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Digest of Education Statistics
2019 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 330.40. Average total cost of attendance for first-time, full-time undergraduate students in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control and level of institution, living arrangement, and component of student costs: Selected years, 2010-11 through 2018-19
Level of institution, living arrangement, and component of student costs 2010-11 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Private All
Private All insti-tutions Public,
Private All
Private All
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
  Current dollars
4-year institutions                                        
Average total cost, by living arrangement                                        
On campus $27,589 $20,035 $39,676 $31,897 $31,652 $23,113 $47,300 $31,546 $32,575 $23,765 $48,827 $32,416 $33,495 $24,351 $50,387 $32,876 $34,346 $24,869 $51,874 $33,219
Off campus, living with family 20,084 12,554 31,689 22,268 22,243 13,907 37,479 21,831 22,748 14,102 38,733 22,096 23,363 14,387 39,996 22,589 23,874 14,589 41,100 22,733
Off campus, not living with family 29,142 21,324 40,033 31,000 31,543 23,416 47,105 29,609 32,165 23,813 48,435 29,680 33,137 24,356 50,370 30,405 33,903 24,925 51,728 30,217

Component of student costs
Tuition and required fees 14,596 7,163 26,637 15,191 16,896 8,520 32,312 16,154 17,442 8,776 33,487 16,810 18,000 9,014 34,658 17,207 18,510 9,216 35,769 17,262
Books and supplies 1,223 1,196 1,221 1,522 1,255 1,267 1,241 1,149 1,263 1,277 1,247 1,101 1,269 1,281 1,257 1,102 1,272 1,283 1,258 1,148
Room, board, and other expenses                                        
On campus                                        
Room and board 8,912 8,497 9,455 9,304 10,526 10,078 11,186 9,669 10,826 10,369 11,497 10,005 11,174 10,720 11,851 10,032 11,486 11,011 12,194 10,244
Other 2,858 3,179 2,363 5,879 2,976 3,248 2,561 4,574 3,045 3,343 2,596 4,500 3,052 3,335 2,621 4,534 3,078 3,359 2,652 4,565
Off campus, living with family                                        
Other 4,265 4,195 3,832 5,554 4,092 4,120 3,926 4,528 4,043 4,049 3,999 4,185 4,095 4,091 4,080 4,280 4,093 4,089 4,073 4,324
Off campus, not living with family                                        
Room and board 8,802 8,942 8,202 8,866 9,144 9,658 8,778 7,587 9,269 9,799 8,838 7,339 9,593 10,073 9,231 7,694 9,823 10,366 9,387 7,718
Other 4,521 4,022 3,974 5,421 4,248 3,971 4,773 4,719 4,192 3,960 4,863 4,430 4,275 3,987 5,224 4,402 4,299 4,059 5,314 4,090

2-year institutions
Average total cost, by living arrangement                                        
On campus 13,777 12,336 25,763 29,179 15,096 14,345 31,749 27,776 15,448 14,677 31,828 28,711 15,687 14,972 32,339 29,499 16,153 15,420 33,227 29,958
Off campus, living with family 8,964 7,843 18,931 19,350 9,303 8,838 22,655 20,144 9,482 8,997 22,945 20,078 9,596 9,169 23,453 20,208 9,805 9,369 23,951 20,652
Off campus, not living with family 16,389 15,153 27,458 27,366 17,405 16,911 30,901 28,663 17,804 17,310 32,068 28,282 18,162 17,710 31,996 29,206 18,722 18,256 32,935 30,072

Component of student costs
Tuition and required fees 3,850 2,748 13,832 13,954 3,893 3,425 17,137 14,779 4,031 3,542 17,429 14,667 4,066 3,637 17,876 14,648 4,177 3,737 18,387 15,021
Books and supplies 1,302 1,295 1,153 1,407 1,444 1,451 1,144 1,291 1,456 1,465 1,127 1,265 1,483 1,489 1,106 1,349 1,516 1,524 1,020 1,339
Room, board, and other expenses                                        
On campus                                        
Room and board 5,654 5,351 7,806 9,961 6,697 6,406 10,359 8,883 6,880 6,551 10,688 9,682 7,046 6,713 10,837 9,920 7,240 6,889 11,272 9,970
Other 2,971 2,941 2,973 3,857 3,062 3,062 3,108 2,822 3,081 3,119 2,585 3,096 3,092 3,132 2,520 3,582 3,220 3,270 2,548 3,628
Off campus, living with family                                        
Other 3,812 3,799 3,947 3,989 3,966 3,962 4,374 4,073 3,995 3,990 4,389 4,146 4,047 4,042 4,471 4,211 4,113 4,107 4,544 4,292
Off campus, not living with family                                        
Room and board 7,478 7,412 7,999 7,889 8,200 8,200 8,212 8,195 8,405 8,424 8,864 7,970 8,647 8,652 8,595 8,534 8,955 8,958 9,066 8,867
Other 3,759 3,698 4,475 4,117 3,868 3,834 4,408 4,397 3,913 3,879 4,650 4,380 3,967 3,931 4,418 4,675 4,074 4,036 4,463 4,845
  Constant 2018-19 dollars1
4-year institutions                                        
Average total cost, by living arrangement                                        
On campus $31,605 $22,951 $45,451 $36,539 $33,644 $24,568 $50,276 $33,532 $34,000 $24,804 $50,962 $33,834 $34,189 $24,855 $51,432 $33,557 $34,346 $24,869 $51,874 $33,219
Off campus, living with family 23,007 14,382 36,302 25,509 23,643 14,783 39,838 23,205 23,743 14,719 40,427 23,063 23,848 14,685 40,824 23,057 23,874 14,589 41,100 22,733
Off campus, not living with family 33,384 24,427 45,860 35,512 33,528 24,889 50,069 31,472 33,572 24,854 50,553 30,978 33,823 24,860 51,414 31,035 33,903 24,925 51,728 30,217
Tuition and required fees 16,721 8,206 30,514 17,403 17,959 9,056 34,345 17,171 18,205 9,160 34,951 17,546 18,373 9,201 35,377 17,563 18,510 9,216 35,769 17,262

2-year institutions
Average total cost, by living arrangement                                        
On campus 15,782 14,131 29,513 33,426 16,046 15,247 33,747 29,524 16,124 15,319 33,220 29,967 16,012 15,283 33,010 30,110 16,153 15,420 33,227 29,958
Off campus, living with family 10,268 8,984 21,686 22,167 9,888 9,394 24,081 21,411 9,897 9,391 23,948 20,956 9,794 9,359 23,939 20,627 9,805 9,369 23,951 20,652
Off campus, not living with family 18,774 17,359 31,455 31,349 18,500 17,975 32,846 30,467 18,583 18,067 33,471 29,519 18,538 18,077 32,659 29,811 18,722 18,256 32,935 30,072
Tuition and required fees 4,410 3,148 15,845 15,985 4,138 3,641 18,216 15,709 4,207 3,697 18,191 15,309 4,150 3,713 18,247 14,952 4,177 3,737 18,387 15,021
1 Constant dollars based on the Consumer Price Index, prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, adjusted to an academic-year basis.
NOTE: Excludes students who previously attended another postsecondary institution or who began their studies on a part-time basis. Tuition and fees at public institutions are the lower of either in-district or in-state tuition and fees. Data illustrating the average total cost of attendance for all students are weighted by the number of students at the institution receiving Title IV aid. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. Some data have been revised from previously published figures.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Spring 2011 and Winter 2015-16 through Winter 2018-19, Student Financial Aid component; and Fall 2010 through Fall 2018, Institutional Characteristics component. (This table was prepared December 2019.)

2019 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest