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Digest of Education Statistics
2022 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 333.10. Total revenue of public degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by source of revenue and level of institution: Selected fiscal years, 2007-08 through 2020-21
Level of
and year
Total Operating revenue Nonoperating revenue Other revenues and additions
Tuition and
Grants and contracts Sales and
services of
Sales and
services of
Appropriations Nonoperating grants Gifts Investment
(gain or
Other non-
grants and
Federal2 State Local and private Federal State Local Federal State Local
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
  In thousands of current dollars
All levels                                            
2007-08 $273,070,439 $48,068,614 $25,499,038 $7,831,049 $8,699,401 $20,487,684 $25,183,379 $1,174,836 $14,085,890 $1,849,775 $68,394,962 $9,302,794 $10,045,255 $1,925,994 $177,116 $6,053,147 $5,278,656 $2,234,287 $7,575,827 $3,092,817 $1,151,300 $4,958,618
2010-11 324,473,342 60,268,927 29,821,416 7,019,420 10,110,953 23,605,640 30,998,993 1,330,334 15,758,118 1,946,965 63,063,322 10,023,157 24,231,846 3,404,970 228,055 6,287,358 14,215,863 6,888,955 5,645,126 3,745,699 965,007 4,913,217
2017-18 408,931,242 81,375,346 29,529,310 8,800,502 14,187,478 28,993,079 53,558,528 1,805,852 22,699,472 2,036,103 72,888,945 13,403,013 20,904,955 5,644,787 382,096 9,099,227 16,923,129 7,404,114 6,335,749 4,013,174 1,360,786 7,585,598
2018-19 415,893,914 82,777,233 31,237,970 9,200,614 14,950,396 29,559,201 58,099,250 1,888,247 24,049,655 1,984,634 73,980,202 13,900,650 20,980,693 5,756,256 381,799 9,678,055 10,832,979 6,745,194 6,106,671 4,169,298 1,468,592 8,146,324
2019-20 428,158,921 83,630,088 33,257,109 9,708,799 15,475,906 25,705,927 59,511,541 1,950,804 24,876,226 2,147,956 76,606,956 14,595,331 26,252,897 6,419,686 463,957 9,692,891 11,558,172 7,191,540 5,994,006 4,082,002 1,181,125 7,856,003
2020-21 503,011,998 81,877,170 36,762,496 9,531,899 15,927,883 19,711,340 66,728,115 2,158,786 25,944,484 2,257,162 75,516,741 15,262,852 36,220,427 7,435,494 527,550 9,494,392 58,741,785 12,793,717 6,078,738 3,831,291 1,648,698 14,560,980
2007-08 223,530,092 40,083,063 23,500,633 5,715,188 8,106,887 18,507,688 25,183,379 1,174,836 13,112,536 1,776,452 53,268,648 436,856 5,194,645 1,217,818 103,824 5,781,369 4,430,479 1,773,078 5,635,746 2,764,505 1,138,323 4,624,141
2010-11 266,688,058 51,046,786 27,656,656 5,480,573 9,543,780 21,506,767 30,998,993 1,330,334 14,830,150 1,853,109 49,025,814 507,010 11,812,776 2,320,005 130,451 6,061,629 13,781,509 6,061,802 3,884,591 3,249,844 943,748 4,661,730
2017-18 353,289,699 72,546,383 27,988,187 6,411,620 13,623,951 27,562,547 53,558,528 1,805,852 21,794,441 1,984,446 58,510,699 1,708,949 12,507,190 4,024,166 234,277 8,786,344 16,581,753 6,641,638 4,708,911 3,688,985 1,347,758 7,273,074
2018-19 360,332,988 74,122,570 29,810,706 6,614,695 14,408,926 28,287,838 58,099,250 1,888,247 23,119,855 1,905,351 59,600,782 2,241,627 12,965,760 4,114,881 267,843 9,371,434 10,227,379 5,941,751 4,387,335 3,716,945 1,422,503 7,817,311
2019-20 372,344,479 75,566,818 31,574,616 7,118,948 14,951,620 24,646,398 59,511,541 1,950,804 23,989,688 2,012,026 62,143,298 3,004,940 17,680,799 4,535,178 308,611 9,395,923 11,045,530 6,150,362 4,224,435 3,811,013 1,169,939 7,551,991
2020-21 444,519,006 74,372,560 34,018,595 6,712,603 15,432,501 18,883,469 66,728,115 2,158,786 24,968,221 2,074,435 61,531,647 3,326,581 25,761,442 5,461,856 367,105 9,017,630 58,342,319 11,598,162 4,410,756 3,588,328 1,614,422 14,149,472
2007-08 49,540,347 7,985,551 1,998,404 2,115,861 592,513 1,979,996 0 0 973,353 73,324 15,126,314 8,865,938 4,850,610 708,176 73,292 271,778 848,177 461,209 1,940,082 328,312 12,978 334,477
2010-11 57,785,284 9,222,142 2,164,760 1,538,848 567,174 2,098,872 0 0 927,968 93,856 14,037,508 9,516,147 12,419,069 1,084,965 97,604 225,730 434,353 827,153 1,760,535 495,855 21,258 251,487
2017-18 55,641,543 8,828,963 1,541,123 2,388,881 563,527 1,430,532 0 0 905,031 51,656 14,378,247 11,694,063 8,397,766 1,620,622 147,819 312,883 341,376 762,476 1,626,839 324,188 13,028 312,524
2018-19 55,560,926 8,654,663 1,427,264 2,585,919 541,470 1,271,364 0 0 929,800 79,283 14,379,420 11,659,024 8,014,933 1,641,375 113,956 306,621 605,600 803,443 1,719,336 452,354 46,089 329,013
2019-20 55,814,443 8,063,270 1,682,493 2,589,851 524,286 1,059,529 0 0 886,538 135,930 14,463,659 11,590,391 8,572,097 1,884,508 155,346 296,968 512,642 1,041,178 1,769,571 270,989 11,186 304,011
2020-21 58,492,993 7,504,609 2,743,900 2,819,296 495,383 827,871 0 0 976,264 182,726 13,985,093 11,936,272 10,458,984 1,973,638 160,445 476,762 399,465 1,195,555 1,667,981 242,963 34,276 411,508
  Percentage distribution
All levels                                            
2007-08 100.00 17.60 9.34 2.87 3.19 7.50 9.22 0.43 5.16 0.68 25.05 3.41 3.68 0.71 0.06 2.22 1.93 0.82 2.77 1.13 0.42 1.82
2010-11 100.00 18.57 9.19 2.16 3.12 7.28 9.55 0.41 4.86 0.60 19.44 3.09 7.47 1.05 0.07 1.94 4.38 2.12 1.74 1.15 0.30 1.51
2017-18 100.00 19.90 7.22 2.15 3.47 7.09 13.10 0.44 5.55 0.50 17.82 3.28 5.11 1.38 0.09 2.23 4.14 1.81 1.55 0.98 0.33 1.85
2018-19 100.00 19.90 7.51 2.21 3.59 7.11 13.97 0.45 5.78 0.48 17.79 3.34 5.04 1.38 0.09 2.33 2.60 1.62 1.47 1.00 0.35 1.96
2019-20 100.00 19.53 7.77 2.27 3.61 6.00 13.90 0.46 5.81 0.50 17.89 3.41 6.13 1.50 0.11 2.26 2.70 1.68 1.40 0.95 0.28 1.83
2020-21 100.00 16.28 7.31 1.89 3.17 3.92 13.27 0.43 5.16 0.45 15.01 3.03 7.20 1.48 0.10 1.89 11.68 2.54 1.21 0.76 0.33 2.89
2007-08 100.00 17.93 10.51 2.56 3.63 8.28 11.27 0.53 5.87 0.79 23.83 0.20 2.32 0.54 0.05 2.59 1.98 0.79 2.52 1.24 0.51 2.07
2010-11 100.00 19.14 10.37 2.06 3.58 8.06 11.62 0.50 5.56 0.69 18.38 0.19 4.43 0.87 0.05 2.27 5.17 2.27 1.46 1.22 0.35 1.75
2017-18 100.00 20.53 7.92 1.81 3.86 7.80 15.16 0.51 6.17 0.56 16.56 0.48 3.54 1.14 0.07 2.49 4.69 1.88 1.33 1.04 0.38 2.06
2018-19 100.00 20.57 8.27 1.84 4.00 7.85 16.12 0.52 6.42 0.53 16.54 0.62 3.60 1.14 0.07 2.60 2.84 1.65 1.22 1.03 0.39 2.17
2019-20 100.00 20.29 8.48 1.91 4.02 6.62 15.98 0.52 6.44 0.54 16.69 0.81 4.75 1.22 0.08 2.52 2.97 1.65 1.13 1.02 0.31 2.03
2020-21 100.00 16.73 7.65 1.51 3.47 4.25 15.01 0.49 5.62 0.47 13.84 0.75 5.80 1.23 0.08 2.03 13.12 2.61 0.99 0.81 0.36 3.18
2007-08 100.00 16.12 4.03 4.27 1.20 4.00 0 0 1.96 0.15 30.53 17.90 9.79 1.43 0.15 0.55 1.71 0.93 3.92 0.66 0.03 0.68
2010-11 100.00 15.96 3.75 2.66 0.98 3.63 0 0 1.61 0.16 24.29 16.47 21.49 1.88 0.17 0.39 0.75 1.43 3.05 0.86 0.04 0.44
2017-18 100.00 15.87 2.77 4.29 1.01 2.57 0 0 1.63 0.09 25.84 21.02 15.09 2.91 0.27 0.56 0.61 1.37 2.92 0.58 0.02 0.56
2018-19 100.00 15.58 2.57 4.65 0.97 2.29 0 0 1.67 0.14 25.88 20.98 14.43 2.95 0.21 0.55 1.09 1.45 3.09 0.81 0.08 0.59
2019-20 100.00 14.45 3.01 4.64 0.94 1.90 0 0 1.59 0.24 25.91 20.77 15.36 3.38 0.28 0.53 0.92 1.87 3.17 0.49 0.02 0.54
2020-21 100.00 12.83 4.69 4.82 0.85 1.42 0 0 1.67 0.31 23.91 20.41 17.88 3.37 0.27 0.82 0.68 2.04 2.85 0.42 0.06 0.70
  Revenue per full-time-equivalent student in constant 2021-22 dollars8
All levels                                            
2007-08 $37,334 $6,572 $3,486 $1,071 $1,189 $2,801 $3,443 $161 $1,926 $253 $9,351 $1,272 $1,373 $263 $24 $828 $722 $305 $1,036 $423 $157 $678
2010-11 37,564 6,977 3,452 813 1,171 2,733 3,589 154 1,824 225 7,301 1,160 2,805 394 26 728 1,646 798 654 434 112 569
2017-18 43,979 8,752 3,176 946 1,526 3,118 5,760 194 2,441 219 7,839 1,441 2,248 607 41 979 1,820 796 681 432 146 816
2018-19 44,002 8,758 3,305 973 1,582 3,127 6,147 200 2,544 210 7,827 1,471 2,220 609 40 1,024 1,146 714 646 441 155 862
2019-20 44,762 8,743 3,477 1,015 1,618 2,687 6,222 204 2,601 225 8,009 1,526 2,745 671 49 1,013 1,208 752 627 427 123 821
2020-21 53,544 8,716 3,913 1,015 1,695 2,098 7,103 230 2,762 240 8,039 1,625 3,856 791 56 1,011 6,253 1,362 647 408 175 1,550
2007-08 49,692 8,911 5,224 1,271 1,802 4,114 5,598 261 2,915 395 11,842 97 1,155 271 23 1,285 985 394 1,253 615 253 1,028
2010-11 51,267 9,813 5,317 1,054 1,835 4,134 5,959 256 2,851 356 9,424 97 2,271 446 25 1,165 2,649 1,165 747 625 181 896
2017-18 54,937 11,281 4,352 997 2,119 4,286 8,328 281 3,389 309 9,099 266 1,945 626 36 1,366 2,579 1,033 732 574 210 1,131
2018-19 54,395 11,189 4,500 999 2,175 4,270 8,771 285 3,490 288 8,997 338 1,957 621 40 1,415 1,544 897 662 561 215 1,180
2019-20 54,924 11,147 4,658 1,050 2,205 3,636 8,778 288 3,539 297 9,167 443 2,608 669 46 1,386 1,629 907 623 562 173 1,114
2020-21 64,270 10,753 4,919 971 2,231 2,730 9,648 312 3,610 300 8,896 481 3,725 790 53 1,304 8,435 1,677 638 519 233 2,046
2007-08 17,593 2,836 710 751 210 703 0 0 346 26 5,372 3,148 1,723 251 26 97 301 164 689 117 5 119
2010-11 16,818 2,684 630 448 165 611 0 0 270 27 4,086 2,770 3,614 316 28 66 126 241 512 144 6 73
2017-18 19,404 3,079 537 833 197 499 0 0 316 18 5,014 4,078 2,929 565 52 109 119 266 567 113 5 109
2018-19 19,652 3,061 505 915 192 450 0 0 329 28 5,086 4,124 2,835 581 40 108 214 284 608 160 16 116
2019-20 20,033 2,894 604 930 188 380 0 0 318 49 5,191 4,160 3,077 676 56 107 184 374 635 97 4 109
2020-21 23,606 3,029 1,107 1,138 200 334 0 0 394 74 5,644 4,817 4,221 796 65 192 161 482 673 98 14 166
1After deducting discounts and allowances.
2Public institutions typically report Pell grants as revenues from federal grants and as allowances that reduce revenues from tuition and fees.
3Revenues generated by or collected from the auxiliary enterprise operations of the institution that exist to furnish a service to students, faculty, or staff, and that charge a fee that is directly related to, although not necessarily equal to, the cost of the service. Auxiliary enterprises are managed as essentially self-supporting activities.
4Revenues associated with operations independent of or unrelated to the primary missions of the institution, although they may contribute indirectly to the enhancement of these programs. Generally includes only those revenues associated with major federally funded research and development centers. Net profit from operations owned and managed as investments of the institution's endowment funds is excluded.
5Includes sales and services of educational activities.
6Includes American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) revenues for institutions that received ARRA revenues during the reporting period.
7Includes all revenue not reported elsewhere.
8Constant dollars based on the Consumer Price Index, prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, adjusted to a school-year basis.
NOTE: Data in this table represent the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Degree-granting institutions grant associate’s or higher degrees and participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. Includes data for public institutions reporting data according to either Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) or Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) guidance. Some data have been revised from previously published figures. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), selected years, Spring 2008 through Spring 2021, Fall Enrollment component; and Spring 2009 through Spring 2022, Finance component. (This table was prepared December 2022.)

2022 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest