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Digest of Education Statistics
2021 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 213.60. Staff employed and pupil/staff ratios in public elementary and secondary school systems, by type of assignment and locale: Fall 2019
Locale Total School district staff School staff Student support staff Other support services staff
Officials and adminis- trators Adminis- trative support staff Instruc- tion coordi-nators Principals and assistant principals School support staff Teachers Instruc- tional aides Guidance counsel- ors Librar- ians Library support staff
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
  Number of staff employed
Total 5,947,771 68,815 162,471 76,171 174,689 214,089 2,904,147 761,198 108,313 39,283 23,961 357,884 1,056,750
City 1,718,708 16,832 50,574 25,978 55,318 61,032 862,884 226,361 32,284 10,866 5,137 103,370 268,073
Large 929,740 8,809 29,844 12,808 31,336 31,877 473,328 125,581 17,158 4,872 1,817 54,840 137,471
Midsize 358,489 3,726 10,015 6,400 11,730 13,180 178,815 44,746 7,397 2,978 1,424 21,086 56,993
Small 430,479 4,298 10,715 6,770 12,253 15,975 210,741 56,033 7,730 3,016 1,896 27,444 73,609

2,427,568 26,267 65,462 30,495 68,035 90,602 1,189,139 297,904 44,590 15,606 9,747 158,890 430,830
Large 2,096,555 22,327 57,352 26,805 58,542 78,012 1,028,913 254,478 38,423 13,228 8,321 137,550 372,604
Midsize 229,260 2,612 5,374 2,728 6,548 8,944 111,745 30,915 4,300 1,754 1,012 15,107 38,222
Small 101,753 1,329 2,736 962 2,945 3,646 48,481 12,511 1,868 624 415 6,234 20,004

702,171 8,787 18,509 8,101 19,955 24,770 330,298 98,537 12,339 4,655 3,557 40,051 132,613
Fringe 149,043 1,805 3,779 1,608 4,110 5,343 70,661 19,470 2,525 930 721 9,239 28,851
Distant 343,211 4,242 9,351 3,940 9,850 12,087 159,623 45,822 6,018 2,330 1,704 20,169 68,075
Remote 209,918 2,740 5,379 2,554 5,995 7,340 100,014 33,245 3,795 1,395 1,132 10,643 35,687

1,099,324 16,928 27,925 11,597 31,381 37,686 521,827 138,396 19,101 8,156 5,520 55,573 225,235
Fringe 549,297 6,722 13,488 6,073 15,397 19,947 260,558 68,528 9,829 4,091 2,563 29,251 112,851
Distant 392,796 6,372 10,317 3,976 11,223 12,732 184,361 48,380 6,681 2,910 2,012 19,541 84,291
Remote 157,231 3,834 4,121 1,548 4,761 5,007 76,908 21,489 2,591 1,155 945 6,780 28,093
  Pupils per staff member
Total 7.4 642.4 272.1 580.4 253.1 206.5 15.2 58.1 408.1 1,125.3 1,845.0 123.5 41.8
City 7.8 798.4 265.7 517.3 242.9 220.2 15.6 59.4 416.3 1,236.7 2,616.1 130.0 50.1
Large 7.9 837.2 247.1 575.8 235.4 231.4 15.6 58.7 429.8 1,513.7 4,059.1 134.5 53.6
Midsize 7.8 751.6 279.6 437.5 238.7 212.5 15.7 62.6 378.6 940.4 1,966.5 132.8 49.1
Small 7.6 759.3 304.6 482.0 266.3 204.3 15.5 58.2 422.2 1,081.9 1,721.1 118.9 44.3

7.5 697.7 280.0 601.0 269.4 202.3 15.4 61.5 411.0 1,174.4 1,880.3 115.3 42.5
Large 7.5 708.5 275.8 590.1 270.2 202.8 15.4 62.2 411.7 1,195.8 1,901.1 115.0 42.5
Midsize 7.6 665.2 323.3 636.8 265.3 194.2 15.5 56.2 404.1 990.5 1,716.8 115.0 45.5
Small 7.6 580.7 282.0 802.1 262.0 211.6 15.9 61.7 413.1 1,236.7 1,860.9 123.8 38.6

7.2 572.8 271.9 621.3 252.2 203.2 15.2 51.1 407.9 1,081.2 1,414.9 125.7 38.0
Fringe 7.4 609.6 291.2 684.5 267.7 206.0 15.6 56.5 435.8 1,183.5 1,527.4 119.1 38.1
Distant 7.1 571.7 259.3 615.6 246.2 200.6 15.2 52.9 402.9 1,040.6 1,422.8 120.2 35.6
Remote 7.2 550.2 280.3 590.3 251.5 205.4 15.1 45.3 397.2 1,080.7 1,331.3 141.6 42.2

6.7 437.6 265.3 638.8 236.1 196.6 14.2 53.5 387.8 908.3 1,342.1 133.3 32.9
Fringe 7.1 578.0 288.1 639.8 252.4 194.8 14.9 56.7 395.3 949.9 1,516.2 132.8 34.4
Distant 6.5 402.5 248.6 645.0 228.5 201.4 13.9 53.0 383.9 881.2 1,274.9 131.2 30.4
Remote 6.1 249.8 232.4 618.5 201.1 191.3 12.5 44.6 369.6 829.2 1,013.2 141.2 34.1
NOTE: Data in this table represent the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Staff are reported in full-time equivalents. Data are based on locales of school districts rather than of individual schools. Includes all regular and other types of school districts reporting both enrollment and staff data.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), "Local Education Agency Universe Survey," 2019-20; and Education Demographic and Geographic Estimates (EDGE), "Public District File," 2019-20. (This table was prepared February 2022.)

2021 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest