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Digest of Education Statistics
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Table 106.50. Direct general expenditures of state and local governments per capita for all functions and for education, by level of education and state: 2018-19 and 2019-20
State Direct general expenditures, 2018-19 Direct general expenditures, 2019-20
Total amount per capita1 For education Total amount per capita1 For education
All education Elementary and secondary education Colleges and universities Other education2
Amount per capita As a percent of all functions Amount per capita As a percent of all functions Amount per capita As a percent
 of all functions
Amount per capita As a percent of all functions Amount per capita As a percent of all functions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
  Amounts in current dollars
United States $10,201 $3,328 32.6 $10,605 $3,434 32.4 $2,253 21.2 $974 9.2 $207 2.0
Alabama 8,731 3,076 35.2 9,023 3,094 34.3 1,683 18.7 1,140 12.6 272 3.0
Alaska 17,518 4,339 24.8 17,405 4,221 24.2 3,238 18.6 863 5.0 120 0.7
Arizona 7,594 2,582 34.0 7,890 2,644 33.5 1,303 16.5 928 11.8 413 5.2
Arkansas 8,472 2,955 34.9 8,468 2,931 34.6 1,817 21.5 914 10.8 200 2.4
California 13,182 3,841 29.1 13,745 4,059 29.5 2,460 17.9 1,378 10.0 221 1.6

9,708 3,287 33.9 10,483 3,438 32.8 2,105 20.1 1,079 10.3 254 2.4
Connecticut 10,040 3,854 38.4 10,325 3,961 38.4 2,821 27.3 952 9.2 189 1.8
Delaware 11,664 4,434 38.0 11,793 4,516 38.3 2,319 19.7 1,578 13.4 619 5.3
District of Columbia 20,874 4,411 21.1 22,364 4,654 20.8 4,438 19.8 216 1.0 0 0
Florida 8,037 2,198 27.3 8,279 2,282 27.6 1,475 17.8 572 6.9 235 2.8

7,307 2,898 39.7 7,576 2,978 39.3 2,113 27.9 608 8.0 256 3.4
Hawaii 11,209 2,807 25.0 11,414 2,643 23.2 1,595 14.0 958 8.4 90 0.8
Idaho 7,642 2,254 29.5 8,087 2,307 28.5 1,433 17.7 709 8.8 165 2.0
Illinois 9,782 3,126 32.0 10,370 3,258 31.4 2,377 22.9 725 7.0 157 1.5
Indiana 8,806 2,880 32.7 9,298 2,970 31.9 1,751 18.8 1,022 11.0 197 2.1

10,477 3,571 34.1 11,153 3,677 33.0 2,332 20.9 1,160 10.4 185 1.7
Kansas 9,610 3,547 36.9 10,067 3,602 35.8 2,328 23.1 1,155 11.5 119 1.2
Kentucky 8,942 2,860 32.0 9,432 2,901 30.8 1,752 18.6 870 9.2 279 3.0
Louisiana 9,554 2,737 28.6 9,757 2,784 28.5 1,743 17.9 825 8.5 216 2.2
Maine 9,303 2,861 30.8 9,789 2,912 29.7 2,120 21.7 610 6.2 181 1.9

10,822 3,682 34.0 11,331 3,824 33.7 2,498 22.0 1,169 10.3 157 1.4
Massachusetts 12,009 3,500 29.1 12,587 3,626 28.8 2,654 21.1 745 5.9 226 1.8
Michigan 9,364 3,316 35.4 9,602 3,377 35.2 1,920 20.0 1,247 13.0 210 2.2
Minnesota 11,093 3,505 31.6 11,724 3,691 31.5 2,521 21.5 955 8.1 215 1.8
Mississippi 8,944 2,800 31.3 9,333 2,937 31.5 1,692 18.1 1,016 10.9 230 2.5

8,227 2,621 31.9 8,515 2,705 31.8 1,849 21.7 685 8.0 171 2.0
Montana 9,194 2,833 30.8 9,627 2,989 31.1 1,978 20.5 896 9.3 115 1.2
Nebraska 9,479 3,809 40.2 9,872 3,972 40.2 2,504 25.4 1,312 13.3 156 1.6
Nevada 8,215 2,418 29.4 8,608 2,494 29.0 1,652 19.2 605 7.0 237 2.8
New Hampshire 8,600 3,189 37.1 8,970 3,188 35.5 2,324 25.9 649 7.2 215 2.4

New Jersey
10,842 4,504 41.5 10,705 4,415 41.2 3,268 30.5 798 7.5 348 3.3
New Mexico 10,641 3,259 30.6 11,252 3,177 28.2 1,965 17.5 1,033 9.2 178 1.6
New York 15,668 4,701 30.0 16,023 4,835 30.2 3,950 24.6 759 4.7 127 0.8
North Carolina 8,612 2,781 32.3 8,836 2,811 31.8 1,579 17.9 1,015 11.5 217 2.5
North Dakota 11,943 3,962 33.2 12,575 4,153 33.0 2,555 20.3 1,418 11.3 180 1.4

9,658 3,223 33.4 10,178 3,398 33.4 2,350 23.1 878 8.6 170 1.7
Oklahoma 7,845 2,824 36.0 8,127 2,896 35.6 1,715 21.1 995 12.2 186 2.3
Oregon 11,995 3,735 31.1 12,902 4,035 31.3 2,296 17.8 1,389 10.8 350 2.7
Pennsylvania 10,762 3,606 33.5 11,419 3,659 32.0 2,551 22.3 907 7.9 201 1.8
Rhode Island 11,050 3,454 31.3 11,392 3,470 30.5 2,520 22.1 692 6.1 258 2.3

South Carolina
8,892 3,110 35.0 9,251 3,220 34.8 1,963 21.2 916 9.9 341 3.7
South Dakota 8,180 2,897 35.4 8,539 2,919 34.2 1,889 22.1 822 9.6 208 2.4
Tennessee 7,567 2,262 29.9 7,830 2,293 29.3 1,523 19.4 588 7.5 182 2.3
Texas 8,705 3,245 37.3 8,967 3,392 37.8 2,169 24.2 1,118 12.5 105 1.2
Utah 9,552 3,513 36.8 10,097 3,618 35.8 1,917 19.0 1,595 15.8 106 1.1

12,666 5,231 41.3 13,544 5,804 42.9 3,997 29.5 1,383 10.2 424 3.1
Virginia 9,379 3,352 35.7 9,923 3,417 34.4 2,186 22.0 1,063 10.7 168 1.7
Washington 10,802 3,774 34.9 11,627 3,917 33.7 2,661 22.9 993 8.5 263 2.3
West Virginia 9,271 2,953 31.9 9,969 3,117 31.3 1,843 18.5 968 9.7 306 3.1
Wisconsin 9,559 3,405 35.6 9,891 3,456 34.9 2,156 21.8 1,106 11.2 194 2.0
Wyoming 15,172 4,849 32.0 15,506 5,065 32.7 3,015 19.4 1,536 9.9 514 3.3
  Amounts in constant 2021-22 dollars3
United States $11,359 $3,706 32.6 $11,627 $3,766 32.4 $2,471 21.2 $1,068 9.2 $227 2.0
Alabama 9,722 3,426 35.2 9,893 3,316 34.3 1,845 18.7 1,250 12.6 298 3.0
Alaska 19,508 4,832 24.8 19,083 4,523 24.2 3,550 18.6 946 5.0 131 0.7
Arizona 8,456 2,875 34.0 8,650 2,834 33.5 1,429 16.5 1,018 11.8 452 5.2
Arkansas 9,434 3,290 34.9 9,284 3,141 34.6 1,992 21.5 1,002 10.8 219 2.4
California 14,678 4,277 29.1 15,070 4,351 29.5 2,698 17.9 1,511 10.0 242 1.6

10,810 3,660 33.9 11,493 3,684 32.8 2,308 20.1 1,183 10.3 278 2.4
Connecticut 11,180 4,292 38.4 11,321 4,245 38.4 3,093 27.3 1,044 9.2 207 1.8
Delaware 12,988 4,937 38.0 12,929 4,840 38.3 2,542 19.7 1,730 13.4 679 5.3
District of Columbia 23,244 4,912 21.1 24,520 4,988 20.8 4,866 19.8 237 1.0 0 0
Florida 8,949 2,447 27.3 9,077 2,445 27.6 1,617 17.8 627 6.9 258 2.8

8,137 3,227 39.7 8,306 3,191 39.3 2,317 27.9 667 8.0 281 3.4
Hawaii 12,481 3,125 25.0 12,515 2,832 23.2 1,749 14.0 1,050 8.4 99 0.8
Idaho 8,509 2,510 29.5 8,866 2,472 28.5 1,572 17.7 777 8.8 180 2.0
Illinois 10,893 3,481 32.0 11,370 3,492 31.4 2,606 22.9 795 7.0 172 1.5
Indiana 9,806 3,207 32.7 10,194 3,183 31.9 1,920 18.8 1,120 11.0 216 2.1

11,667 3,976 34.1 12,228 3,940 33.0 2,557 20.9 1,272 10.4 203 1.7
Kansas 10,701 3,949 36.9 11,038 3,860 35.8 2,552 23.1 1,266 11.5 130 1.2
Kentucky 9,958 3,184 32.0 10,341 3,109 30.8 1,921 18.6 954 9.2 306 3.0
Louisiana 10,639 3,047 28.6 10,697 2,984 28.5 1,911 17.9 905 8.5 237 2.2
Maine 10,359 3,186 30.8 10,733 3,121 29.7 2,325 21.7 669 6.2 199 1.9

12,051 4,100 34.0 12,424 4,098 33.7 2,739 22.0 1,282 10.3 172 1.4
Massachusetts 13,373 3,897 29.1 13,801 3,886 28.8 2,910 21.1 817 5.9 248 1.8
Michigan 10,427 3,692 35.4 10,528 3,619 35.2 2,105 20.0 1,367 13.0 231 2.2
Minnesota 12,353 3,903 31.6 12,854 3,956 31.5 2,764 21.5 1,047 8.1 236 1.8
Mississippi 9,960 3,118 31.3 10,232 3,148 31.5 1,855 18.1 1,114 10.9 252 2.5

9,161 2,919 31.9 9,336 2,899 31.8 2,027 21.7 751 8.0 188 2.0
Montana 10,238 3,155 30.8 10,555 3,204 31.1 2,169 20.5 982 9.3 127 1.2
Nebraska 10,556 4,241 40.2 10,824 4,257 40.2 2,745 25.4 1,439 13.3 171 1.6
Nevada 9,147 2,692 29.4 9,438 2,673 29.0 1,811 19.2 664 7.0 260 2.8
New Hampshire 9,577 3,552 37.1 9,834 3,417 35.5 2,548 25.9 712 7.2 236 2.4

New Jersey
12,073 5,016 41.5 11,737 4,731 41.2 3,583 30.5 875 7.5 382 3.3
New Mexico 11,849 3,629 30.6 12,337 3,405 28.2 2,155 17.5 1,133 9.2 195 1.6
New York 17,447 5,235 30.0 17,568 5,182 30.2 4,330 24.6 832 4.7 139 0.8
North Carolina 9,590 3,097 32.3 9,688 3,012 31.8 1,731 17.9 1,113 11.5 238 2.5
North Dakota 13,300 4,412 33.2 13,787 4,451 33.0 2,802 20.3 1,555 11.3 197 1.4

10,754 3,589 33.4 11,159 3,642 33.4 2,576 23.1 963 8.6 186 1.7
Oklahoma 8,735 3,144 36.0 8,910 3,103 35.6 1,880 21.1 1,091 12.2 204 2.3
Oregon 13,357 4,159 31.1 14,146 4,325 31.3 2,517 17.8 1,523 10.8 384 2.7
Pennsylvania 11,984 4,016 33.5 12,519 3,922 32.0 2,797 22.3 995 7.9 221 1.8
Rhode Island 12,305 3,846 31.3 12,490 3,718 30.5 2,763 22.1 759 6.1 282 2.3

South Carolina
9,902 3,463 35.0 10,143 3,451 34.8 2,153 21.2 1,004 9.9 374 3.7
South Dakota 9,109 3,226 35.4 9,362 3,128 34.2 2,071 22.1 901 9.6 228 2.4
Tennessee 8,426 2,518 29.9 8,585 2,457 29.3 1,669 19.4 645 7.5 200 2.3
Texas 9,693 3,613 37.3 9,831 3,636 37.8 2,378 24.2 1,226 12.5 115 1.2
Utah 10,636 3,912 36.8 11,070 3,878 35.8 2,102 19.0 1,748 15.8 116 1.1

14,104 5,825 41.3 14,850 6,221 42.9 4,383 29.5 1,516 10.2 465 3.1
Virginia 10,444 3,733 35.7 10,879 3,662 34.4 2,396 22.0 1,166 10.7 184 1.7
Washington 12,028 4,202 34.9 12,748 4,198 33.7 2,917 22.9 1,088 8.5 289 2.3
West Virginia 10,324 3,288 31.9 10,930 3,341 31.3 2,021 18.5 1,061 9.7 335 3.1
Wisconsin 10,645 3,791 35.6 10,845 3,704 34.9 2,364 21.8 1,212 11.2 212 2.0
Wyoming 16,895 5,399 32.0 17,000 5,428 32.7 3,306 19.4 1,684 9.9 563 3.3
1Includes state and local government expenditures for education and public libraries, social services and income maintenance, transportation, public safety, environment and housing, governmental administration, interest on general debt, and other direct general expenditures.
2Includes assistance and subsidies to individuals, private elementary and secondary schools, and private colleges and universities, as well as miscellaneous education expenditures. Does not include expenditures for public libraries.
3Constant dollars based on the Consumer Price Index, prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, adjusted to a school-year basis.
NOTE: Per capita amounts for 2019-20 are based on population estimates for July 2020. Per capita amounts for 2018-19 are based on the latest population estimates for July 2019 and have been revised from previously published figures. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Commerce, Census Bureau, Governmental Finances, retrieved September 14, 2022, from; and Population Estimates, retrieved September 14, 2022, from (This table was prepared September 2022.)

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