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Digest of Education Statistics
2022 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 216.70. Public elementary and secondary schools, by level, type, and state or jurisdiction: School years 1990-91, 2000-01, 2010-11, 2020-21, and 2021-22
State or jurisdiction Total, all schools, 1990-91 Total, all schools, 2000-01 Total, all schools, 2010-11 Total, all schools, 2020-21 Schools by level, 2021-22 Selected types of schools, 2021-22
Total, all schools Prekindergarten Elementary Middle Secondary and high Other, ungraded, and not applicable/not reported Alternative1 Special education1 Vocational1 One-teacher1
All schools Regular schools2 All schools Regular schools2 All schools Regular schools2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
   United States 84,538 93,273 98,817 98,577 99,239 1,535 52,450 52,047 16,300 16,076 23,742 18,181 5,212 5,312 1,870 1,554 166
Alabama 1,297 1,517 1,600 1,542 1,507 7 702 697 261 260 411 309 126 56 34 70 0
Alaska 498 515 509 503 500 0 172 172 38 38 76 55 214 19 0 3 2
Arizona 1,049 1,724 2,265 2,356 2,417 41 1,232 1,224 238 233 768 351 138 158 33 275 3
Arkansas 1,098 1,138 1,110 1,080 1,084 12 510 509 209 208 331 299 22 3 3 29 0
California 7,913 8,773 10,124 10,326 10,325 0 5,972 5,846 1,394 1,357 2,234 1,387 725 1,079 155 63 27

1,344 1,632 1,796 1,927 1,941 60 1,052 1,048 291 289 442 337 96 115 5 7 0
Connecticut 985 1,248 1,157 1,001 1,000 11 600 600 181 181 196 178 12 1 2 17 0
Delaware 173 191 214 225 229 7 118 117 38 37 44 35 22 5 19 6 0
District of Columbia 181 198 228 235 240 10 145 145 41 41 42 37 2 5 2 0 0
Florida 2,516 3,316 4,131 4,219 4,191 70 2,232 2,207 587 574 922 591 380 370 159 37 0

1,734 1,946 2,449 2,311 2,314 4 1,310 1,310 482 480 487 455 31 29 10 0 0
Hawaii 235 261 289 294 294 0 184 184 42 42 43 42 25 1 1 0 0
Idaho 582 673 748 774 784 8 389 388 115 111 212 134 60 76 12 14 10
Illinois 4,239 4,342 4,361 4,384 4,386 114 2,343 2,335 717 700 967 714 245 252 223 38 0
Indiana 1,915 1,976 1,936 1,902 1,915 29 1,062 1,060 334 334 426 401 64 8 20 30 0

1,588 1,534 1,436 1,309 1,325 29 685 685 250 250 343 330 18 13 2 0 3
Kansas 1,477 1,430 1,378 1,310 1,355 0 724 722 225 225 371 368 35 1 4 0 0
Kentucky 1,400 1,526 1,554 1,532 1,535 38 725 713 221 217 436 217 115 193 9 129 2
Louisiana 1,533 1,530 1,471 1,353 1,367 22 718 718 224 223 284 262 119 6 23 10 0
Maine 747 714 631 595 598 5 354 354 85 85 118 117 36 0 1 27 2

1,220 1,383 1,449 1,421 1,417 9 887 881 228 225 243 198 50 44 37 26 0
Massachusetts 1,842 1,905 1,829 1,845 1,847 61 1,050 1,046 319 318 375 318 42 25 12 36 0
Michigan 3,313 3,998 3,877 3,524 3,536 8 1,660 1,644 507 503 1,001 646 360 346 186 45 9
Minnesota 1,590 2,362 2,392 2,541 2,661 135 1,036 1,006 346 304 1,001 520 143 481 312 10 3
Mississippi 972 1,030 1,083 1,042 1,040 6 442 441 184 183 321 205 87 68 2 94 0

2,199 2,368 2,410 2,444 2,453 92 1,221 1,215 394 393 667 563 79 61 48 62 0
Montana 900 879 827 826 827 0 429 428 225 224 173 171 0 2 2 0 57
Nebraska 1,506 1,326 1,096 1,086 1,083 71 540 536 138 132 318 268 16 52 25 0 0
Nevada 354 511 645 721 731 6 433 427 119 118 147 116 26 37 14 0 0
New Hampshire 439 526 480 496 494 13 285 285 99 99 97 97 0 0 0 0 0

New Jersey
2,272 2,410 2,607 2,565 2,558 57 1,508 1,492 436 435 489 361 68 62 59 68 0
New Mexico 681 765 862 886 890 17 459 454 165 163 223 187 26 45 9 0 0
New York 4,010 4,336 4,757 4,807 4,802 7 2,555 2,543 798 795 1,205 1,097 237 28 132 50 0
North Carolina 1,955 2,207 2,567 2,683 2,719 1 1,495 1,489 487 483 601 536 135 76 25 8 0
North Dakota 663 579 516 480 505 8 276 276 45 45 175 175 1 0 0 0 6

3,731 3,916 3,758 3,531 3,659 118 1,767 1,765 673 672 937 857 164 0 18 75 0
Oklahoma 1,880 1,821 1,785 1,789 1,792 15 930 928 369 366 478 473 0 5 5 0 1
Oregon 1,199 1,273 1,296 1,263 1,285 0 716 714 207 207 271 243 91 37 1 0 14
Pennsylvania 3,260 3,252 3,233 2,947 2,941 2 1,639 1,639 523 523 716 625 61 6 4 85 0
Rhode Island 309 328 317 314 315 10 176 176 59 59 67 56 3 3 1 10 0

South Carolina
1,097 1,127 1,214 1,266 1,267 7 688 685 251 251 299 235 22 15 8 47 0
South Dakota 802 769 710 706 721 6 333 331 174 165 199 169 9 27 19 3 13
Tennessee 1,543 1,624 1,784 1,880 1,906 40 1,025 1,019 346 346 420 391 75 23 15 12 0
Texas 5,991 7,519 8,732 8,998 9,101 140 4,729 4,688 1,767 1,726 2,100 1,447 365 832 12 0 0
Utah 714 793 1,016 1,088 1,106 35 635 627 145 145 207 173 84 29 61 6 3

397 393 320 305 305 0 207 207 27 27 63 48 8 0 0 15 1
Virginia 1,811 1,969 2,175 2,125 2,129 36 1,147 1,146 348 347 328 320 270 126 40 89 0
Washington 1,936 2,305 2,338 2,506 2,546 88 1,226 1,199 378 370 653 415 201 342 85 20 4
West Virginia 1,015 840 757 710 694 3 409 409 110 110 163 111 9 24 1 32 0
Wisconsin 2,018 2,182 2,238 2,240 2,243 77 1,127 1,127 400 398 563 479 76 95 12 6 1
Wyoming 415 393 360 364 359 0 191 190 60 59 89 62 19 31 8 0 5

Bureau of Indian Education
--- 189 173 174 174 0 108 108 5 5 22 22 39 0 0 0 0

--- 227 191 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Other jurisdictions
  American Samoa 30 31 28 29 29 0 23 23 0 0 6 5 0 0 0 1 0
  Guam 35 38 40 44 44 0 27 27 9 9 7 6 1 1 0 0 0
  Northern Marianas 26 29 30 35 35 14 9 9 5 5 6 6 1 0 0 0 0
  Puerto Rico 1,619 1,543 1,473 849 851 0 517 516 93 93 201 167 40 0 14 31 0
  U.S. Virgin Islands 33 36 32 23 21 0 14 14 3 3 4 4 0 0 0 0 0
---Not available.
1Schools are also included under the appropriate school level totals.
2Excludes special education schools, vocational schools, and alternative schools.
3DoDEA = Department of Defense Education Activity. Includes both domestic and overseas schools.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), "Public Elementary/Secondary School Universe Survey," 1990-91, 2000-01, 2010-11, 2020-21, and 2021-22. (This table was prepared November 2022.)

2022 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest