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Table 222.40. Average National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics scale score of high school graduates at grade 12, by highest mathematics course completed in high school and selected student and school characteristics: 2019
[Standard errors appear in parentheses]
Selected student or school characteristic Mathematics course completed
Algebra I
or below1
Geometry Algebra II2 Precalculus,
statistics, and
1 2 3 4 5 6
Total 112 (2.0) 119 (0.9) 136 (0.5) 156 (0.7) 192 (0.9)

Male 115 (2.5) 122 (1.0) 137 (0.6) 158 (0.8) 196 (1.2)
Female 107 (2.9) 115 (1.4) 134 (0.7) 154 (0.7) 187 (0.9)

White 119 (2.8) 125 (1.4) 143 (0.8) 165 (0.8) 194 (1.0)
Black (†) 106 (1.8) 121 (1.0) 138 (1.3) 177 (2.1)
Hispanic 107 (2.9) 116 (1.1) 131 (0.7) 146 (1.0) 179 (1.3)
Asian/Pacific Islander (†) (†) 134 (2.3) 164 (1.5) 202 (1.9)
Asian (†) (†) 135 (2.3) 166 (1.6) 201 (1.9)
Pacific Islander (†) (†) (†) (†) (†)
American Indian/Alaska Native (†) (†) 136 (2.9) 147 (3.3) (†)
Two or more races (†) (†) 139 (2.8) 162 (2.5) 198 (2.9)

Student with disabilities (SD) status
Identified as SD4 105 (2.2) 108 (1.8) 117 (1.3) 135 (2.5) 186 (3.9)
Not identified as SD 122 (3.4) 122 (0.9) 138 (0.5) 157 (0.7) 192 (0.9)

English learner (EL) status
EL (†) 98 (2.4) 111 (1.9) 124 (3.3) (†)
Non-EL5 115 (1.9) 121 (0.9) 137 (0.5) 157 (0.7) 192 (0.9)

School type
Traditional public 112 (2.2) 118 (0.9) 135 (0.6) 155 (0.6) 193 (0.9)
Public charter (†) (†) 130 (3.1) 147 (3.7) (†)
Private (†) (†) 144 (2.4) 164 (2.6) 187 (2.5)

Percentage of students eligible for
    free or reduced-price lunch
0–25 percent (†) 125 (3.1) 146 (1.6) 166 (1.3) 202 (1.4)
26–50 percent 113 (3.0) 123 (1.6) 140 (1.1) 159 (1.0) 193 (1.3)
51–75 percent 109 (3.9) 119 (2.2) 133 (1.1) 153 (1.2) 186 (2.2)
76–100 percent (†) 113 (2.1) 130 (1.4) 142 (1.9) 173 (2.1)

School locale
City (†) 117 (1.6) 132 (0.9) 153 (1.1) 192 (1.6)
Suburban 111 (2.9) 117 (1.3) 136 (0.9) 159 (0.8) 195 (1.1)
Town (†) 119 (2.5) 139 (1.3) 156 (1.5) 188 (2.1)
Rural 116 (3.9) 123 (2.2) 137 (1.2) 153 (1.3) 185 (2.1)
†Not applicable.
‡Reporting standards not met (too few cases for a reliable estimate).
1 Includes basic mathematics, general mathematics, applied mathematics, occupational mathematics, pre-algebra, and algebra I.
2 Includes courses that taught both algebra II and trigonometry.
3 Includes courses generally taken after algebra II but before calculus. Such courses include trigonometry (as a separate course), precalculus, third-year algebra, elementary functions and analysis, probability and statistics, discrete mathematics, and finite mathematics.
4 SD estimates include both students with an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and students with a plan under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (a "504 plan"). IEPs are only for students who require specialized instruction, whereas 504 plans apply to students who require accommodations but may not require specialized instruction.
5 Includes students who were formerly English learners.
NOTE: Completion of a mathematics course means that the graduate earned credits in a mathematics course within the category. It differs from graduates who took a course but did not pass or complete the course. The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics assessment scale score ranges from 0 to 300. For a high school graduate to be included in the analyses, their transcript had to meet five requirements: (1) the graduate received either a standard or honors diploma, (2) the transcript had three or more years of delineated courses, (3) at least one course on the transcript was taken during the NAEP and HSTS assessment year, (4) the graduate’s transcript contained 16 or more Carnegie credits, and (5) the graduate’s transcript contained at least 1 Carnegie credit in English courses. Race categories exclude persons of Hispanic ethnicity.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) 2019 High School Transcript Study (HSTS). (This table was prepared January 2022.)

2022 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest