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Digest of Education Statistics
2018 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest

Table 334.20. Total expenditures of public degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by level of institution, purpose of expenditure, and state or jurisdiction: 2013-14 through 2016-17
[In thousands of current dollars]
State or jurisdiction Total,
Total, 2015-16 2016-17
All institutions 4-year institutions 2-year institutions
All institutions 4-year institutions 2-year institutions Total1 Instruction Total1 Instruction Total1 Instruction
1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
United States $323,893,053 $335,630,086 $354,775,570 $301,270,243 $53,505,327 $371,647,743 $111,991,558 $317,538,661 $89,514,596 $54,109,083 $22,476,963
Alabama 6,762,386 6,961,128 7,306,483 6,594,968 711,515 7,785,726 1,923,520 7,028,015 1,604,931 757,711 318,589
Alaska 852,991 850,928 868,913 851,184 17,729 839,381 255,595 839,381 255,595 0 0
Arizona 5,600,337 5,931,197 6,296,207 4,868,738 1,427,469 6,507,273 2,074,702 5,130,163 1,545,990 1,377,110 528,712
Arkansas 3,704,888 3,800,707 3,934,428 3,475,267 459,160 4,106,519 932,632 3,647,177 751,511 459,342 181,121
California 47,558,693 50,652,807 55,642,923 43,924,762 11,718,161 58,144,991 15,971,067 45,842,517 11,526,790 12,302,474 4,444,277
Colorado 5,698,854 6,109,407 6,587,748 6,053,445 534,303 7,781,063 2,301,843 7,265,477 2,085,437 515,585 216,406
Connecticut 3,295,856 3,496,698 3,662,471 3,144,397 518,073 3,798,052 1,165,155 3,277,990 955,315 520,062 209,840
Delaware 1,153,297 1,190,562 1,247,600 1,247,600 0 1,264,208 562,040 1,264,208 562,040 0 0
District of Columbia 134,230 139,524 147,290 147,290 0 141,861 41,290 141,861 41,290 0 0
Florida 11,087,586 11,511,020 11,822,548 11,617,507 205,040 12,415,119 4,188,647 12,232,102 4,121,108 183,017 67,538
Georgia 7,564,411 7,826,896 8,050,634 7,146,084 904,550 8,496,265 2,579,557 7,570,386 2,174,679 925,880 404,878
Hawaii 1,680,041 1,664,624 1,816,736 1,493,946 322,790 1,847,752 601,583 1,575,966 458,619 271,786 142,964
Idaho 1,188,089 1,203,133 1,255,012 1,051,096 203,916 1,306,760 471,599 1,092,965 386,010 213,794 85,589
Illinois 11,779,510 12,195,375 12,355,733 9,114,775 3,240,958 12,961,076 4,452,819 9,604,390 3,142,088 3,356,686 1,310,731
Indiana 6,395,776 6,372,728 6,563,583 6,001,263 562,320 6,805,880 2,804,268 6,263,480 2,564,925 542,399 239,343
Iowa 5,052,485 5,261,496 5,512,712 4,580,597 932,115 5,789,532 1,255,477 4,842,637 840,859 946,894 414,618
Kansas 3,367,894 3,451,776 3,436,560 2,683,309 753,251 3,498,812 1,251,225 2,748,778 965,265 750,035 285,960
Kentucky 5,235,067 5,547,286 5,873,502 5,256,920 616,582 6,113,027 1,380,733 5,541,058 1,148,243 571,969 232,491
Louisiana 4,010,882 3,910,077 3,883,693 3,398,545 485,149 4,108,399 1,373,504 3,624,253 1,177,457 484,147 196,047
Maine 859,812 864,068 849,532 718,365 131,167 869,566 279,479 738,682 216,058 130,885 63,421
Maryland 6,228,564 6,343,340 6,502,220 5,057,411 1,444,810 6,725,079 2,074,529 5,287,563 1,470,866 1,437,516 603,663
Massachusetts 4,703,032 4,758,073 5,170,474 4,268,644 901,830 5,246,452 1,775,928 4,334,984 1,397,202 911,468 378,727
Michigan 14,155,072 14,627,268 15,327,986 13,839,944 1,488,042 16,259,165 4,377,216 14,803,153 3,725,153 1,456,011 652,063
Minnesota 5,271,821 5,215,646 5,303,793 4,274,251 1,029,542 5,927,210 1,745,469 4,738,233 1,233,452 1,188,977 512,017
Mississippi 4,017,008 4,171,973 4,451,207 3,564,424 886,783 4,623,103 1,166,969 3,675,243 790,117 947,861 376,852
Missouri 4,772,178 4,904,991 5,010,347 4,262,222 748,125 5,175,185 1,565,895 4,420,785 1,233,316 754,400 332,578
Montana 1,012,355 1,022,708 1,046,082 923,655 122,427 1,101,301 328,862 987,966 287,111 113,334 41,750
Nebraska 2,312,160 2,398,348 2,450,500 2,025,782 424,717 2,574,085 858,240 2,146,023 666,148 428,062 192,092
Nevada 1,508,447 1,544,133 1,621,662 1,549,281 72,381 1,701,829 724,989 1,633,648 696,477 68,181 28,512
New Hampshire 963,995 973,796 997,737 846,614 151,123 989,727 332,062 842,941 282,053 146,786 50,009
New Jersey 7,090,602 7,266,925 7,473,275 6,181,807 1,291,468 7,979,452 2,641,775 6,680,061 2,123,485 1,299,391 518,289
New Mexico 3,316,771 3,454,803 3,523,749 2,914,924 608,825 3,786,755 787,624 3,176,827 536,456 609,928 251,168
New York 16,292,947 16,791,853 17,785,235 14,278,920 3,506,315 18,075,297 6,707,552 14,594,521 4,987,013 3,480,775 1,720,540
North Carolina 10,156,317 10,484,190 10,499,040 8,374,516 2,124,525 11,144,591 3,724,035 8,942,833 2,757,537 2,201,758 966,498
North Dakota 1,108,117 1,150,777 1,192,090 1,086,200 105,891 1,194,445 477,978 1,090,829 435,270 103,616 42,708
Ohio 12,303,835 12,534,515 13,257,601 11,873,068 1,384,533 14,314,104 4,162,418 12,875,624 3,530,941 1,438,480 631,477
Oklahoma 4,083,901 4,158,353 4,335,312 3,848,004 487,308 4,364,905 1,397,292 3,884,702 1,205,208 480,203 192,084
Oregon 6,000,874 5,843,944 7,025,969 5,711,518 1,314,451 6,949,056 1,639,944 5,723,589 1,149,606 1,225,467 490,338
Pennsylvania 12,566,618 13,046,794 13,752,080 12,574,953 1,177,126 14,340,017 3,937,336 13,147,338 3,423,120 1,192,679 514,216
Rhode Island 746,067 737,640 775,112 653,967 121,145 792,218 267,875 667,893 204,799 124,325 63,076
South Carolina 4,168,222 4,352,405 4,459,393 3,646,556 812,837 4,658,792 1,759,817 3,839,914 1,383,878 818,877 375,940
South Dakota 777,182 784,051 827,198 715,054 112,144 841,747 298,998 754,648 256,928 87,099 42,070
Tennessee 4,317,495 4,172,603 4,320,721 3,663,379 657,342 4,503,298 1,841,308 3,836,474 1,544,052 666,824 297,256
Texas 29,516,581 31,050,594 33,792,807 28,808,248 4,984,560 35,450,170 10,298,201 30,299,084 8,128,711 5,151,087 2,169,490
Utah 4,995,994 5,349,506 5,700,948 5,493,666 207,282 6,189,020 1,104,524 5,971,621 1,003,765 217,399 100,759
Vermont 853,311 854,406 865,326 832,631 32,694 896,401 277,382 862,132 266,738 34,270 10,644
Virginia 9,099,520 9,540,486 9,896,996 8,742,912 1,154,083 10,253,120 3,165,805 9,125,778 2,615,792 1,127,342 550,013
Washington 8,201,301 8,588,560 9,171,287 8,472,651 698,636 9,892,889 3,025,334 9,472,192 2,857,194 420,697 168,140
West Virginia 1,762,607 1,819,173 1,874,851 1,730,157 144,694 1,889,691 612,504 1,752,931 557,667 136,760 54,837
Wisconsin 6,344,382 6,285,882 6,566,464 5,306,895 1,259,569 6,594,678 2,238,402 5,362,831 1,531,830 1,231,846 706,573
Wyoming 761,062 798,626 878,588 572,717 305,871 877,311 270,211 579,425 170,152 297,886 100,060
U.S. Service Academies 1,501,631 1,662,286 1,805,213 1,805,213 0 1,755,387 538,347 1,755,387 538,347 0 0
Other jurisdictions 1,699,654 1,638,670 1,693,441 1,599,359 94,083 981,678 256,366 885,289 225,040 96,389 31,326
American Samoa 14,060 13,690 13,952 13,952 0 14,337 4,548 14,337 4,548 0 0
Federated States of
27,695 18,324 20,070 0 20,070 20,331 7,089 0 0 20,331 7,089
Guam 136,246 116,302 129,640 90,922 38,717 127,294 30,927 88,902 19,391 38,392 11,536
Marshall Islands 15,117 11,382 13,731 0 13,731 15,022 2,439 0 0 15,022 2,439
Northern Marianas 17,849 19,048 16,502 16,502 0 17,443 2,776 17,443 2,776 0 0
Palau 9,834 10,209 9,425 0 9,425 9,621 3,663 0 0 9,621 3,663
Puerto Rico 1,400,211 1,362,861 1,406,463 1,394,323 12,140 701,403 189,732 688,381 183,132 13,022 6,600
U.S. Virgin Islands 78,643 86,855 83,659 83,659 0 76,227 15,193 76,227 15,193 0 0
1 Includes other categories not separately shown.
NOTE: Degree-granting institutions grant associate’s or higher degrees and participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. Includes data for public institutions reporting data according to either the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) or the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) questionnaire. Data in this table pertain to institutions’ fiscal years that end in the academic year noted. Some data have been revised from previously published figures. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Spring 2015 through Spring 2018, Finance component. (This table was prepared December 2018.)

2018 Tables and Figures All Years of Tables and Figures Most Recent Full Issue of the Digest