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2019 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 204.75d. Number and percentage of homeless students enrolled in public elementary and secondary schools, by primary nighttime residence, selected student characteristics, and state or jurisdiction: 2016-17
State or jurisdiction All homeless students Number of homeless students with selected characteristics
Total number of homeless students2 As a percent of total public school enrollment Number, by primary nighttime residence1
Doubled-up or shared housing3 Hotels or motels Shelters, transitional housing, or awaiting foster care placement Unsheltered4 Unaccom-panied homeless youth5 English language learners6 Migrant stu-dents7 Students with disabil-ities8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
United States 1,351,120 2.7 1,022,425 90,013 186,141 49,864 118,362 216,245 16,170 245,130
Alabama 15,931 2.1 13,735 738 836 622 583 687 157 2,341
Alaska 4,041 3.0 2,662 224 751 404 872 637 351 1,018
Arizona1 25,454 2.3 15,397 1,738 5,640 593 2,848 4,041 147 4,033
Arkansas 13,104 2.7 11,531 499 831 243 592 857 312 2,114
California 262,935 4.2 223,137 12,537 16,831 10,430 7,391 85,061 5,561 36,227
Colorado 21,062 2.3 15,559 1,722 2,662 1,119 2,034 3,040 480 3,262
Connecticut9 4,293 0.8 2,778 469 994 52 171 826 --- 965
Delaware 3,018 2.2 2,384 481 127 26 298 152 12 708
District of Columbia1,9 6,415 7.5 3,572 498 2,143 116 171 313 --- 1,064
Florida 75,106 2.7 55,627 8,918 8,363 2,198 6,607 9,334 1,118 13,682
Georgia 38,336 2.2 27,739 6,981 2,895 721 2,314 1,454 237 6,390
Hawaii1 2,958 1.6 1,794 16 843 298 7 487 20 462
Idaho 7,512 2.5 6,314 441 462 295 856 643 293 1,527
Illinois1 51,617 2.6 42,582 2,489 5,696 362 5,084 3,745 56 10,578
Indiana1 18,431 1.8 14,010 1,364 2,846 209 1,238 967 42 2,940
Iowa 6,789 1.3 4,792 417 1,450 130 1,175 652 72 1,471
Kansas10 9,297 1.9 7,495 586 1,041 175 1,009 1,245 261 1,648
Kentucky 26,826 3.9 20,528 996 2,085 3,217 2,798 2,302 297 5,474
Louisiana 30,481 4.3 23,083 1,256 5,149 993 2,439 95 0 4,956
Maine 2,515 1.4 1,546 333 544 92 1,458 306 1 2,095
Maryland 17,122 1.9 13,861 1,515 1,474 272 2,330 2,082 64 2,887
Massachusetts 20,872 2.2 10,178 1,086 9,457 151 1,031 6,240 28 5,543
Michigan 36,811 2.4 27,310 2,494 6,431 576 5,012 1,742 563 7,970
Minnesota 17,750 2.0 11,171 1,546 4,554 479 2,204 1,559 84 4,467
Mississippi 9,979 2.1 9,181 261 453 84 227 197 16 1,313
Missouri 33,857 3.7 28,163 2,175 2,953 566 3,944 1,196 32 6,165
Montana 3,606 2.5 2,565 393 311 337 692 273 26 820
Nebraska 3,592 1.1 2,230 291 932 139 442 874 331 794
Nevada 16,765 3.5 11,368 2,365 2,210 822 1,455 2,168 13 2,686
New Hampshire 3,913 2.2 2,811 394 553 155 373 175 12 1,094
New Jersey 10,994 0.8 7,830 1,291 1,810 63 0 904 10 2,654
New Mexico1 11,625 3.5 8,745 525 1,256 1,093 1,543 2,558 32 2,464
New York 148,418 5.4 94,762 2,848 45,050 5,758 10,726 32,004 348 33,571
North Carolina1 29,332 1.9 21,118 4,474 2,809 1,144 2,650 1,645 71 4,689
North Dakota1 2,153 2.0 1,510 161 277 212 273 137 0 444
Ohio 30,385 1.8 23,678 1,694 4,529 484 2,554 886 17 6,278
Oklahoma 27,096 3.9 23,442 504 1,829 1,321 3,807 2,882 37 5,458
Oregon 24,322 4.0 18,556 1,136 2,082 2,548 3,516 3,242 1,179 4,797
Pennsylvania 25,109 1.5 15,913 1,918 6,976 302 3,909 2,135 900 6,327
Rhode Island9 1,231 0.9 801 85 325 20 35 125 --- 335
South Carolina 11,767 1.5 7,610 1,810 1,223 1,124 0 593 65 2,415
South Dakota 2,018 1.5 1,233 346 385 54 115 93 16 470
Tennessee1 16,851 1.7 12,934 1,922 1,387 384 1,032 939 27 2,794
Texas 111,177 2.1 86,935 7,865 11,298 5,079 17,331 18,963 953 13,415
Utah 15,438 2.3 13,244 449 1,010 735 2,209 2,904 58 3,122
Vermont 1,097 1.2 605 219 189 84 60 28 12 334
Virginia 20,593 1.6 15,135 3,168 2,083 207 2,879 4,229 70 3,698
Washington 40,930 3.7 30,086 2,581 5,510 2,753 5,198 7,079 1,734 8,444
West Virginia1,9 9,024 3.3 7,118 216 1,370 322 345 108 --- 1,972
Wisconsin 19,264 2.2 14,888 1,380 2,719 277 2,283 1,334 55 4,359
Wyoming 1,908 2.0 1,179 198 507 24 242 107 0 396
Bureau of Indian Education9 2,256 5.0 1,866 74 274 42 0 338 --- 487
Puerto Rico9 4,736 1.3 2,991 0 1,464 281 2 50 --- 1,980
---Not available.
1 The counts by primary nighttime residence do not sum to the total number of homeless students aggregated by grade because of missing data on primary nighttime residence or missing data by grade.
2 Represents the sum of counts by grade.
3 Refers to temporarily sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or other reasons (such as domestic violence).
4 Includes living in cars, parks, campgrounds, temporary trailers--including Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) trailers--or abandoned buildings.
5 Youth who are not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian. Includes youth living on their own and youth living with a caregiver who is not their legal guardian.
6 Students who met the definition of limited English proficient students as outlined in the EDFacts workbook. For more information, see
7 Students who met the definition of eligible migrant children as outlined in the EDFacts workbook. Such students are either migratory workers or the children or spouses of migratory workers and have moved within the preceding 36 months in order to obtain, or to accompany parents or spouses who moved in order to obtain, temporary or seasonal employment in agricultural or fishing work. For more information, see
8 Includes only students with disabilities who were served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
9 Did not operate a migrant education program during the 2016-17 school year and therefore had no data to provide on migrant homeless students.
10 Data for Kansas are imputed.
NOTE: Homeless students are defined as children/youth who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. For more information, see "C118 - Homeless Students Enrolled" at Data are reported at the state level and include all homeless students enrolled at any time during the school year.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, EDFacts file 118, Data Group 655, extracted June 5, 2019, from the EDFacts Data Warehouse (internal U.S. Department of Education Source); and Common Core of Data (CCD), "State Nonfiscal Survey of Public Elementary and Secondary Education," 2016-17. (This table was prepared June 2019.)

2019 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest