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2022 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 314.20. Employees in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by sex, employment status, control and level of institution, and primary occupation: Selected years, fall 1991 through fall 2021
Sex, employment status, control and level of institution, and primary occupation 1991 1995 2001 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2018 2019 2020 2021 Percent change, 2011 to 2021
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
    All institutions 2,545,235 2,662,075 3,083,353 3,379,087 3,561,730 3,724,661 3,841,819 3,896,053 3,914,284 3,925,642 3,963,057 3,811,104 3,817,214 -0.6
Faculty (instruction/research/public service) 826,252 931,706 1,113,183 1,290,426 1,371,587 1,439,074 1,524,469 1,545,381 1,552,256 1,543,212 1,548,824 1,489,415 1,499,186 -1.7
Graduate assistants 197,751 215,909 261,136 317,141 329,001 343,204 355,916 363,416 366,868 382,749 389,452 377,459 392,270 10.2
Other1 1,521,232 1,514,460 1,709,034 1,771,520 1,861,142 1,942,383 1,961,434 1,987,256 1,995,160 1,999,681 2,024,781 1,944,551 1,925,758 -1.8
    Males 1,227,591 1,274,676 1,451,773 1,581,498 1,650,641 1,710,021 1,754,919 1,772,803 1,776,928 1,768,349 1,772,275 1,695,000 1,690,576 -3.7
Faculty (instruction/research/public service) 525,599 562,893 644,514 714,453 744,047 761,002 789,567 791,971 789,405 771,861 768,404 734,605 732,385 -7.2
Graduate assistants 119,125 123,962 142,120 167,529 173,128 181,328 188,305 191,501 193,202 196,791 197,473 188,950 194,195 3.1
Other1 582,867 587,821 665,139 699,516 733,466 767,691 777,047 789,331 794,321 799,697 806,398 771,604 763,996 -1.7
    Females 1,317,644 1,387,399 1,631,580 1,797,589 1,911,089 2,014,640 2,086,900 2,123,250 2,137,356 2,157,293 2,190,782 2,116,104 2,126,638 1.9
Faculty (instruction/research/public service) 300,653 368,813 468,669 575,973 627,540 678,072 734,902 753,410 762,851 771,351 780,420 754,810 766,801 4.3
Graduate assistants 78,626 91,947 119,016 149,612 155,873 161,876 167,611 171,915 173,666 185,958 191,979 188,509 198,075 18.2
Other1 938,365 926,639 1,043,895 1,072,004 1,127,676 1,174,692 1,184,387 1,197,925 1,200,839 1,199,984 1,218,383 1,172,947 1,161,762 -1.9
    Full-time 1,812,912 1,801,371 2,043,208 2,179,864 2,281,516 2,382,305 2,435,988 2,472,434 2,507,787 2,551,382 2,590,802 2,544,429 2,530,550 3.9
Faculty (instruction/research/public service) 535,623 550,822 617,868 675,624 703,757 729,152 762,114 791,378 807,109 832,130 843,820 836,597 837,109 9.8
Other1 1,277,289 1,250,549 1,425,340 1,504,240 1,577,759 1,653,153 1,673,874 1,681,056 1,700,678 1,719,252 1,746,982 1,708,182 1,693,441 1.2
    Part-time 732,323 860,704 1,040,145 1,199,223 1,280,214 1,342,356 1,405,831 1,423,619 1,406,497 1,374,260 1,372,255 1,266,675 1,286,664 -8.5
Faculty (instruction/research/public service) 290,629 380,884 495,315 614,802 667,830 709,922 762,355 754,003 745,147 711,082 705,004 652,818 662,077 -13.2
Graduate assistants 197,751 215,909 261,136 317,141 329,001 343,204 355,916 363,416 366,868 382,749 389,452 377,459 392,270 10.2
Other1 243,943 263,911 283,694 267,280 283,383 289,230 287,560 306,200 294,482 280,429 277,799 236,369 232,317 -19.2
    Public 4-year 1,341,914 1,383,476 1,558,576 1,656,709 1,742,370 1,804,332 1,843,314 1,884,854 1,925,674 2,021,429 2,067,330 2,021,508 2,032,313 10.3
Faculty (instruction/research/public service) 358,376 384,399 438,459 486,691 518,930 539,946 575,624 601,126 622,283 670,988 684,491 675,165 685,674 19.1
Graduate assistants 144,344 178,342 218,260 257,578 266,451 275,878 285,905 287,839 291,770 299,328 303,854 294,031 306,141 7.1
Other1 839,194 820,735 901,857 912,440 956,989 988,508 981,785 995,889 1,011,621 1,051,113 1,078,985 1,052,627 1,040,498 6.0
    Private 4-year 734,509 770,004 912,924 1,073,764 1,158,196 1,230,409 1,297,376 1,318,760 1,323,899 1,306,885 1,314,891 1,272,738 1,279,755 -1.4
Faculty (instruction/research/public service) 232,893 262,660 325,713 430,305 473,455 498,403 540,018 550,512 558,262 545,475 549,293 533,488 539,377 -0.1
Graduate assistants 23,989 33,853 41,611 59,147 62,550 67,326 70,011 75,537 75,079 83,393 85,582 83,355 86,112 23.0
Other1 477,627 473,491 545,600 584,312 622,191 664,680 687,347 692,711 690,558 678,017 680,016 655,895 654,266 -4.8
    Public 2-year 441,414 482,454 578,394 610,978 619,455 638,361 642,455 642,430 622,754 567,025 551,690 488,893 476,421 -25.8
Faculty (instruction/research/public service) 222,532 272,434 332,665 354,497 357,596 373,842 378,535 367,608 348,708 310,761 299,729 266,202 259,251 -31.5
Graduate assistants 29,216 3,401 1,215 374 0 0 0 13 13 17 16 16 16
Other1 189,666 206,619 244,514 256,107 261,859 264,519 263,920 274,809 274,033 256,247 251,945 222,644 217,154 -17.7
    Private 2-year 27,398 26,141 33,459 37,636 41,709 51,559 58,674 50,009 41,957 30,303 29,146 28,216 28,725 -51.0
Faculty (instruction/research/public service) 12,451 12,213 16,346 18,933 21,606 26,883 30,292 26,135 23,003 15,988 15,311 14,827 14,884 -50.9
Graduate assistants 202 313 50 42 0 0 0 27 6 11 0 4 1
Other1 14,745 13,615 17,063 18,661 20,103 24,676 28,382 23,847 18,948 14,304 13,835 13,385 13,840 -51.2
†Not applicable.
1Prior to 2013, included employees categorized as executive/administrative/managerial. Since 2013, includes employees in categories such as office and administrative support; management; computer, engineering, and science; and business and financial operations.
NOTE: Data in this table represent the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Data through 1995 are for institutions of higher education, while later data are for degree-granting institutions. Degree-granting institutions grant associate’s or higher degrees and participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. The degree-granting classification is very similar to the earlier higher education classification, but it includes more 2-year colleges and excludes a few higher education institutions that did not grant degrees. Beginning in 2007, includes institutions with fewer than 15 full-time employees; these institutions did not report staff data prior to 2007. By definition, all graduate assistants are part time. Some data have been revised from previously published figures.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Fall Staff Survey" (IPEDS-S:91-99); selected years, IPEDS Winter 2001-02 through Winter 2011-12, Human Resources component, Fall Staff section; and IPEDS Spring 2014 through Spring 2022, Human Resources component, Fall Staff section. (This table was prepared May 2023.)

2022 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest