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Digest of Education Statistics: 2018
Digest of Education Statistics: 2018

NCES 2020-009
December 2019

List of Reference Tables

Chapter 1. All Levels of Education

101 Population

Table 101.10. Estimates of resident population, by age group: 1970 through 2018
Table 101.20 Estimates of resident population, by race/ethnicity and age group: Selected years, 1980 through 2018
Table 101.30. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Number, percentage, and percentage distribution of total resident population and population under 18 years old, by nativity, race/ethnicity, and selected racial/ethnic subgroups: 2005, 2010, and 2017
Table 101.40 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Estimated total and school-age resident populations, by state: Selected years, 1970 through 2017


102 Characteristics of Households With Children

Table 102.10. Number and percentage distribution of family households, by family structure and presence of own children under 18: Selected years, 1970 through 2018
Table 102.20 Number and percentage distribution of children under age 18 and under age 6, by living arrangements, race/ethnicity, and selected racial/ethnic subgroups: 2017
Table 102.30 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Median household income, by state: Selected years, 1990 through 2017
Table 102.40 Poverty rates for all persons and poverty status of related children under age 18, by region and state: Selected years, 1990 through 2017
Table 102.45 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Percentage of related children ages 5 to 17 living in poverty, by locale, region, and state: 2017
Table 102.50. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Poverty status of all persons, persons in families, and related children under age 18, by race/ethnicity: Selected years, 1960 through 2017
Table 102.51. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Supplemental Poverty Measure estimates for all persons, persons in families, and related children under age 18, by race/ethnicity: 2009 through 2017
Table 102.60 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Number and percentage of related children under age 18 living in poverty, by family structure, race/ethnicity, and selected racial/ethnic subgroups: 2010 and 2016
Table 102.62 Percentage of children under age 18 living in poverty, by parents' highest level of educational attainment, child's race/ethnicity, and selected racial/ethnic subgroups: 2010 and 2017
Table 102.70. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Number and percentage of students in prekindergarten through grade 12 living in poverty, by control of school: 2000 through 2017
Table 102.90. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Percentage distribution of students ages 5 through 17 attending kindergarten through grade 12, by locale, highest education level of parents/guardians in household, and number of parents in household: 2016


103 Enrollment Rates

Table 103.10. Percentage of the population 3 to 34 years old enrolled in school, by sex, race/ethnicity, and age group: Selected years, 1980 through 2017
Table 103.20. Percentage of the population 3 to 34 years old enrolled in school, by age group: Selected years, 1940 through 2017


104 Educational Attainment

Table 104.10. Rates of high school completion and bachelor's degree attainment among persons age 25 and over, by race/ethnicity and sex: Selected years, 1910 through 2018
Table 104.20. Percentage of persons 25 to 29 years old with selected levels of educational attainment, by race/ethnicity and sex: Selected years, 1920 through 2018
Table 104.25. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Percentage distribution of persons age 25 and over, by highest level of educational attainment, age group, and locale: 2017
Table 104.30. Number of persons age 18 and over, by highest level of educational attainment, sex, race/ethnicity, and age: 2018
Table 104.40. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Percentage of persons 18 to 24 years old and age 25 and over, by educational attainment, race/ethnicity, and selected racial/ethnic subgroups: 2010 and 2017
Table 104.50. Persons age 25 and over who hold a bachelor's or higher degree, by sex, race/ethnicity, age group, and field of bachelor's degree: 2017
Table 104.60. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Number of persons 25 to 34 years old and percentage with a bachelor's or higher degree, by undergraduate field of study, sex, race/ethnicity, and U.S. nativity and citizenship status: 2017
Table 104.70 WEB-ONLY TABLE—Number and percentage distribution of children under age 18, by parents' highest level of educational attainment, child's age group and race/ethnicity, and household type: 2010 and 2017
Table 104.75. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Total number of persons 25 to 64 years old, number with disabilities, and percentage with disabilities, by highest level of educational attainment and other selected characteristics: 2010 and 2018
Table 104.80. Percentage of persons 18 to 24 years old and age 25 and over, by educational attainment and state: 2000 and 2017
Table 104.85. Rates of high school completion and bachelor's degree attainment among persons age 25 and over, by race/ethnicity and state: 2017
Table 104.88. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Number of persons age 25 and over and rates of high school completion and bachelor's degree attainment among persons in this age group, by sex and state: 2017
Table 104.90. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Percentage distribution of spring 2002 high school sophomores, by highest level of education completed through 2012 and selected student characteristics: 2012
Table 104.91. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Number and percentage distribution of spring 2002 high school sophomores, by highest level of education completed, and socioeconomic status and selected student characteristics while in high school: 2013
Table 104.92. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Number and percentage distribution of spring 2002 high school sophomores, by highest level of education completed, socioeconomic status and educational expectations while in high school, and college enrollment status 2 years after high school: 2013
Table 104.93. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Sources of college information for spring 2002 high school sophomores who expected to attend a postsecondary institution, by highest level of education completed and socioeconomic status while in high school: 2013
Table 104.95. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Number of persons age 25 and over in metropolitan areas with populations greater than 1 million and rates of high school completion and bachelor's degree attainment among persons in this age group, by sex: 2018


105 Summary of Enrollment, Teachers, and Schools

Table 105.10. Projected number of participants in educational institutions, by level and control of institution: Fall 2018
Table 105.20 Enrollment in elementary, secondary, and degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level and control of institution, enrollment level, and attendance status and sex of student: Selected years, fall 1990 through fall 2028
Table 105.30 Enrollment in elementary, secondary, and degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level and control of institution: Selected years, 1869-70 through fall 2028
Table 105.40. Number of teachers in elementary and secondary schools, and faculty in degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by control of institution: Selected years, fall 1970 through fall 2028
Table 105.50 Number of educational institutions, by level and control of institution: Selected years, 1980-81 through 2016-17


106 Summary of Finances

Table 106.10. Expenditures of educational institutions related to the gross domestic product, by level of institution: Selected years, 1929-30 through 2017-18
Table 106.20. Expenditures of educational institutions, by level and control of institution: Selected years, 1899-1900 through 2017-18
Table 106.30. Amount and percentage distribution of direct general expenditures of state and local governments, by function: Selected years, 1970-71 through 2015-16
Table 106.40. Direct general expenditures of state and local governments for all functions and for education, by level of education and state: 2014-15 and 2015-16
Table 106.50. Direct general expenditures of state and local governments per capita for all functions and for education, by level of education and state: 2014-15 and 2015-16
Table 106.60. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Gross domestic product, state and local expenditures, national income, personal income, disposable personal income, median family income, and population: Selected years, 1929 through 2018
Table 106.70. WEB-ONLY TABLE—Gross domestic product price index, Consumer Price Index, education price indexes, and federal budget composite deflator: Selected years, 1919 through 2018
