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2018 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 401.70. Appropriations for Title I and selected other programs under the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015, by program and state or jurisdiction: Fiscal years 2017 and 2018
[In thousands of current dollars]
State or jurisdiction Title I
Title I, 2018 Assessing
ment, 2018
Total1 Grants to
State agency
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Total, 50 states and D.C.3 $15,286,845 $15,595,840 $15,185,242 $45,847 $364,751 $360,444 $1,965,752
Total, 50 states, D.C., other
    activities, and other
15,882,167 16,182,167 15,759,802 47,614 374,751 378,000 2,055,830
Alabama 253,108 254,363 251,982 557 1,824 6,097 32,914
Alaska 57,296 59,869 43,993 331 15,545 3,505 9,790
Arizona 358,237 368,734 359,592 1,543 7,600 7,620 35,422
Arkansas 168,180 164,501 159,313 362 4,826 4,985 19,979
California 1,951,820 2,104,943 1,988,156 2,305 114,481 28,444 230,384
Colorado 158,959 159,530 152,700 476 6,354 6,575 23,360
Connecticut 130,639 126,222 125,220 1,001 0 5,165 18,479
Delaware 51,755 51,938 51,200 392 347 3,577 9,790
District of Columbia 47,518 50,996 50,946 49 0 3,307 9,790
Florida 878,803 875,726 853,680 1,556 20,490 14,832 96,873
Georgia 548,159 541,965 533,668 962 7,336 10,161 57,738
Hawaii 55,985 52,114 49,811 95 2,208 3,833 9,790
Idaho 62,555 63,992 59,493 523 3,977 4,262 9,790
Illinois 681,005 681,399 678,373 934 2,092 11,203 81,325
Indiana 271,008 273,351 268,365 583 4,404 7,450 35,890
Iowa 99,218 99,760 97,623 408 1,730 5,058 15,794
Kansas 118,223 108,229 98,754 230 9,244 5,006 15,993
Kentucky 238,929 245,461 238,513 1,027 5,921 5,833 31,896
Louisiana 320,591 342,801 338,910 1,912 1,979 6,075 45,153
Maine 55,187 56,121 55,038 147 937 3,727 9,790
Maryland 232,467 240,867 239,062 1,400 405 6,789 29,196
Massachusetts 247,740 240,813 237,537 1,987 1,289 6,898 35,496
Michigan 514,107 496,235 488,199 1,110 6,926 9,192 76,804
Minnesota 165,907 172,060 169,612 404 2,044 6,643 27,326
Mississippi 201,468 210,779 209,581 369 829 5,033 29,747
Missouri 254,349 246,277 243,692 1,370 1,214 6,895 35,115
Montana 49,428 50,376 48,712 219 1,445 3,640 9,790
Nebraska 81,314 80,833 73,854 367 6,611 4,323 9,988
Nevada 131,254 130,625 129,670 766 189 4,929 11,747
New Hampshire 44,218 40,798 39,758 840 200 3,750 9,790
New Jersey 368,275 366,591 362,319 1,969 2,304 8,628 46,046
New Mexico 120,835 130,195 129,098 360 737 4,390 16,334
New York 1,220,213 1,224,303 1,213,917 2,443 7,943 14,547 157,361
North Carolina 456,848 457,392 451,219 914 5,260 9,537 48,647
North Dakota 37,729 39,166 38,361 105 700 3,470 9,790
Ohio 559,975 559,441 556,646 672 2,123 10,362 75,142
Oklahoma 170,850 189,664 188,010 427 1,228 5,686 24,405
Oregon 173,321 170,229 147,032 1,409 21,788 5,462 19,825
Pennsylvania 630,677 654,535 644,635 1,227 8,673 10,553 80,447
Rhode Island 53,604 53,184 52,883 301 0 3,589 9,790
South Carolina 245,568 246,590 243,788 1,978 824 6,132 27,010
South Dakota 47,678 49,290 48,573 0 717 3,591 9,790
Tennessee 308,397 311,342 309,747 228 1,367 7,244 36,483
Texas 1,476,416 1,560,775 1,511,186 2,432 47,157 23,601 176,878
Utah 89,790 83,789 81,378 935 1,476 5,593 13,851
Vermont 35,985 37,273 36,687 79 507 3,335 9,790
Virginia 261,395 268,436 266,414 1,129 893 8,242 37,196
Washington 255,339 258,176 228,027 2,284 27,866 7,586 33,289
West Virginia 97,555 98,130 97,078 1,052 0 4,047 16,324
Wisconsin 210,639 208,927 207,351 834 742 6,656 32,629
Wyoming 36,327 36,734 35,889 845 0 3,384 9,790
Other activities/jurisdictions              
Indian Tribe Set-Aside 108,184 110,284 110,284 0 0 1,846 10,228
Other nonstate allocations 16,190 16,190 5,000 1,190 10,000 8,900 10,279
American Samoa 18,949 19,323 19,323 0 0 359 2,456
Freely Associated States4 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 0
Guam 20,531 20,936 20,936 0 0 809 3,878
Northern Marianas 11,454 11,680 11,680 0 0 262 1,513
Puerto Rico 409,128 396,833 396,257 576 0 4,965 59,343
U.S. Virgin Islands 9,886 10,081 10,081 0 0 416 2,381
1 This table does not include funding for School Improvement State Grants because the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 did not authorize funding for these grants. For fiscal years prior to FY 2017, School Improvement State Grants had been funded under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.
2 Includes Basic, Concentration, Targeted, and Education Finance Incentive Grants.
3 Total excludes other activities and other jurisdictions.
4 Includes the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, and Palau.
NOTE: Data for FY 2017 are revised from previously published figures. Estimates for FY 2018 are preliminary. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Budget Service, Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education Analysis Division, retrieved April 2, 2019, from (This table was prepared April 2019.)

2018 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest