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Table 233.27. Number of students receiving selected disciplinary actions in public elementary and secondary schools, by type of disciplinary action, disability status, sex, and race/ethnicity: 2017-18
Disability status, sex, and race/ethnicity Corporal punish-ment1  One or more
in-school suspensions2 
Out-of-school suspensions3 Expulsions4  Referral to law enforce-ment5  School-related arrest6 
Total Only one More than one Total7  With educa- tional services Without educa- tional services
All expul-sions8  Under zero-tolerance policies9 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
All students                      
Total 70,348 2,636,386 2,510,919 1,579,657 931,262 101,958 12,498 80,872 20,780 229,386 54,321
Male 57,014 1,833,533 1,771,161 1,087,624 683,537 74,202 9,401 58,599 15,343 159,772 37,800
Female 13,334 802,853 739,758 492,033 247,725 27,756 3,097 22,273 5,437 69,614 16,521

White 34,696 982,006 795,834 532,897 262,937 34,302 5,559 25,965 8,222 83,742 18,004
Black 25,374 794,236 925,864 524,618 401,246 37,051 2,871 30,184 6,750 63,533 16,537
Hispanic 5,392 586,879 525,357 355,834 169,523 21,044 2,548 17,224 3,766 56,804 13,826
Asian 112 26,606 26,545 20,534 6,011 790 103 607 183 3,516 605
Pacific Islander 49 6,191 9,307 6,532 2,775 235 32 178 56 876 490
American Indian/Alaska Native 1,349 32,331 34,092 21,031 13,061 1,224 201 850 373 3,703 845
Two or more races 1,598 101,317 104,424 63,602 40,822 3,777 497 2,818 941 9,045 1,993

Race/ethnicity by sex10 
White 29,301 725,115 604,202 395,314 208,888 26,057 4,197 19,659 6,297 61,135 13,178
Black 19,237 509,694 603,550 329,603 273,947 25,457 2,058 20,676 4,688 41,535 10,765
Hispanic 4,407 400,923 369,949 243,436 126,513 15,523 1,966 12,656 2,817 39,135 9,652
Asian 89 20,398 20,856 15,958 4,898 624 84 478 146 2,591 441
Pacific Islander 40 4,253 6,342 4,280 2,062 178 28 137 40 610 325
American Indian/Alaska Native 1,130 21,670 23,468 14,102 9,366 904 164 629 274 2,424 552
Two or more races 1,258 69,492 73,534 43,444 30,090 2,677 366 1,991 672 6,196 1,368
White 5,395 256,891 191,632 137,583 54,049 8,245 1,362 6,306 1,925 22,607 4,826
Black 6,137 284,542 322,314 195,015 127,299 11,594 813 9,508 2,062 21,998 5,772
Hispanic 985 185,956 155,408 112,398 43,010 5,521 582 4,568 949 17,669 4,174
Asian 23 6,208 5,689 4,576 1,113 166 19 129 37 925 164
Pacific Islander 9 1,938 2,965 2,252 713 57 4 41 16 266 165
American Indian/Alaska Native 219 10,661 10,624 6,929 3,695 320 37 221 99 1,279 293
Two or more races 340 31,825 30,890 20,158 10,732 1,100 131 827 269 2,849 625

Students with disabilities
Total 13,324 645,982 704,974 400,094 304,880 25,588 3,313 21,851 3,563 68,076 16,017
Male 11,505 501,169 556,647 309,547 247,100 20,466 2,652 17,410 2,899 53,060 12,390
Female 1,819 144,813 148,327 90,547 57,780 5,122 661 4,441 664 15,016 3,627

White 6,291 232,128 234,155 137,969 96,186 7,828 1,303 6,457 1,371 23,408 4,945
Black 3,826 164,302 219,582 112,090 107,492 8,529 623 7,746 783 19,200 4,934
Hispanic 780 109,112 118,554 71,405 47,149 4,248 529 3,541 707 13,217 3,187
Asian 11 3,004 4,075 2,753 1,322 81 6 72 9 475 65
Pacific Islander 11 862 1,711 1,047 664 20 5 18 2 177 105
American Indian/Alaska Native 278 7,188 8,481 4,765 3,716 306 43 252 54 964 202
Two or more races 262 22,566 28,255 15,039 13,216 867 117 719 148 2,468 558

Race/ethnicity by sex10,11 
White 5,497 186,276 192,965 111,441 81,524 6,490 1,056 5,359 1,131 18,846 3,961
Black 3,227 122,711 165,890 82,442 83,448 6,588 494 5,967 621 14,538 3,688
Hispanic 671 84,028 93,911 55,242 38,669 3,394 430 2,836 558 10,280 2,480
Asian 9 2,481 3,479 2,340 1,139 66 6 59 7 392 55
Pacific Islander 10 693 1,361 814 547 19 5 18 1 150 87
American Indian/Alaska Native 250 5,450 6,688 3,675 3,013 260 34 215 45 744 154
Two or more races 213 17,542 22,511 11,748 10,763 710 89 583 127 1,964 446
White 794 45,852 41,190 26,528 14,662 1,338 247 1,098 240 4,562 984
Black 599 41,591 53,692 29,648 24,044 1,941 129 1,779 162 4,662 1,246
Hispanic 109 25,084 24,643 16,163 8,480 854 99 705 149 2,937 707
Asian 2 523 596 413 183 15 0 13 2 83 10
Pacific Islander 1 169 350 233 117 1 0 0 1 27 18
American Indian/Alaska Native 28 1,738 1,793 1,090 703 46 9 37 9 220 48
Two or more races 49 5,024 5,744 3,291 2,453 157 28 136 21 504 112
1 Corporal punishment is paddling, spanking, or other forms of physical punishment imposed on a student.
2 An in-school suspension is an instance in which a student is temporarily removed from his or her regular classroom(s) for at least half a day but remains under the direct supervision of school personnel.
3 An out-of-school suspension is an instance in which a student is temporarily removed from his or her regular school for disciplinary purposes for at least half a day (but less than the remainder of the school year) to another setting (e.g., home or behavior center).
4 Expulsions are actions taken by a local education agency that result in the removal of a student from his or her regular school for disciplinary purposes for the remainder of the school year or longer in accordance with local education agency policy. Expulsions also include removals resulting from violations of the Gun Free Schools Act that are modified to less than 365 days.
5 Referral to law enforcement is an action by which a student is reported to any law enforcement agency or official, including a school police unit, for an incident that occurs on school grounds, during school-related events, or while taking school transportation, regardless of whether official action is taken.
6 A school-related arrest is an arrest of a student for any activity conducted on school grounds, during off-campus school activities (including while taking school transportation), or due to a referral by any school official.
7 Totals include expulsions with and without educational services.
8 Totals include expulsions from preschool not counted in the "With educational services" and "Without educational services" columns.
9 Includes all expulsions under zero-tolerance policies, including expulsions with and without educational services. A zero-tolerance policy results in mandatory expulsion of any student who commits one or more specified offenses (for example, offenses involving guns, other weapons, violence, or similar factors, or combinations of these factors). A policy is considered "zero tolerance" even if there are some exceptions to the mandatory aspect of the expulsion, such as allowing the chief administering officer of a local education agency to modify the expulsion on a case-by-case basis.
10 Data by race/ethnicity exclude data for students with disabilities served only under Section 504 (not receiving services under IDEA).
11 The number of students with disabilities receiving disciplinary actions by race/ethnicity do not include preschool students.
NOTE: Data for the number of students receiving one or more in-school suspensions, expulsions under zero-tolerance policies, expulsions with educational services, expulsions without educational services, referrals to law enforcement, and school-related arrests do not include preschool students. Detail may not sum to totals because of privacy protection routines applied to the data. Race categories exclude persons of Hispanic ethnicity.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, Civil Rights Data Collection, "2017-18 Discipline Estimations by Discipline Type." (This table was prepared March 2022.)

2022 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest