Digest of Education Statistics
2020 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 333.40. Total revenue of private nonprofit degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by source of funds and level of institution: Selected years, 1999-2000 through 2018-19 
Level of institution and year Total Student tuition and fees
(net of allow-ances)1
Federal appro- priations, grants, and contracts1,2 State and local appro- priations, grants, and contracts Private gifts, grants, and contracts Investment return (gain or loss) Sales and services of educa- tional activities Sales and services of auxiliary enterprises
(net of allowances)
Sales and services of hospitals Other
Total Private grants and contracts Private gifts and contri- butions from affiliated entities
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
In thousands of current dollars
All levels                        
1999-2000 $120,625,806 $29,651,812 $12,191,827 $1,697,979 $16,488,984 --- --- $37,763,518 $2,865,606 $8,317,607 $7,208,600 $4,439,874
2004-05 140,150,716 41,394,424 19,699,204 1,957,921 16,738,916 --- --- 30,431,521 3,595,559 10,823,963 10,377,808 5,131,401
2007-08 139,261,907 50,741,273 20,204,251 2,386,121 20,991,920 --- --- 6,261,553 4,848,435 12,930,918 13,298,642 7,598,794
2008-09 69,064,340 53,698,893 21,026,721 2,391,238 17,670,642 --- --- -64,204,943 4,787,360 13,579,506 14,790,231 5,324,691
2009-10 168,688,480 56,386,895 22,913,755 2,193,062 18,019,300 $4,189,574 $13,829,726 28,427,192 4,821,683 14,080,329 16,541,461 5,304,802

207,132,349 60,069,691 24,319,663 2,165,584 22,096,853 4,379,206 17,717,647 53,574,169 4,979,595 14,797,601 17,521,091 7,608,102
2011-12 161,843,203 63,010,873 24,147,131 1,964,921 21,619,470 4,446,517 17,172,953 4,538,153 5,082,873 15,500,185 18,658,649 7,320,948
2012-13 202,042,331 65,562,231 23,710,290 1,939,417 22,335,345 4,834,258 17,501,087 38,532,782 5,530,428 15,969,232 19,011,711 9,450,894
2013-14 228,806,876 67,681,378 23,640,029 1,971,815 25,842,976 5,152,784 20,690,192 57,147,772 6,280,766 16,407,013 20,667,484 9,167,642
2014-15 200,395,534 70,181,110 24,186,839 2,113,187 26,932,309 5,520,105 21,412,204 21,274,906 6,702,519 16,883,478 23,880,282 8,240,906

182,571,838 72,100,188 23,471,268 2,162,083 28,622,642 5,819,574 22,803,069 -2,735,211 7,042,281 17,608,294 24,107,516 10,192,778
2016-17 242,602,673 73,966,392 25,244,371 2,103,049 28,864,670 6,197,207 22,667,463 48,838,957 7,516,359 18,004,385 26,744,919 11,319,571
2017-18 248,415,872 75,878,843 26,440,609 2,183,809 30,646,384 6,553,434 24,092,951 45,450,555 7,985,663 18,326,670 29,449,927 12,053,411
2018-19 242,116,552 78,431,890 27,657,822 2,368,444 33,526,045 7,039,455 26,486,590 27,973,500 8,417,955 18,411,685 32,522,752 12,806,460

1999-2000 119,708,625 29,257,523 12,133,829 1,673,707 16,346,616 --- --- 37,698,219 2,837,784 8,261,507 7,208,600 4,290,841
2004-05 139,528,763 41,045,608 19,622,002 1,931,021 16,671,017 --- --- 30,408,545 3,581,869 10,784,161 10,377,808 5,106,733
2007-08 138,760,610 50,436,622 20,143,562 2,361,744 20,938,758 --- --- 6,273,767 4,837,355 12,892,828 13,298,642 7,577,331
2008-09 68,617,705 53,399,912 20,967,794 2,370,169 17,624,319 --- --- -64,172,755 4,781,845 13,542,690 14,790,231 5,313,500
2009-10 168,169,216 56,087,965 22,843,520 2,179,050 17,968,453 4,185,607 13,782,846 28,406,397 4,814,283 14,044,652 16,541,461 5,283,434

206,473,105 59,603,541 24,260,568 2,150,124 22,057,300 4,376,381 17,680,919 53,557,782 4,975,158 14,762,888 17,521,091 7,584,652
2011-12 161,246,877 62,571,879 24,098,863 1,953,307 21,580,612 4,444,004 17,136,608 4,532,992 5,079,866 15,471,860 18,658,649 7,298,849
2012-13 201,526,648 65,213,804 23,664,427 1,925,893 22,293,530 4,831,951 17,461,579 38,519,232 5,527,564 15,939,735 19,011,711 9,430,753
2013-14 228,233,305 67,325,986 23,578,760 1,959,405 25,792,211 5,149,819 20,642,392 57,105,397 6,278,456 16,376,022 20,667,484 9,149,584
2014-15 199,546,338 69,519,464 24,127,099 2,102,335 26,895,138 5,518,411 21,376,727 21,267,202 6,696,900 16,840,357 23,880,282 8,217,562

181,729,580 71,425,134 23,427,914 2,155,610 28,581,387 5,816,843 22,764,544 -2,736,188 7,037,367 17,562,236 24,107,516 10,168,604
2016-17 241,772,907 73,307,606 25,206,303 2,097,462 28,824,410 6,194,800 22,629,610 48,824,390 7,511,347 17,964,144 26,744,919 11,292,325
2017-18 247,594,563 75,226,042 26,405,245 2,177,670 30,593,184 6,551,318 24,041,866 45,434,420 7,980,448 18,290,231 29,449,927 12,037,397
2018-19 241,297,555 77,780,436 27,626,127 2,363,213 33,465,793 7,034,835 26,430,957 27,960,679 8,415,010 18,381,359 32,522,752 12,782,186

1999-2000 917,181 394,289 57,998 24,272 142,368 --- --- 65,299 27,822 56,100 0 149,033
2004-05 621,953 348,815 77,202 26,900 67,899 --- --- 22,976 13,690 39,802 0 24,668
2007-08 501,297 304,651 60,689 24,377 53,162 --- --- -12,214 11,080 38,091 0 21,462
2008-09 446,635 298,981 58,927 21,069 46,323 --- --- -32,187 5,515 36,816 0 11,191
2009-10 519,264 298,930 70,235 14,012 50,847 3,967 46,880 20,795 7,400 35,677 0 21,368

659,244 466,149 59,095 15,460 39,553 2,825 36,727 16,388 4,437 34,712 0 23,450
2011-12 596,326 438,994 48,269 11,614 38,858 2,513 36,345 5,161 3,007 28,325 0 22,099
2012-13 515,683 348,427 45,863 13,524 41,815 2,307 39,508 13,550 2,865 29,498 0 20,140
2013-14 573,571 355,392 61,269 12,409 50,766 2,965 47,800 42,376 2,311 30,991 0 18,058
2014-15 849,197 661,646 59,740 10,852 37,171 1,694 35,477 7,704 5,619 43,121 0 23,344

842,258 675,053 43,354 6,473 41,256 2,731 38,525 976 4,913 46,058 0 24,174
2016-17 829,766 658,786 38,068 5,587 40,260 2,407 37,853 14,567 5,012 40,241 0 27,245
2017-18 821,309 652,801 35,364 6,139 53,201 2,116 51,085 16,135 5,216 36,438 0 16,014
2018-19 818,998 651,454 31,694 5,231 60,252 4,620 55,632 12,821 2,945 30,326 0 24,274
Percentage distribution
All levels                        
1999-2000 100.00 24.58 10.11 1.41 13.67 --- --- 31.31 2.38 6.90 5.98 3.68
2004-05 100.00 29.54 14.06 1.40 11.94 --- --- 21.71 2.57 7.72 7.40 3.66
2007-08 100.00 36.44 14.51 1.71 15.07 --- --- 4.50 3.48 9.29 9.55 5.46
2008-09 100.00 77.75 30.45 3.46 25.59 --- --- -92.96 6.93 19.66 21.42 7.71
2009-10 100.00 33.43 13.58 1.30 10.68 2.48 8.20 16.85 2.86 8.35 9.81 3.14

100.00 29.00 11.74 1.05 10.67 2.11 8.55 25.86 2.40 7.14 8.46 3.67
2011-12 100.00 38.93 14.92 1.21 13.36 2.75 10.61 2.80 3.14 9.58 11.53 4.52
2012-13 100.00 32.45 11.74 0.96 11.05 2.39 8.66 19.07 2.74 7.90 9.41 4.68
2013-14 100.00 29.58 10.33 0.86 11.29 2.25 9.04 24.98 2.75 7.17 9.03 4.01
2014-15 100.00 35.02 12.07 1.05 13.44 2.75 10.68 10.62 3.34 8.43 11.92 4.11

100.00 39.49 12.86 1.18 15.68 3.19 12.49 -1.50 3.86 9.64 13.20 5.58
2016-17 100.00 30.49 10.41 0.87 11.90 2.55 9.34 20.13 3.10 7.42 11.02 4.67
2017-18 100.00 30.55 10.64 0.88 12.34 2.64 9.70 18.30 3.21 7.38 11.86 4.85
2018-19 100.00 32.39 11.42 0.98 13.85 2.91 10.94 11.55 3.48 7.60 13.43 5.29

1999-2000 100.00 24.44 10.14 1.40 13.66 --- --- 31.49 2.37 6.90 6.02 3.58
2004-05 100.00 29.42 14.06 1.38 11.95 --- --- 21.79 2.57 7.73 7.44 3.66
2007-08 100.00 36.35 14.52 1.70 15.09 --- --- 4.52 3.49 9.29 9.58 5.46
2008-09 100.00 77.82 30.56 3.45 25.68 --- --- -93.52 6.97 19.74 21.55 7.74
2009-10 100.00 33.35 13.58 1.30 10.68 2.49 8.20 16.89 2.86 8.35 9.84 3.14

100.00 28.87 11.75 1.04 10.68 2.12 8.56 25.94 2.41 7.15 8.49 3.67
2011-12 100.00 38.81 14.95 1.21 13.38 2.76 10.63 2.81 3.15 9.60 11.57 4.53
2012-13 100.00 32.36 11.74 0.96 11.06 2.40 8.66 19.11 2.74 7.91 9.43 4.68
2013-14 100.00 29.50 10.33 0.86 11.30 2.26 9.04 25.02 2.75 7.18 9.06 4.01
2014-15 100.00 34.84 12.09 1.05 13.48 2.77 10.71 10.66 3.36 8.44 11.97 4.12

100.00 39.30 12.89 1.19 15.73 3.20 12.53 -1.51 3.87 9.66 13.27 5.60
2016-17 100.00 30.32 10.43 0.87 11.92 2.56 9.36 20.19 3.11 7.43 11.06 4.67
2017-18 100.00 30.38 10.66 0.88 12.36 2.65 9.71 18.35 3.22 7.39 11.89 4.86
2018-19 100.00 32.23 11.45 0.98 13.87 2.92 10.95 11.59 3.49 7.62 13.48 5.30

1999-2000 100.00 42.99 6.32 2.65 15.52 --- --- 7.12 3.03 6.12 0.00 16.25
2004-05 100.00 56.08 12.41 4.33 10.92 --- --- 3.69 2.20 6.40 0.00 3.97
2007-08 100.00 60.77 12.11 4.86 10.60 --- --- -2.44 2.21 7.60 0.00 4.28
2008-09 100.00 66.94 13.19 4.72 10.37 --- --- -7.21 1.23 8.24 0.00 2.51
2009-10 100.00 57.57 13.53 2.70 9.79 0.76 9.03 4.00 1.43 6.87 0.00 4.12

100.00 70.71 8.96 2.35 6.00 0.43 5.57 2.49 0.67 5.27 0.00 3.56
2011-12 100.00 73.62 8.09 1.95 6.52 0.42 6.09 0.87 0.50 4.75 0.00 3.71
2012-13 100.00 67.57 8.89 2.62 8.11 0.45 7.66 2.63 0.56 5.72 0.00 3.91
2013-14 100.00 61.96 10.68 2.16 8.85 0.52 8.33 7.39 0.40 5.40 0.00 3.15
2014-15 100.00 77.91 7.03 1.28 4.38 0.20 4.18 0.91 0.66 5.08 0.00 2.75

100.00 80.15 5.15 0.77 4.90 0.32 4.57 0.12 0.58 5.47 0.00 2.87
2016-17 100.00 79.39 4.59 0.67 4.85 0.29 4.56 1.76 0.60 4.85 0.00 3.28
2017-18 100.00 79.48 4.31 0.75 6.48 0.26 6.22 1.96 0.64 4.44 0.00 1.95
2018-19 100.00 79.54 3.87 0.64 7.36 0.56 6.79 1.57 0.36 3.70 0.00 2.96
Revenue per full-time-equivalent student in constant 2019-20 dollars3
All levels                        
1999-2000 $72,190 $17,745 $7,296 $1,016 $9,868 --- --- $22,600 $1,715 $4,978 $4,314 $2,657
2004-05 65,541 19,358 9,212 916 7,828 --- --- 14,231 1,681 5,062 4,853 2,400
2007-08 55,737 20,308 8,086 955 8,402 --- --- 2,506 1,940 5,175 5,323 3,041
2008-09 26,859 20,884 8,177 930 6,872 --- --- -24,969 1,862 5,281 5,752 2,071
2009-10 63,255 21,144 8,592 822 6,757 $1,571 $5,186 10,660 1,808 5,280 6,203 1,989

73,365 21,276 8,614 767 7,827 1,551 6,275 18,976 1,764 5,241 6,206 2,695
2011-12 55,211 21,495 8,237 670 7,375 1,517 5,858 1,548 1,734 5,288 6,365 2,497
2012-13 67,026 21,750 7,866 643 7,410 1,604 5,806 12,783 1,835 5,298 6,307 3,135
2013-14 74,632 22,076 7,711 643 8,429 1,681 6,749 18,640 2,049 5,352 6,741 2,990
2014-15 63,943 22,394 7,718 674 8,594 1,761 6,832 6,788 2,139 5,387 7,620 2,630

57,416 22,674 7,381 680 9,001 1,830 7,171 -860 2,215 5,538 7,581 3,205
2016-17 74,397 22,683 7,742 645 8,852 1,900 6,951 14,977 2,305 5,521 8,202 3,471
2017-18 74,335 22,706 7,912 653 9,171 1,961 7,210 13,601 2,390 5,484 8,813 3,607
2018-19 70,049 22,692 8,002 685 9,700 2,037 7,663 8,093 2,435 5,327 9,409 3,705

1999-2000 73,176 17,885 7,417 1,023 9,992 --- --- 23,044 1,735 5,050 4,407 2,623
2004-05 66,042 19,428 9,288 914 7,891 --- --- 14,393 1,695 5,104 4,912 2,417
2007-08 56,034 20,367 8,134 954 8,456 --- --- 2,533 1,953 5,206 5,370 3,060
2008-09 26,912 20,944 8,224 930 6,912 --- --- -25,169 1,875 5,312 5,801 2,084
2009-10 63,579 21,205 8,636 824 6,793 1,582 5,211 10,739 1,820 5,310 6,254 1,997

73,916 21,338 8,685 770 7,896 1,567 6,330 19,173 1,781 5,285 6,272 2,715
2011-12 55,553 21,557 8,303 673 7,435 1,531 5,904 1,562 1,750 5,330 6,428 2,515
2012-13 67,419 21,817 7,917 644 7,458 1,616 5,842 12,886 1,849 5,332 6,360 3,155
2013-14 75,047 22,138 7,753 644 8,481 1,693 6,788 18,777 2,064 5,385 6,796 3,009
2014-15 64,525 22,480 7,802 680 8,697 1,784 6,912 6,877 2,165 5,445 7,722 2,657

57,844 22,734 7,457 686 9,097 1,851 7,246 -871 2,240 5,590 7,673 3,237
2016-17 75,047 22,755 7,824 651 8,947 1,923 7,024 15,155 2,332 5,576 8,302 3,505
2017-18 74,981 22,781 7,997 659 9,265 1,984 7,281 13,759 2,417 5,539 8,919 3,645
2018-19 70,626 22,766 8,086 692 9,795 2,059 7,736 8,184 2,463 5,380 9,519 3,741

1999-2000 26,165 11,248 1,655 692 4,061 --- --- 1,863 794 1,600 0 4,251
2004-05 24,237 13,593 3,009 1,048 2,646 --- --- 895 534 1,551 0 961
2007-08 22,564 13,712 2,732 1,097 2,393 --- --- -550 499 1,714 0 966
2008-09 20,610 13,796 2,719 972 2,138 --- --- -1,485 254 1,699 0 516
2009-10 23,899 13,758 3,233 645 2,340 183 2,158 957 341 1,642 0 983

21,990 15,549 1,971 516 1,319 94 1,225 547 148 1,158 0 782
2011-12 20,710 15,246 1,676 403 1,350 87 1,262 179 104 984 0 767
2012-13 20,455 13,821 1,819 536 1,659 92 1,567 537 114 1,170 0 799
2013-14 23,330 14,455 2,492 505 2,065 121 1,944 1,724 94 1,261 0 735
2014-15 20,514 15,983 1,443 262 898 41 857 186 136 1,042 0 564

22,107 17,718 1,138 170 1,083 72 1,011 26 129 1,209 0 635
2016-17 21,126 16,773 969 142 1,025 61 964 371 128 1,025 0 694
2017-18 20,674 16,432 890 155 1,339 53 1,286 406 131 917 0 403
2018-19 20,558 16,352 796 131 1,512 116 1,396 322 74 761 0 609
---Not available.
1 Private institutions typically report Pell grants as revenues from tuition and fees rather than as revenues from federal grants.
2 Includes independent operations.
3 Constant dollars based on the Consumer Price Index, prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, adjusted to a school-year basis.
NOTE: Data in this table represent the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Degree-granting institutions grant associate's or higher degrees and participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. Data in this table pertain to institutions' fiscal years that end in the academic year noted. Some data have been revised from previously published figures. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Fall Enrollment Survey" (IPEDS-EF:99); selected years, Spring 2001 through Spring 2007, Enrollment component; Spring 2008 through Spring 2019, Fall Enrollment component; and Spring 2001 through Spring 2020, Finance component. (This table was prepared February 2021.)

2020 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest