Digest of Education Statistics
2022 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 303.70. Total undergraduate fall enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by attendance status, sex of student, and control and level of institution: Selected years, 1970 through 2031
Level and year Total Full-time Part-time Males Females Males Females Public Private
Full-time Part-time Full-time Part-time Total Nonprofit For-profit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Total, all levels                          
1970 7,368,644 5,280,064 2,088,580 4,249,702 3,118,942 3,096,371 1,153,331 2,183,693 935,249 5,620,255 1,748,389 1,730,133 18,256
1975 9,679,455 6,168,396 3,511,059 5,257,005 4,422,450 3,459,328 1,797,677 2,709,068 1,713,382 7,826,032 1,853,423 1,814,844 38,579
1980 10,475,055 6,361,744 4,113,311 5,000,177 5,474,878 3,226,857 1,773,320 3,134,887 2,339,991 8,441,955 2,033,100 1,926,703 106,397
1985 10,596,674 6,319,592 4,277,082 4,962,080 5,634,594 3,156,446 1,805,634 3,163,146 2,471,448 8,477,125 2,119,549 1,928,996 190,553
1986 10,797,975 6,352,073 4,445,902 5,017,505 5,780,470 3,146,330 1,871,175 3,205,743 2,574,727 8,660,716 2,137,259 1,928,294 208,965
1987 11,046,235 6,462,549 4,583,686 5,068,457 5,977,778 3,163,676 1,904,781 3,298,873 2,678,905 8,918,589 2,127,646 1,939,942 187,704
1988 11,316,548 6,642,428 4,674,120 5,137,644 6,178,904 3,206,442 1,931,202 3,435,986 2,742,918 9,103,146 2,213,402 --- ---
1989 11,742,531 6,840,696 4,901,835 5,310,990 6,431,541 3,278,647 2,032,343 3,562,049 2,869,492 9,487,742 2,254,789 --- ---
1990 11,959,106 6,976,030 4,983,076 5,379,759 6,579,347 3,336,535 2,043,224 3,639,495 2,939,852 9,709,596 2,249,510 2,043,407 206,103
1991 12,439,287 7,221,412 5,217,875 5,571,003 6,868,284 3,435,526 2,135,477 3,785,886 3,082,398 10,147,957 2,291,330 2,072,354 218,976
1992 12,537,700 7,244,442 5,293,258 5,582,936 6,954,764 3,424,739 2,158,197 3,819,703 3,135,061 10,216,297 2,321,403 2,101,721 219,682
1993 12,323,959 7,179,482 5,144,477 5,483,682 6,840,277 3,381,997 2,101,685 3,797,485 3,042,792 10,011,787 2,312,172 2,099,197 212,975
1994 12,262,608 7,168,706 5,093,902 5,422,113 6,840,495 3,341,591 2,080,522 3,827,115 3,013,380 9,945,128 2,317,480 2,100,465 217,015
1995 12,231,719 7,145,268 5,086,451 5,401,130 6,830,589 3,296,610 2,104,520 3,848,658 2,981,931 9,903,626 2,328,093 2,104,693 223,400
1996 12,326,948 7,298,839 5,028,109 5,420,672 6,906,276 3,339,108 2,081,564 3,959,731 2,946,545 9,935,283 2,391,665 2,112,318 279,347
1997 12,450,587 7,418,598 5,031,989 5,468,532 6,982,055 3,379,597 2,088,935 4,039,001 2,943,054 10,007,479 2,443,108 2,139,824 303,284
1998 12,436,937 7,538,711 4,898,226 5,446,133 6,990,804 3,428,161 2,017,972 4,110,550 2,880,254 9,950,212 2,486,725 2,152,655 334,070
1999 12,739,445 7,753,548 4,985,897 5,584,234 7,155,211 3,524,586 2,059,648 4,228,962 2,926,249 10,174,228 2,565,217 2,185,290 379,927
2000 13,155,393 7,922,926 5,232,467 5,778,268 7,377,125 3,588,246 2,190,022 4,334,680 3,042,445 10,539,322 2,616,071 2,213,180 402,891
2001 13,715,610 8,327,640 5,387,970 6,004,431 7,711,179 3,768,630 2,235,801 4,559,010 3,152,169 10,985,871 2,729,739 2,257,718 472,021
2002 14,257,077 8,734,252 5,522,825 6,192,390 8,064,687 3,934,168 2,258,222 4,800,084 3,264,603 11,432,855 2,824,222 2,306,091 518,131
2003 14,480,364 9,045,253 5,435,111 6,227,372 8,252,992 4,048,682 2,178,690 4,996,571 3,256,421 11,523,103 2,957,261 2,346,673 610,588
2004 14,780,630 9,284,336 5,496,294 6,340,048 8,440,582 4,140,628 2,199,420 5,143,708 3,296,874 11,650,580 3,130,050 2,389,366 740,684
2005 14,963,964 9,446,430 5,517,534 6,408,871 8,555,093 4,200,863 2,208,008 5,245,567 3,309,526 11,697,730 3,266,234 2,418,368 847,866
2006 15,179,591 9,571,349 5,608,242 6,511,198 8,668,393 4,264,722 2,246,476 5,306,627 3,361,766 11,842,625 3,336,966 2,448,250 888,716
2007 15,613,540 9,841,973 5,771,567 6,731,561 8,881,979 4,397,402 2,334,159 5,444,571 3,437,408 12,147,744 3,465,796 2,470,463 995,333
2008 16,344,592 10,244,174 6,100,418 7,055,640 9,288,952 4,570,913 2,484,727 5,673,261 3,615,691 12,589,947 3,754,645 2,535,789 1,218,856
2009 17,464,179 11,038,275 6,425,904 7,563,176 9,901,003 4,942,120 2,621,056 6,096,155 3,804,848 13,386,375 4,077,804 2,595,171 1,482,633
2010 18,082,427 11,457,040 6,625,387 7,836,282 10,246,145 5,118,975 2,717,307 6,338,065 3,908,080 13,703,000 4,379,427 2,652,993 1,726,434
2011 18,077,303 11,365,175 6,712,128 7,822,992 10,254,311 5,070,553 2,752,439 6,294,622 3,959,689 13,694,899 4,382,404 2,718,923 1,663,481
2012 17,735,638 11,097,092 6,638,546 7,714,938 10,020,700 4,984,389 2,730,549 6,112,703 3,907,997 13,478,100 4,257,538 2,744,400 1,513,138
2013 17,476,304 10,939,276 6,537,028 7,660,140 9,816,164 4,950,210 2,709,930 5,989,066 3,827,098 13,348,292 4,128,012 2,755,463 1,372,549
2014 17,294,136 10,784,392 6,509,744 7,586,299 9,707,837 4,877,531 2,708,768 5,906,861 3,800,976 13,244,533 4,049,603 2,772,065 1,277,538
2015 17,046,673 10,603,030 6,443,643 7,502,254 9,544,419 4,809,098 2,693,156 5,793,932 3,750,487 13,150,823 3,895,850 2,822,122 1,073,728
2016 16,874,649 10,430,068 6,444,581 7,416,859 9,457,790 4,725,510 2,691,349 5,704,558 3,753,232 13,143,979 3,730,670 2,813,742 916,928
2017 16,773,036 10,371,863 6,401,173 7,351,259 9,421,777 4,683,715 2,667,544 5,688,148 3,733,629 13,112,594 3,660,442 2,819,080 841,362
2018 16,616,370 10,266,392 6,349,978 7,228,148 9,388,222 4,601,834 2,626,314 5,664,558 3,723,664 13,059,760 3,556,610 2,819,406 737,204
2019 16,557,539 10,209,793 6,347,746 7,149,450 9,408,089 4,543,556 2,605,894 5,666,237 3,741,852 13,004,143 3,553,396 2,794,796 758,600
2020 15,884,559 9,843,138 6,041,421 6,665,095 9,219,464 4,265,661 2,399,434 5,577,477 3,641,987 12,338,189 3,546,370 2,742,773 803,597
2021 15,448,420 9,499,764 5,948,656 6,525,438 8,922,982 4,141,221 2,384,217 5,358,543 3,564,439 11,944,633 3,503,787 2,726,354 777,433
20221 15,870,262 9,824,676 6,045,586 6,632,064 9,238,198 4,243,645 2,388,419 5,581,031 3,657,167 12,341,869 3,528,393 --- ---
20231 15,887,414 9,817,778 6,069,636 6,634,653 9,252,761 4,239,029 2,395,624 5,578,749 3,674,012 12,358,166 3,529,248 --- ---
20241 16,144,761 9,968,471 6,176,290 6,757,637 9,387,124 4,312,463 2,445,174 5,656,008 3,731,116 12,560,107 3,584,654 --- ---
20251 16,406,565 10,144,020 6,262,545 6,886,041 9,520,524 4,398,307 2,487,734 5,745,713 3,774,811 12,762,073 3,644,492 --- ---
20261 16,602,969 10,281,018 6,321,951 6,983,880 9,619,089 4,465,654 2,518,226 5,815,364 3,803,725 12,912,189 3,690,780 --- ---
20271 16,723,662 10,348,977 6,374,685 7,048,212 9,675,450 4,502,601 2,545,611 5,846,376 3,829,074 13,005,614 3,718,048 --- ---
20281 16,788,396 10,364,852 6,423,544 7,087,257 9,701,139 4,517,000 2,570,257 5,847,852 3,853,287 13,058,110 3,730,286 --- ---
20291 16,799,176 10,329,267 6,469,908 7,100,793 9,698,382 4,508,370 2,592,423 5,820,897 3,877,485 13,072,985 3,726,190 --- ---
20301 16,790,126 10,276,428 6,513,698 7,104,017 9,686,109 4,490,025 2,613,992 5,786,403 3,899,706 13,073,920 3,716,206 --- ---
20311 16,822,728 10,262,815 6,559,913 7,122,212 9,700,516 4,486,064 2,636,148 5,776,751 3,923,765 13,105,564 3,717,164 --- ---
2-year institutions2                          
1970 2,318,956 1,228,909 1,090,047 1,374,426 944,530 771,298 603,128 457,611 486,919 2,194,983 123,973 113,299 10,674
1975 3,965,726 1,761,009 2,204,717 2,163,604 1,802,122 1,035,531 1,128,073 725,478 1,076,644 3,831,973 133,753 112,997 20,756
1980 4,525,097 1,753,637 2,771,460 2,046,642 2,478,455 879,619 1,167,023 874,018 1,604,437 4,327,592 197,505 114,094 83,411
1985 4,531,077 1,690,607 2,840,470 2,002,234 2,528,843 826,308 1,175,926 864,299 1,664,544 4,269,733 261,344 108,791 152,553
1986 4,679,548 1,696,261 2,983,287 2,060,932 2,618,616 824,551 1,236,381 871,710 1,746,906 4,413,691 265,857 101,498 164,359
1987 4,776,222 1,708,669 3,067,553 2,072,823 2,703,399 820,167 1,252,656 888,502 1,814,897 4,541,054 235,168 90,102 145,066
1988 4,875,155 1,743,592 3,131,563 2,089,689 2,785,466 818,593 1,271,096 924,999 1,860,467 4,615,487 259,668 --- ---
1989 5,150,889 1,855,701 3,295,188 2,216,800 2,934,089 869,688 1,347,112 986,013 1,948,076 4,883,660 267,229 --- ---
1990 5,240,083 1,883,962 3,356,121 2,232,769 3,007,314 881,392 1,351,377 1,002,570 2,004,744 4,996,475 243,608 89,158 154,450
1991 5,651,900 2,074,530 3,577,370 2,401,910 3,249,990 961,397 1,440,513 1,113,133 2,136,857 5,404,815 247,085 89,289 157,796
1992 5,722,349 2,080,005 3,642,344 2,413,266 3,309,083 951,816 1,461,450 1,128,189 2,180,894 5,484,514 237,835 83,288 154,547
1993 5,565,561 2,043,319 3,522,242 2,345,396 3,220,165 928,216 1,417,180 1,115,103 2,105,062 5,337,022 228,539 86,357 142,182
1994 5,529,609 2,031,713 3,497,896 2,323,161 3,206,448 911,589 1,411,572 1,120,124 2,086,324 5,308,366 221,243 85,607 135,636
1995 5,492,098 1,977,046 3,515,052 2,328,500 3,163,598 878,215 1,450,285 1,098,831 2,064,767 5,277,398 214,700 75,154 139,546
1996 5,562,780 2,072,215 3,490,565 2,358,792 3,203,988 916,452 1,442,340 1,155,763 2,048,225 5,314,038 248,742 75,253 173,489
1997 5,605,569 2,095,171 3,510,398 2,389,711 3,215,858 931,394 1,458,317 1,163,777 2,052,081 5,360,686 244,883 71,794 173,089
1998 5,489,314 2,085,906 3,403,408 2,333,334 3,155,980 936,421 1,396,913 1,149,485 2,006,495 5,245,963 243,351 65,870 177,481
1999 5,653,256 2,167,242 3,486,014 2,413,322 3,239,934 979,203 1,434,119 1,188,039 2,051,895 5,397,786 255,470 63,301 192,169
2000 5,948,104 2,217,044 3,731,060 2,558,520 3,389,584 995,839 1,562,681 1,221,205 2,168,379 5,697,061 251,043 58,844 192,199
2001 6,250,529 2,374,490 3,876,039 2,675,193 3,575,336 1,066,281 1,608,912 1,308,209 2,267,127 5,996,651 253,878 47,549 206,329
2002 6,529,198 2,556,032 3,973,166 2,753,405 3,775,793 1,135,669 1,617,736 1,420,363 2,355,430 6,270,199 258,999 47,087 211,912
2003 6,493,862 2,650,337 3,843,525 2,689,928 3,803,934 1,162,555 1,527,373 1,487,782 2,316,152 6,208,885 284,977 43,868 241,109
2004 6,545,570 2,683,489 3,862,081 2,697,507 3,848,063 1,166,554 1,530,953 1,516,935 2,331,128 6,243,344 302,226 42,250 259,976
2005 6,487,826 2,646,763 3,841,063 2,680,299 3,807,527 1,153,759 1,526,540 1,493,004 2,314,523 6,184,000 303,826 43,522 260,304
2006 6,513,303 2,643,162 3,870,141 2,701,970 3,811,333 1,159,733 1,542,237 1,483,429 2,327,904 6,219,880 293,423 39,156 254,267
2007 6,628,936 2,694,608 3,934,328 2,775,166 3,853,770 1,191,058 1,584,108 1,503,550 2,350,220 6,335,826 293,110 33,492 259,618
2008 6,970,947 2,832,412 4,138,535 2,935,799 4,035,148 1,250,063 1,685,736 1,582,349 2,452,799 6,639,928 331,019 35,358 295,661
2009 7,522,581 3,243,952 4,278,629 3,197,338 4,325,243 1,446,372 1,750,966 1,797,580 2,527,663 7,101,569 421,012 34,772 386,240
2010 7,683,597 3,365,379 4,318,218 3,265,885 4,417,712 1,483,230 1,782,655 1,882,149 2,535,563 7,218,063 465,534 32,683 432,851
2011 7,511,150 3,170,207 4,340,943 3,175,803 4,335,347 1,391,183 1,784,620 1,779,024 2,556,323 7,068,158 442,992 39,855 403,137
2012 7,167,840 2,941,797 4,226,043 3,046,093 4,121,747 1,305,657 1,740,436 1,636,140 2,485,607 6,792,065 375,775 37,698 338,077
2013 6,970,644 2,836,274 4,134,370 2,998,440 3,972,204 1,279,794 1,718,646 1,556,480 2,415,724 6,626,411 344,233 32,191 312,042
2014 6,714,678 2,661,107 4,053,571 2,894,020 3,820,658 1,200,648 1,693,372 1,460,459 2,360,199 6,397,552 317,126 30,376 286,750
2015 6,499,461 2,510,684 3,988,777 2,818,075 3,681,386 1,143,704 1,674,371 1,366,980 2,314,406 6,224,304 275,157 50,009 225,148
2016 6,092,418 2,309,347 3,783,071 2,637,394 3,455,024 1,057,839 1,579,555 1,251,508 2,203,516 5,842,909 249,509 50,555 198,954
2017 5,952,771 2,227,324 3,725,447 2,566,527 3,386,244 1,013,595 1,552,932 1,213,729 2,172,515 5,717,460 235,311 48,395 186,916
2018 5,752,962 2,111,288 3,641,674 2,454,966 3,297,996 953,742 1,501,224 1,157,546 2,140,450 5,556,085 196,877 45,172 151,705
2019 5,590,711 2,044,473 3,546,238 2,374,286 3,216,425 919,550 1,454,736 1,124,923 2,091,502 5,400,865 189,846 33,490 156,356
2020 4,931,680 1,808,660 3,123,020 1,987,227 2,944,453 766,090 1,221,137 1,042,570 1,901,883 4,720,914 210,766 32,048 178,718
2021 4,682,596 1,643,235 3,039,361 1,922,466 2,760,130 715,832 1,206,634 927,403 1,832,727 4,477,772 204,824 27,574 177,250
20221 4,928,107 1,806,110 3,121,997 1,976,389 2,951,718 762,079 1,214,310 1,044,031 1,907,687 4,720,897 207,210 --- ---
20231 4,940,263 1,801,950 3,138,313 1,980,170 2,960,093 759,822 1,220,348 1,042,128 1,917,965 4,733,406 206,857 --- ---
20241 5,023,322 1,828,980 3,194,342 2,018,554 3,004,768 772,450 1,246,104 1,056,530 1,948,238 4,813,364 209,958 --- ---
20251 5,100,369 1,862,118 3,238,251 2,055,877 3,044,492 788,316 1,267,561 1,073,802 1,970,690 4,886,731 213,638 --- ---
20261 5,153,776 1,886,299 3,267,477 2,082,602 3,071,174 800,033 1,282,569 1,086,266 1,984,908 4,937,469 216,307 --- ---
20271 5,185,400 1,893,200 3,292,200 2,099,161 3,086,239 803,703 1,295,458 1,089,497 1,996,742 4,968,270 217,130 --- ---
20281 5,205,126 1,891,219 3,313,907 2,109,605 3,095,521 803,261 1,306,344 1,087,958 2,007,563 4,988,118 217,008 --- ---
20291 5,221,415 1,887,186 3,334,229 2,117,579 3,103,836 801,787 1,315,792 1,085,399 2,018,437 5,004,756 216,659 --- ---
20301 5,236,645 1,882,984 3,353,661 2,124,929 3,111,716 799,818 1,325,111 1,083,166 2,028,550 5,020,341 216,304 --- ---
20311 5,262,277 1,885,867 3,376,410 2,136,469 3,125,808 800,750 1,335,719 1,085,117 2,040,691 5,045,558 216,719 --- ---
4-year institutions                          
1970 5,049,688 4,051,155 998,533 2,875,276 2,174,412 2,325,073 550,203 1,726,082 448,330 3,425,272 1,624,416 1,616,834 7,582
1975 5,713,729 4,407,387 1,306,342 3,093,401 2,620,328 2,423,797 669,604 1,983,590 636,738 3,994,059 1,719,670 1,701,847 17,823
1980 5,949,958 4,608,107 1,341,851 2,953,535 2,996,423 2,347,238 606,297 2,260,869 735,554 4,114,363 1,835,595 1,812,609 22,986
1985 6,065,597 4,628,985 1,436,612 2,959,846 3,105,751 2,330,138 629,708 2,298,847 806,904 4,207,392 1,858,205 1,820,205 38,000
1986 6,118,427 4,655,812 1,462,615 2,956,573 3,161,854 2,321,779 634,794 2,334,033 827,821 4,247,025 1,871,402 1,826,796 44,606
1987 6,270,013 4,753,880 1,516,133 2,995,634 3,274,379 2,343,509 652,125 2,410,371 864,008 4,377,535 1,892,478 1,849,840 42,638
1988 6,441,393 4,898,836 1,542,557 3,047,955 3,393,438 2,387,849 660,106 2,510,987 882,451 4,487,659 1,953,734 --- ---
1989 6,591,642 4,984,995 1,606,647 3,094,190 3,497,452 2,408,959 685,231 2,576,036 921,416 4,604,082 1,987,560 --- ---
1990 6,719,023 5,092,068 1,626,955 3,146,990 3,572,033 2,455,143 691,847 2,636,925 935,108 4,713,121 2,005,902 1,954,249 51,653
1991 6,787,387 5,146,882 1,640,505 3,169,093 3,618,294 2,474,129 694,964 2,672,753 945,541 4,743,142 2,044,245 1,983,065 61,180
1992 6,815,351 5,164,437 1,650,914 3,169,670 3,645,681 2,472,923 696,747 2,691,514 954,167 4,731,783 2,083,568 2,018,433 65,135
1993 6,758,398 5,136,163 1,622,235 3,138,286 3,620,112 2,453,781 684,505 2,682,382 937,730 4,674,765 2,083,633 2,012,840 70,793
1994 6,732,999 5,136,993 1,596,006 3,098,952 3,634,047 2,430,002 668,950 2,706,991 927,056 4,636,762 2,096,237 2,014,858 81,379
1995 6,739,621 5,168,222 1,571,399 3,072,630 3,666,991 2,418,395 654,235 2,749,827 917,164 4,626,228 2,113,393 2,029,539 83,854
1996 6,764,168 5,226,624 1,537,544 3,061,880 3,702,288 2,422,656 639,224 2,803,968 898,320 4,621,245 2,142,923 2,037,065 105,858
1997 6,845,018 5,323,427 1,521,591 3,078,821 3,766,197 2,448,203 630,618 2,875,224 890,973 4,646,793 2,198,225 2,068,030 130,195
1998 6,947,623 5,452,805 1,494,818 3,112,799 3,834,824 2,491,740 621,059 2,961,065 873,759 4,704,249 2,243,374 2,086,785 156,589
1999 7,086,189 5,586,306 1,499,883 3,170,912 3,915,277 2,545,383 625,529 3,040,923 874,354 4,776,442 2,309,747 2,121,989 187,758
2000 7,207,289 5,705,882 1,501,407 3,219,748 3,987,541 2,592,407 627,341 3,113,475 874,066 4,842,261 2,365,028 2,154,336 210,692
2001 7,465,081 5,953,150 1,511,931 3,329,238 4,135,843 2,702,349 626,889 3,250,801 885,042 4,989,220 2,475,861 2,210,169 265,692
2002 7,727,879 6,178,220 1,549,659 3,438,985 4,288,894 2,798,499 640,486 3,379,721 909,173 5,162,656 2,565,223 2,259,004 306,219
2003 7,986,502 6,394,916 1,591,586 3,537,444 4,449,058 2,886,127 651,317 3,508,789 940,269 5,314,218 2,672,284 2,302,805 369,479
2004 8,235,060 6,600,847 1,634,213 3,642,541 4,592,519 2,974,074 668,467 3,626,773 965,746 5,407,236 2,827,824 2,347,116 480,708
2005 8,476,138 6,799,667 1,676,471 3,728,572 4,747,566 3,047,104 681,468 3,752,563 995,003 5,513,730 2,962,408 2,374,846 587,562
2006 8,666,288 6,928,187 1,738,101 3,809,228 4,857,060 3,104,989 704,239 3,823,198 1,033,862 5,622,745 3,043,543 2,409,094 634,449
2007 8,984,604 7,147,365 1,837,239 3,956,395 5,028,209 3,206,344 750,051 3,941,021 1,087,188 5,811,918 3,172,686 2,436,971 735,715
2008 9,373,645 7,411,762 1,961,883 4,119,841 5,253,804 3,320,850 798,991 4,090,912 1,162,892 5,950,019 3,423,626 2,500,431 923,195
2009 9,941,598 7,794,323 2,147,275 4,365,838 5,575,760 3,495,748 870,090 4,298,575 1,277,185 6,284,806 3,656,792 2,560,399 1,096,393
2010 10,398,830 8,091,661 2,307,169 4,570,397 5,828,433 3,635,745 934,652 4,455,916 1,372,517 6,484,937 3,913,893 2,620,310 1,293,583
2011 10,566,153 8,194,968 2,371,185 4,647,189 5,918,964 3,679,370 967,819 4,515,598 1,403,366 6,626,741 3,939,412 2,679,068 1,260,344
2012 10,567,798 8,155,295 2,412,503 4,668,845 5,898,953 3,678,732 990,113 4,476,563 1,422,390 6,686,035 3,881,763 2,706,702 1,175,061
2013 10,505,660 8,103,002 2,402,658 4,661,700 5,843,960 3,670,416 991,284 4,432,586 1,411,374 6,721,881 3,783,779 2,723,272 1,060,507
2014 10,579,458 8,123,285 2,456,173 4,692,279 5,887,179 3,676,883 1,015,396 4,446,402 1,440,777 6,846,981 3,732,477 2,741,689 990,788
2015 10,547,212 8,092,346 2,454,866 4,684,179 5,863,033 3,665,394 1,018,785 4,426,952 1,436,081 6,926,519 3,620,693 2,772,113 848,580
2016 10,782,231 8,120,721 2,661,510 4,779,465 6,002,766 3,667,671 1,111,794 4,453,050 1,549,716 7,301,070 3,481,161 2,763,187 717,974
2017 10,820,265 8,144,539 2,675,726 4,784,732 6,035,533 3,670,120 1,114,612 4,474,419 1,561,114 7,395,134 3,425,131 2,770,685 654,446
2018 10,863,408 8,155,104 2,708,304 4,773,182 6,090,226 3,648,092 1,125,090 4,507,012 1,583,214 7,503,675 3,359,733 2,774,234 585,499
2019 10,966,828 8,165,320 2,801,508 4,775,164 6,191,664 3,624,006 1,151,158 4,541,314 1,650,350 7,603,278 3,363,550 2,761,306 602,244
2020 10,952,879 8,034,478 2,918,401 4,677,868 6,275,011 3,499,571 1,178,297 4,534,907 1,740,104 7,617,275 3,335,604 2,710,725 624,879
2021 10,765,824 7,856,529 2,909,295 4,602,972 6,162,852 3,425,389 1,177,583 4,431,140 1,731,712 7,466,861 3,298,963 2,698,780 600,183
20221 10,942,155 8,018,566 2,923,589 4,655,675 6,286,480 3,481,566 1,174,109 4,537,000 1,749,480 7,620,972 3,321,183 --- ---
20231 10,947,151 8,015,828 2,931,323 4,654,483 6,292,668 3,479,207 1,175,276 4,536,621 1,756,047 7,624,760 3,322,391 --- ---
20241 11,121,439 8,139,491 2,981,948 4,739,083 6,382,356 3,540,013 1,199,070 4,599,478 1,782,878 7,746,743 3,374,696 --- ---
20251 11,306,196 8,281,902 3,024,294 4,830,164 6,476,032 3,609,991 1,220,173 4,671,911 1,804,121 7,875,342 3,430,854 --- ---
20261 11,449,193 8,394,719 3,054,474 4,901,278 6,547,915 3,665,621 1,235,657 4,729,098 1,818,817 7,974,720 3,474,473 --- ---
20271 11,538,262 8,455,777 3,082,485 4,949,051 6,589,211 3,698,898 1,250,153 4,756,879 1,832,332 8,037,344 3,500,918 --- ---
20281 11,583,270 8,473,633 3,109,637 4,977,652 6,605,618 3,713,739 1,263,913 4,759,894 1,845,724 8,069,992 3,513,278 --- ---
20291 11,577,760 8,442,081 3,135,679 4,983,214 6,594,546 3,706,583 1,276,631 4,735,498 1,859,048 8,068,229 3,509,531 --- ---
20301 11,553,481 8,393,444 3,160,037 4,979,088 6,574,393 3,690,207 1,288,881 4,703,237 1,871,156 8,053,579 3,499,902 --- ---
20311 11,560,451 8,376,948 3,183,503 4,985,743 6,574,708 3,685,314 1,300,429 4,691,634 1,883,074 8,060,006 3,500,445 --- ---
---Not available.
2Beginning in 1980, 2-year institutions include schools accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges of Technology.
NOTE: Data in this table represent the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Data through 1995 are for institutions of higher education, while later data are for degree-granting institutions. Degree-granting institutions grant associate’s or higher degrees and participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. The degree-granting classification is very similar to the earlier higher education classification, but it includes more 2-year colleges and excludes a few higher education institutions that did not grant degrees. Projections in this table were calculated after the onset of the coronavirus pandemic and take into account the expected impacts of the pandemic. Some data have been revised from previously published figures.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS), "Fall Enrollment in Colleges and Universities" surveys, 1970 through 1985; Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Fall Enrollment Survey" (IPEDS-EF:86-99); IPEDS Spring 2000 through Spring 2022, Fall Enrollment component; and Enrollment in Degree-Granting Institutions Projection Model, through 2031. (This table was prepared December 2022.)

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