The Statistical Information Analysis Division of the DMDC (formerly known as the Defense Manpower Data Center) maintains the largest archive of personnel, manpower, and training data in the Department of Defense (DoD). The DMDC’s statistical activities include the personnel survey program, an enlistment testing program to support screening of military applicants, and a client support program to provide statistical support to the Office of the Secretary of Defense. The DMDC collects DoD contract information in support of national economic tables and the Small Business Competitiveness Demonstration Program; it also produces statistics on DoD purchases from educational and nonprofit institutions and from state and local governments.
For more information on the DMDC, see
Naval Postgraduate School, Center for Homeland Defense and Security
K–12 School Shooting Database
The K–12 School Shooting Database research project is a widely inclusive database that documents each and every instance in which a gun is brandished, a gun is fired, or a bullet hits school property, regardless of the number of victims (including zero), time or day of the week of the incident, or reason (e.g., planned attack, accidental, domestic violence, gang-related). It is a filtered, deconflicted, and cross-referenced database of more than 1,550 K–12 school shootings from 1970 to present.
Available for download as a csv file, the database compiles information from more than 25 different sources, including peer-reviewed studies, government reports, mainstream media, nonprofits, private websites, blogs, and crowd-sourced lists that have been analyzed, filtered, deconflicted, and cross-referenced. All of the information is based on open-source information and third-party reporting.
The K–12 School Shooting Database research project is conducted as part of the Advanced Thinking in Homeland Security (HSx) program at the Naval Postgraduate School’s Center for Homeland Defense and Security (CHDS) ( The report K–12 School Shooting Database: Research Methodology ( provides information on such topics as how school shootings are defined in the database, as well as how data reliability is assessed and how data are validated.
Further information about the K–12 School Shooting Database may be obtained from