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Digest of Education Statistics
2019 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 333.80. Voluntary support for degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by source and purpose of support: Selected years, 1949-50 through 2017-18
Year Total voluntary
support, in
millions of
constant 2018-19
In millions of current dollars Voluntary
support as
a percent
of total
Source Purpose
Alumni Nonalumni
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1949-50 $2,567 $240 $60 $60 $28 $60 $16 $16 $101 $139 10.7
1959-60 7,025 815 191 194 130 163 80 57 385 430 14.6
1965-66 11,430 1,440 310 350 230 357 108 85 675 765 11.5
1970-71 11,858 1,860 458 495 259 418 104 126 1,050 810 8.0
1975-76 11,006 2,410 588 569 379 549 130 195 1,480 930 6.2

12,367 4,230 1,049 1,007 778 922 140 334 2,590 1,640 6.6
1985-86 17,223 7,400 1,825 1,781 1,702 1,363 211 518 4,022 3,378 7.6
1989-90 19,547 9,800 2,540 2,230 2,170 1,920 240 700 5,440 4,360 7.3
1990-91 19,291 10,200 2,680 2,310 2,230 2,030 240 710 5,830 4,370 7.0
1993-94 21,392 12,350 3,410 2,800 2,510 2,540 240 850 6,710 5,640 7.1

21,469 12,750 3,600 2,940 2,560 2,460 250 940 7,230 5,520 7.0
1995-96 23,360 14,250 4,040 3,400 2,800 2,815 255 940 7,850 6,400 7.5
1996-97 25,501 16,000 4,650 3,850 3,050 3,200 250 1,000 8,500 7,500 8.0
1997-98 28,812 18,400 5,500 4,500 3,250 3,800 300 1,050 9,000 9,400 8.8
1998-99 31,400 20,400 5,930 4,810 3,610 4,530 330 1,190 9,900 10,500 9.3

34,708 23,200 6,800 5,420 4,150 5,080 370 1,380 11,270 11,930 9.8
2000-01 35,005 24,200 6,830 5,200 4,350 6,000 370 1,450 12,200 12,000 9.3
2001-02 33,970 23,900 5,900 5,400 4,370 6,300 360 1,570 12,400 11,500 8.5
2002-03 32,822 23,600 6,570 4,280 4,250 6,600 360 1,540 12,900 10,700 7.8
2003-04 33,208 24,400 6,700 5,200 4,400 6,200 350 1,550 13,600 10,800 7.7

33,823 25,600 7,100 5,000 4,400 7,000 370 1,730 14,200 11,400 7.6
2005-06 35,637 28,000 8,400 5,700 4,600 7,100 375 1,825 15,000 13,000 7.9
2006-07 36,910 29,750 8,270 5,650 4,800 8,500 380 2,150 16,100 13,650 7.9
2007-08 37,804 31,600 8,700 6,120 4,900 9,100 380 2,400 17,070 14,530 7.7
2008-09 32,859 27,850 7,130 4,995 4,620 8,235 325 2,545 16,955 10,895 6.5

32,720 28,000 7,100 4,920 4,730 8,400 305 2,545 17,000 11,000 6.3
2010-11 34,710 30,300 7,800 5,650 5,020 8,675 305 2,850 17,800 12,500 6.4
2011-12 34,501 31,000 7,700 5,825 5,250 9,150 275 2,800 18,900 12,100 6.4
2012-13 37,002 33,800 9,000 6,200 5,100 10,000 300 3,200 20,200 13,600 6.8
2013-14 40,367 37,450 9,850 6,500 5,750 11,200 (3) 4,150 21,800 15,650 7.2

43,125 40,300 10,850 8,000 5,750 11,600 (3) 4,100 24,650 15,650 7.5
2015-16 43,580 41,000 9,930 7,520 6,600 12,450 (3) 4,500 25,150 15,850 7.3
2016-17 45,507 43,600 11,370 7,860 6,600 13,130 (3) 4,640 25,800 17,800 7.5
2017-18 47,698 46,730 12,154 8,567 6,732 14,010 (3) 5,266 27,400 19,330 7.7
1 Constant dollars based on the Consumer Price Index, prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, adjusted to a school-year basis.
2 Total expenditures include current-fund expenditures and additions to plant value through 1995-96 for private institutions and through 2000-01 for public institutions. Later data are based on reported total institutional activity concepts as outlined under Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) guidelines for public institutions and Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) guidelines for private institutions.
3 From 2013-14 onward, voluntary support from religious organizations is included in the "Other organizations" column.
NOTE: Data rounding is consistent with the original source material. Voluntary support data are from the Council for Aid to Education, while the percentage of total expenditures is based on total expenditures reported through the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System.
SOURCE: Council for Aid to Education, Voluntary Support of Education, selected years, 1949-50 through 2017-18. U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS), selected years, 1965-66 through 1985-86; Financial Statistics of Institutions of Higher Education, 1949-50 and 1959-60; Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Finance Survey" (IPEDS-F:FY87-99); and IPEDS Spring 2001 through Spring 2019, Finance component. (This table was prepared January 2020.)

2019 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest