Digest of Education Statistics
2022 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 236.70. Current expenditure per pupil in average daily attendance in public elementary and secondary schools, by state or jurisdiction: Selected school years, 1969-70 through 2019-20
State or jurisdiction Unadjusted dollars1 Constant 2021-22 dollars2
1969-70 1979-80 1989-90 1999-2000 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 1969-70 1979-80 1989-90 1999-2000 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
United States $816 $2,272 $4,980 $7,394 $11,427 $11,433 $11,362 $11,509 $11,819 $12,224 $12,619 $13,096 $13,545 $14,165 $14,420 $6,092 $8,253 $11,060 $12,317 $14,869 $14,585 $14,081 $14,030 $14,187 $14,567 $14,936 $15,221 $15,396 $15,774 $15,810
Alabama 544 1,612 3,327 5,758 9,554 9,296 8,927 9,486 9,543 9,690 9,870 10,161 10,374 10,846 10,893 4,061 5,855 7,390 9,593 12,432 11,858 11,064 11,564 11,454 11,546 11,683 11,810 11,791 12,077 11,943
Alaska 1,123 4,728 8,431 9,668 17,350 18,352 19,134 19,982 20,254 22,161 19,242 19,550 19,498 20,088 20,195 8,381 17,174 18,727 16,106 22,576 23,410 23,713 24,359 24,311 26,407 22,775 22,722 22,162 22,369 22,141
Arizona 720 1,971 4,053 5,478 8,756 8,646 8,224 8,388 8,278 8,426 8,572 8,867 9,057 9,650 9,628 5,376 7,160 9,003 9,126 11,394 11,029 10,192 10,225 9,936 10,040 10,146 10,306 10,295 10,746 10,556
Arkansas 568 1,574 3,485 5,628 10,237 10,332 10,397 9,853 10,622 10,756 10,837 10,968 11,226 11,458 11,257 4,238 5,720 7,741 9,375 13,321 13,179 12,885 12,011 12,750 12,817 12,827 12,747 12,759 12,759 12,342
California 867 2,268 4,391 6,401 9,680 9,540 9,608 9,686 10,094 10,924 11,937 12,730 13,263 14,588 14,466 6,474 8,238 9,752 10,663 12,596 12,170 11,907 11,807 12,115 13,017 14,129 14,795 15,075 16,244 15,860
Colorado 738 2,421 4,720 6,702 9,747 9,709 9,415 9,572 9,924 10,349 10,619 10,946 11,304 12,465 13,015 5,509 8,794 10,484 11,164 12,684 12,385 11,669 11,669 11,911 12,332 12,569 12,722 12,849 13,880 14,269
Connecticut 951 2,420 7,837 10,122 16,133 16,932 17,472 17,859 19,029 19,731 20,380 20,731 20,964 21,964 21,693 7,102 8,792 17,407 16,862 20,992 21,598 21,654 21,771 22,840 23,512 24,122 24,094 23,828 24,458 23,784
Delaware 900 2,861 5,799 8,809 12,928 13,228 14,253 14,129 14,203 14,556 15,150 15,824 16,292 16,595 14,775 6,720 10,394 12,880 14,674 16,823 16,874 17,664 17,224 17,048 17,345 17,932 18,391 18,518 18,479 16,199
District of Columbia 1,018 3,259 8,955 11,935 21,283 21,304 20,399 20,333 21,629 21,362 22,340 23,632 25,381 25,674 25,952 7,603 11,839 19,890 19,882 27,695 27,176 25,281 24,787 25,961 25,454 26,442 27,466 28,849 28,589 28,454
Florida 732 1,889 4,997 6,383 9,363 9,394 8,825 8,925 9,189 9,295 9,337 9,571 10,072 10,184 10,660 5,467 6,863 11,100 10,634 12,184 11,983 10,937 10,880 11,029 11,076 11,052 11,124 11,448 11,341 11,688
Georgia 588 1,625 4,275 6,903 9,855 9,577 9,492 9,437 9,529 9,809 10,185 10,722 11,259 11,635 12,026 4,390 5,904 9,495 11,500 12,824 12,217 11,763 11,504 11,437 11,688 12,055 12,462 12,797 12,956 13,186
Hawaii 841 2,322 4,448 7,090 12,887 12,603 12,735 12,585 13,219 13,849 14,728 15,325 16,237 17,269 17,737 6,275 8,434 9,881 11,812 16,768 16,077 15,783 15,341 15,867 16,502 17,432 17,811 18,456 19,230 19,446
Idaho 603 1,659 3,078 5,644 7,481 7,155 7,041 7,273 7,215 7,409 7,642 8,024 8,359 8,726 8,838 4,504 6,028 6,836 9,403 9,735 9,127 8,727 8,865 8,660 8,828 9,045 9,325 9,501 9,717 9,690
Illinois 909 2,587 5,118 8,084 13,083 13,180 13,459 13,808 14,682 15,473 15,909 17,332 17,693 18,208 19,058 6,790 9,396 11,367 13,467 17,025 16,813 16,680 16,833 17,622 18,437 18,830 20,144 20,110 20,275 20,895
Indiana 728 1,882 4,606 7,652 10,160 9,924 10,220 10,037 10,078 10,202 10,368 10,472 10,758 11,028 11,516 5,435 6,839 10,231 12,748 13,221 12,659 12,666 12,235 12,097 12,156 12,272 12,171 12,228 12,280 12,626
Iowa 844 2,326 4,453 6,925 10,524 10,565 10,748 10,915 11,359 11,698 11,846 12,167 12,596 12,907 13,255 6,302 8,451 9,890 11,536 13,694 13,477 13,320 13,306 13,634 13,939 14,021 14,141 14,316 14,372 14,533
Kansas 771 2,173 4,752 6,962 10,859 10,700 10,712 10,789 11,180 11,106 10,815 11,159 12,003 12,295 12,844 5,756 7,894 10,554 11,598 14,130 13,649 13,276 13,152 13,419 13,234 12,801 12,969 13,643 13,690 14,082
Kentucky 545 1,701 3,745 6,784 10,376 10,469 10,700 10,269 10,248 10,659 10,912 11,193 12,574 12,784 13,284 4,070 6,180 8,319 11,302 13,502 13,354 13,261 12,518 12,300 12,701 12,915 13,009 14,292 14,236 14,564
Louisiana 648 1,792 3,903 6,256 11,492 11,500 11,352 11,118 11,415 11,697 11,775 12,050 12,354 12,512 12,384 4,838 6,510 8,670 10,421 14,953 14,670 14,068 13,553 13,701 13,938 13,937 14,005 14,042 13,933 13,578
Maine 692 1,824 5,373 8,247 14,090 14,406 14,000 14,347 14,926 15,839 16,060 16,103 16,655 17,419 17,790 5,170 6,624 11,934 13,738 18,334 18,376 17,351 17,489 17,916 18,873 19,009 18,715 18,930 19,397 19,505
Maryland 918 2,598 6,275 8,273 14,937 14,876 14,746 15,010 15,109 15,403 15,478 15,982 16,452 16,932 17,218 6,856 9,438 13,938 13,782 19,437 18,976 18,275 18,298 18,135 18,354 18,320 18,576 18,700 18,855 18,878
Massachusetts 859 2,819 6,237 9,375 14,632 15,334 15,607 16,111 16,646 17,311 18,026 18,853 19,409 20,299 20,852 6,414 10,242 13,853 15,618 19,040 19,560 19,342 19,640 19,980 20,627 21,336 21,912 22,061 22,604 22,862
Michigan 904 2,640 5,546 8,886 11,661 11,560 11,462 11,495 11,678 12,048 12,243 12,448 12,895 13,315 13,621 6,749 9,592 12,319 14,803 15,174 14,746 14,205 14,012 14,017 14,357 14,491 14,468 14,656 14,827 14,934
Minnesota 904 2,387 4,971 7,499 11,366 11,368 11,424 11,754 12,140 12,707 13,169 13,496 13,834 14,250 14,440 6,746 8,671 11,040 12,493 14,790 14,502 14,158 14,329 14,572 15,141 15,587 15,686 15,724 15,868 15,832
Mississippi 501 1,664 3,094 5,356 8,670 8,436 8,623 8,685 8,926 9,129 9,380 9,467 9,680 10,071 10,303 3,739 6,044 6,871 8,922 11,281 10,761 10,687 10,587 10,713 10,879 11,102 11,003 11,003 11,215 11,296
Missouri 709 1,936 4,507 6,764 10,468 10,348 10,370 10,555 10,764 11,079 11,233 11,527 11,962 12,305 12,293 5,290 7,034 10,011 11,268 13,621 13,200 12,851 12,867 12,920 13,202 13,296 13,397 13,596 13,702 13,478
Montana 782 2,476 4,736 6,990 11,463 11,599 11,290 11,493 11,840 11,999 12,379 12,489 12,743 13,068 13,221 5,837 8,997 10,520 11,645 14,916 14,795 13,991 14,010 14,211 14,298 14,652 14,515 14,484 14,552 14,495
Nebraska 736 2,150 4,842 7,360 11,920 12,324 12,114 12,374 12,502 12,825 13,700 14,062 14,426 14,246 14,456 5,498 7,810 10,754 12,260 15,511 15,721 15,013 15,084 15,006 15,282 16,216 16,343 16,397 15,864 15,850
Nevada 769 2,088 4,117 6,148 8,869 9,035 8,677 8,525 8,734 8,939 9,233 9,620 9,521 9,776 10,097 5,745 7,586 9,145 10,242 11,541 11,526 10,754 10,392 10,483 10,652 10,929 11,181 10,822 10,886 11,070
New Hampshire 723 1,916 5,304 7,082 13,424 13,964 14,215 14,463 15,013 15,380 15,934 16,360 16,977 17,491 17,817 5,398 6,960 11,781 11,799 17,468 17,812 17,617 17,631 18,020 18,327 18,860 19,015 19,297 19,477 19,534
New Jersey 1,016 3,191 8,139 10,903 18,060 17,654 18,197 19,020 19,282 19,296 20,055 20,735 21,473 22,505 22,434 7,587 11,594 18,078 18,163 23,500 22,520 22,552 23,186 23,144 22,993 23,737 24,099 24,407 25,060 24,597
New Mexico 707 2,034 3,515 5,835 9,716 9,356 9,069 9,230 9,546 9,891 9,954 9,978 10,005 10,543 11,911 5,278 7,388 7,807 9,720 12,642 11,935 11,239 11,252 11,458 11,786 11,782 11,597 11,372 11,740 13,059
New York 1,327 3,462 8,062 10,957 19,965 20,517 20,881 21,172 22,048 22,771 23,678 24,480 25,415 26,727 26,994 9,905 12,578 17,906 18,253 25,980 26,172 25,878 25,810 26,464 27,134 28,026 28,452 28,887 29,762 29,597
North Carolina 612 1,754 4,290 6,505 8,930 8,943 8,828 9,041 8,948 9,245 9,347 9,708 10,039 10,589 10,562 4,572 6,373 9,529 10,837 11,621 11,408 10,941 11,022 10,740 11,017 11,064 11,283 11,411 11,791 11,580
North Dakota 690 1,920 4,189 6,078 10,976 11,356 11,643 12,090 12,952 13,552 14,002 14,443 14,409 14,792 14,966 5,148 6,976 9,305 10,126 14,283 14,486 14,430 14,738 15,546 16,148 16,573 16,787 16,377 16,471 16,408
Ohio 730 2,075 5,045 7,816 12,307 12,484 12,271 12,284 12,447 12,285 12,488 13,019 13,403 14,021 14,198 5,450 7,537 11,205 13,022 16,014 15,925 15,208 14,975 14,940 14,639 14,781 15,131 15,235 15,613 15,567
Oklahoma 604 1,926 3,508 5,770 8,511 8,165 8,281 8,450 8,526 8,633 8,624 8,469 8,769 9,828 10,013 4,513 6,999 7,791 9,612 11,075 10,416 10,263 10,301 10,233 10,287 10,208 9,843 9,967 10,944 10,978
Oregon 925 2,692 5,474 8,129 10,476 10,497 10,386 10,370 10,739 11,356 11,856 12,320 13,066 13,685 13,935 6,904 9,779 12,159 13,542 13,631 13,390 12,872 12,641 12,890 13,531 14,033 14,319 14,851 15,239 15,278
Pennsylvania 882 2,535 6,228 8,380 13,678 14,072 13,973 14,378 14,789 15,405 15,997 16,828 17,465 18,076 18,363 6,583 9,208 13,833 13,961 17,799 17,951 17,317 17,528 17,751 18,356 18,935 19,558 19,851 20,128 20,133
Rhode Island 891 2,601 6,368 9,646 16,243 16,346 16,498 16,187 16,702 17,151 17,332 17,929 18,256 18,981 19,168 6,653 9,449 14,143 16,070 21,136 20,851 20,446 19,732 20,047 20,438 20,514 20,838 20,750 21,136 21,015
South Carolina 613 1,752 4,082 6,545 9,887 9,735 9,823 10,200 10,408 10,670 10,910 11,312 11,953 12,197 12,520 4,573 6,365 9,066 10,904 12,865 12,419 12,174 12,434 12,492 12,714 12,913 13,148 13,586 13,582 13,727
South Dakota 690 1,908 3,731 6,037 9,683 9,431 9,095 9,138 9,539 9,637 9,897 10,905 10,940 11,453 11,151 5,151 6,930 8,287 10,057 12,600 12,030 11,272 11,139 11,449 11,483 11,714 12,674 12,434 12,754 12,226
Tennessee 566 1,635 3,664 5,837 8,810 9,146 9,235 9,370 9,431 9,549 9,719 10,106 10,462 10,885 10,788 4,226 5,941 8,137 9,724 11,464 11,666 11,445 11,422 11,320 11,379 11,503 11,746 11,892 12,121 11,827
Texas 624 1,916 4,150 6,771 9,528 9,418 8,862 8,951 9,273 9,789 10,067 10,264 10,416 10,680 11,286 4,660 6,959 9,219 11,281 12,399 12,014 10,983 10,912 11,130 11,664 11,915 11,930 11,839 11,893 12,374
Utah 626 1,657 2,764 4,692 6,877 6,851 6,787 7,023 7,156 7,375 7,659 7,892 8,315 8,751 9,026 4,675 6,019 6,139 7,817 8,948 8,739 8,412 8,561 8,590 8,788 9,066 9,172 9,452 9,745 9,896
Vermont 807 1,997 6,227 8,799 16,586 16,661 17,575 18,372 19,032 19,793 20,196 20,540 21,706 23,031 24,203 6,026 7,255 13,830 14,659 21,583 21,253 21,781 22,396 22,844 23,586 23,905 23,873 24,671 25,646 26,536
Virginia 708 1,970 4,672 6,491 11,383 11,123 11,385 11,748 11,716 11,810 12,022 12,535 12,784 13,203 13,552 5,284 7,156 10,376 10,813 14,812 14,189 14,110 14,321 14,063 14,073 14,229 14,568 14,531 14,702 14,858
Washington 915 2,568 4,702 6,914 10,242 10,402 10,413 10,553 11,199 11,648 12,533 13,099 14,212 15,831 16,174 6,834 9,330 10,444 11,517 13,327 13,270 12,905 12,864 13,442 13,880 14,834 15,225 16,154 17,628 17,733
West Virginia 670 1,920 4,360 7,637 12,378 12,505 11,982 11,665 11,800 12,414 12,299 12,649 12,620 13,324 13,672 5,002 6,976 9,685 12,722 16,107 15,951 14,849 14,220 14,163 14,792 14,558 14,701 14,344 14,836 14,990
Wisconsin 883 2,477 5,524 8,299 12,194 12,515 11,750 11,768 11,963 12,227 12,312 12,866 13,163 13,527 13,750 6,590 8,998 12,269 13,825 15,868 15,965 14,562 14,345 14,359 14,570 14,573 14,954 14,961 15,063 15,075
Wyoming 856 2,527 5,577 7,944 16,535 17,126 17,228 17,135 17,165 17,445 17,796 17,950 17,736 17,919 18,016 6,391 9,179 12,388 13,234 21,516 21,847 21,351 20,888 20,603 20,787 21,064 20,862 20,159 19,954 19,752
Other jurisdictions                                                            
American Samoa --- --- 1,908 2,807 4,881 4,877 5,154 4,870 5,504 5,120 5,235 5,622 5,146 5,393 --- --- 4,237 4,677 6,352 6,221 6,388 5,937 6,607 6,102 6,196 6,535 5,849 6,005
Guam 820 --- 4,234 --- 8,393 9,280 10,112 9,431 9,914 10,120 9,983 9,939 10,201 9,885 11,227 6,120 --- 9,405 --- 10,922 11,838 12,532 11,497 11,900 12,059 11,816 11,552 11,595 11,007 12,310
Northern Marianas --- --- 3,007 5,720 6,284 8,495 7,068 6,381 6,548 6,921 8,127 9,529 10,115 9,871 9,199 --- --- 6,679 9,529 8,177 10,837 8,759 7,779 7,860 8,247 9,619 11,074 11,497 10,992 10,086
Puerto Rico --- --- 1,750 3,859 7,426 8,560 7,798 8,701 8,822 8,025 8,124 7,660 6,768 8,865 7,705 --- --- 3,887 6,429 9,663 10,919 9,664 10,607 10,589 9,563 9,616 8,902 7,693 9,871 8,448
U.S. Virgin Islands --- --- 6,767 7,238 14,215 13,014 11,669 10,661 14,372 14,849 15,805 16,117 15,815 18,537 25,566 --- --- 15,031 12,058 18,497 16,601 14,462 12,996 17,250 17,695 18,707 18,732 17,975 20,642 28,030
---Not available.
‡Reporting standards not met.
1Unadjusted (or "current") dollars have not been adjusted to compensate for inflation.
2Constant dollars based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI), prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, adjusted to a school-year basis. The CPI does not account for differences in inflation rates from state to state. For more information about adjusting for differences in the cost of living from state to state, see the American Community Survey Comparable Wage Index for Teachers (ACS-CWIFT) at https://nces.ed.gov/programs/edge/Economic/TeacherWage.
NOTE: Current expenditures include instruction, support services, food services, and enterprise operations. Excludes "Other current expenditures," such as community services, private school programs, adult education, and other programs not allocable to expenditures per pupil in public schools. Expenditures for state administration are excluded in all years except 1969-70 and 1979-80. Beginning in 1989-90, extensive changes were made in the data collection procedures. There are discrepancies in average daily attendance reporting practices from state to state. Some data have been revised from previously published figures.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Statistics of State School Systems, 1969-70; Revenues and Expenditures for Public Elementary and Secondary Education, 1979-80; and Common Core of Data (CCD), "National Public Education Financial Survey," 1989-90 through 2018-19. (This table was prepared December 2022.)

2022 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest