Digest of Education Statistics: 2018
Digest of Education Statistics: 2018

NCES 2020-009
December 2019

List of Reference Tables

Chapter 3. Postsecondary Education

301 Overview and Historical

Table 301.10 Enrollment, staff, and degrees/certificates conferred in degree-granting and non-degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control and level of institution, sex of student, type of staff, and level of degree: Fall 2017 and 2016-17
Table 301.20. Historical summary of faculty, enrollment, degrees conferred, and finances in degree-granting postsecondary institutions: Selected years, 1869-70 through 2016-17


302 Enrollment Rates

Table 302.10. Recent high school completers and their enrollment in college, by sex and level of institution: 1960 through 2017
Table 302.20. Percentage of recent high school completers enrolled in college, by race/ethnicity: 1960 through 2017
Table 302.40. Number of high schools with 12th-graders and percentage of high school graduates attending 4-year colleges, by selected high school characteristics: Selected years, 1998-99 through 2011-12
Table 302.43. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Percentage distribution of fall 2009 ninth-graders who had completed high school, by postsecondary enrollment status in fall 2013, and selected measures of their high school achievement and selected student
Table 302.44. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Percentage distribution of all 2009 9th-graders and those who ever attended a postsecondary institution, by socioeconomic status in 2009 and selected postsecondary outcomes: 2016
Table 302.45. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Percentage distribution of all 2009 9th-graders and those who ever attended a postsecondary institution, by poverty status in 2009 and 2012 and selected postsecondary outcomes: 2016
Table 302.46. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Percentage distribution of fall 2009 ninth-graders, by high school locale in 2009, high school completion status, postsecondary enrollment and work status or plans, and postsecondary attainment status: 2013 and 2016
Table 302.50. Estimated rate of 2011–12 high school graduates attending degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by state: 2012
Table 302.60. Percentage of 18- to 24-year-olds enrolled in college, by level of institution and sex and race/ethnicity of student: 1970 through 2017
Table 302.62. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Percentage of 18- to 24-year-olds enrolled in degree-granting postsecondary institutions and percentage distribution of those enrolled, by sex, race/ethnicity, and selected racial/ethnic subgroups: 2010 and 2017
Table 302.65 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Percentage of 18- to 24-year-olds enrolled in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity and state: 2017
Table 302.70 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Percentage of 18- to 24-year-olds enrolled in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity and state: 2007


303 Total Fall Enrollment—General

Table 303.10 Total fall enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by attendance status, sex of student, and control of institution: Selected years, 1947 through 2028
Table 303.20 Total fall enrollment in all postsecondary institutions participating in Title IV programs and annual percentage change in enrollment, by degree-granting status and control of institution: 1995 through 2017
Table 303.25 Total fall enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control and level of institution: 1970 through 2017
Table 303.30 Total fall enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level and control of institution, attendance status, and sex of student: Selected years, 1970 through 2028
Table 303.40. Total fall enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by attendance status, sex, and age: Selected years, 1970 through 2028
Table 303.45. Total fall enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level of enrollment, sex, attendance status, and age of student: 2013, 2015, and 2017
Table 303.50. Total fall enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level of enrollment, control and level of institution, attendance status, and age of student: 2017
Table 303.55. Total fall enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control and level of institution, attendance status, and age of student: 2017
Table 303.60. Total fall enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level of enrollment, sex of student, and other selected characteristics: 2017
Table 303.65. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Total fall enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level of enrollment, sex of student, and other selected characteristics: 2016
Table 303.70 Total undergraduate fall enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by attendance status, sex of student, and control and level of institution: Selected years, 1970 through 2028
Table 303.80 Total postbaccalaureate fall enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by attendance status, sex of student, and control of institution: 1970 through 2028
Table 303.90. Fall enrollment and number of degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control and religious affiliation of institution: Selected years, 1980 through 2017


304 Total Fall Enrollment—State-Level

Table 304.10 Total fall enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by state or jurisdiction: Selected years, 1970 through 2017
Table 304.15 Total fall enrollment in public degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by state or jurisdiction: Selected years, 1970 through 2017
Table 304.20 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Total fall enrollment in private degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by state or jurisdiction: Selected years, 1970 through 2017
Table 304.21 Total fall enrollment in private nonprofit degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by state or jurisdiction: Selected years, 1980 through 2017
Table 304.22 Total fall enrollment in private for-profit degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by state or jurisdiction: Selected years, 1980 through 2017
Table 304.30 Total fall enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by attendance status, sex, and state or jurisdiction: 2016 and 2017
Table 304.35 Total fall enrollment in public degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by attendance status, sex, and state or jurisdiction: 2016 and 2017
Table 304.40 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Total fall enrollment in private degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by attendance status, sex, and state or jurisdiction: 2016 and 2017
Table 304.45 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Total fall enrollment in private nonprofit degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by attendance status, sex, and state or jurisdiction: 2016 and 2017
Table 304.50 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Total fall enrollment in private for-profit degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by attendance status, sex, and state or jurisdiction: 2016 and 2017
Table 304.60 Total fall enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control and level of institution and state or jurisdiction: 2016 and 2017
Table 304.70 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Total fall enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level of enrollment and state or jurisdiction: Selected years, 2000 through 2017
Table 304.80 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Total fall enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control of institution, level of enrollment, level of institution, and state or jurisdiction: 2017


305 First-Time Students and Admissions

Table 305.10 Total fall enrollment of first-time degree/certificate-seeking students in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by attendance status, sex of student, and level and control of institution: 1960 through 2028
Table 305.20 Total fall enrollment of first-time degree/certificate-seeking students in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by attendance status, sex of student, control of institution, and state or jurisdiction: Selected years, 2000 through 2017
Table 305.30. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Number and percentage of degree-granting postsecondary institutions with first-year undergraduates using various selection criteria for admission, by control and level of institution: Selected years, 2000-01 through 2017-18
Table 305.40. Acceptance rates; number of applications, admissions, and enrollees; and enrollees’ SAT and ACT scores for degree-granting postsecondary institutions with first-year undergraduates, by control and level of institution: 2017-18


306 Enrollment of Racial/Ethnic Groups

Table 306.10. Total fall enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level of enrollment, sex, attendance status, and race/ethnicity or nonresident alien status of student: Selected years, 1976 through 2017
Table 306.20. Total fall enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level and control of institution and race/ethnicity or nonresident alien status of student: Selected years, 1976 through 2017
Table 306.30. Fall enrollment of U.S. residents in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity: Selected years, 1976 through 2028
Table 306.40. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Fall enrollment of males and females and specific racial/ethnic groups in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control and classification of institution and percentage of U.S. resident enrollment in the same racial/ethnic group: 2017
Table 306.50. Total fall enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control and classification of institution, level of enrollment, and race/ethnicity of student: 2017
Table 306.60. Total fall enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity of student and state or jurisdiction: 2017
Table 306.65. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Total fall enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity of student and state or jurisdiction: 2016


307 Full-time-Equivalent Fall Enrollment

Table 307.10. Full-time-equivalent fall enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control and level of institution: 1967 through 2028
Table 307.20. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Full-time-equivalent fall enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control and level of institution and state or jurisdiction: 2000, 2010, and 2017
Table 307.30. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Full-time-equivalent fall enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control of institution and state or jurisdiction: 2000, 2010, and 2017


308 Twelve-Month Enrollment

Table 308.10. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Total 12-month enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control and level of institution and state or jurisdiction: 2015-16 and 2016-17
Table 308.20. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Total 12-month enrollment in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control of institution and state or jurisdiction: Selected years, 2004-05 through 2016-17


309 Student Residence and Migration

Table 309.10. Residence and migration of all first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by state or jurisdiction: Fall 2016
Table 309.20. Residence and migration of all first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates in degree- granting postsecondary institutions who graduated from high school in the previous 12 months, by state or jurisdiction: Fall 2016
Table 309.30. Residence and migration of all first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduates in 4-year degree-granting postsecondary institutions who graduated from high school in the previous 12 months, by state or jurisdiction: Fall 2016


310 Study Abroad and Foreign Students

Table 310.10 Number of U.S. students studying abroad and percentage distribution, by sex, race/ethnicity, and other selected characteristics: Selected years, 2000-01 through 2016-17
Table 310.20. Foreign students enrolled in institutions of higher education in the United States, by continent, region, and selected countries of origin: Selected years, 1980-81 through 2017-18


311 Programs and Courses

Table 311.10. Number and percentage distribution of students enrolled in postsecondary institutions, by level, disability status, and selected student characteristics: 2015-16
Table 311.15 Number and percentage of students enrolled in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by distance education participation, location of student, level of enrollment, and control and level of institution: Fall 2016 and fall 2017
Table 311.20. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Number and percentage of undergraduate students taking night, weekend, or online classes, by selected characteristics: 2011-12
Table 311.22. Number and percentage of undergraduate students enrolled in distance education or online classes and degree programs, by selected characteristics: Selected years, 2003-04 through 2015-16
Table 311.30. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Number and percentage of graduate students taking night, weekend, or online classes, by selected characteristics: 2011-12
Table 311.32. Number and percentage of graduate students enrolled in distance education or online classes and degree programs, by selected characteristics: Selected years, 2003-04 through 2015-16
Table 311.33. Selected statistics for degree-granting postsecondary institutions that primarily offer online programs, by control of institution and selected characteristics: Fall 2017 and 2016-17
Table 311.40. Percentage of first-year undergraduate students who reported taking remedial education courses, by selected student and institution characteristics: Selected years, 2003-04 through 2015-16
Table 311.50. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Percentage of degree-granting postsecondary institutions with first-year undergraduates offering remedial services, by control and level of institution: 1989-90 through 2017-18
Table 311.60. Enrollment in postsecondary education, by level of enrollment, level of institution, student age, and major field of study: 2015-16
Table 311.70. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Course enrollments in languages other than English compared with total enrollment at degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by enrollment level, institution level, and language: Selected years, 1965 through 2016
Table 311.80. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Number and percentage distribution of course enrollments in languages other than English at degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by language and enrollment level: Selected years, 2002 through 2016
Table 311.90. WEB-ONLY TABLE— Graduate enrollment in research-based programs in engineering, natural and social sciences, mathematics and computer sciences, and selected health fields in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by discipline division: Selected years, fall 2007 through fall 2017


312 Large Institutions and Institutions Serving Specific Groups

Table 312.10. Enrollment of the 120 largest degree-granting college and university campuses, by selected characteristics and institution: Fall 2017
Table 312.20. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Enrollment, degrees conferred, and expenditures of degree-granting postsecondary institutions enrolling more than 15,000 students in 2017, by selected characteristics and institution: Selected years, 1990 through 2016-17
Table 312.30. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Enrollment and degrees conferred in degree-granting women's colleges, by selected characteristics and institution: Fall 2017 and 2016-17
Table 312.40. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Enrollment and degrees conferred in Hispanic-serving institutions, by institution level and control, percentage Hispanic, degree level, and other selected characteristics: Fall 2017 and 2016-17
Table 312.50. Fall enrollment and degrees conferred in degree-granting tribally controlled postsecondary institutions, by state and institution: Selected years, fall 2000 through fall 2017, and 2015-16 and 2016-17
Table 312.60. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Enrollment and degrees conferred in Asian and Pacific Islander-serving institutions, by selected institution and student characteristics, degree level, and state or jurisdiction: Fall 2017 and 2016-17


313 Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Table 313.10. Fall enrollment, degrees conferred, and expenditures in degree-granting historically Black colleges and universities, by institution: 2016, 2017, and 2016-17
Table 313.20. Fall enrollment in degree-granting historically Black colleges and universities, by sex of student and level and control of institution: Selected years, 1976 through 2017
Table 313.30. Selected statistics on degree-granting historically Black colleges and universities, by control and level of institution: Selected years, 1990 through 2017


314 Staff

Table 314.10 Total and full-time-equivalent (FTE) staff and FTE student/FTE staff ratios in postsecondary institutions participating in Title IV programs, by degree-granting status, control of institution, and primary occupation: Fall 1999, fall 2009, and fall 2017
Table 314.20 Employees in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by sex, employment status, control and level of institution, and primary occupation: Selected years, fall 1991 through fall 2017
Table 314.30 Employees in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by employment status, sex, control and level of institution, and primary occupation: Fall 2017
Table 314.35 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Employees in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by employment status, sex, control and level of institution, and primary occupation: Fall 2016
Table 314.40 Employees in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity, sex, employment status, control and level of institution, and primary occupation: Fall 2017
Table 314.45 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Employees in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity, sex, employment status, control and level of institution, and primary occupation: Fall 2016
Table 314.50 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Ratios of full-time-equivalent (FTE) students to FTE staff and FTE faculty in public degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level of institution and state or jurisdiction: Fall 2017
Table 314.55 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Ratios of full-time-equivalent (FTE) students to FTE staff and FTE faculty in public degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level of institution and state or jurisdiction: Fall 2016
Table 314.60 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Ratios of full-time-equivalent (FTE) students to FTE staff and FTE faculty in private degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level of institution and state or jurisdiction: Fall 2017
Table 314.65 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Ratios of full-time-equivalent (FTE) students to FTE staff and FTE faculty in private degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level of institution and state or jurisdiction: Fall 2016


315 Faculty and Instructional Staff

Table 315.10 Number of faculty in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by employment status, sex, control, and level of institution: Selected years, fall 1970 through fall 2017
Table 315.20 Full-time faculty in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity, sex, and academic rank: Fall 2015, fall 2016, and fall 2017
Table 315.30. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Percentage distribution of full-time faculty and instructional staff in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level and control of institution, selected instruction activities, and number of classes taught for credit: Fall 2003
Table 315.40. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Percentage distribution of part-time faculty and instructional staff in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level and control of institution, selected instruction activities, and number of classes taught for credit: Fall 2003
Table 315.50. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Full-time and part-time faculty and instructional staff in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level and control of institution and selected characteristics: Fall 1992, fall 1998, and fall 2003
Table 315.60. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Full-time and part-time faculty and instructional staff in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity, sex, and selected characteristics: Fall 2003
Table 315.70. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Full-time and part-time faculty and instructional staff in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by field and faculty characteristics: Fall 1992, fall 1998, and fall 2003
Table 315.80. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Full-time and part-time faculty and instructional staff in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity, sex, and program area: Fall 1998 and fall 2003


316 Faculty Salaries and Benefits

Table 316.10 Average salary of full-time instructional faculty on 9-month contracts in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by academic rank, control and level of institution, and sex: Selected years, 1970-71 through 2017-18
Table 316.20 Average salary of full-time instructional faculty on 9-month contracts in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by academic rank, sex, and control and level of institution: Selected years, 1999-2000 through 2017-18
Table 316.30 Average salary of full-time instructional faculty on 9-month contracts in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control and level of institution and state or jurisdiction: 2017-18
Table 316.40 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Average salary of full-time instructional faculty on 9-month contracts in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control and level of institution and state or jurisdiction: 2016-17
Table 316.50 Average salary of full-time instructional faculty on 9-month contracts in 4-year degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control and classification of institution, academic rank of faculty, and state or jurisdiction: 2017-18
Table 316.60 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Average salary of full-time instructional faculty on 9-month contracts in 4-year degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control and classification of institution, academic rank of faculty, and state or jurisdiction: 2016-17
Table 316.70. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Average benefit expenditure for full-time instructional faculty on 9-month contracts in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by type of benefit and control of institution: Selected years, 1977-78 through 2010-11
Table 316.80 Percentage of degree-granting postsecondary institutions with a tenure system and of full-time faculty with tenure at these institutions, by control and level of institution and selected characteristics of faculty: Selected years, 1993-94 through 2017-18
Table 316.81. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Percentage of full-time faculty (instruction, research, and public service) with tenure at degree-granting postsecondary institutions with a tenure system, by control, level, and state: 2017-18


317 Institutions

Table 317.10. Degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control and level of institution: Selected years, 1949-50 through 2017-18
Table 317.20. Degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control and classification of institution and state or jurisdiction: 2017-18
Table 317.30 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Number of non-degree-granting institutions offering postsecondary education, by control of institution and state or jurisdiction: Selected years, 2000-01 through 2017-18
Table 317.40. Number of degree-granting postsecondary institutions and enrollment in these institutions, by enrollment size, control, and classification of institution: Fall 2017
Table 317.50. Number of degree-granting postsecondary institutions that have closed, by control and level of institution: 1969-70 through 2017-18


318 Summary of Degrees Conferred

Table 318.10. Degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: Selected years, 1869-70 through 2028-29
Table 318.20 Bachelor's, master's, and doctor's degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by field of study: Selected years, 1970-71 through 2016-17
Table 318.30 Bachelor's, master's, and doctor's degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by sex of student and discipline division: 2016-17
Table 318.40. Degrees/certificates conferred by postsecondary institutions, by control of institution and level of degree/certificate: 1970-71 through 2016-17
Table 318.45. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Number and percentage distribution of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) degrees/certificates conferred by postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity, level of degree/certificate, and sex of student: 2008-09 through 2016-17
Table 318.50 Degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by control of institution, level of degree, and field of study: 2016-17
Table 318.60 Number of postsecondary institutions conferring degrees, by control of institution, level of degree, and field of study: 2016-17


319 Degrees Conferred—State-Level

Table 319.10 Degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by control of institution, level of degree, and state or jurisdiction: 2016-17
Table 319.20 Degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree and state or jurisdiction: 2014-15 through 2016-17
Table 319.30. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Bachelor's degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by field of study and state or jurisdiction: 2016-17
Table 319.40. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Master's degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by field of study and state or jurisdiction: 2016-17


320 Certificates Below the Associate’s Degree Level

Table 320.10 Certificates below the associate's degree level conferred by postsecondary institutions, by length of curriculum, sex of student, institution level and control, and discipline division: 2016-17
Table 320.20. Certificates below the associate's degree level conferred by postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity and sex of student: 1998-99 through 2016-17


321 Associate’s Degrees

Table 321.10. Associate's degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by sex of student and discipline division: 2006-07 through 2016-17
Table 321.12. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Certificates below the associate's degree level and associate's degrees conferred by public 2-year postsecondary institutions, by length of curriculum, sex of student, and discipline division: 2014-15
Table 321.20. Associate's degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity and sex of student: Selected years, 1976-77 through 2016-17
Table 321.30. Associate's degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity and field of study: 2015-16 and 2016-17
Table 321.40. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Associate's degrees conferred to males by postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity and field of study: 2015-16 and 2016-17
Table 321.50. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Associate's degrees conferred to females by postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity and field of study: 2015-16 and 2016-17


322 Bachelor’s Degrees

Table 322.10. Bachelor's degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by field of study: Selected years, 1970-71 through 2016-17
Table 322.20. Bachelor's degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity and sex of student: Selected years, 1976-77 through 2016-17
Table 322.30. Bachelor's degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity and field of study: 2015-16 and 2016-17
Table 322.40. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Bachelor's degrees conferred to males by postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity and field of study: 2015-16 and 2016-17
Table 322.50. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Bachelor's degrees conferred to females by postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity and field of study: 2015-16 and 2016-17


323 Master’s Degrees

Table 323.10. Master's degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by field of study: Selected years, 1970-71 through 2016-17
Table 323.20. Master's degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity and sex of student: Selected years, 1976-77 through 2016-17
Table 323.30. Master's degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity and field of study: 2015-16 and 2016-17
Table 323.40. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Master's degrees conferred to males by postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity and field of study: 2015-16 and 2016-17
Table 323.50. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Master's degrees conferred to females by postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity and field of study: 2015-16 and 2016-17


324 Doctor’s Degrees

Table 324.10. Doctor's degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by field of study: Selected years, 1970-71 through 2016-17
Table 324.20. Doctor's degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity and sex of student: Selected years, 1976-77 through 2016-17
Table 324.25. Doctor's degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity and field of study: 2015-16 and 2016-17
Table 324.30. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Doctor's degrees conferred to males by postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity and field of study: 2015-16 and 2016-17
Table 324.35. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Doctor's degrees conferred to females by postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity and field of study: 2015-16 and 2016-17
Table 324.40. Number of postsecondary institutions conferring doctor's degrees in dentistry, medicine, and law, and number of such degrees conferred, by sex of student: Selected years, 1949-50 through 2016-17
Table 324.50. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions in selected professional fields, by sex of student, control of institution, and field of study: Selected years, 1985-86 through 2016-17
Table 324.55. Degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions in selected professional fields, by race/ethnicity and field of study: 2015-16 and 2016-17
Table 324.60. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Degrees conferred to males by postsecondary institutions in selected professional fields, by race/ethnicity and field of study: 2015-16 and 2016-17
Table 324.70. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Degrees conferred to females by postsecondary institutions in selected professional fields, by race/ethnicity and field of study: 2015-16 and 2016-17
Table 324.80. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Statistical profile of persons receiving doctor's degrees, by field of study and selected characteristics: 2015-16 and 2016-17
Table 324.90. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Doctor's degrees conferred by the 60 institutions conferring the most doctor's degrees, by rank order: 2007-08 through 2016-17


325 Trends in Degrees by Field

Table 325.10 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Degrees in agriculture and natural resources conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: 1970-71 through 2016-17Degrees in agriculture and natural resources conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: 1970-71 through 2015-16
Table 325.15 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Degrees in architecture and related services conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: Selected years, 1949-50 through 2016-17Degrees in architecture and related services conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: Selected years, 1949-50 through 2015-16
Table 325.20 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Degrees in the biological and biomedical sciences conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: Selected years, 1951-52 through 2016-17
Table 325.22 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Degrees in biology, microbiology, and zoology conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree: 1970-71 through 2016-17
Table 325.25 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Degrees in business conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: Selected years, 1955-56 through 2016-17
Table 325.30 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Degrees in communication, journalism, and related programs and in communications technologies conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: 1970-71 through 2016-17
Table 325.35 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Degrees in computer and information sciences conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: 1970-71 through 2016-17
Table 325.40 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Degrees in education conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: Selected years, 1949-50 through 2016-17
Table 325.45 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Degrees in engineering and engineering technologies conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: Selected years, 1949-50 through 2016-17
Table 325.47 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Degrees in chemical, civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree: 1970-71 through 2016-17
Table 325.50 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Degrees in English language and literature/letters conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: Selected years, 1949-50 through 2016-17
Table 325.55 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Degrees in foreign languages and literatures conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: Selected years, 1959-60 through 2016-17
Table 325.57 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Degrees in French, German, Italian, and Spanish language and literature conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree: Selected years, 1949-50 through 2016-17
Table 325.59 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Degrees in Arabic, Chinese, Korean, and Russian language and literature conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree: 1969-70 through 2016-17
Table 325.60 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Degrees in the health professions and related programs conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: 1970-71 through 2016-17
Table 325.65 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Degrees in mathematics and statistics conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: Selected years, 1949-50 through 2016-17
Table 325.70 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Degrees in the physical sciences and science technologies conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: Selected years, 1959-60 through 2016-17
Table 325.72 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Degrees in chemistry, geology and earth science, and physics conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree: 1970-71 through 2016-17
Table 325.80 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Degrees in psychology conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: Selected years, 1949-50 through 2016-17
Table 325.85 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Degrees in public administration and social services conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: 1970-71 through 2016-17
Table 325.90 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Degrees in the social sciences and history conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: 1970-71 through 2016-17
Table 325.92 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Degrees in economics, history, political science and government, and sociology conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree: Selected years, 1949-50 through 2016-17
Table 325.95 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Degrees in visual and performing arts conferred by postsecondary institutions, by level of degree and sex of student: 1970-71 through 2016-17


326 Completion and Retention Rates

Table 326.10. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Graduation rate from first institution attended for first-time, full-time bachelor's degree- seeking students at 4-year postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity, time to completion, sex, control of institution, and acceptance rate: Selected cohort entry years, 1996 through 2011
Table 326.15. Percentage distribution of first-time, full-time bachelor's degree-seeking students at 4-year postsecondary institutions 6 years after entry, by completion and enrollment status at first institution attended, sex, race/ethnicity, control of institution, and percentage of applications accepted: Cohort entry years 2006 and 2011
Table 326.20. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Graduation rate from first institution attended within 150 percent of normal time for first-time, full-time degree/certificate-seeking students at 2-year postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity, sex, and control of institution: Selected cohort entry years, 2000 through 2014
Table 326.25. Percentage distribution of first-time, full-time degree/certificate-seeking students at 2-year postsecondary institutions 3 years after entry, by completion and enrollment status at first institution attended, sex, race/ethnicity, and control of institution: Cohort entry years 2009 and 2014
Table 326.27. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Number of degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students entering a postsecondary institution and percentage of students 4, 6, and 8 years after entry, by completion and enrollment status at the same institution, institution level and control, attendance level and status, Pell Grant recipient status, and acceptance rate: Cohort entry year 2009
Table 326.30. Retention of first-time degree-seeking undergraduates at degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by attendance status, level and control of institution, and percentage of applications accepted: Selected years, 2006 to 2017
Table 326.40. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Percentage distribution of first-time postsecondary students starting at 2- and 4-year institutions during the 2003-04 academic year, by highest degree attained, enrollment status, and selected characteristics: Spring 2009
Table 326.50. Number and percentage distribution of first-time postsecondary students starting at 2- and 4-year institutions during the 2011-12 academic year, by attainment and enrollment status and selected characteristics: Spring 2014


327 Achievement and Admissions Testing

Table 327.10. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Average scores and standard deviations on Graduate Record Examination (GRE) general and subject tests: 1965 through 2016


328 Student Activities [currently empty]

329 Security and Crime

Table 329.10. On-campus crimes, arrests, and referrals for disciplinary action at degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by location of incident, control and level of institution, and type of incident: Selected years, 2001 through 2016
Table 329.20. On-campus crimes, arrests, and referrals for disciplinary action per 10,000 full-time-equivalent (FTE) students at degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by whether institution has residence halls, control and level of institution, and type of incident: Selected years, 2001 through 2016
Table 329.30. On-campus hate crimes at degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level and control of institution, type of crime, and category of bias motivating the crime: 2010 through 2016


330 Student Charges

Table 330.10. Average undergraduate tuition and fees and room and board rates charged for full-time students in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level and control of institution: Selected years, 1963-64 through 2017-18
Table 330.20. Average undergraduate tuition and fees and room and board rates charged for full-time students in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control and level of institution and state or jurisdiction: 2016-17 and 2017-18
Table 330.30 Average undergraduate tuition, fees, room, and board rates for full-time students in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by percentile of charges and control and level of institution: Selected years, 2000-01 through 2017-18
Table 330.40. Average total cost of attendance for first-time, full-time undergraduate students in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control and level of institution, living arrangement, and component of student costs: Selected years, 2010-11 through 2017-18
Table 330.41. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Average total cost of attendance for first-time, full-time undergraduate students in public degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level of institution, living arrangement, component of student costs, and state: 2014-15 [updated periodically]
Table 330.50 Average graduate tuition and required fees in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control of institution and percentile of charges: 1989-90 through 2017-18


331 Financial Aid for Undergraduates

Table 331.10. Percentage of undergraduates receiving financial aid, by type and source of aid and selected student characteristics: 2015-16
Table 331.20. Full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students enrolled in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by participation and average amount awarded in financial aid programs, and control and level of institution: 2000-01 through 2016-17
Table 331.30. Average amount of grant and scholarship aid and average net price for first-time, full-time degree/certificate-seeking students awarded Title IV aid, by control and level of institution and income level: Selected years, 2009-10 through 2016-17
Table 331.35. Percentage of full-time, full-year undergraduates receiving financial aid, and average annual amount received, by type and source of aid and selected student characteristics: Selected years, 1999-2000 through 2015-16
Table 331.37. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Percentage of part-time or part-year undergraduates receiving financial aid, and average annual amount received, by type and source of aid and selected student characteristics: Selected years, 1999-2000 through 2015-16
Table 331.40. Average amount of financial aid awarded to full-time, full-year undergraduates, by type and source of aid and selected student characteristics: 2015-16
Table 331.45. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Average amount of financial aid awarded to part-time or part-year undergraduates, by type and source of aid and selected student characteristics: 2015–16
Table 331.50. Aid status and sources of aid for full-time and part-time undergraduates, by control and level of institution: 2011–12 and 2015-16
Table 331.60. Percentage of full-time, full-year undergraduates receiving financial aid, by type and source of aid and control and level of institution: Selected years, 1992-93 through 2015-16
Table 331.70. Average amount of financial aid awarded to full-time, full-year undergraduates, by type and source of aid and control and level of institution: Selected years, 1992-93 through 2015-16
Table 331.80. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Percentage of part-time or part-year undergraduates receiving financial aid, by type and source of aid and control and level of institution: Selected years, 1992-93 through 2015-16
Table 331.90. Percentage of full-time and part-time undergraduates receiving federal aid, by aid program and control and level of institution: 2011-12 and 2015-16
Table 331.95. Percentage of undergraduate degree/certificate completers who ever received loans and average cumulative amount borrowed, by degree level, selected student characteristics, and institution control: Selected years, 1999-2000 through 2015-16


332 Financial Aid for Postbaccalaureate Students

Table 332.10. Amount borrowed, aid status, and sources of aid for full-time, full-year postbaccalaureate students, by level of study and control and level of institution: Selected years, 1992-93 through 2015-16
Table 332.20. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Amount borrowed, aid status, and sources of aid for part-time or part-year postbaccalaureate students, by level of study and control and level of institution: Selected years, 1992-93 through 2015-16
Table 332.30. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Percentage of full-time, full-year postbaccalaureate students receiving financial aid, by type of aid, level of study, and control and level of institution: Selected years, 1992-93 through 2015-16
Table 332.35. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Average amount of financial aid awarded to full-time, full-year postbaccalaureate students, by type of aid, level of study, and control and level of institution: Selected years, 1992-93 through 2015-16
Table 332.40. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Percentage of part-time or part-year postbaccalaureate students receiving financial aid, by type of aid, level of study, and control and level of institution: Selected years, 1992-93 through 2015-16
Table 332.42. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Average amount of financial aid awarded to part-time or part-year postbaccalaureate students, by type of aid, level of study, and control and level of institution: Selected years, 1992-93 through 2015-16
Table 332.45. Percentage of graduate degree completers with student loan debt and average cumulative amount owed, by level of education funded and graduate degree type, institution control, and degree program: Selected years, 1999-2000 through 2015-16
Table 332.50 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Number of postsecondary students who entered the student loan repayment phase, number of students who defaulted within a 3-year period, and 3-year student loan cohort default rate, by level and control of institution: Fiscal years 2010 through 2015


333 Revenues

Table 333.10 Revenues of public degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by source of revenue and level of institution: Selected years, 2007-08 through 2016-17
Table 333.20 Revenues of public degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by source of revenue and state or jurisdiction: 2016-17
Table 333.25 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Revenues of public degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by source of revenue and state or jurisdiction: 2015-16
Table 333.30 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Appropriations from state and local governments for public degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by state or jurisdiction: Selected years, 1990-91 through 2016-17
Table 333.40 Total revenue of private nonprofit degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by source of funds and level of institution: Selected years, 1999-2000 through 2016-17
Table 333.50 Total revenue of private nonprofit degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by source of funds and classification of institution: 2016-17
Table 333.55 Total revenue of private for-profit degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by source of funds and level of institution: Selected years, 1999-2000 through 2016-17
Table 333.60 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Total revenue of private for-profit degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by source of funds and classification of institution: 2016-17
Table 333.70. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Revenue received from the federal government by the 120 degree-granting postsecondary institutions receiving the largest amounts, by control and rank order: 2016-17
Table 333.80 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Voluntary support for degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by source and purpose of support: Selected years, 1949-50 through 2016-17
Table 333.90. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Endowment funds of the 120 degree-granting postsecondary institutions with the largest endowments, by rank order: Fiscal year 2017


334 Expenditures

Table 334.10 Total expenditures of public degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by purpose and level of institution: 2009-10 through 2016-17
Table 334.20 Total expenditures of public degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level of institution, purpose of expenditure, and state or jurisdiction: 2013-14 through 2016-17
Table 334.30 Total expenditures of private nonprofit degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by purpose and level of institution: Selected years, 1999-2000 through 2016-17
Table 334.40 Total expenditures of private nonprofit degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by purpose and classification of institution: 2016-17
Table 334.50 Total expenditures of private for-profit degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by purpose and level of institution: Selected years, 1999-2000 through 2016-17
Table 334.60 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Total expenditures of private for-profit degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by purpose and classification of institution: 2016-17
Table 334.70 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Total expenditures of private nonprofit and for-profit degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by state or jurisdiction: Selected years, 1999-2000 through 2016-17
