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Digest of Education Statistics
2021 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 235.40. Public elementary and secondary revenues and expenditures, by locale, source of revenue, and function of expenditure: 2018-19
Source of revenue and function of
Total1 City, large City, midsize City, small Suburban, large Suburban, midsize Suburban, small Town, fringe Town, distant Town,
Rural, fringe Rural, distant Rural, remote
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Revenue amounts (in millions of
    unadjusted dollars)
Total revenue $773,300 $149,807 $53,005 $53,525 $289,641 $27,057 $14,092 $18,107 $36,249 $21,190 $56,847 $37,588 $15,868
Federal 59,963 13,947 5,069 4,559 17,285 1,960 980 1,385 3,323 2,318 4,228 3,010 1,867
Title I 14,638 4,149 1,286 1,174 3,690 455 221 285 819 526 928 717 389
Child Nutrition Act 17,145 3,965 1,426 1,297 4,967 623 285 383 1,023 580 1,272 940 385
Children with disabilities (IDEA) 12,017 2,269 940 936 4,287 412 250 271 637 367 901 541 203
Impact aid 1,768 183 85 82 215 23 11 118 81 242 160 112 456
Bilingual education
Indian education 111 12 3 5 8 2 3 2 10 15 7 10 33
Math, science, and professional
Safe and drug-free schools
Vocational and technical education 579 125 46 43 176 18 11 12 35 25 50 26 12
Other and unclassified 13,705 3,244 1,283 1,022 3,942 428 199 314 719 563 910 663 388

361,627 64,873 27,007 26,933 125,210 13,868 6,951 9,755 19,834 10,987 28,004 20,277 7,877
General formula assistance 250,302 47,871 19,384 18,497 79,777 9,418 4,835 7,176 14,231 8,328 19,946 15,033 5,776
Special education programs 21,657 3,964 1,679 1,622 8,502 805 347 498 990 551 1,556 823 321
Compensatory and basic skills 6,634 1,050 531 584 2,406 307 101 122 360 167 538 336 128
Bilingual education 1,394 145 87 84 850 78 11 7 39 16 60 12 5
Gifted and talented 1,324 47 119 58 797 47 8 11 37 11 153 28 8
Vocational education 1,402 56 102 97 544 60 31 22 103 62 189 101 35
Staff improvement programs 6,444 540 443 580 2,493 291 185 152 375 161 704 408 111
Capital outlay and debt service 6,333 492 360 565 2,302 302 86 230 441 291 558 383 323
Other2 66,138 10,708 4,303 4,846 27,540 2,560 1,347 1,539 3,257 1,399 4,300 3,153 1,169

351,709 70,988 20,928 22,033 147,146 11,228 6,161 6,967 13,092 7,885 24,615 14,301 6,124
Property tax3 221,094 33,478 12,998 14,054 100,417 6,391 4,318 4,939 9,015 5,728 15,343 9,924 4,344
Parent government contribution3 63,252 23,815 3,301 2,982 23,459 2,701 560 442 879 205 3,545 1,001 318
Private4 13,925 1,436 789 817 5,903 535 258 367 747 450 1,330 904 387
Other5 53,439 12,260 3,841 4,180 17,366 1,601 1,026 1,218 2,450 1,502 4,398 2,473 1,076

Percentage distribution of revenue
Total revenue 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Federal 7.8 9.3 9.6 8.5 6.0 7.2 7.0 7.6 9.2 10.9 7.4 8.0 11.8
State 46.8 43.3 51.0 50.3 43.2 51.3 49.3 53.9 54.7 51.8 49.3 53.9 49.6
Local 45.5 47.4 39.5 41.2 50.8 41.5 43.7 38.5 36.1 37.2 43.3 38.0 38.6

Expenditure amounts (in millions of
    unadjusted dollars)
Total expenditures $778,540 $151,577 $53,719 $54,544 $291,716 $26,792 $14,170 $18,440 $36,826 $21,175 $56,849 $36,886 $15,599
Current expenditures for schools 657,443 122,825 45,343 45,866 248,218 23,459 12,194 15,456 31,369 18,119 48,746 32,297 13,424
Instruction 396,054 75,080 26,449 27,366 151,555 14,133 7,292 9,304 18,580 10,625 29,049 18,955 7,618
Student support6 40,460 6,361 3,148 3,082 16,644 1,465 799 894 1,842 1,105 2,894 1,603 608
Instructional staff support7 31,714 5,968 2,770 2,500 11,707 1,164 585 683 1,445 834 2,169 1,304 575
General administration 13,345 1,920 705 823 4,360 365 271 407 893 565 1,208 1,203 614
School administration 37,505 7,268 2,776 2,632 13,927 1,327 684 854 1,772 1,004 2,720 1,800 739
Operation and maintenance 60,410 11,482 3,973 4,189 22,299 2,201 1,114 1,427 2,924 1,768 4,518 3,102 1,408
Student transportation 27,773 4,776 1,708 1,667 10,379 981 531 694 1,369 707 2,485 1,785 686
Other support services8 24,222 5,153 1,962 1,747 8,683 837 440 568 1,089 636 1,604 1,019 477
Food services 24,706 4,642 1,803 1,771 8,099 921 454 603 1,431 848 2,003 1,481 649
Enterprise operations9 1,208 155 48 86 557 64 24 19 22 22 92 41 49
Other 46 21 1 1 8 1 1 0 2 4 4 4 2
Other current expenditures 22,918 8,857 1,336 1,442 7,057 478 240 387 687 457 955 640 369
Interest on school debt 20,507 4,459 1,471 1,410 7,869 598 377 539 846 422 1,482 719 218
Capital outlay 77,672 15,435 5,570 5,825 28,571 2,257 1,358 2,058 3,924 2,177 5,665 3,230 1,588

Percentage distribution of current
    expenditures for schools
All current expenditures for schools 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Instruction 60.2 61.1 58.3 59.7 61.1 60.2 59.8 60.2 59.2 58.6 59.6 58.7 56.8
Student and instructional staff support 11.0 10.0 13.1 12.2 11.4 11.2 11.3 10.2 10.5 10.7 10.4 9.0 8.8
General and school administration 7.7 7.5 7.7 7.5 7.4 7.2 7.8 8.2 8.5 8.7 8.1 9.3 10.1
Operation and maintenance 9.2 9.3 8.8 9.1 9.0 9.4 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.8 9.3 9.6 10.5
Student transportation 4.2 3.9 3.8 3.6 4.2 4.2 4.4 4.5 4.4 3.9 5.1 5.5 5.1
Food service and other 7.6 8.1 8.4 7.9 7.0 7.8 7.5 7.7 8.1 8.3 7.6 7.9 8.8

Per pupil amounts (in unadjusted
Current expenditure per pupil $13,037 $14,156 $12,582 $12,802 $13,372 $12,195 $12,570 $12,374 $11,937 $11,504 $12,093 $12,194 $13,716
Instruction expenditure per pupil 7,854 8,653 7,339 7,639 8,165 7,347 7,516 7,449 7,071 6,746 7,207 7,157 7,784
‡Reporting standards not met. Data were missing for more than 15 percent of agencies in the 50 states and the District of Columbia at the national level. Federal revenues for this program-specific category are reported under "Other and unclassified" in this table.
1 Includes data for LEAs with missing locale information.
2 Includes transportation programs, school lunch programs, state payments on behalf of the local education agency, all other revenues from state sources, and unspecified state revenue.
3 Property tax and parent government contributions are determined on the basis of independence or dependence of the local school system and are mutually exclusive.
4 Includes tuition fees, transportation fees, textbook sales and rentals, school lunch revenues, district activity receipts, other student fees, and private contributions.
5 Includes revenues from other taxes, rents and royalties, sales and services, interest earnings, and other local revenues. Excludes revenues from other in-state school systems.
6 Includes expenditures for guidance, health, attendance, social work, student accounting, counseling, student appraisal, information, record maintenance, placement services, and medical, dental, nursing, psychological, and speech pathology services.
7 Includes expenditures for curriculum development, staff training, supervision of instruction service improvements, academic assessment, and media, library, and instruction-related technology services.
8 Includes business support services concerned with paying for, transporting, exchanging, and maintaining goods and services for local education agencies; central support services, including planning, research, evaluation, information, staff, and data processing services; and other support services.
9 Includes expenditures for operations funded by sales of products or services (e.g., school bookstore or computer time).
NOTE: Data in this table represent the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Unadjusted (or "current") dollars have not been adjusted to compensate for inflation. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), "Local Education Agency (School District) Finance Survey (F-33)," 2018-19; and Education Demographic and Geographic Estimates (EDGE) program, "Public Local Education Agency Geocode File," 2018-19. (This table was prepared January 2022.)

2021 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest