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2022 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 330.30. Average undergraduate tuition, fees, room, and board charges for full-time students in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by percentile of charges and control and level of institution: Selected academic years, 2000-01 through 2021-22
Control and level of institution, and year Current dollars Constant 2021-22 dollars1
Tuition, fees, room, and board Tuition and required fees Tuition and required fees
10th per- centile 25th per- centile Median (50th percen-tile) 75th per- centile 90th per- centile 10th per- centile 25th per- centile Median (50th percen-tile) 75th per- centile 90th per- centile 10th per- centile 25th per- centile Median (50th percen-tile) 75th per- centile 90th per- centile
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Public institutions2                              
2000-01 $5,741 $6,880 $8,279 $9,617 $11,384 $612 $1,480 $2,403 $3,444 $4,583 $986 $2,384 $3,871 $5,547 $7,382
2005-06 7,700 9,623 11,348 13,543 16,264 990 2,070 3,329 5,322 6,972 1,403 2,934 4,718 7,543 9,881
2010-11 9,889 12,856 15,234 17,860 21,593 1,230 2,626 4,632 7,115 9,420 1,569 3,350 5,909 9,076 12,016
2015-16 13,215 15,947 18,648 21,735 25,180 1,632 3,456 6,452 9,326 11,948 1,932 4,091 7,637 11,038 14,142
2020-21 14,940 18,043 21,305 25,116 28,412 2,070 4,124 7,410 10,818 13,749 2,218 4,420 7,941 11,594 14,735
2021-22 15,377 18,628 21,752 25,717 29,501 2,160 4,284 7,490 11,135 14,070 2,160 4,284 7,490 11,135 14,070

  Public 4-year2
2000-01 6,503 7,347 8,468 9,816 11,611 2,118 2,520 3,314 4,094 5,085 3,412 4,059 5,338 6,594 8,191
2005-06 8,863 10,219 11,596 13,830 16,443 3,094 3,822 5,084 6,458 8,097 4,385 5,417 7,205 9,153 11,476
2010-11 12,048 13,604 15,823 18,419 22,191 4,336 5,091 6,779 8,689 11,029 5,531 6,494 8,647 11,084 14,069
2015-16 14,733 16,559 19,217 21,979 25,658 5,360 6,691 8,256 10,509 13,431 6,344 7,920 9,772 12,439 15,897
2020-21 16,460 18,604 21,785 25,311 28,934 3,933 7,006 9,168 11,814 14,629 4,215 7,508 9,826 12,661 15,678
2021-22 16,731 19,119 22,064 26,083 29,828 4,000 7,188 9,509 12,076 14,738 4,000 7,188 9,509 12,076 14,738

  Public 2-year2,3
2000-01 3,321 3,804 4,627 5,750 6,871 310 724 1,387 1,799 2,460 499 1,166 2,234 2,898 3,962
2005-06 4,380 4,822 6,234 7,567 8,993 691 1,109 1,920 2,589 3,100 979 1,572 2,721 3,669 4,394
2010-11 5,347 6,327 7,339 9,370 11,312 700 1,412 2,537 3,315 3,840 893 1,801 3,236 4,229 4,898
2015-16 6,474 7,503 9,337 11,854 14,978 1,182 1,514 3,077 4,115 5,032 1,399 1,792 3,642 4,871 5,956
2020-21 7,369 8,791 10,924 13,528 16,698 1,238 1,966 3,708 4,790 5,600 1,327 2,107 3,974 5,134 6,002
2021-22 7,657 8,972 11,160 13,545 16,453 1,238 2,040 3,796 4,806 5,616 1,238 2,040 3,796 4,806 5,616

Private nonprofit
2000-01 13,514 17,552 22,493 27,430 32,659 7,800 11,730 15,540 19,600 24,532 12,564 18,894 25,031 31,570 39,514
2005-06 18,243 23,258 29,497 35,918 41,707 9,981 15,375 21,070 26,265 31,690 14,146 21,790 29,862 37,225 44,913
2010-11 23,143 29,884 38,063 47,061 52,235 11,930 19,625 26,920 34,536 40,082 15,218 25,034 34,340 44,055 51,130
2015-16 25,903 36,436 45,951 57,465 63,209 11,900 23,162 32,250 42,270 48,190 14,085 27,415 38,172 50,032 57,039
2020-21 27,190 40,846 53,462 67,658 74,402 9,650 23,122 37,030 50,286 57,285 10,342 24,780 39,686 53,893 61,394
2021-22 27,817 41,232 54,699 70,217 76,861 11,636 23,656 38,240 52,312 59,020 11,636 23,656 38,240 52,312 59,020

  Nonprofit 4-year
2000-01 13,972 17,714 22,554 27,476 32,659 8,450 11,920 15,746 19,730 24,532 13,611 19,200 25,362 31,780 39,514
2005-06 18,350 23,322 29,598 36,028 41,774 10,300 15,560 21,190 26,500 31,690 14,598 22,053 30,032 37,558 44,913
2010-11 23,548 30,042 38,129 47,061 52,235 12,220 19,854 27,100 34,580 40,082 15,588 25,326 34,570 44,111 51,130
2015-16 26,315 36,537 46,094 57,465 63,209 12,240 23,748 32,400 42,288 48,190 14,488 28,109 38,349 50,053 57,039
2020-21 27,190 40,846 53,462 67,658 74,402 9,650 23,122 37,030 50,286 57,285 10,342 24,780 39,686 53,893 61,394
2021-22 27,817 41,348 54,699 70,217 76,861 11,760 24,012 38,430 52,338 59,062 11,760 24,012 38,430 52,338 59,062

  Nonprofit 2-year3
2000-01 6,850 6,850 9,995 14,209 20,240 2,430 4,825 7,250 8,266 11,100 3,914 7,772 11,678 13,314 17,879
2005-06 8,030 15,680 16,830 20,829 28,643 4,218 8,640 9,940 12,270 14,472 5,978 12,245 14,088 17,390 20,511
2010-11 10,393 19,718 21,186 27,386 30,758 3,840 9,730 12,000 14,640 18,965 4,898 12,412 15,308 18,675 24,192
2015-16 22,582 23,059 25,696 31,405 53,387 4,904 10,800 14,110 17,346 22,060 5,804 12,783 16,701 20,531 26,111
2020-21 15,998 29,435 33,198 38,475 69,503 4,568 9,850 14,641 19,120 26,000 4,896 10,556 15,691 20,491 27,865
2021-22 15,023 30,999 37,917 72,167 72,167 8,400 12,598 14,975 20,025 28,320 8,400 12,598 14,975 20,025 28,320

Private for-profit
2000-01 13,396 15,778 19,403 21,400 21,845 6,900 8,202 9,644 12,090 14,600 11,114 13,211 15,534 19,474 23,517
2005-06 17,278 19,098 25,589 26,499 31,903 7,632 10,011 12,450 14,335 17,740 10,817 14,188 17,645 20,317 25,142
2010-11 16,097 16,097 17,484 26,175 31,639 10,194 10,194 13,520 15,750 18,048 13,004 13,004 17,247 20,091 23,023
2015-16 17,407 17,407 26,028 26,405 35,377 10,575 11,003 13,320 17,132 19,286 12,517 13,023 15,766 20,278 22,827
2020-21 26,313 26,313 26,313 27,356 31,156 9,552 10,850 14,278 17,181 25,440 10,237 11,628 15,302 18,413 27,265
2021-22 26,503 26,503 26,503 27,356 32,151 9,552 11,066 14,278 17,330 25,672 9,552 11,066 14,278 17,330 25,672

  For-profit 4-year
2000-01 13,396 15,818 20,417 21,400 21,400 7,206 8,305 9,675 12,800 15,090 11,607 13,377 15,584 20,617 24,306
2005-06 17,383 19,098 25,589 26,499 31,903 7,632 10,418 12,900 14,450 17,735 10,817 14,765 18,283 20,480 25,135
2010-11 16,097 16,097 17,484 26,175 31,639 10,194 10,194 13,560 16,500 18,048 13,004 13,004 17,298 21,048 23,023
2015-16 17,407 17,407 26,028 26,405 35,377 10,607 11,003 12,975 17,132 19,459 12,555 13,023 15,357 20,278 23,032
2020-21 26,313 26,313 26,313 27,356 31,156 9,552 10,107 14,278 17,181 25,820 10,237 10,832 15,302 18,413 27,672
2021-22 26,503 26,503 26,503 27,356 32,151 9,552 10,459 14,278 17,335 25,687 9,552 10,459 14,278 17,335 25,687

  For-profit 2-year3
2000-01 15,778 15,778 19,403 21,845 21,845 6,025 7,365 9,644 12,000 14,255 9,705 11,863 15,534 19,329 22,961
2005-06 13,010 18,281 43,425 43,425 43,425 7,870 9,285 11,550 14,196 19,425 11,154 13,159 16,369 20,120 27,530
2010-11 23,687 23,687 25,161 25,161 25,161 10,075 12,049 13,418 15,263 17,918 12,852 15,370 17,116 19,470 22,857
2015-16 25,732 25,732 25,732 25,732 25,732 10,510 12,678 13,975 15,760 18,048 12,440 15,006 16,541 18,654 21,362
2020-21 10,630 13,200 14,973 15,872 17,758 11,392 14,147 16,047 17,010 19,032
2021-22 10,950 13,655 15,114 16,699 21,270 10,950 13,655 15,114 16,699 21,270
†Not applicable.
1Constant dollars based on the Consumer Price Index, prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, adjusted to an academic-year basis.
2Average undergraduate tuition and fees are based on in-state students only. For public institutions, in-district tuition and required fees are used.
3Not all institutions offer on-campus accommodations. On-campus estimates include weighted averages of room and board and other costs only for institutions that report these costs.
NOTE: Data in this table represent the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Data are for the entire academic year as defined by the institution and are average charges for full-time students. Student charges were weighted by the number of full-time-equivalent undergraduates, but were not adjusted to reflect student residency. Degree-granting institutions grant associate’s or higher degrees and participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. Some data have been revised from previously published figures.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Fall 2000 through Fall 2021, Institutional Characteristics component; and Spring 2001 through Spring 2022, Fall Enrollment component. (This table was prepared May 2023.)

2022 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest