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Digest of Education Statistics
2019 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 313.30. Selected statistics on degree-granting historically Black colleges and universities, by control and level of institution: Selected years, 1990 through 2018
Selected statistics Total Public Private
Total 4-year 2-year Total 4-year 2-year
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Number of institutions, fall 2018 101 51 40 11 50 49 1

Fall enrollment
Total enrollment, fall 1990 257,152 187,046 171,969 15,077 70,106 68,528 1,578
Males 105,157 76,541 70,220 6,321 28,616 28,054 562
Males, Black 82,897 57,255 54,041 3,214 25,642 25,198 444
Females 151,995 110,505 101,749 8,756 41,490 40,474 1,016
Females, Black 125,785 86,949 80,883 6,066 38,836 38,115 721

Total enrollment, fall 2000
275,680 199,725 175,404 24,321 75,955 75,306 649
Males 108,164 78,186 68,322 9,864 29,978 29,771 207
Males, Black 87,319 60,029 56,017 4,012 27,290 27,085 205
Females 167,516 121,539 107,082 14,457 45,977 45,535 442
Females, Black 139,920 96,677 89,260 7,417 43,243 42,810 433

Total enrollment, fall 2010
326,614 249,146 205,774 43,372 77,468 77,325 143
Males 127,437 95,883 78,528 17,355 31,554 31,482 72
Males, Black 101,605 72,629 65,512 7,117 28,976 28,904 72
Females 199,177 153,263 127,246 26,017 45,914 45,843 71
Females, Black 164,303 121,211 107,721 13,490 43,092 43,021 71

Total enrollment, fall 2018
291,767 220,910 185,733 35,177 70,857 70,288 569
Males 110,853 83,015 68,415 14,600 27,838 27,530 308
Males, Black 81,055 57,283 51,863 5,420 23,772 23,634 138
Females 180,914 137,895 117,318 20,577 43,019 42,758 261
Females, Black 142,108 103,588 94,026 9,562 38,520 38,335 185

   Full-time enrollment, fall 2018
227,415 163,126 149,356 13,770 64,289 63,958 331
Males 87,026 62,050 55,954 6,096 24,976 24,806 170
Females 140,389 101,076 93,402 7,674 39,313 39,152 161

   Part-time enrollment, fall 2018
64,352 57,784 36,377 21,407 6,568 6,330 238
Males 23,827 20,965 12,461 8,504 2,862 2,724 138
Females 40,525 36,819 23,916 12,903 3,706 3,606 100
Degrees conferred, 2017-18              
Associate's 5,465 5,206 1,294 3,912 259 229 30
Males 1,909 1,794 320 1,474 115 106 9
Males, Black 716 619 135 484 97 88 9
Females 3,556 3,412 974 2,438 144 123 21
Females, Black 1,658 1,523 456 1,067 135 114 21

32,639 23,603 23,603 9,036 9,036
Males 11,952 8,715 8,715 3,237 3,237
Males, Black 9,083 6,292 6,292 2,791 2,791
Females 20,687 14,888 14,888 5,799 5,799
Females, Black 17,193 11,924 11,924 5,269 5,269

7,697 6,424 6,424 1,273 1,273
Males 2,449 2,011 2,011 438 438
Males, Black 1,591 1,261 1,261 330 330
Females 5,248 4,413 4,413 835 835
Females, Black 3,836 3,153 3,153 683 683

2,518 1,363 1,363 1,155 1,155
Males 975 538 538 437 437
Males, Black 519 256 256 263 263
Females 1,543 825 825 718 718
Females, Black 1,036 535 535 501 501
  In thousands of current dollars
Financial statistics, 2017-182               
Total revenue $8,673,522 $5,408,362 $5,039,982 $368,380 $3,265,159 $3,258,836 $6,323
Student tuition and fees 1,939,022 1,008,241 966,772 41,469 930,781 926,978 3,803
Federal government3  2,007,472 1,290,761 1,162,948 127,813 716,711 715,530 1,180
State governments 1,989,311 1,892,318 1,763,450 128,868 96,993 96,993 0
Local governments 115,050 79,745 35,774 43,971 35,305 34,848 457
Private gifts and grants4  478,947 203,192 190,642 12,550 275,755 275,427 328
Investment return (gain or loss) 455,325 62,397 61,683 714 392,928 392,928 0
Auxiliary (essentially self-
   supporting) enterprises
977,002 613,770 607,247 6,523 363,232 362,678 554
Hospitals and other sources 711,392 257,938 251,467 6,472 453,454 453,454 0

Total expenditures
7,966,186 5,181,127 4,815,735 365,392 2,785,059 2,779,649 5,409
Instruction 2,301,598 1,589,122 1,442,240 146,882 712,476 710,741 1,735
Research 487,564 326,112 326,112 0 161,452 161,452 0
Academic support 662,825 462,427 431,000 31,427 200,398 199,976 423
Institutional support 1,416,307 757,939 693,358 64,581 658,369 656,278 2,090
Auxiliary (essentially self-
   supporting) enterprises
1,121,950 802,029 795,308 6,721 319,921 318,958 963
Other expenditures 1,975,941 1,243,498 1,127,717 115,781 732,443 732,245 198
†Not applicable.
1 Includes Ph.D., Ed.D., and comparable degrees at the doctoral level, as well as such degrees as M.D., D.D.S., and law degrees that were classified as first-professional degrees prior to 2010-11.
2 Totals (column 2) of public and private institutions together are approximate because reporting is based on two different survey forms with different accounting concepts. Included are data reported by public institutions using the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) form as well as data reported by private and some public institutions using the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) form.
3 Includes independent operations.
4 Includes contributions from affiliated entities.
NOTE: Degree-granting institutions grant associate’s or higher degrees and participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. Historically Black colleges and universities are degree-granting institutions established prior to 1964 with the principal mission of educating Black Americans. Federal regulations, 20 U.S. Code, Section 1061 (2), allow for certain exceptions to the founding date. Federal, state, and local governments revenue includes appropriations, grants, and contracts. Totals include persons of other racial/ethnic groups not separately identified. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), "Fall Enrollment Survey" (IPEDS-EF:90); IPEDS Spring 2001, Spring 2011, and Spring 2019, Fall Enrollment component; IPEDS Spring 2019, Finance component; and IPEDS Fall 2018, Completions component. (This table was prepared November 2019.)

2019 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest