Digest of Education Statistics: 2018
Digest of Education Statistics: 2018

NCES 2020-009
December 2019

Table 334.10. Total expenditures of public degree-granting postsecondary institutions, by purpose and level of institution: 2009-10 through 2016-17
Level of institution and year Total Instruction Research Public service Academic support Student services Institu- tional support Auxiliary enter- prises1 Net grant aid to stu- dents2 Hospitals Indepen- dent operations Other
Total3 Salaries and wages
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
  In thousands of current dollars
All levels                          
2009-10 $281,390,445 $89,237,995 $51,808,563 $32,270,072 $12,980,154 $22,788,482 $15,661,212 $27,554,886 $25,981,203 $15,494,246 $28,484,978 $1,310,925 $9,626,291
2010-11 296,862,854 93,090,749 53,586,472 33,866,656 13,426,331 23,441,698 16,276,833 29,051,411 27,649,838 17,487,275 29,980,642 1,233,264 11,358,158
2011-12 305,537,590 95,093,836 54,341,187 34,282,999 13,567,337 24,712,457 17,019,195 29,512,479 28,475,340 16,611,881 33,063,066 1,297,507 11,901,492
2012-13 311,421,148 97,716,338 55,555,358 34,634,474 13,495,216 25,725,240 17,679,256 30,850,117 29,002,556 16,227,767 34,208,788 1,320,284 10,561,112
2013-14 323,893,053 101,281,681 57,591,057 34,407,750 13,906,406 27,038,128 18,668,134 32,398,315 30,031,093 15,978,858 36,965,327 1,512,402 11,704,959
2014-15 335,630,086 105,240,912 59,348,073 35,189,410 14,105,428 28,349,420 19,545,937 33,290,396 31,011,138 15,881,788 39,887,678 1,603,180 11,524,799
2015-16 354,775,570 108,299,168 61,715,250 36,125,887 14,756,434 29,627,129 20,278,907 34,475,739 31,449,402 15,518,286 45,053,249 1,688,715 17,502,653
2016-17 371,647,743 111,991,558 63,837,906 37,360,529 15,563,243 31,097,066 21,196,611 35,944,488 33,173,463 15,371,595 49,020,652 1,712,683 19,215,856
2009-10 230,212,346 67,643,385 39,032,863 32,246,034 12,071,239 18,517,775 10,439,050 19,637,465 23,267,303 9,103,655 28,484,978 1,310,925 7,490,538
2010-11 242,591,219 70,524,278 40,420,752 33,842,288 12,497,023 19,037,101 10,918,171 20,760,495 24,856,936 10,088,873 29,980,642 1,233,264 8,852,149
2011-12 251,518,494 72,456,621 41,334,687 34,259,475 12,635,035 20,246,241 11,548,269 21,042,773 25,720,831 9,737,295 33,063,066 1,297,507 9,511,380
2012-13 257,550,418 74,836,904 42,537,154 34,613,057 12,608,770 21,150,882 12,114,278 22,151,644 26,335,976 9,823,162 34,208,788 1,320,284 8,386,673
2013-14 269,871,401 78,181,765 44,567,486 34,381,434 13,042,105 22,291,975 12,983,254 23,519,705 27,469,515 9,914,507 36,965,327 1,512,402 9,609,411
2014-15 281,198,453 81,857,112 46,260,575 35,166,043 13,257,351 23,504,976 13,595,835 24,290,848 28,543,769 10,057,062 39,887,678 1,603,180 9,434,598
2015-16 301,270,243 85,962,887 48,769,505 36,100,447 13,954,900 24,946,937 14,449,291 25,621,839 29,213,644 10,403,387 45,053,249 1,688,715 13,874,946
2016-17 317,538,661 89,514,596 50,980,433 37,331,955 14,724,385 26,385,509 15,223,949 26,674,945 30,998,146 10,626,234 49,020,652 1,712,683 15,325,608
2009-10 51,178,098 21,594,609 12,775,700 24,038 908,915 4,270,708 5,222,163 7,917,422 2,713,901 6,390,591 0 0 2,135,752
2010-11 54,271,635 22,566,471 13,165,721 24,368 929,308 4,404,597 5,358,662 8,290,916 2,792,902 7,398,402 0 0 2,506,009
2011-12 54,019,096 22,637,215 13,006,500 23,525 932,302 4,466,216 5,470,926 8,469,706 2,754,509 6,874,585 0 0 2,390,112
2012-13 53,870,729 22,879,434 13,018,204 21,417 886,446 4,574,358 5,564,978 8,698,474 2,666,580 6,404,605 0 0 2,174,439
2013-14 54,021,651 23,099,916 13,023,571 26,316 864,300 4,746,153 5,684,879 8,878,610 2,561,577 6,064,351 0 0 2,095,548
2014-15 54,431,633 23,383,800 13,087,499 23,367 848,077 4,844,444 5,950,102 8,999,548 2,467,368 5,824,726 0 0 2,090,201
2015-16 53,505,327 22,336,281 12,945,745 25,440 801,533 4,680,192 5,829,616 8,853,900 2,235,758 5,114,899 0 0 3,627,707
2016-17 54,109,083 22,476,963 12,857,473 28,574 838,859 4,711,556 5,972,662 9,269,542 2,175,317 4,745,362 0 0 3,890,248
  Percentage distribution
All levels                          
2009-10 100.00 31.71 18.41 11.47 4.61 8.10 5.57 9.79 9.23 5.51 10.12 0.47 3.42
2010-11 100.00 31.36 18.05 11.41 4.52 7.90 5.48 9.79 9.31 5.89 10.10 0.42 3.83
2011-12 100.00 31.12 17.79 11.22 4.44 8.09 5.57 9.66 9.32 5.44 10.82 0.42 3.90
2012-13 100.00 31.38 17.84 11.12 4.33 8.26 5.68 9.91 9.31 5.21 10.98 0.42 3.39
2013-14 100.00 31.27 17.78 10.62 4.29 8.35 5.76 10.00 9.27 4.93 11.41 0.47 3.61
2014-15 100.00 31.36 17.68 10.48 4.20 8.45 5.82 9.92 9.24 4.73 11.88 0.48 3.43
2015-16 100.00 30.53 17.40 10.18 4.16 8.35 5.72 9.72 8.86 4.37 12.70 0.48 4.93
2016-17 100.00 30.13 17.18 10.05 4.19 8.37 5.70 9.67 8.93 4.14 13.19 0.46 5.17
2009-10 100.00 29.38 16.96 14.01 5.24 8.04 4.53 8.53 10.11 3.95 12.37 0.57 3.25
2010-11 100.00 29.07 16.66 13.95 5.15 7.85 4.50 8.56 10.25 4.16 12.36 0.51 3.65
2011-12 100.00 28.81 16.43 13.62 5.02 8.05 4.59 8.37 10.23 3.87 13.15 0.52 3.78
2012-13 100.00 29.06 16.52 13.44 4.90 8.21 4.70 8.60 10.23 3.81 13.28 0.51 3.26
2013-14 100.00 28.97 16.51 12.74 4.83 8.26 4.81 8.72 10.18 3.67 13.70 0.56 3.56
2014-15 100.00 29.11 16.45 12.51 4.71 8.36 4.83 8.64 10.15 3.58 14.18 0.57 3.36
2015-16 100.00 28.53 16.19 11.98 4.63 8.28 4.80 8.50 9.70 3.45 14.95 0.56 4.61
2016-17 100.00 28.19 16.05 11.76 4.64 8.31 4.79 8.40 9.76 3.35 15.44 0.54 4.83
2009-10 100.00 42.20 24.96 0.05 1.78 8.34 10.20 15.47 5.30 12.49 0.00 0.00 4.17
2010-11 100.00 41.58 24.26 0.04 1.71 8.12 9.87 15.28 5.15 13.63 0.00 0.00 4.62
2011-12 100.00 41.91 24.08 0.04 1.73 8.27 10.13 15.68 5.10 12.73 0.00 0.00 4.42
2012-13 100.00 42.47 24.17 0.04 1.65 8.49 10.33 16.15 4.95 11.89 0.00 0.00 4.04
2013-14 100.00 42.76 24.11 0.05 1.60 8.79 10.52 16.44 4.74 11.23 0.00 0.00 3.88
2014-15 100.00 42.96 24.04 0.04 1.56 8.90 10.93 16.53 4.53 10.70 0.00 0.00 3.84
2015-16 100.00 41.75 24.20 0.05 1.50 8.75 10.90 16.55 4.18 9.56 0.00 0.00 6.78
2016-17 100.00 41.54 23.76 0.05 1.55 8.71 11.04 17.13 4.02 8.77 0.00 0.00 7.19
  Expenditure per full-time-equivalent student in constant 2017-18 dollars4
All levels                          
2009-10 $29,976 $9,506 $5,519 $3,438 $1,383 $2,428 $1,668 $2,935 $2,768 $1,651 $3,034 $140 $1,025
2010-11 30,237 9,482 5,458 3,449 1,368 2,388 1,658 2,959 2,816 1,781 3,054 126 1,157
2011-12 30,411 9,465 5,409 3,412 1,350 2,460 1,694 2,937 2,834 1,653 3,291 129 1,185
2012-13 30,978 9,720 5,526 3,445 1,342 2,559 1,759 3,069 2,885 1,614 3,403 131 1,051
2013-14 31,972 9,998 5,685 3,396 1,373 2,669 1,843 3,198 2,964 1,577 3,649 149 1,155
2014-15 33,119 10,385 5,856 3,472 1,392 2,797 1,929 3,285 3,060 1,567 3,936 158 1,137
2015-16 34,954 10,670 6,080 3,559 1,454 2,919 1,998 3,397 3,099 1,529 4,439 166 1,724
2016-17 35,946 10,832 6,174 3,614 1,505 3,008 2,050 3,477 3,209 1,487 4,741 166 1,859
2009-10 40,846 12,002 6,926 5,721 2,142 3,286 1,852 3,484 4,128 1,615 5,054 233 1,329
2010-11 41,029 11,928 6,836 5,724 2,114 3,220 1,847 3,511 4,204 1,706 5,071 209 1,497
2011-12 40,725 11,732 6,693 5,547 2,046 3,278 1,870 3,407 4,165 1,577 5,353 210 1,540
2012-13 40,836 11,866 6,745 5,488 1,999 3,354 1,921 3,512 4,176 1,558 5,424 209 1,330
2013-14 41,966 12,157 6,930 5,346 2,028 3,466 2,019 3,657 4,272 1,542 5,748 235 1,494
2014-15 42,774 12,452 7,037 5,349 2,017 3,575 2,068 3,695 4,342 1,530 6,068 244 1,435
2015-16 45,010 12,843 7,286 5,393 2,085 3,727 2,159 3,828 4,365 1,554 6,731 252 2,073
2016-17 44,965 12,676 7,219 5,286 2,085 3,736 2,156 3,777 4,389 1,505 6,942 243 2,170
2009-10 13,644 5,757 3,406 6 242 1,139 1,392 2,111 724 1,704 0 0 569
2010-11 13,897 5,778 3,371 6 238 1,128 1,372 2,123 715 1,894 0 0 642
2011-12 13,955 5,848 3,360 6 241 1,154 1,413 2,188 712 1,776 0 0 617
2012-13 14,381 6,108 3,475 6 237 1,221 1,486 2,322 712 1,710 0 0 580
2013-14 14,601 6,244 3,520 7 234 1,283 1,537 2,400 692 1,639 0 0 566
2014-15 15,290 6,569 3,676 7 238 1,361 1,671 2,528 693 1,636 0 0 587
2015-16 15,480 6,462 3,745 7 232 1,354 1,687 2,562 647 1,480 0 0 1,050
2016-17 16,512 6,859 3,924 9 256 1,438 1,823 2,829 664 1,448 0 0 1,187
1 Essentially self-supporting operations of institutions that furnish a service to students, faculty, or staff, such as residence halls and food services.
2 Scholarship and fellowship expenses, net of discounts and allowances. Excludes the amount of discounts and allowances that were recorded as a reduction to revenues from tuition, fees, and auxiliary enterprises, such as room, board, and books.
3 Includes other categories not separately shown.
4 Constant dollars based on the Consumer Price Index, prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, adjusted to a school-year basis.
NOTE: Degree-granting institutions grant associate’s or higher degrees and participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs. Includes data for public institutions reporting data according to either the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) or the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) questionnaire. Data in this table pertain to institutions’ fiscal years that end in the academic year noted. Some data have been revised from previously published figures. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), Spring 2010 through Spring 2017, Fall Enrollment component; and Spring 2011 through Spring 2018, Finance component. (This table was prepared December 2018.)