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Digest of Education Statistics
2022 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 311.90. Graduate enrollment in research-based programs in engineering, natural and social sciences, mathematics and computer sciences, and selected health fields in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by discipline division: Selected years, fall 2007 through fall 2021
Discipline division 2007 2010 2011 2012 2013 20141 2015 2016 20172 2018 2019 2020 2021
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Total, all surveyed discipline divisions 604,815 611,841 608,171 609,760 615,706 648,525 667,939 667,057 649,112 668,307 690,117 697,813 760,156
Engineering 127,075 142,446 143,390 146,022 150,873 162,671 167,789 166,772 165,581 163,301 164,004 157,729 168,050
Aerospace 4,616 5,540 5,691 5,069 5,181 5,116 5,345 5,416 5,708 5,848 6,255 6,971 7,838
Agricultural 1,126 1,457 1,656 1,552 1,642 1,740 1,630 1,626 1,186 1,032 1,156 1,058 1,187
Biomedical 6,904 8,497 9,175 9,157 9,198 9,510 9,761 10,208 10,882 11,480 12,050 12,775 14,059
Biosystems --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 234 283 308 --- ---
Chemical 7,584 8,668 8,828 9,222 9,698 9,870 10,008 10,187 10,166 10,011 9,689 9,457 9,670
Civil 16,071 19,559 19,596 19,922 20,110 20,789 20,978 20,569 21,132 20,461 19,625 18,304 19,608
Electrical 40,588 41,336 41,580 42,347 45,562 51,909 52,940 50,062 47,752 46,227 46,754 43,032 45,265
Engineering science, mechanics, and physics 1,806 2,071 2,101 2,227 2,142 2,162 1,708 1,756 2,136 2,157 2,299 2,208 2,239
Industrial/manufacturing 14,474 15,205 14,494 14,469 14,363 14,845 16,284 16,200 15,905 15,987 15,674 14,869 15,870
Mechanical 18,347 22,509 21,883 23,088 24,087 25,651 27,314 27,898 27,428 26,593 26,108 25,782 27,258
Metallurgical/materials 5,314 6,274 6,649 6,985 7,144 7,518 7,741 8,106 6,541 6,689 6,590 7,181 7,422
Mining 222 419 500 356 357 396 407 378 541 527 493 --- ---
Nanotechnology --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 139 118 195 --- ---
Nuclear 1,180 1,459 1,499 1,513 1,459 1,467 1,449 1,466 1,442 1,453 1,449 1,479 1,516
Petroleum 1,014 1,295 1,301 1,525 1,609 2,056 2,021 1,862 1,578 1,403 1,249 1,097 1,026
Other engineering 7,829 8,157 8,437 8,590 8,321 9,642 10,203 11,038 12,811 13,032 14,110 13,516 15,092
Natural and social sciences                          
Agricultural sciences 13,528 15,656 16,129 16,234 16,429 17,505 18,610 18,284 9,347 9,538 9,518 10,800 11,244
Biological sciences 73,516 77,726 79,540 80,994 81,444 83,413 85,098 84,372 85,217 87,933 91,993 94,825 100,883
Anatomy 867 849 762 700 527 554 594 448 --- --- --- --- ---
Biochemistry 5,853 5,308 5,183 5,245 4,970 5,025 4,793 4,481 5,341 5,297 5,342 5,537 5,833
Biology 15,898 17,210 16,911 16,321 16,004 16,697 16,612 16,380 15,811 15,750 15,801 15,649 15,694
Biometry/epidemiology 5,694 6,398 6,786 7,800 8,478 8,326 8,987 9,007 7,710 8,409 9,820 10,412 10,620
Biophysics 1,193 1,072 1,016 976 952 877 919 941 861 836 897 868 979
Biostatistics and bioinformatics --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 5,219 5,836 6,228 6,482 7,110
Biotechnology --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1,984 2,062 3,255 3,244 3,523
Botany and plant biology 1,821 1,863 1,915 1,852 1,878 1,877 1,869 1,820 1,690 1,690 1,687 1,631 1,632
Cell and molecular biology 6,839 7,047 6,905 6,799 6,543 6,214 6,450 6,535 5,712 5,909 5,902 5,962 6,500
Ecology 2,026 1,828 1,713 1,667 1,437 1,416 1,302 1,396 3,487 3,508 3,510 3,777 3,991
Entomology/parasitology 1,078 1,116 1,119 1,187 1,278 1,304 1,285 1,171 --- --- --- --- ---
Epidemiology --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 4,217 4,437 4,692 5,185 5,785
Genetics 2,120 2,333 2,403 2,342 2,315 2,411 2,412 2,404 2,533 2,662 2,663 2,802 3,167
Microbiology, immunology, and virology 5,212 4,896 5,031 4,950 4,961 4,670 4,571 4,615 5,011 5,168 5,307 5,773 6,382
Molecular biology --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1,412 1,492 1,531 1,618 1,670
Neurobiology and neuroscience 1,584 2,798 4,117 4,547 4,795 4,923 5,002 5,226 5,189 5,350 5,500 5,820 6,349
Nutrition 4,890 5,548 5,345 5,336 5,387 5,868 5,705 5,401 3,132 3,513 3,333 3,359 3,864
Pathology 1,580 1,376 1,313 1,196 1,112 1,036 1,046 998 1,033 973 930 858 949
Pharmacology 3,013 3,101 3,053 3,088 2,979 2,916 2,817 2,873 3,125 3,110 3,074 2,944 3,300
Physiology 2,738 2,879 3,000 3,046 3,224 3,415 3,795 4,024 4,856 4,919 5,297 5,802 5,939
Zoology 1,108 896 1,060 1,083 1,188 1,093 998 815 1,954 2,022 2,089 2,047 2,140
Other biosciences 10,002 11,208 11,908 12,859 13,416 14,791 15,941 15,837 4,940 4,990 5,135 5,055 5,456
Geosciences, atmospheric, and ocean sciences 14,100 15,655 15,820 16,069 15,816 15,710 15,447 15,015 12,545 12,333 11,878 11,792 12,290
Atmospheric sciences 1,178 1,455 1,513 1,546 1,534 1,466 1,387 1,399 1,348 1,342 1,339 1,305 1,389
Geological sciences 7,020 8,251 8,361 8,659 8,754 8,821 8,876 8,610 8,255 8,294 7,849 7,726 7,871
Oceanography 2,615 2,556 2,680 2,642 2,682 2,666 2,574 2,743 2,695 2,697 2,690 2,761 3,030
Other geosciences, atmospheric, and ocean sciences 3,287 3,393 3,266 3,222 2,846 2,757 2,610 2,263 247 --- --- --- ---
Multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary studies 4,484 7,944 6,537 6,038 5,892 7,196 8,138 9,251 9,854 10,338 11,181 14,533 15,768
Natural resources and conservation --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 10,879 11,407 11,743 12,498 13,922
Physical sciences 36,824 38,973 39,694 39,928 40,019 40,332 40,386 40,518 41,829 42,075 42,867 42,616 44,141
Astronomy and astrophysics 1,232 1,331 1,345 1,278 1,250 1,241 1,273 1,353 1,305 1,353 1,450 1,506 1,624
Chemistry 21,298 22,436 22,802 23,117 22,949 22,936 22,840 22,676 22,820 22,691 22,900 22,485 23,215
Material sciences --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1,375 1,324 1,552 1,492 1,441
Physics 13,816 14,507 14,829 14,940 15,239 15,564 15,609 15,764 15,687 16,086 16,115 16,126 16,779
Other physical sciences 478 699 718 593 581 591 664 725 642 621 850 1,007 1,082
Psychology3 59,617 53,419 54,486 54,117 54,102 48,833 49,740 47,609 50,033 55,707 61,069 68,394 73,325
Social sciences 103,150 109,220 111,661 108,169 107,278 105,742 102,706 100,200 76,286 77,985 78,999 78,353 82,223
Agricultural economics 1,989 2,180 2,095 2,045 1,916 1,931 2,056 1,756 1,678 1,698 1,506 1,242 1,194
Economics (except agricultural) 12,597 14,317 14,920 14,959 14,819 14,604 14,299 14,488 13,069 13,344 14,129 14,073 15,148
Geography 4,660 5,059 5,188 5,016 4,891 4,810 4,434 4,315 4,552 4,566 4,401 4,397 4,876
Linguistics 2,879 3,132 3,219 3,256 3,509 3,489 3,370 3,149 2,883 2,723 2,769 2,850 2,840
Political science and government 41,349 45,045 49,660 48,855 48,411 47,370 45,781 45,213 15,540 16,519 17,096 17,337 18,632
Sociology and anthropology 18,453 18,740 18,365 17,404 17,360 16,789 16,104 15,540 14,894 14,296 13,931 13,872 13,627
Other social sciences 21,223 20,747 18,214 16,634 16,372 16,749 16,662 15,739 23,670 24,839 25,167 24,582 25,906
Mathematics and computer sciences                          
Mathematics and statistics 20,975 23,136 23,801 24,575 24,804 25,874 26,444 28,050 29,669 31,461 33,159 31,971 34,258
Mathematics and applied mathematics 16,528 17,589 18,157 18,577 18,323 18,863 18,737 20,028 20,511 21,442 22,241 21,358 23,282
Statistics 4,447 5,547 5,644 5,998 6,481 7,011 7,707 8,022 9,158 10,019 10,918 10,613 10,976

Computer sciences
48,246 51,546 51,234 51,789 56,339 76,546 86,192 92,650 89,909 93,478 101,284 98,864 121,730
Selected health fields4 103,300 76,120 65,879 65,825 62,710 64,703 67,389 64,336 67,963 72,751 72,422 75,438 82,322
Clinical medicine fields 22,751 25,699 26,634 26,798 26,362 27,048 28,606 27,212 29,693 32,002 30,822 34,544 39,633
Other health fields5 80,549 50,421 39,245 39,027 36,348 37,655 38,783 37,124 38,270 40,749 41,600 40,894 42,689
---Not available.
1In 2014, the survey frame was updated following a comprehensive frame evaluation study. The study identified potentially eligible but not previously surveyed academic institutions in the United States with master’s- or doctorate-granting programs in science, engineering, or health. A total of 151 newly eligible institutions were added, and 2 institutions offering mostly practitioner-based graduate degrees were determined to be ineligible.
2In 2017, the survey’s list of eligible disciplinary fields was updated to align with the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) Taxonomy of Disciplines, thus increasing comparability with other NCSES surveys. As a result of the update, some eligible fields were reclassified, some fields were split up or moved into different broader fields, and some fields became fully or partially ineligible for inclusion in the survey. Examples of major changes as of 2017 include the following: The architecture, communication, and family science fields are no longer eligible; there is a new broad field of natural resources and conservation, which was split from agricultural sciences; and the field of materials sciences, formerly reported as part of metallurgical/materials engineering, is now reported separately under physical sciences.
3Excludes Psy.D. (Doctor of Psychology) programs, which focus on training for clinical practice. Enrollment declines after 2007 may be due to more rigorous follow-up with institutions to exclude such programs.
4Excludes enrollments in practitioner-oriented programs, which have the primary purpose of providing the knowledge and skills required for credentials or licensure to practice in a medical or other health field. Examples of excluded clinical medicine programs are those leading to M.D. (Doctor of Medicine) and D.D.S. (Doctor of Dental Surgery) degrees. Examples of excluded programs in other health fields are those leading to D.N.P. (Doctor of Nursing Practice) and D.P.T. (Doctor of Physical Therapy) degrees.
5Enrollment declines in other health fields such as nursing may be due to more rigorous follow-up with institutions to exclude enrollments in practitioner-oriented graduate degree programs.
NOTE: The survey on which this table is based includes all institutions in the United States and its territories (Guam and Puerto Rico) that grant research-based master’s degrees or doctorates in science, engineering, and selected health fields. Because the architecture, communication, and family science fields are no longer eligible for inclusion in the survey as of 2017, these fields have been omitted from this table and are no longer included in the totals for any of the years.
SOURCE: National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, NSF-NIH Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering, 2007 through 2021. (This table was prepared May 2023.)

2022 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest