 and 50 percent.
‡Reporting standards not met. Either there are too few cases for a reliable estimate or the coefficient of variation (CV) is 50 percent or greater.  
1Includes driver education; library or information science; military science or ROTC; philosophy; and religious studies, theology, or divinity.
2Teachers are considered to have a degree/certification in the field of their main teaching assignment if they have a bachelor's or higher degree with a first or second major in the same or related field or if they are certified in the same or related field. For teachers whose main teaching assignment is "general elementary," they are considered to have a degree/certification in-field if their credential is in general early childhood or pre-K, general elementary grades, or general middle grades.
3"Out-of-field, general education" includes teachers who do not have a degree/certification in the field of their main teaching assignment, but have one in general early childhood or pre-K, general elementary grades, general middle grades, or general secondary grades. For teachers whose main teaching assignment is "general elementary," only those with credentials in general secondary grades are included in "out-of-field, general education," since those with credentials in general early childhood or pre-K, general elementary grades, or general middle grades are considered in-field.
4"Out-of-field, other" includes teachers who do not have a degree or certification in their teaching field, a related field, or a general education field. "Other" also includes teachers who do not hold a teaching certificate or a bachelor's or higher degree (in any field), which accounted for about 1 percent of public and private school teachers in 2020-21.
5Data for 2015-16 and 2017-18 are not available for private schools.
NOTE: Degrees are defined as bachelor's level or higher. In addition, public and private school teachers were allowed to report up to two current teaching certificates in the state where they were teaching, plus several content areas per certificate, if applicable. Private school teachers were also asked to report certification by an accrediting or certifying body other than the state. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS), "Public School Teacher Data File" and "Private School Teacher Data File," 2011-12; National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS), "Public School Teacher Data File," 2015-16, 2017-18, and 2020-21; and "Private School Teacher Data File," 2020-21. (This table was prepared January 2024.)

2023 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest